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Ken Alexander: Sports medicine expert extrodinaire

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Wait. Are you telling us that YOU managed A MEN'S TEAM? So, you, like HAD AUTHORITY(!!!11!!!) over men?!? Ken is not going to like that. :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:

I'm pretty sure God broke your husband's hand because he gave up his headship on the softball field. :lol:

LOL I'm a rebellious sort ;) I was secretary of his bowling league one year, too....and I was pregnant at the time. I have always been a good multi-tasker like that :wink-kitty:

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I played softball in high school and in one game we watched a girl break her thumb while up to bat. She actually played it off like it was nothing cause she didn't want to sit out and we actually had no idea how bad it was until the end. It's likely she didn't know it was entirely broken, I suppose, but she shook it off like it was fine.

I was about to ask if Ken didn't realize that there were injuries you can play through and those you can't and then I remembered that he qualified head and neck injuries, which are serious but just seem an arbitrary line. That line should really be at "anything that is worsened by continued play" and sprained ankles COUNT. I also wonder how good he thinks his kids were at sports acting this way -- would he make a pitcher pitch through pain after 5 innings already? That can do serious damage and influences coming games. He's hurting his kids and damaging team ability to thrive all in the name of being manly...christ.

The one thing I learned is that softball is a freaking dangerous sport. My (now) husband played on a baseball league for a few years and they had way less injuries than when he's playing softball.

On my ex-husband's team, there was one poor guy that got some horrible injury every year. There were pools after the first few injuries because it was so regular. One year he broke his ankle and the very next year he broke his jaw and had to have it wired shut for months. I have to give him credit though. He'd still play the next year until he was catastrophically injured again ;)

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My husband was following Ken´s advice. Unfortunately. Because now he had operations at his hip, foot, ankle, shoulder, back and ear - all thanks to the manly attitude of contuing to play socker and icehockey while injured.

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Well Ken, maybe if you didn't ignore injured children and insist they continue to play despite their injuries your wife would trust you a little more.

When we were still in private school one of my brothers was playing basketball and fell during a game. It didn't seem that bad and the coach did just what Ken did and said "Play through the pain, it will make you tougher." No, ends up his knee was in really bad shape and playing through the pain just caused greater injury. He still has knee problems.

I so wish Ken was still posting here to try and explain this one away. I know they are both reading though.

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Ken does a fantastic job underlining Lori's original post. She goes on about how women don't trust their husband's decisions and her husband responds with so many examples of terrible judgement that of course no one would trust him. These guys practically self-snark.

He also dismisses women / wives as having unreal fears--unreal fears to the point of, if they were listened to, husbands and children would be crippled by these women. I have long believed that he projects Lori's nasty insanity on women as a group. I think instead of mutual admiration (I see no admiration for one another in their posts) they share a mutual feeling of sanctimonious superiority over others.... it may be their main or only bond!

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He also dismisses women / wives as having unreal fears--unreal fears to the point of, if they were listened to, husbands and children would be crippled by these women. I have long believed that he projects Lori's nasty insanity on women as a group. I think instead of mutual admiration (I see no admiration for one another in their posts) they share a mutual feeling of sanctimonious superiority over others.... it may be their main or only bond!


In addition, though, they do the same to men. If Ken was an asshole, well then, every man must be the same way, and we have to define it as some sort of virtue.

Remember, being manly means inflicting pain on children, not wanting to care for your own babies, being a control freak who doesn't want to hear any criticism from a woman, being tall and strong and being able to fix things. Being manly is a great thing, because you never know when a world war will break out. Plus, if men don't fit this stereotype, they have lost their masculinity and the End Times will be upon us.

At the risk of violating the FJ rule against foreign language posting - I'd suggest that Ken and Lori can't tell the difference between being macho, and being a mentch.

A mentch, you see, can come in any shape or size. His true strength is in his character. He is devoted to his family. He helps those around him. He doesn't show off his muscles, but uses whatever strength he does have to serve others.

