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The one where Cabinetboy starts a blog


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Cabinet Man, if you are checking in. Please know we are only discussing where you live because of some of the words you use. We are NOT trying to locate you. I'm not being snarky when I say this - just adding context about regional terminology, etc.

I do think the term "gal" seems to be somewhat "western." I'm in the Midwest and it's not a term used very often here.

Agreed. This is all info that he has provided. And I do agree that gal sounds Western.

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He mentioned his son opening ranch gates when they went out, and also something recently about him being out tending a cow (or something indicating they have cattle) so that does suggest ranching country, which could be anywhere in the rural west or midwest.

For the record, I am in a very rural part of the interior west and I've heard men refer to women as 'gals'. It generally strikes me as an attempt to sound egalitarian or politically correct -- but depending on my sense of the person, it either comes across as just that, or as an insult, a somewhat sarcastic or mocking of the concept of egalitarianism. All depends on the context.

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I'll admit I tend to think "gal" sounds a little condescending, but I really don't think he means it that way. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on that. I truly think it's a regional thing.

My husband refers to our daughter and me as "his girls," and my son does the same with his wife and daughter. I'm sure there are some who would find some of our regional terms odd too.

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He mentioned his son opening ranch gates when they went out, and also something recently about him being out tending a cow (or something indicating they have cattle) so that does suggest ranching country, which could be anywhere in the rural west or midwest.

For the record, I am in a very rural part of the interior west and I've heard men refer to women as 'gals'. It generally strikes me as an attempt to sound egalitarian or politically correct -- but depending on my sense of the person, it either comes across as just that, or as an insult, a somewhat sarcastic or mocking of the concept of egalitarianism. All depends on the context.

I thought he said Colorado at one point but I could be totally wrong.

I live in the Midwest and most people (in my experience) "have cows" they don't refer to it as a ranch. But weirdly have heard of Floridians referring to owning "ranches". I am guessing rural west.

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I thought he said Colorado at one point but I could be totally wrong.

I live in the Midwest and most people (in my experience) "have cows" they don't refer to it as a ranch. But weirdly have heard of Floridians referring to owning "ranches". I am guessing rural west.

The jargon differences are interesting. Out here "rancher" is definitely the label for the occupation. Maybe people with just a few cows don't use that word, I don't know if there is a magnitude of the operation that triggers that word as opposed to just having a few cows along with other jobs.

Of course I am in an area that clings strongly to the "wild west" for its image, even though ranching is no longer the actual primary occupation in the area -- that would quite distinctly be "government" -- all the way from local county government, schools, up through state offices such as the forestry and fire protection agency, through the federal level with Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management. But the ranchers could never stand having the ebil government be the primary anything in town; so culturally the cowboy and rancher retain the title for local "flavor" or culture.


except to re-digress, I couldn't help but giggle when I typed "Bureau" above -- thinking of all the clever names that have been created on this thread, hehe...

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I'm so sorry. I probably shouldn't have asked that question. Mods please delete it if necessary. I really have no interest in tracking down Woody Woodpecker or any other fundie. I live in a state full and have a family full of 'em. I am not a violent stalker, and would never track down a complete stranger whose internet postings I disagree with. I would rather cheat on my feline headship by looking at at other kitties on the internet....LOL! So, no more asking location questions from me.

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I thought he said Colorado at one point but I could be totally wrong.

I live in the Midwest and most people (in my experience) "have cows" they don't refer to it as a ranch. But weirdly have heard of Floridians referring to owning "ranches". I am guessing rural west.

Cattle ranching is actually a huge industry in Florida, particularly "cow-calf" operations. (Cows bred and then sold as calves to be finished elsewhere.) There's something like 5 million acres in cattle production.

Cue "the more you know" tone. :D

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I'm so sorry. I probably shouldn't have asked that question. Mods please delete it if necessary. I really have no interest in tracking down Woody Woodpecker or any other fundie. I live in a state full and have a family full of 'em. I am not a violent stalker, and would never track down a complete stranger whose internet postings I disagree with. I would rather cheat on my feline headship by looking at at other kitties on the internet....LOL! So, no more asking location questions from me.

I don't think there is anything wrong with asking the question or with any of the replies that have been posted so far. No one is talking about stalking him or even finding him online beyond which state it is, and just like the rest of the CM and Ken-Lori discussions, we are only identifying information they themselves have openly said online.

