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When fundies self diagnose / Narcissism thy name is Lori

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Seriously, Lorken:

They are waaaaaaay too concerned about what other people think of this situation.

Loved that. They should take a page from the fundies who have responded just once to Joshgate and haven't keep on about it. Again, I think they Lorken will keeping posting about Josh and if TLC cans the show, we know what to expect on the blog. Lori and Ken also need to realize that it isn't only liberals who are condemning Josh and calling out the Duggars. Rick Santorum said he was disgusted, conservatives were on Mike Huckabee's FB and were upset with Huckabee defending Josh, and there has been conservatives here on FJ that aren't defending the Duggars.

Lori and Ken should realize this, Rick Santorum actually knows the Duggars unlike them. He spent time with during the 2012 campaign trail. He later visited the family in Arkansas and spent time with them at events in DC. Santorum isn't jumping to defend them and he has probably cut ties with the Duggars for good. As much as I dislike Santorum, he doesn't have his head up his ass like Ken when it comes to Josh.

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I was going to quote part of the post but it's kind of voyeuristic and graphic, and a good bit icky. Like he has been sitting poring over the details of these wee girls' experience. As ever he comes off as somewhat sleazy.

Such a strange hill to pick to die on. :think:

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I wonder if they continue to defend Josh so strongly in hopes that the Duggars will somehow take note and invite them into their home - maybe be on the show if it's reinstated. I think that might just be one of the reasons they are so vocal about precious Joshie.

The other reason (in my opinion) is much more dark and sinister. I think Ken is defending what he has struggled with himself - not necessarily child molestation but the victimization of women. That's what this boils down to for Ken - objectifying females of all ages and we know Ken excels at that.

Which brings me to a question that sprang to my mind over the weekend. What if one of the Duggar girls (or any fundie girl) had confessed to having inappropriate contact with a small boy? Would Ken and Lori defend her? Would the parents sweep that under the rug?? I think not. I think all of them would practically be burning her alive and labeling her a whore.

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Cross posted with Firiel.

Yes. Pass the soap please.

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Wow... so is anyone else completely skeeved out by the detail in which Ken discusses the specific allegations? Clothes off vs. on, which areas had skin-to-skin contact, etc.?

I honestly feel like I need to go take a shower after reading that post. I think Ken is a creepy, creepy man now. Before, I thought he was weird because of him comments about his daughters. I thought maybe he was more awkward and unaware than actually creepy. But, yeah, I couldn't even read that whole post because it skeeved me out so much.

I wasn't going to read the actual post, but you got me super curious.

Jeeze ol' Petes Ken, you're disgusting.

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I was going to quote part of the post but it's kind of voyeuristic and graphic, and a good bit icky. Like he has been sitting poring over the details of these wee girls' experience. As ever he comes off as somewhat sleazy.

Such a strange hill to pick to die on. :think:

This is where I'm at. Why are they dying on this hill? They're not allowing dissenting comments through, so why not just drop it?

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I was going to quote part of the post but it's kind of voyeuristic and graphic, and a good bit icky. Like he has been sitting poring over the details of these wee girls' experience. As ever he comes off as somewhat sleazy.

Such a strange hill to pick to die on. :think:

I agree with you SO much, but I couldn't even make myself give your post a thumbs up because... I would feel icky "liking" something that even describes Ken's voyeuristic nastiness.

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OH MY GEYAWD! I just made a very serious mistake by going back and reading the whole post.

WHY WHY WHY did I do that?? :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:

I've changed my opinion on why Ken is following this so closely. He's using this story to fulfill some sick voyeuristic fantasy and to once again try his hand at writing soft porn. I'm not kidding when I write this. I think he's finding this to be a sexual thrill and writing it just heightens his arousal. He has written way too much detail, repeating some points, to NOT be getting pleasure out of this.

I think he's hoping for commenters (or members of FJ) to write about their own experiences so that he can spend a day "at the office" fantasizing and....well...you know.

We know he doesn't give a fig about the Duggar girls. Now I believe he also doesn't care about Josh either. He wants this story to be kept alive so he can relive the disgusting details.