I don't usually post religious stuff and I'm not trying to convert anyone, but here are some examples of what I'm talking about:

A mentch will always respond to the cry of a child (chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/115281/jewish/The-Cry-of-a-Child.htm)

He goes beyond his own pain, to reach out to comfort orphans (http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Columnists ... ember-1945)

He cares passionately about the rights and dignity of children, and refuses to put even his life before their needs (http://www.executedtoday.com/2011/08/06 ... s-orphans/)

He most certainly does NOT say that he doesn't see the point of spending time with his own babies under the age of 6 months, doesn't demand sex from a wife who is in pain and clearly not enjoying it, doesn't leave his sick wife to cope with their 4 young children alone despite the fact that she is clearly not coping well and insist on his right to play basketball at least 3 times per week, doesn't tell the world how bad his wife was in bed, doesn't spend hours strapping his children and doesn't force children to continue to play sports despite painful injuries that could get worse. Oh, and he doesn't pretend to be a wonderful man of God, all about self-sacrifice, when he is actually pretty whiny and self-centered.

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Just took a look at Lori's post today. I was surprised that she mentioned Sheila from To Love, Honor and Vacuum, because they haven't been seeing eye to eye recently, and because Sheila is surprisingly reasonable. Lori quotes Sheila's blog and declares that women working is the cause of childhood obesity. So, I took a lot at Sheila's blog....and that's not exactly what she's saying. Sheila says that changes in work (including shift work) helped to fuel the increase in processed foods, but she also talks about a bunch of other factors including the decrease in food prices, and makes the point that even SAHMs today use processed foods and have their kids stay in more.

Lori also manages to ignore her own previous post on the documentary Fed Up (which is actually highly recommended), which talks about how government subsidies and the food industry have promoted horrible eating and myths about food and fitness.

This makes me want to :angry-banghead: . Lori is doing more harm than good to her readers' eating habits.

IMHO, one of the biggest barriers to proper eating is that we are convinced that it's hard to do. Lori reinforces that message. She's making people think that if you want your kids to eat right, you need to forget about ever working, and if you read her column yesterday, she also thinks that you shouldn't have any control over the family finances even if you see that your husband is being reckless. So, how many women are going to say, "screw that, I guess we'll forget about that whole healthy eating thing"?

Of course, she could talk about easy crock pot recipes, or the fact that good frozen veggies are faster and just as healthy as fresh, or talk about using frozen fruit for quick smoothies, or talk about meals that take less than 5 min to prep - but she doesn't.

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Just took a look at Lori's post today. I was surprised that she mentioned Sheila from To Love, Honor and Vacuum, because they haven't been seeing eye to eye recently, and because Sheila is surprisingly reasonable. Lori quotes Sheila's blog and declares that women working is the cause of childhood obesity. So, I took a lot at Sheila's blog....and that's not exactly what she's saying. Sheila says that changes in work (including shift work) helped to fuel the increase in processed foods, but she also talks about a bunch of other factors including the decrease in food prices, and makes the point that even SAHMs today use processed foods and have their kids stay in more.

Lori also manages to ignore her own previous post on the documentary Fed Up (which is actually highly recommended), which talks about how government subsidies and the food industry have promoted horrible eating and myths about food and fitness.

This makes me want to :angry-banghead: . Lori is doing more harm than good to her readers' eating habits.

IMHO, one of the biggest barriers to proper eating is that we are convinced that it's hard to do. Lori reinforces that message. She's making people think that if you want your kids to eat right, you need to forget about ever working, and if you read her column yesterday, she also thinks that you shouldn't have any control over the family finances even if you see that your husband is being reckless. So, how many women are going to say, "screw that, I guess we'll forget about that whole healthy eating thing"?

Of course, she could talk about easy crock pot recipes, or the fact that good frozen veggies are faster and just as healthy as fresh, or talk about using frozen fruit for quick smoothies, or talk about meals that take less than 5 min to prep - but she doesn't.