That said, I agree there is no reason for us to bend over backwards to freak him out by letting the thread focus on that for too long...

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Well, I'll admit to being the creepy one. I found him a few months ago, it wasn't hard, I told him to lock that shit down, he didn't. I've lost that hard drive and I found him again pretty easily. What can I say? All his screaming about stalking made me really curious. Public information only. :google-tactics:

Our house is in both our names. Our business is in both our names. All our cars are in her name. She keeps the finiances. I don't even know how you get to this conclusion.

I would be VERY interested to know when exactly the events in "Beauty From Ashes" occurred, because at least two of the above claims about his wife's financial status are misleading, possibly false.

I may speak here against feminism but I do not call out feminists day after day by name, stalk their families, and say vile things about them.

Stalk you? Dude, I don't call you, email you, send angry letters by carrier pigeon... nothing. I don't see your name anywhere here. You read here, then whine on your blog. You don't have to read here. Last I checked, reading public information on the Internet is completely, 100% legal in all 50 states, and not only is it 100% legal to read your blog, it's 100% legal to think you're an asshole. :roll:

You ask my dear wife who runs our websites why her facebook account was hacked, my business info was posted online and why she had to delete a blog she had spent years making and the answer is your group stalking us.

Pretty sure nobody here hacked anyone's Facebook, your business info is ALREADY online, and "1800%" more traffic to a small blog is time to slap up ads and scream hallelujah, not run screaming for the hills because the FEMINISTS are here. But even if it were- she coulda password protected it, not deleted it. She seems pretty Wordpress savvy.

But speaking of your wife, since she probably reads here too: Dear Credenza Lass, PLEASE don't have another child with someone who tries to control you using your children. Your children are finally ages that isn't going to work very much longer. TTC is a really really bad idea.

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Anyone remember if the link to Griddle Giggles blog was ever even posted here? I don't remember seeing it. Like I said, I only found the (deleted or locked down) blog through Wardrobe Wanker's blog.

On another note, I find the difference in writing style/attitude between GG's story on Lori's blog and her personal on WW blog to be interesting.


I'm not sure how to tell the story of my decision to be a Biblical wife without going a little farther back into history and sharing more of my testimony. I've joked many times in the past that I had a boring testimony and I was sometimes jealous of people who had a dramatic testimony. Little did I know, I would be saved for about 25 years and I would indeed have a dramatic testimony. {This was written by one of my readers.}

I was raised in a Christian home, however, it was a poor example. At least in regards to marriage and how to treat each other, it was. I don't say this to shift blame, I myself am the only one responsible for my actions and sins. But I feel that knowing this about my upbringing casts light on to the conditions of my faith. I accepted Christ as a young child. I honestly don't remember how old I was. I always lived {on the outside} a 'good' life. As a teenager, I didn't party, drink, openly rebel, or other obviously sinful things. However, there was one thing ruling in my heart that wasn't quite so easy to see, at least not to the untrained eye. That one thing had the power to destroy me though. Proverbs speaks to it's damage. And yet, I clung to it. That one thing was pride.

My faith was less to do with Jesus and His redemptive love but more with what *I* believed. Hindsight is 20/20, I've come to learn. I remember one day in my senior year of High School that should have been a wake up moment to me. Some kid was making stupid comments about my faith in Jesus. I went to my next class and said to the kid sitting next to me, whom I knew was at least from a Christian home, "Oh well. I'm going to heaven and he's not." The kid looked at me and said, "That's the wrong attitude." I should have realized at that moment that my faith wasn't about Jesus and His love for mankind, but that it's what I believed, so that's what made it right in my mind. I'd continue living, even doing ministry, with this mindset ruling my heart. I didn't see my pride, I didn't see Jesus for who He was. I just knew that it's what I believed. And I was right, of course!

We married young, both ill equipped for marriage. I don't mean to cast blame to anyone else but myself, I should have been responsible for my own faith, wisdom {or lack thereof} and actions. Our marriage counseling consisted of one session. Unbeknownst to me, this was a complete failure. Honestly, I'm not sure that it would have helped much, but after walking the journey, I believe in mentorship now.

