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I'm a bit tired and I wasn't sure how to title this thread, but here is Lori's blog entry, where she answers if she thinks women are inferior to men.






Some may think that I dislike women and think they are inferior to men since I write so often about women's failings in marriage. No, I do not think women are in any way inferior or less important than men. I think their value to society is immense. I just feel their greatest value is in raising godly offspring to further God's kingdom.


I have been reading Betty Friedan, a founder of the feminist movement, and her follow up book to the Feminine Mystique called The Second Stage. She began the feminist movement because she said that women were bored and unhappy at home taking care of their husband, children and home. She believed the best way to remedy this situation was to take the womb out of the equation; allow women to have complete control over their womb through birth control and abortion. Women were slaves to their womb, she believed and could never have careers, if their womb controlled them.


Therefore, she pushed for birth control and abortion to be freely had by all women so they could go out into the world, free themselves from the shackles of home and children, and have a career. {Consider carefully ~ Do you think God had any part in this?}


Twenty years later, she wrote this other book where she states all the harm done from the feminist movement. Women have full-time careers, children and a home to take care of, and no husband to help. Some women pursued careers instead of a family and when they were older, they were full of regrets and living lonely lives. Women were getting the same stress related diseases that men had, along with "emotional fatigue" and men were becoming impotent. She actually exposed me to SO many more negative consequences of the feminist movement than I even realized. She even attributes national unemployment and inflation to women leaving the home and getting careers. She admits that the bridge that got stomped on on the way to women's "equality" was the family. This huge sacrifice was worth women being able to have careers???


I love women. They are the more emotional and nurturing part of society. They bring softness, gentleness and beauty into the world by the way they decorate their homes, arrange flowers, etc. They are MUCH better multi-taskers than men which is needed to raise children and keep a home. They birth babies and can raise them to further advance God's kingdom here on earth. God values women. He sent His Son to die for women just as much as for men. Jesus spoke to women who were the untouchables and showed love and mercy to them. He is the One who gave women dignity and worth, NOT the feminist movement.


The feminist movement was a big lie from the pit of hell. Women didn't need to control their womb for happiness. Are women today any happier then they were before the feminist movement? NO! Happiness comes from deciding to be happy, learning to be content in all circumstances, and finding our joy in the Lord wherever He places us. His place for most women is the home caring for their husband, children, and their home. Society was a much better and safer place when women were at home full-time with their children. Now, we have many children as latch-key kids, growing up without a father and being raised by single mothers, besides the millions of babies being slaughtered because they were inconvenient and in the way of a women's rights. This is freedom??? Controlling our womb, killing our babies and destroying our children's lives through single parenting and divorce??? {Consider again ~ Do you believe God actually had any part of this?}


Women, your greatest impact in society will be what you do for Christ. Bearing and raising godly offspring is a high honor from the Lord. If you can't have children, there are many others ways to have huge influences on other children; adoption, teaching, babysitting, etc. Women are good for children. Children need women in their lives, raising and nurturing them. God made us this way and it is good!

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I have been reading Betty Friedan...

Now I know exactly how Marie Dressler felt when Jean Harlow said in Dinner at Eight, "I was reading a book the other day..." :laughing-rolling:

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Do you have any clue whatsoever at what miserable, unhappy lives women have led for no other reason than their economic dependence on a male? Abuse is RAMPANT. It is not that they have children that they are so unhappy. It is the uneven balance of power where the woman essentially exists to serve the male and this does not make men better people!

Do you ever talk to anyone that does not look exactly like you? What would you say to a woman like me, who married a Christian man who then changed his mind after we had two kids? I kinda feel like you'd say it was all my fault, that I wasn't a good enough Christian, that I didn't pray hard enough, that I probably should have let him sit home all day watching porn while I worked - that is what he told me. That I owed him college years because his parents did not give them to him. We were in our 30's. He fled the scene literally the moment he found I out was pregnant, despite his oh-so-strong belief that Christians should not practice birth control but accept all the gifts God gave them.