She is not alone in that. I often feel like the entire "foodie" movement is contributing to the idea that it is expensive and time consuming to prepare and eat healthy food. Stuff like Slate's food column "you're doing it wrong" just makes people feel that they if they can't make a pork and kale stir fry with chive flowers cooked in a wok personally acquired in Asia and blessed by a Buddhist monk/gourmet chef, they might as well not try. I recently read a critique of parents who give their children bananas and apples instead of mangos and kiwi. Never mind that the real problem is too many parents choosing Cheetos.

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Just took a look at Lori's post today. I was surprised that she mentioned Sheila from To Love, Honor and Vacuum, because they haven't been seeing eye to eye recently, and because Sheila is surprisingly reasonable. Lori quotes Sheila's blog and declares that women working is the cause of childhood obesity. So, I took a lot at Sheila's blog....and that's not exactly what she's saying. Sheila says that changes in work (including shift work) helped to fuel the increase in processed foods, but she also talks about a bunch of other factors including the decrease in food prices, and makes the point that even SAHMs today use processed foods and have their kids stay in more.

Lori also manages to ignore her own previous post on the documentary Fed Up (which is actually highly recommended), which talks about how government subsidies and the food industry have promoted horrible eating and myths about food and fitness.

This makes me want to :angry-banghead: . Lori is doing more harm than good to her readers' eating habits.

IMHO, one of the biggest barriers to proper eating is that we are convinced that it's hard to do. Lori reinforces that message. She's making people think that if you want your kids to eat right, you need to forget about ever working, and if you read her column yesterday, she also thinks that you shouldn't have any control over the family finances even if you see that your husband is being reckless. So, how many women are going to say, "screw that, I guess we'll forget about that whole healthy eating thing"?

Of course, she could talk about easy crock pot recipes, or the fact that good frozen veggies are faster and just as healthy as fresh, or talk about using frozen fruit for quick smoothies, or talk about meals that take less than 5 min to prep - but she doesn't.

It's going to be fun watching this post. She's already got two dissenting comments, both reasonable and polite. I wonder how long it will be before they both disappear? :roll:

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Lori should worry less about how working moms feed their kids and more about how her obsession with food contributed to the body image issues and near eating disorder with her daughter(s).

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Anyway I digress. I read this today from her blog and laughed VERY loudly and thought of you Koala :lol:

I recall they did not exactly like that being done to them :lol:

Let's just all pause and reflect on Ken's words :stir-pot:

Ken Alexander

She is not some public celebrity, but you sure treat her like one as you do your TMZ work. Is that your favorite show? You seem to believe in spilling the beans on personal lives if you can find anything buried anywhere that you can sensationalize. I am curious what you might do with a celeb's sex tape if you fund it. Probably turn it in to TMZ and say, "Finder's keepers?"

And by "buried anywhere" he means posted on the world fucking wide web :dance:

Ken Alexander

Talking about her posts is one thing. Her comments where she is not teaching a whole other level of scooping up some mud to throw.

Nod to the fact that Lori says some reallllly incriminating and stupid things in comments.

Ken Alexander

So your excuse is that you found it in the park... pics of of nude movie star, and because she let the pics be taken it is your responsibility and honor to turn them in to TMZ, the FJ Forum. Wonderful ethics.

Because Lori's blog is the park and reading/commenting on her blog posts is the equivalent of finding and then distributing nude pictures? :evil-eye:

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Is it OK to post a link to a post by Lori's daughter about body image? I have one, but I don't want to post it if it breaks our rules.

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I guess maybe it's just me and of course, not married, so will be dismissed, but I have never felt the need to control my boyfriend of nearly a year. I don't think it's ever once occurred to me to think that I totally can't trust his judgment. And I really just can't see me fearing he would hurt our future children should we marry and have children. I can't imagine him or even picture him hurting his children at all. My boyfriend would tell you I am a worrywort and I have diagnosed anxiety and panic disorder and OCD and specific phobias, but wow.

I guess I need to be worrying about my boyfriend's eating habits. I mean sometimes he's said he's not had anything to eat today and I'll tell him he's crazy and needs to go get food, but it's not so serious as he knows that and is getting or making food when he is telling me this. It's never occurred to me to tell him what he should and should not eat though. Or what he wears. Or change him at all.