Our marriage was riddled with difficulty. Between my selfish pride, my husband's strength of personality and my inability to communicate when frustrated or hurt, we were a mess. There was rarely peace in our house. There were cease-fires, but never true peace. We were both too stubborn to call it quits, even though I wanted to many times. Between my own prideful need of doing things my way, and listening to my friends within the church who preached Christian feminism, I was a mess. I subscribed to the modern submission. Submit when I agree. When I don't agree, stand up for my rights!! After all, a woman's intuition is far superior to a man's and I was a woman! Again, I succumbed to my pride. Over the years, not being able to defend myself to my husband, my only course of action was to leave. I told him hundreds of times, perhaps more, that I was leaving. I did it partly because I knew it would hurt him. And partly because I didn't know what else to do. He never listened to me! My arguments were never acceptable. I wasn't able to communicate when I was flustered, so leaving became my MO. This only bred a lack of trust. This of course, repeated the cycle.

By this time, I was also quite mad at the church. I've been treated badly many times in my life. With the exception of one mean girl in middle school who not only harassed me at home, but also called my home and bullied me after school, the worst times I'd been treated horribly in my life was by someone within the church. Looking back, I can see that some of it was my own fault. I was living a hypocritical life. I called everyone else to the truth of Scripture, even in my own life, except for one little thing. That pesky submission thing. After all, I'd been told by the modern church that it was culturally irrelevant. I can see now, however, my own hypocrisy. And while that in no way excuses the horrible things people have said about and to me, I would not have taken it personally had I been doing two things 1) not dismissing this one passage {wives submitting to husbands} as culturally irrelevant and 2) still holding my pride in that it was because *I* believed the Scriptures that made them relevant.

We became very sporadic in our church attendance. I had come near to ceasing reading my Bible. I didn't listen to Christian music anymore. I was tired of the church, tired of this world, tired of constant fighting, tired of lack of peace, tired of my faith failing to do the things I'd been promised {peace}. Our home spiraled out of control. Peace was even less existent than it had ever been. My pride was destroying my marriage and myself. Finally, the night before my birthday everything came tumbling down. My husband and I had another fight. I was done. I left. I honestly didn't know what I was going to do. All I knew was I wanted out. However, I wasn't sure that I could just divorce him. Knowing him, it wouldn't give me the freedom I desired. We had kids together, and my gut told me that he'd still try to control me {my perception of control anyway}, even if I was no longer his wife. Pride again. All through this journey, no one knew what was going on, or how chaotic our house was. My pride kept it in a box deep down in my soul. I tried to keep it tied up in a tidy box inside, but it constantly burned. I feel like it completely shredded my spirit. But I had to hold on to this pride. At one point, I remember driving and having a battle raging within me about this pride. I finally realized what it was. But I refused to let go of it because it was all I had! How sad!! My pride was all I had. It was destroying my life, but yet, I refused to give it up! None of my friends knew the things I'd done to my husband, the times I'd left, the hateful, evil things I'd said to him.

Until that night. I was driving and hoping that I'd just get in a car wreck so I could be done. Thankfully, God didn't allow that to happen. Finally about midnight, a friend called me. First of all, everyone knows I hate the phone, so no one calls me. Secondly, midnight? Well, she told me to come to her house. At midnight. This just wasn't something I do. I don't impose myself on anyone. My pride won't allow that!! She told me that my husband had sent an e-mail to my family and about 10 of my closest friends because I was missing and wasn't responding to his calls.

EVERY GORY DETAIL of my actions were exposed.

My PRIDE was exposed. I could no longer pretend.

I went to her house and she really just listened. She didn't really offer any advice, just a safe place to sleep. That was the best thing because I'd been told so many lies by the church, I didn't know top from bottom. I had quit looking into my Bible a long time ago because the actions and teachings of the church didn't line up with the Bible.

The next morning, we had a handful of urgent doctor appointments for myself because of how dark I had been the night before. My husband and I were able to meet with one of our previous pastors. The irony is that she was a woman. This entire thing opened my eyes up to so many things. For about a month, I had counseling a couple times a week. The counseling per se isn't what helped, but rather that I had to confess every detail of my sin to her. I don't agree with her teachings, as she was well subscribed to mutual submission. It was that I finally had to let go of my pride that was the changing point.

