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Lori and Ken: The Big Ball of Crazy -Multiple Merges

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I wonder if we can start a boot camp for these wives :). A four week crash course in living without the Internet and cooking cleaning and doing housework 2-3 hours a day. I bet you some of these husbands would pay big bucks to have their wives in a program like that that also taught them to be a godly wife. It is the wife who will feel better about herself once she has learned the disciplines of home making and marriage.

If we do decide to start putting hyperlinks to Ken's comments as reviews for his business, I vote we start with this one. It shows his utter contempt for women astonishingly clearly. WTF was he thinking to put his name to that on the internet?

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Cabinetman disappoints once again

YOU'RE welcome, Robert. For fuck's sake, no wonder you only went to a semester of college before flunking out deciding it wasn't for you.

So, I'm a big Peyton Manning fan, and every time I read a post/comment by Robert, the line from this clip runs through my head:

[bBvideo 560,340:1ffqt8pw]


Goddammit, Robert!

EDIT: Robert, it appears I was wrong and owe you an apology. You clearly did complete a specialized course of study. My apologies for not realizing that you graduated from the acclaimed Ken Alexander School of Statistical Analysis:

I know you didn't intentionally rile anybody up. It was meant in jest. My point was, what does this happen to 1 in 100,000 women? Give or take ten thousand! It's an extreme outlier but everyone reacts to the boogeyman like he is right around the corner.
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YES. You'd think, with Lori's ill health, that they would do more than they "sure, but EXCEPTION RED HERRING DISTRACTION" whenever this is mentioned.

I saw this with my husband. When he had a medical crisis, the income suddenly stopped, I suddenly had to take over the heavy lifting (literally - he had to avoid any strain), and gender role assumptions went out the window. Instead, it was about being complementary as an individual couple - what strengths did he still have, what areas did he need my assistance?

That's one of my big theological debates with Lorken (aside from the whole fact that I'm not Christian and don't believe in submission....). I think it makes sense for each couple, individually, to see how their individual abilities and strengths complement each other. Lorken see all men and all women are almost identical caricatures, so they make universal declarations like "men are strong" and "women are good with babies"., and feel deeply threatened by any deviation. According to them, I'm apparently a man and my husband must be a woman, since I like driving and logical thinking, and he is crazy about small babies.

You'd think that if they believe in an intelligent creator, they could also believe that such a creator wouldn't make a model so rigid that it would collapse in any crisis or exception. Engineers used planned redundancy - they purposely design more than one component to do the same thing, in case on component fails. Why can't they see that this happens with people too? A woman is widowed - and she manages to earn enough to support her family. A man is widowed - and he manages to nurture his kids. A women is too disabled to clean, so the man does it. A man can't drive, so the woman does it.

[i'd also add that a same-sex couple could also complement each other, but we know that would make Lorken's head explode.]

This, exactly. When it comes down to it, I effectively do believe in a form of complementarianism-- that a couple should complement one another well and balance each other out. I just don't believe that it is always the MAN who is A, B, C and the WOMAN who is X, Y, Z.

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I know you didn't intentionally rile anybody up. It was meant in jest. My point was, what does this happen to 1 in 100,000 women? Give or take ten thousand! It's an extreme outlier but everyone reacts to the boogeyman like he is right around the corner.

So. Those words up there^^^ Is he saying that women shouldn't be upset about the weighing scenario because it rarely happens. Isn't that the same argument that Ken used when asked about abuse in a submissive marriage?

And if it's silly to be upset about something that's not even an issue, why did Robert spend so much time with his hysterics here at FJ trying to convince us he was not an abuser? "Don't look for us, okay?" "Promise you won't send the government after us." "Promise?!?"

I think now I'll go back through his comments on Lori's blog and count how many times he calls his wife beautiful. He's laying it on pretty thick today. His compliments of poor Amanda never sound sincere; they are his effort to prove he's nice to the wife he's rated a "6".