I suppose I have thought wrong because I strangely see him as a grown adult capable of taking care of himself and able to make his own decisions without me. But I digress. Guess our marriage, should we get married, will never be like Ken and Lori's...what a shame.

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Is it OK to post a link to a post by Lori's daughter about body image? I have one, but I don't want to post it if it breaks our rules.

I don't think it's against the rules as long as it's public. I have linked blog posts by both daughters regarding those issues and no one said anything.

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She is not alone in that. I often feel like the entire "foodie" movement is contributing to the idea that it is expensive and time consuming to prepare and eat healthy food. Stuff like Slate's food column "you're doing it wrong" just makes people feel that they if they can't make a pork and kale stir fry with chive flowers cooked in a wok personally acquired in Asia and blessed by a Buddhist monk/gourmet chef, they might as well not try. I recently read a critique of parents who give their children bananas and apples instead of mangos and kiwi. Never mind that the real problem is too many parents choosing Cheetos.

Could not agree more. I think part of the problem is people have to feel like they have 'discovered' the next best thing, or reinvent it. It really irks me. (Unreasonably I think :lol: )

Women CARRIED their babies for centuries, they did NOT bloody wear them.

Fat shaming, body shaming, slut shaming...really any shaming is an incredible lack of manners in discussing another's appearance or choices. It's rude. Keep your mouth shut.

Food. Food deserts existed in pioneer times yet they weren't chowing down on McD's or Campbell's soup. They are convenient, were times really difficult? Yes they were, yet now we appear to have swapped the risk of dying from starvation to dying from obesity in less than three generations. My Mother and Grandmother were not 'foodies' they just worked with what they had which was fresh. What to them was just a part of life is now a badge of honour being a 'scratch' cook with all the added affectations we now have.

The good old days were certainly not all good there needs to be some balance between grinding your own bloody wheat and buying shit supermarket bread. It seems it has to be one or the other and boy will you be judged.

Mini rant over :D

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They are handing her ass to her over today's post. Thankfully she has a knight and shining idiot to remind everyone that to disagree with Lori is to disagree with God:

From Always Learning FB page:

For those of you who don't care for Lori's "opinions" on this topic, may I humbly ask you to consider that your argument is actually with God, not with her. She is just boldly proclaiming what God tells us in scripture . I agree that some of God's precepts are difficult to hear, especially as our world moves further away from Him at a breakneck pace. The question is: who do u trust more, God or the world?

Because Lori is God's little mouthpiece and nothing she states is an opinion, but rather a direct message to the unwashed masses straight from the mind of the almighty.

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I coached my boys in many sports and when they got injured, I would put them right back into the game, sprained ankle's and all. Why? Well for a number of reasons, but the main reason was to grow them up to understand how to play through pain in life. If they could not continue I could easily see it and pull them from the game, but to not try was not being very manly.


My daughter sprained an ankle, or so they thought in basketball. I got a call from the trainer that her ankle was sprained, and she wanted me to come pick her up (it was before the game, during warm-up and I was already on my way). He thought she would be ok, but to be safe, we could take her to get an x-ray. We decided to have x-rays done, and took her to the hospital. Signed her in, the nurse thought it looked sprained but sent us up to x-ray before getting us a room in the ED. Once the x-ray was taken, we were placed in a room in the ED and a doc came in and looked at it. Said it looked like a sprain, but they would wait for the x-ray and we could then go on our way. They came back in about 15 later, shaking their head. Her ankle was BROKE!

So glad her coach wasn't an asshole like Ken Alexander!!

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Decades ago, I had a bad ankle sprain and my husband took me to the ER. At the ER, he told me, "Just put your weight on it" and the nurse practically ripped him a new one.

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They are handing her ass to her over today's post. Thankfully she has a knight and shining idiot to remind everyone that to disagree with Lori is to disagree with God:

From Always Learning FB page:

Because Lori is God's little mouthpiece and nothing she states is an opinion, but rather a direct message to the unwashed masses straight from the mind of the almighty.

I'm in awe of Lori's ability to distill the cause of complex sociological, biological, political, and psychological issues into one thing: If you have a vagina between your legs, it's your fault.