My SIN was all laid bare, before everyone who mattered to me. I could no longer hide behind my pride. Oh, how embarrassed I was!!!! And yet, my husband was still there. He wanted restoration. I had done absolutely horrible, horrible things to him. I won't say he wasn't mad and hurt at me. But he still loved me, despite his hurts and anger.

After being exposed for what I truly was, I saw my great need for my Savior. I saw how evil I could truly be!!! I saw my sin for what it was! Detestable in God's sight. Something that was worthy of condemnation. But praise be to God, He sent His son to die that I wouldn't have to!

With my pride being thrown to the ground, shattered into a million pieces, with nothing left to cling to, I went back to the Bible. The transition time took about a month. There was a mix of chaos and peace in our home for a while. We both had deep, deep scars that we had to work through. We didn't give up. We both dug into our Bible. I tried as best I could to toss aside the ideas of the modern church, because I saw how much damage they had done to my faith when I allowed them to rule instead of what the word of God actually said.

Over the next few months, God worked a miracle of restoration in our hearts. He grew us up in our faith. He changed me! I no longer clung to the gospel because it was what *I* believed, but because I had seen the ugliness of the world. I had seen the destruction of sin, and I had seen the POWER of God, and the power of undistorted truth! Praise be to God!!!

The journey has continued as both my husband and I now have an incredible desire for restoration of the truth of God's word to the church. I began to study apologetics. The more I did so, the more the truth of submission as God intended was revealed to me. The more I realized I couldn't overlook these passages and dismiss them as culturally irrelevant, because the dismissal of them is indeed one of the reasons that we are now in a culture of such moral corruption!

I know I am far from perfect. I'm still a sinner in a sinful body. But I truly seek to do better each day and to know God and His holiness more each step. I'm not saying that our marriage is perfect, we still have disagreements at times. But the way we go about handling the disagreements is completely different.

Ironically, I've had even more hateful things said to me and about me by the 'church' since my world came crashing down and was restored. The difference is that I know it is no longer about me. It's about God. And if I am persecuted for clinging to Him and His truth, then so be it, as Jesus has told me I am blessed because of it.

Indeed, He is the Lord of my Salvation. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. {Psalm 51:12}. It is not I, but the Lord. Praise God!


Rachel –

Thanks so much for calling me stupid, ignorant and pathetic. Because you do realize that everytime you all say that I’m being abused and just don’t realize it that’s what you are really saying.

I’ve read a bit on your site, but I don’t much because I, quite frankly think you are a bunch of angry bitches who have way too much time on your hands and nothing better to do than try to make other people feel as miserable as you yourselves do.

I also think you do more harm than help. You are supposedly to be so fighting for women’s rights and all that crap, and yet when a woman HAPPILY chooses something that you don’t like, you completely attack.

All that you do is devalue women who truly are abused. And yet, you’re so wrapped up in your own hatred that you don’t even see past your own nose. I’m a plenty intelligent enough person, and I have enough work ethic and stubborness I could have left any time I wanted. I am regularly offered jobs that I pass on because I enjoy staying home.

But the thing is, you HATE that there are women like me who actually chose to not subscribe to your agenda. Who find value in “traditional†roles. So when I bend to your will, you think that surely there must be something wrong.

NO! It’s not – I see from the outside your intense hatred and I want to run for the hills from it!! Your site is a poison hole, a dark hole sucking in victims into your cult of hatred. And you can’t stand it that there are people who don’t want to you join.

You and your friends can believe whatever you want of me. I DON’T CARE. Your opinion is LESS than worthless to me. Your own hypocrisy and double standards leave me wanting to spew anything to do with y’all out.

You all have repeatedly so misconstrued and taken out of context nearly everything my husband has said. But hey, why would we let the truth or his *actual* words get in the way of your agenda? Nope, you have to change his words to say something else because you KNOW that all YOU have is LIES. Darkness loves darkness, and it can’t stand the truth. So you have to do whatever you can to bring him down.

Frankly, I find it ironic that you all say that we’re the stupid ones when repeatedly y’all can’t understand even the simplest things my husband has said. (I also find it ironic that you guys say we have too much time on our hands, and yet you all hang on our every word, skimmed every page of my personal blog and likely hacked my account – someone did right after y’all found me, so I can only guess who it was).

So, if you really want to know what I think, well, frankly, I don’t really want to waste my energy fighting with someone who thinks I’m so stupid. But I will pray for you, because I’m supposed to pray for my enemies.