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OH MY GEYAWD! I just made a very serious mistake by going back and reading the whole post.

WHY WHY WHY did I do that?? :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:

I've changed my opinion on why Ken is following this so closely. He's using this story to fulfill some sick voyeuristic fantasy and to once again try his hand at writing soft porn. I'm not kidding when I write this. I think he's finding this to be a sexual thrill and writing it just heightens his arousal. He has written way too much detail, repeating some points, to NOT be getting pleasure out of this.

I think he's hoping for commenters (or members of FJ) to write about their own experiences so that he can spend a day "at the office" fantasizing and....well...you know.

We know he doesn't give a fig about the Duggar girls. Now I believe he also doesn't care about Josh either. He wants this story to be kept alive so he can relive the disgusting details.


I desperately wish I could disagree with you on this, but I think you're right. :ew:

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Here's a little antidote to Ken's garbage:


That sound you hear is me standing up and clapping.

Along with reading our stuff here, we know that Ken reads Sheila's blog. In fact, many of the things on both Lori and Sheila's blogs have been directed at comments made by the either.


Sheila are I don't agree on several theological issues and a few social issues, but I have tremendous respect for her determination to embrace REAL family values, including protecting children and encouraging strong marriages and relationships in families. While I may not be Christian, she has shown me that someone who is devoutly Christian can be a staunch advocate of what is right and wrong, and can have the courage to speak up for that and to defend those who are vulnerable, even when it means that they become a target. You know all that stuff you and Lori write about the righteous being persecuted and not being afraid of the condemnation of the world? Well, that's how I feel about what Sheila writes, esp. on this topic. Sexual abuse is particularly toxic, especially when the perpetrator is known to the victim, because it's an abuse of power. Victims cannot be honest about what has happened without threatening the status quo, and the pressure from those with power can be enormous. The God that I believe in is a God of truth, not a God of cover-ups and secrets. The God that I believe in applies truth and values to all, without exceptions that favor the powerful over the weak. To worship power and prestige is to worship a false idol. You have elevated a family which has power and influence due to their media activities, and placed defending them above the cause of defending truth and morality. That is idolatry, pure and simple. Sheila gives Christians a good name. Since she lives only a couple of hours away and we deal in slightly similar fields, it's possible that my husband or I would need to deal with her or her husband (and I can guarantee that we know people in common). If there was a case involving any type of abuse, I'd be able to trust them. Sadly, the opposite is true with you and Lori. You blaspheme God and make Christians look bad, by criticizing those who report child sexual abuse and defend those who cover it up.

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Well, once again I see someone shrieking at survivors to simply shut up because their stories are "sinful and offensive." That's nice, Ken, and completely unsurprising coming from you.

His stance astonishes me not at all. This is the same man who said that it could not be considered adultery unless a man's penis penetrated a woman's vagina. All other sexual activity is a-ok as is emotional adultery. So of course he doesn't think molestation is a big deal. If it doesn't involve penetration, it's not real.

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I wonder if they continue to defend Josh so strongly in hopes that the Duggars will somehow take note and invite them into their home - maybe be on the show if it's reinstated. I think that might just be one of the reasons they are so vocal about precious Joshie.

The other reason (in my opinion) is much more dark and sinister. I think Ken is defending what he has struggled with himself - not necessarily child molestation but the victimization of women. That's what this boils down to for Ken - objectifying females of all ages and we know Ken excels at that.

Which brings me to a question that sprang to my mind over the weekend. What if one of the Duggar girls (or any fundie girl) had confessed to having inappropriate contact with a small boy? Would Ken and Lori defend her? Would the parents sweep that under the rug?? I think not. I think all of them would practically be burning her alive and labeling her a whore.