All feminism has done is show that the grass isn't greener on the other side of the fence. There wasn't ever some 1950's Donna Reed lifestyle for the majority of women. The women who had that then did so because they had kind husbands. I know women today in their 20's and 30's who married right out of high school and it's just fortunate for them that their husbands are decent people.

Lori you are a misogynist.

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Lori loves women as long as they do what she says. Her love is very, very conditional.

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I am fairly certain "Katie" comments today are trolling based on the love joy feminism article today about the Gothard textbook. Anyone want to cop to that lol?

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I'm a bit tired and I wasn't sure how to title this thread, but here is Lori's blog entry, where she answers if she thinks women are inferior to men.


For a submissive wife whose husband has forbade her from reading here, she sure does an awful lot of reading here.

"Some people without brains to an awful lot of talking." Or, in this case, blogging.

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I am fairly certain "Katie" comments today are trolling based on the love joy feminism article today about the Gothard textbook. Anyone want to cop to that lol?

I wish I could claim Katie's comments. Pure gold. And they have to be trolling.

Hey, wouldn't it be fun if we started claiming all of Lori's leghumpers? Like, Millie says, "Lori, you are such a wonderful person of God!" and then I say on here that I'm Millie, thus messing with Lori. :lol:
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OK, this has prompted me to put Feminine Mystique AND The Second Stage on hold at my library. (I love my library. I put a book on hold, they ping me when it is available, I go through a drive through on my way home from work and pick up the book--- yay)

Even if Second stage says what Lori thinks it does, who cares? It was written in 1981--- we are way past that point in the game.

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OK, this has prompted me to put Feminine Mystique AND The Second Stage on hold at my library. (I love my library. I put a book on hold, they ping me when it is available, I go through a drive through on my way home from work and pick up the book--- yay)

Even if Second stage says what Lori thinks it does, who cares? It was written in 1981--- we are way past that point in the game.

Totally jelly.

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Totally jelly.

Yes, this function of my library helped me totally break my Amazon habit that I had developed. Instead of going online to Amazon, I go online to my library. They have "the Wolf of Wall Street" DVD waiting for me this week as I drop off American Hustle.

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OK, this has prompted me to put Feminine Mystique AND The Second Stage on hold at my library. (I love my library. I put a book on hold, they ping me when it is available, I go through a drive through on my way home from work and pick up the book--- yay)

Even if Second stage says what Lori thinks it does, who cares? It was written in 1981--- we are way past that point in the game.

I look forward to the inevitable blow by blow of how Lori is totally wrong and lacks reading comprehension skills.

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They bring softness, gentleness and beauty into the world by the way they decorate their homes, arrange flowers, etc.

Arranging flowers? Wow. We really have no uses for brains if one of our important skills is to arrange flowers.

Are women today any happier then they were before the feminist movement? NO! Happiness comes from deciding to be happy, learning to be content in all circumstances, and finding our joy in the Lord wherever He places us.

I want some of the rose-tinted glasses she has on. Back before women's rights, there was a ton more abuse than today because women didn't have the right to leave. Kids were abused and neglected and it was just a daily part of regular life. The women who were happy were the ones managed to convince themselves that they were meant to suffer, and that they would be happy after they died. That's really sad.

The book Angela's Ashes is about a devout family. The mother did whatever her husband wanted, and she was perpetually miserable for it, until she finally told him no more sex, and when he said good wives take care of their husband's needs, she said she'd rather go to hell if it meant no more babies. The husband ran off, leaving her to raise a bunch of kids in a time when women had no rights. It didn't go well. It was really sad.

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I really wish that Lori would work on her reading comprehension. :(

I never read "The Second Stage," but I did find this helpful book review from the Times -- and from back in 1981!

http://www.nytimes.com/books/99/05/09/s ... econd.html

In ''The Second Stage,'' Betty Friedan makes a bold attempt to regain control of the family policy agenda. Her strategy calls for a joint effort by men and women to redefine what is meant by success at home and on the job so that the needs of both sexes for achievement, intimacy and nurturance can find adequate expression.

t seems premature to identify a second stage in a social movement when the original goals of the ''first stage'' of the movement are still disputed and largely unrealized. It turns out that what Mrs. Friedan means by the ''second stage'' is an effort to enlist the aid of men to attain some of those original goals - namely, the emancipation of women from the home as a primary source of personal identity and the restructuring of the marketplace to accommodate the human needs of both male and female workers

The underlying theme of this book -and it is a valid message - is that both men and women need to be free to discover their own ''personhood'' and to build a new society on that discovery without preconceptions and in the absence of social compulsion.