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I just have a few questions:

Does this Ken guy have a website or a blog where he writes this stuff?

Does his wife have a separate blog?

Why does he tell his wife to stand up and be in pain?

And in general, can someone give a reader's digest condensed version of what this train wreck is all about? I see them referenced a ton, but to try and look them up on here and get the back ground is challenging and takes so long.

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I just have a few questions:

Does this Ken guy have a website or a blog where he writes this stuff?

Does his wife have a separate blog?

Why does he tell his wife to stand up and be in pain?

And in general, can someone give a reader's digest condensed version of what this train wreck is all about? I see them referenced a ton, but to try and look them up on here and get the back ground is challenging and takes so long.

Ken's wife has a blog called Always Learning where she supposedly offers guidance to married women on how to be good, godly, subservient Christian wives and mothers. You can find it here: lorialexander.blogspot.com.au (I have broken the link so as not to give her 'clicks') and so we aren't linking to her site directly.

Ken often appears in the comments section of Lori's blog offering so-called advice from a male perspective, but as far as I know he doesn't have a blog of his own. He did join FJ once to attempt to explain himself, but was spectacularly unsuccessful :D Basically because he's a fool :lol:

He would ask Lori to stand even if it causes pain because it's a test of how submissive she is. According to Lori and Ken, a good Christian wife obeys her husband in all things. Additionally though, they have a very toxic relationship - not much love or respect there really.

Anyway, hope this helps a little, but best thing is probably to read some old threads on here to gain some understanding of them.

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The way he's condoning it...I'm sure he has. Just like he reminds us that the reaction to porn is worse than viewing porn. Now we have him remind us how righteous it is to restrain a woman.

I wonder how Ken would feel if he was in a disagreement with another man, and that man shoved him against the wall and immobilized him, leaned in real close and whispered "We're going to stop this arguing and do it my way. Got it?" Let's see Ken promote this kind of behavior in ANY relationship, since he likes to remind us that ANY relationship has to have a leader and a follower.

The topic of abusing one's wife like this came up with my son the other day. He said "Well, if I did that to my wife, I know I can't come home to you and Dad when she kicks me out; cause you'd both beat me black and blue." And I was like "You got that right, buddy." He knows how to treat a woman because he follows his dad's example.

Speaking of....I truly worry about Lori's daughters-in-law...what if Lori's sons are following their father's example? I'm pretty sure Ryan is and has probably pinned Erin to the wall several times. :evil: :evil:

I hope Erin kicks him in the balls as hard as she can.

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I had about three hours in the passenger seat last night and fb and ig stalked Lori's kids during the ride.

Emily, Stevens wife, is stunning. And the most un-Lori person on the internet.

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The most? You wound me, Jerkit! ;)

Klorien baffles me. Like, really, you two bullshit artists can't come up with some noble-sounding reason to move 3000 miles away from one another? Lori- CA is a community property state. Ken- google "Fleshlight".

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The most? You wound me, Jerkit! ;)

Klorien baffles me. Like, really, you two bullshit artists can't come up with some noble-sounding reason to move 3000 miles away from one another? Lori- CA is a community property state. Ken- google "Fleshlight".

She wore a bikini and posted photographic evidence on IG (and looked FABULOUS by the way!!)

She and steven very obviously enjoy one another. They have fun together, are silly together, etc - everything Lorken is not.

She did mock trial in college and looked fierce doing it.

She looks like the life of every party.

Actually, I think I've developed a girl crush on her.

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I understand a certain kink in that direction-- I truly do, but I am somehow past any ideas that if there isn't a safe word that people actually use as needed it is consensual. (Maybe the local BDSM bodies in the barrel cases ruined it for me)

But-- even with 70 million copies of that trilogy sold in the USA, that is not the majority of people in the USA.

But, I would not be surprised if it is on Ken's kindle....

I think we can give the public some small amount of credit that they can tell the difference between a (horribly written) fantasy and reality.