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My daughter sprained an ankle, or so they thought in basketball. I got a call from the trainer that her ankle was sprained, and she wanted me to come pick her up (it was before the game, during warm-up and I was already on my way). He thought she would be ok, but to be safe, we could take her to get an x-ray. We decided to have x-rays done, and took her to the hospital. Signed her in, the nurse thought it looked sprained but sent us up to x-ray before getting us a room in the ED. Once the x-ray was taken, we were placed in a room in the ED and a doc came in and looked at it. Said it looked like a sprain, but they would wait for the x-ray and we could then go on our way. They came back in about 15 later, shaking their head. Her ankle was BROKE!

So glad her coach wasn't an asshole like Ken Alexander!!

I bet he never thought of that. I have heard of loads of people who thought they had sprained their ankle, but then had an x-ray and found out their ankle was broken. If they were forced to play on a broken ankle they could be seriously injured.

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I just copied this comment from today's post, because I'm sure its time is extremely limited!

Gerry · 6 minutes ago

Lori, since you had a manny and a housekeeper, how can you really judge? And why, in such circumstances, is it so impressive to drive 30 min to a market?


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I just copied this comment from today's post, because I'm sure its time is extremely limited!

Gerry · 6 minutes ago

Lori, since you had a manny and a housekeeper, how can you really judge? And why, in such circumstances, is it so impressive to drive 30 min to a market?


Love it. :)

I also liked this one, but she's already deleted it:

Another unresearched generalization. I have worked many hours a week at times, and then, as now, fast food was something we ate only when traveling and then generally Wendys or Subway. It's fine to have opinions, but they ought not be presented as facts and I really don't believe it's very Christian to be blaming working mothers for overweight children. Plenty of stay SAHMs have overweight kids, too.
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File under: Housework is not a masculine or feminine "quality". :pull-hair:


Lori, can I ask you what you think of men doing 50% of the house work once they are retired? I was asked this awhile back and would really like your thoughts on it!

Thank you for your help!!!


It is up to the husband. If he wants to do 50%, that is great. If not, that is great also. Most men don't want to do house work since it is a feminine quality. God calls us to be "keepers at home" and to guide the home, not husbands. {I am sure this is a very politically correct answer! ;)}

Thank you Lori. You have reminded me once again how lucky I am to have a husband that doesn't have his head stuck so far up his ass he can't see the light of day.

He cooks many meals, not because he finds it a "masculine quality", but because it needs to be done. I clean up after, not because it's a "feminine quality", but because it needs to be done.

Neither of us get off on manipulating the other, and sitting back on our lazy asses while the other does all of the work. We divide things up and get it the hell done so we can move on to things we enjoy.

I am eternally grateful that I am not in a marriage with a shrew that disabled her own birth control to manipulate her way into quitting her job, or a chauvinist who sits back and let's his seriously ill wife care for 4 children while he's out playing the ever sacred basketball or assumes she should do all the housework because WOMAN.

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I have rewritten this post several times because I just degenerate into an expletive filled rant.

Here's an expletive rant filled rant for you. Lori Alexander is an hateful super bitch and fucking monster. Ken Alexander is a misogynistic, abusive bastard, MRA, fucking asshole and a monster.

I feel much better now!

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I've twice in my life soldiered on with a badly sprained ankle, same ankle both times, because I was far, far away from medical care. The first time was 22 years ago, when I had to make do with homemade splints and over-the-counter pain relief for three weeks. I wasn't even in a pace where there was ice. The second time was in 1997, and that injured left me liming so badly for so long that I threw out my back.

Today, decidedly in middle age, this ankle is chronically painful. 24/7 I am reminded its there every time I move the darned thing. I have to have orthopedic everything when it comes to footwear, and I a regular feature at my podiatrist's office, where there has been talk of a referral to an orthopedist for possible surgery.

Not that I would anyway, but no one should force a child to use an injured limb. I've 'played through the pain' and can attest to the misery it can cause as one ages. A parent who would deliberately do this to a child is beyond cruel and irresponsible.

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