Gosh, that sounds *just* like Ms. Friedan was advocating that women get their asses back in their homes, Because God.

Also, this criticism of Friedan's assumptions just made me think of our friend Lori:

The dichotomy [Friedan identified between "feminine" and "feminist"] seems artificial, and the categories too narrow. Neither the suburban housewives described in ''The Feminine Mystique'' nor the radical feminists who, as portrayed in ''The Second Stage,'' perceived man as ''the enemy'' represented large numbers of American women. For one thing, both groups were composed largely of white, middle-class women; even within that subgroup, certainly the revolutionaries and possibly the suburbanites were far from a majority....What is misleading is her assumption that either category is capable of containing all women or even one woman throughout her lifetime. A synthesis may indeed be needed, but if so, it must reflect more elements of the female experience than can be isolated from either the ''feminine mystique'' or ''feminism.''

Also, her suggestion that my time is better spent arranging flowers than, you know, using my brain on a daily basis makes me want to punch her. :angry-banghead:

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Now I know exactly how Marie Dressler felt when Jean Harlow said in Dinner at Eight, "I was reading a book the other day..." :laughing-rolling:

I'll concur with that opinion. :)

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Well shit! I truly suck at housekeeping and decorating and gardening. Nothing looks put together in my house. I honestly try too. I never seem to get it right. I am considering a "nailed it" blog of all the shit I fucked up. I think I finally got my front step and front garden kind of nice looking, I have lived in my house nine years. So I guess I will continue being miserable and feeling inadaquet instead of going back to school. Lori knows best.

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Wait, in my reading of today's brilliant post I got the impression Ken wrote it. It has frequent use of the word "they" towards women instead of "us". Anyone else catch that?

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Like a few other posters I was annoyed with the below quote from Lori.

They bring softness, gentleness and beauty into the world by the way they decorate their homes, arrange flowers, etc. They are MUCH better multi-taskers than men which is needed to raise children and keep a home

Not all women are like that Lori and also there are some men who are multi-taskers. Spend time with some men other than Ken,and you might see some of them multi-tasking while fixing several things or they may be taking care of the family bills, while doing other things. There are dads who cook dinner, while keeping an eye on their kids.

Not all women enjoy decorating homes or arranging flowers. My mother is a great decorator for a lot of things in the home. She enjoys making crafts and decorations, but she doesn't like to do flower arrangements. In the past for parties/events, she had other women who enjoyed it much more help her out with floral arrangements. I've gone into many homes that are not decorated and very plain looking and there is nothing with that. Some men and women like simplicity, while others don't. I hope Lori stumbles onto The Jennie Garth Project on HGTV. Jennie is an actress and mother, who is taking a large role in renovating a home. She is doing a lot of heavy duty work. I would love for Lori's head to explode if she watched that show. There are always going to be some women who aren't going to like doing heavy duty work on homes. But Lori needs to realize some women are different from how she thinks they should be and the same with men.

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I'll concur with that opinion. :)

And I made and saved a gif of that moment a while back, so I will use it again:

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Lori would shit bricks if she could have seen my home...when we moved, my husband did all the unpacking, putting things away and decorating. He's better at it than I am. Me...I was out in the garage working on my car and his. I would no more arrange flowers than I would decorate a house. He's got better taste than I do when it comes to that stuff. I'm much better at car repairs. I'm also a fantastic cook and baker. The truth is, Lori thinks everyone needs to live HER life...she thinks her life is superior to everyone else's...either that or she wants everyone to be as miserable as she is...