That could be part of the reason why they are continuing to defend Josh. I've suspected that Lori and Ken want her the blog to become mega popular with fundie, evangelical, and mainstream Christian crowds and a couple of FJers have suspected that Ken wants to write and publish a book. Lori said on that Christian blogtalkradio show she considered writing a book years ago, but Ken encouraged her to start a blog. I think Ken knows that Lori doesn't have what it takes to write a book, completely on her own. I could see him possibly ghostwriting for Lori or them writing a book together and trying to shop it around. They would try to get some kind of backing from well known people. I also don't doubt that Lori would love to be meet of be invited to the Duggars' home. She was also probably jealous of Tara Furman, who was on Submissive Wives Guide to Marriage that aired on TLC. Tara is younger than Lori and seems to have a somewhat bigger online following than Lori. Tara does speaking gigs around her state and sells products on her blog.

For people with Lori and Ken's mindsets, they probably think an appearance on the Duggar show, if not canned, will increase Lori's "ministry" and lead to other opportunities to become a well known. Having some kind of major connection with well known Christians wouldn't help Lori and Ken. Lori has probably lost readers over the years because of other extremely stupid shit has written about. Right now, with Joshgate, at the least Lori has probably lost a few readers. If Ken and/or Lori wrote a book and shopped it around, I can't see them getting a deal, especially if a publisher or literary agent does some major vetting.

I also bet Lori has emailed the women who run the Duggar Family blog with some message to pass onto the Duggars. Other Duggar defenders are also sending messages, but at the end I don't think the Duggars would even care to read the emails or letters. If they did, it would be them just reading the messages and tossing them out. Lori is a major idiot to think that a family like the Duggars would even care about her. She is more mainstream than them, she only had four kids, her sons and one of her daughters went to college, her other daughter is a dance teacher. I can't see the Duggars genuinely liking Lori.

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I was reading one of our Lori threads the other day and remembered the phrase “dancing for Jesus†and I’ve decided that I’m going to start adding “for Jesus†to the end of my favorite activities to make them sound holier: engineering materials for Jesus, weightlifting for Jesus, snuggling my boss’ dog for Jesus, sexing for Jesus, etc.

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Seriously, Lorken:


They are waaaaaaay too concerned about what other people think of this situation.

Sorry, very off topic, but the spoiler tag is back????

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I wonder if they continue to defend Josh so strongly in hopes that the Duggars will somehow take note and invite them into their home - maybe be on the show if it's reinstated. I think that might just be one of the reasons they are so vocal about precious Joshie.

The other reason (in my opinion) is much more dark and sinister. I think Ken is defending what he has struggled with himself - not necessarily child molestation but the victimization of women. That's what this boils down to for Ken - objectifying females of all ages and we know Ken excels at that.

Which brings me to a question that sprang to my mind over the weekend. What if one of the Duggar girls (or any fundie girl) had confessed to having inappropriate contact with a small boy? Would Ken and Lori defend her? Would the parents sweep that under the rug?? I think not. I think all of them would practically be burning her alive and labeling her a whore.

There was a fundie girl who molested a young boy. I can't remember the girls name. She went on to get married.

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I was reading one of our Lori threads the other day and remembered the phrase “dancing for Jesus†and I’ve decided that I’m going to start adding “for Jesus†to the end of my favorite activities to make them sound holier: engineering materials for Jesus, weightlifting for Jesus, snuggling my boss’ dog for Jesus, sexing for Jesus, etc.

Snarking for Jesus? :lol:

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May I ask where you got your information that you wrote above concerning the Duggars? Thanks

The 33 page police report that was illegally released to the public.

Just because you don't like something does not make it illegal.

Reminds me Lori is a monster does not come up anymore, remember when Ken wanted to sue everybody and google? :lol:

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"Another writer who I highly respect for his Christian blog and his witty and strong stance against the world’s lack of wisdom, must not have read the report or was not thinking correctly as he lumped Josh and his sins in with some quite egregious adult offenders. "

From Ken's post. Does anyone know who he is referring to here?

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Just because you don't like something does not make it illegal.

Reminds me Lori is a monster does not come up anymore, remember when Ken wanted to sue everybody and google? :lol:

Someone who isn't banned - please let Lori know that this was not illegally obtained/released. You can cite the Freedom of Information Act.

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Just because you don't like something does not make it illegal.