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I visited that blog for the first time ever. Lori is crackers. :cray-cray:

As for holding your wife's wrists as Ken recommends, that's bullshit.

These people make the Maxwells seem acceptable, if not almost likeable.

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So basically, a lazy teacher who takes a bit of time off while the student teacher is there is "demonically oppressed"... give me an effing break.

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"Shortly after Ken and I were married, I went to CSUN to get my teaching credential. After a semester of classes, I began student teaching. My first assignment was at a very nice elementary school in a wonderful neighborhood ... A few days later, she had all the children gather in a circle on the floor and hold hands. I didn't want to participate. (Ew germy kids!) The Spirit in me was telling me loudly and clearly, "NO!" She glared at me ... The children were all sullen and withdrawn (I would be, too) ... Each day seemed like a year. (Bet it was worse for the kids.) I would go home every day bawling my eyes out, not sure why. On Thursday of that first week, one of the little boys told me he wanted to shoot me in the head (not sure why this is so strange given that Ken probably wants to most days of the week) ...

... wanted to warn him about this (student) teacher and the effect she was having on the students; how one student wanted to shoot me and the cloud of oppression over the students

... Parents, you have NO idea who is teaching your children (maybe even a crazy pants student teacher) when you leave them with strangers all day."

I just had to add my thoughts while I was reading this. My gosh, I don't think Lori has ever made me laugh so hard in my life.

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I'm going to have to send this to my dad to get his opinion. He taught public school for 34 years. He is now a professor of education and supervises student teachers. He is also Lori's worse nightmare because he is (gasp!) Jewish and doesn't take kindly to teachers who try to inject religion into the classroom. (Not that he is against any discussions about religion. As he puts it, "There is a difference between teaching about religion, and teaching religion.") He's had to have hard discussions with students about why it might not be the best idea to put a Christmas tree in their classroom.

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Okay, aside from the obvious craziness of this post, what really struck me was how KEN called her teaching professor at CSUN to explain the situation. Supposed grown-ass adult Lori couldn't do it for herself.

I also find it bizarre that this terrible, frightening, hugely disruptive thing was so easily forgotten for 35 years. In my experience, trauma survivors can't help but remember their traumatic event and relive it over and over. But what do I know...

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Holy hoppin' Hannah.

My first reaction was, "A grown woman has to ask her HUSBAND to call her professor when she's having problems with her student teaching placement? GROW THE FUCK UP."

Now, I learned the hard way that I wasn't cut out to teach kids: The ten weeks I spent student teaching in a not-particularly-difficult rural high school were among the most difficult in my life. (I like kids--it's just that being "on stage" all day, every day was emotionally exhausting for me.) But it never dawned on me to have my husband step in--it was MY gig.

ETA: Cross-posted with the estimable ViolaSebastian.

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Didn't she have brain tumors at some point? I think they have grown back. I am only kind of kidding about that.

Sometimes I am genuinely concearned about her. Something is wrong with her. It's almost as if we are snarking on a mentally challenged person. That feeling passes though.

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She talks about not wanting to have "exceptions" in her comments...she chooses ONE off the wall example...really?

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Ohhhhhhh, how I wish these people would just own their kink, instead of dressing it up in patriarchal "Christianity." Get with a BDSM support group and learn what "safe, sane, consensual" means. Go to a kink-aware counselor if one is available.

Ken spouted some crap recently about women reading "love novels" and wanting to be "dominated." Surprise, surprise, Ken: The average woman who goes for such fiction is using it for "spank bank" fodder and not as a lifestyle guide.

The blogger Jenny Trout, writing as Abigail Barnette, has written a series of novels (beginning with "The Boss") as a feminist reaction to 50 Shades. It's about a kinky relationship that owns its kink. It's depressing that Barnette/Trout's books sell on Kindle for pocket change, while barrels of slop like 50 Shades have made E.L. James a gazillionaire. (I have tried to explain to my nephew's dopey girlfriend WHY 50 Shades is dangerous shit--and badly written--but she just doesn't get it.)

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