Hell...I'm going house hunting BY MYSELF...I will find the house, make the arrangements to rent, get the utilities turned on, arrange for the moving truck, fly back to PHX and drive my hubby's truck here to LV...WITH my dogs and misc. shit while he drives the big truck. I've lived here alone in LV for almost a month now...and will probably be here alone until the end of the month (maybe longer, but that's a whole 'nother story about the unsubmissive wife who called the cops on her out of control husband)...

All I can say is it must suck to be in Lorken's house...

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Well shit! I truly suck at housekeeping and decorating and gardening. Nothing looks put together in my house. I honestly try too. I never seem to get it right. I am considering a "nailed it" blog of all the shit I fucked up. I think I finally got my front step and front garden kind of nice looking, I have lived in my house nine years. So I guess I will continue being miserable and feeling inadaquet instead of going back to school. Lori knows best.

If you start a "nailed it" blog, I promise I will be there everyday. I'll be your biggest fan girl/leg hummer ever. Your house sounds like mine.

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If you start a "nailed it" blog, I promise I will be there everyday. I'll be your biggest fan girl/leg hummer ever. Your house sounds like mine.

me too! that would be a hilarious blog. :lol: There's one called Pinstrosity that takes submissions. It's a good read for days when everything goes wrong. pinstrosity.blogspot.com
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Taylor writes to Lori:


Lately I find myself in the category of a younger woman in need of some advice from an older, experienced lady, and I don't really have anybody in my life who fits that description. I'm 23 years old, and a career of any kind is completely out of the question for me after differing a head injury last year that left me with debilitating headaches several times a week. That's not a problem for me though; I was never career oriented, despite my mother pushing me in that direction since I can remember. Since then I've become a homemaker, and I'm doing alright at it although of course there's room for improvement. I read your blog as well as others to learn better ways to joyfully serve my husband and home. Having me here full time to look after the home front has done wonders for both our happiness, and might very well have saved our relationship as I was miserable working and we fought constantly.

Here's where my problem comes in though: my husband and I have absolutely no desire to have children. Neither of us have ever wanted them. I've never enjoyed being around them, and I feel like having them would do nothing but decrease both my quality of life and my husband's. Are we wrong for wanting to keep our family of two? What would you advise us to do in a situation like this?

Lori's predictable yet still appalling response:

I believe you are wrong and your reasons are selfish, Taylor. God wants us to be fruitful and multiply. The main purpose of marriage is to produce godly offspring. What if all Christian couples felt as you do? How many people have you led to the Lord and discipled in the past ten years? Yet, if you have children, you can spend all of your energy teaching and training them in the ways of the Lord and most likely, they will grow up to walk with Jesus. The majority of people who are Christians became Christians when they were children and their hearts were soft. YES, have children. Be fruitful and multiply! Raise them in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord. This dark world needs salt and light!

The most selfish woman I've ever encountered on teh internetz, and she's telling another woman she's selfish because she doesn't want children?


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I bet Taylor will stop reading Lori's blog after that response. Lori is the type of person that will never accept that some people don't want kids for various reasons and yes, Lori that includes Christians. Don't worry Lori, there will always be Christians who have children.

I believe you are wrong and your reasons are selfish, Taylor. God wants us to be fruitful and multiply. The main purpose of marriage is to produce godly offspring. What if all Christian couples felt as you do? How many people have you led to the Lord and discipled in the past ten years? Yet, if you have children, you can spend all of your energy teaching and training them in the ways of the Lord and most likely, they will grow up to walk with Jesus. The majority of people who are Christians became Christians when they were children and their hearts were soft. YES, have children. Be fruitful and multiply! Raise them in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord. This dark world needs salt and light!

Lori, I know Christians that were born into Christian families and are still Christian today. Some of them don't have kids for various reasons and guess what, despite that, they have soft and good hearts. Lori, there are many lifelong atheists who love children and have good hearts. I don't think Lori is the warm person as she tries to make herself out to be. She has said too many shitty things on her blog. I have an aunt by marriage who was born into a Episcopalian family, later she converted to Catholicism before marrying my uncle. She likes kids, but never could see herself as a mother. She is a nurse and has gone on medical missions to help assist children in need. She has said she enjoys caring for babies and kids who come into the hospital she works at.

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