Reminds me Lori is a monster does not come up anymore, remember when Ken wanted to sue everybody and google? :lol:

Is he saying that the report was falsified in some way? Because otherwise the legality of the report's release (which doesn't seem to be in question anywhere but with Duggar defenders) does not affect the truth of the report.

Once again we're back to "spilling the beans" is a bigger problem than the molestation itself.

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Fundies are so hypocritical when it comes to Josh, compared to other kids.

If a toddler throws a tantrum and refuses to pick up their toys, they are sinful.

If a baby cries in the night because they are hungry, they are manipulating their parents.

All children are born sinful.

If a child complains when they are told to do a chore, as they want to finish what they are doing, they are selfish.

If a child gets angry, they have a bad attitude and need hitting until they pretend everything is okay.

If a child does something out of curiosity (like a one year old touching a pretty ornament right in their reach), then they obviously must be deliberately trying to annoy their parents.

But when a fourteen year old molests a five year old girl, he must be forgiven as he was a confused kid who didn't know what he was doing.

Its sad that everyone in fundie culture, the people that Josh's victims were supposed to rely on and trust, have turned their backs on them to support their abuser.

What is Josh, the fucking second coming of Jesus. He isn't that special, he was just the first of many to slither out of Michelle's vagina. Just because his parents valued fame over his and his sibling's childhoods, and put them on TV, does not make him any more special and worthy of forgiveness than any other person in the world. If TLC hadn't come along, nobody would know who Josh was except for people who actually knew him-even the other fundies would just think of him as J number 1. Even his parents liking him and remembering which one he is is only dependent on him being the first and first supplier of fresh baby, if he was the 14th like Justin, even she wouldn't give a shit about anything he wanted and probably wouldn't remember his children's names. Michelle is a shit mother, and just because she had 19 kids, and probably none of them will be serial killers, does not make her a better parent than everyone else. Its quality over quantity, and they really failed with Josh.

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Is he saying that the report was falsified in some way? Because otherwise the legality of the report's release (which doesn't seem to be in question anywhere but with Duggar defenders) does not affect the truth of the report.

Once again we're back to "spilling the beans" is a bigger problem than the molestation itself.

The only aspect of the release of the reports that is at all questionable, in my mind, is the fact that the name of the parents of victims was not blacked out. They didn't release the actually names of the victims, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the names of the parents of the perpetrator and of many of the victims were the same. That was a genuinely invasion of their privacy. There are some legitimate reasons to discuss it now that it is already in the public domain, but it should have been their story to tell (or not tell), esp. since knowing their identity doesn't really impact on the risk posed by Josh.

There are many cases here where the identity of all parties will be subject to a publication ban (ie. only initials can be used), where identifying an adult will have the effect of identifying a child or a sexual assault victim. So, you'll read "A., who is the father of B., was charged with sexually assaulting his daughter. The identity of the father cannot be revealed in order to protect the identity of the victim."

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The only aspect of the release of the reports that is at all questionable, in my mind, is the fact that the name of the parents of victims was not blacked out. They didn't release the actually names of the victims, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the names of the parents of the perpetrator and of many of the victims were the same. That was a genuinely invasion of their privacy. There are some legitimate reasons to discuss it now that it is already in the public domain, but it should have been their story to tell (or not tell), esp. since knowing their identity doesn't really impact on the risk posed by Josh.

There are many cases here where the identity of all parties will be subject to a publication ban (ie. only initials can be used), where identifying an adult will have the effect of identifying a child or a sexual assault victim. So, you'll read "A., who is the father of B., was charged with sexually assaulting his daughter. The identity of the father cannot be revealed in order to protect the identity of the victim."

But "questionable" =/= illegal

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I would love to be a fly on the wall when Emily has to spend any time with Lorken. Emily just posted this link on her FB page to an article on a Christian blog. The article actually says that Christian women have more important things to do than just the Proverbs 31/Titus 2 lifestyle.

http://www.christianitytoday.com/women/ ... woman.html

As I perused the blog, I came across this take on the Duggars that would send Lorken tripping over one another as they scrambled to the prayer closet. :lol:

http://www.christianitytoday.com/women/ ... ml?start=1

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