I don’t normally post a lot just because I find it distracting from my other responsibilities. But it has NOTHING to do with me being meek and a doormat. No, I’m quite loud and outspoken. (Which is why I have such a strong husband, because if I had a weaker husband I would be very much the dominate one). If anything, I usually stay quiet because I often forget to turn off my “filter†and can be fiesty. It’s easier for me to just be quiet. But if you want to see, you can! I’m human, I’m a sinner just like all y’all. So I usually just be quiet so as to not get myself into trouble.

But I’ll still pray for you. Not because I want to, but because I’m told to.

Anyone have ideas about that? Honestly, I've been in the camp that both of them are real from day one, but in his recent post (amanhiswifethebible.wordpress.com/2014/08/02/whoa-doggie/) he really sounds like he is playing a character or putting on a persona. Like, it's just over-the-top.

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I *think* CM is writing his blog and his wife's "testimony". And his wife (or someone else) wrote that comment to Firiel.

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I *think* CM is writing his blog and his wife's "testimony". And his wife (or someone else) wrote that comment to Firiel.

That would make sense, for the most part. I do wonder about this comment in her testimony:

My husband and I had another fight. I was done. I left. I honestly didn't know what I was going to do. All I knew was I wanted out. However, I wasn't sure that I could just divorce him. Knowing him, it wouldn't give me the freedom I desired. We had kids together, and my gut told me that he'd still try to control me {my perception of control anyway}, even if I was no longer his wife.

A part of me wonders if CM would write that about himself. It just sounds SO much like something an abused wife would write-- the thing about the control extending even if the marriage was over. But then, maybe if CM gets off on being able to control her regardless of the circumstance, it would make sense.

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That would make sense, for the most part. I do wonder about this comment in her testimony:

A part of me wonders if CM would write that about himself. It just sounds SO much like something an abused wife would write-- the thing about the control extending even if the marriage was over. But then, maybe if CM gets off on being able to control her regardless of the circumstance, it would make sense.

I don't know, I could still see that he might say that, in the context of "she thinks she wants the freedom of being out of the marriage, but it wouldn't turn out to be what she really wanted" -- more of an egotistical thing to think that "you think you want to leave me but really you would miss me and regret leaving" kind of thing.

Even the part about control -- they seem to use that word to mean "comfort" or "shield from the real world".

I really can't tell, though, whether I think this is one or two people writing, and what the real dynamic is between them.

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If a woman wants to happily choose to be submissive I have no fucks to give about it. If CM's wife can't choose to be nonsubmissive without risk of him punishing her or divorcing her and putting her kids through a nasty custody battle, this isn't really happily choosing submission, this is doing it out of fear.

And CM's wife, I am not a Christian, but I wish you happiness, real happiness with no fear of your husband punishing you. I can't imagine it is pleasant living with the knowledge that if you don't do what your husband says he will try to control you even after a divorce and that he would use your children to punish you. I wish you this, not because I have to do so, but because I want to. That is the thing about losing those "good, fundamental Christian values" I don't do things because I feel like I have to do so. You don't have to pray for me if you don't want to. A prayer that comes from the feeling of bitter obligation isn't healthy for the person praying.

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Well, I'll admit to being the creepy one. I found him a few months ago, it wasn't hard, I told him to lock that shit down, he didn't. I've lost that hard drive and I found him again pretty easily. What can I say? All his screaming about stalking made me really curious. Public information only. :google-tactics:

I would be VERY interested to know when exactly the events in "Beauty From Ashes" occurred, because at least two of the above claims about his wife's financial status are misleading, possibly false.

Stalk you? Dude, I don't call you, email you, send angry letters by carrier pigeon... nothing. I don't see your name anywhere here. You read here, then whine on your blog. You don't have to read here. Last I checked, reading public information on the Internet is completely, 100% legal in all 50 states, and not only is it 100% legal to read your blog, it's 100% legal to think you're an asshole. :roll:

Pretty sure nobody here hacked anyone's Facebook, your business info is ALREADY online, and "1800%" more traffic to a small blog is time to slap up ads and scream hallelujah, not run screaming for the hills because the FEMINISTS are here. But even if it were- she coulda password protected it, not deleted it. She seems pretty Wordpress savvy.

But speaking of your wife, since she probably reads here too: Dear Credenza Lass, PLEASE don't have another child with someone who tries to control you using your children. Your children are finally ages that isn't going to work very much longer. TTC is a really really bad idea.

No, it's not hard at all. In fact, it's amazingly simple to find someone online if they've given any info about themselves. And with Google Earth (which is VERY disturbing, imo), anyone (including a real stalker) can even view someone's house. That's why I try to be careful about what I put out there on the WWW.

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Today I texted my wife to tell her thank you for the night before and tell her she was smoking hot. I could tell by her reply she wasn’t buying the second line. I was sincere in what I said, but she couldn’t believe it. And this is a woman that gets told she is beautiful and looking good at least half a dozen times a week.

There's definitely some play-acting going on for the benefit of the audience. CM insists his wife is a conventional 6* even now in her mid-30s and that he was all that and a bag of chips as a young man and... they both look super average to me. He's fat and she's definitely... fluffy. But then he also insists she's a 15 as in minutes it would take to replace her. It's some manosphere-influenced cock of the walk crap. They musta picked it up from SSM.

You know what this crap reminds me of? Along with him throwing constant hissy fits and trying to throw his weight around and be In Charge on the Internet? It reminds me of the wannabe doms we used to see at munches (before we found nice people). Guys (it's always guys) that walk in the room and saunter up to perfect strangers (almost always women) and go SUBMIT, SLAVE without so much as an introduction. I'm not submissive, and even if I were, uh, you don't own me. One and all a bunch of twerps that couldn't dominate a rat given a wheel of cheese.

*citation needed, I know, I know, I'm working on it. I only have so many search wizards! :google-tactics:

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Maybe he wife doesn't believe him because his actions don't show he thinks she is smoking hot? Maybe being told she has to have sex with him every other day and she have to act like she likes it didn't do much for her self-esteem?

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In fairness, I think it was another commenter "Becca" who despaired of being a size 6. The griddle giggler proclaimed herself a bigger size.

And Cabinetman? Your name pops up just with a search of "Cabinetman". Seriously. No googlefu here.

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In fairness, I think it was another commenter "Becca" who despaired of being a size 6. The griddle giggler proclaimed herself a bigger size.

And Cabinetman? Your name pops up just with a search of "Cabinetman". Seriously. No googlefu here.

Oh hey, look at that.

I am DYING that his contact page says "the cabinet man will get back to you within 48 hours of SUBMISSION"

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In fairness, I think it was another commenter "Becca" who despaired of being a size 6. The griddle giggler proclaimed herself a bigger size.

And Cabinetman? Your name pops up just with a search of "Cabinetman". Seriously. No googlefu here.

He said like 6/10 hotness, not size 6.

Maybe he wife doesn't believe him because his actions don't show he thinks she is smoking hot? Maybe being told she has to have sex with him every other day and she have to act like she likes it didn't do much for her self-esteem?

Could be the opposite. Maybe she feels like a piece of meat. Every other day rain or shine, and I know I'd give my husband serious side-eye if he compared me to a freaking used truck. Thanks but I'll stick with a guy who doesn't develop comparable emotional attachments to hunks of metal.

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He said like 6/10 hotness, not size 6.

Sheesh, what a mean thing to say about your wife. :S

Or, in plainer, rougher speak like he would use: What a SHITTY thing to say about your wife.

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Didn't there used to be an FJ chatroom? Or was that one of my fever dreams (I have the flu in SUMMER, it's so unfair).

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Sheesh, what a mean thing to say about your wife. :S

Or, in plainer, rougher speak like he would use: What a SHITTY thing to say about your wife.

So, he rates her a "6", demands sex every other day regardless of her desires and admits to lusting after other women and STILL can't understand why she doesn't believe him when he calls her smokin' hot?

Um. Okaaaaaaay. :? He's really not very bright, is he?

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So, he rates her a "6", demands sex every other day regardless of her desires and admits to lusting after other women and STILL can't understand why she doesn't believe him when he calls her smokin' hot?

Um. Okaaaaaaay. :? He's really not very bright, is he?

He's an ass...if my husband treated me like that he'd be an x-husband. I know I'm not a 10 but my husband thinks I am and tells me so daily! His opinion is the only one that counts.

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