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ENERGIZE! new conferences by the Maxhells


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"Deep kneel and pray" makes me think of something else way more fun than working out Maxwell style. I can't decide if that is a sign I need to get some rest or grab my husband for some sweet fellowship.... :)

I would choose the latter, if I had a husband...... :(

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I can't think of anything less likely to energize anyone than an Energize! conference with the Maxwells. I can barely make it through one of their posts without nodding off.

I'm surprised Steve even allows his family to use exclamation marks.

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Steve's just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. I think he knows he has a problem with all those unwed adults in his home, but his control issues do not allow him to be more proactive. There is no way he will relax his beliefs that his way is the only way, and he will not let his daughters especially to marry someone with less stringent beliefs. So, basically he's screwed.

Agree with this. Along with the reasons mentioned in YPestis's post (good summary BTW!) I also wonder if any negative feedback from conference attendees and venue owners is also getting around. We know from various FJ'ers visiting conferences how Steve can come across and if things don't go exactly to plan during these conferences, it throws the whole family off. I can't see Steve responding well to any kind of serious questioning from attendees and if there's problems with the venue itself such as a room not being set up properly, I wonder if he raises Maxhell over it.

It should have been obvious to him years ago that along with pushing his ideas about sheltering, courtship etc. that having unwed adults in his home over the long haul would be a rather obvious problem. But through it all he probably expected some appropriately godly guy would be led to his doorstep asking to court a daughter but never thought that the real problem in the end is him (thinking John Marie here). And it's been pointed earlier in another thread that his daughters might be so scared of intimacy due to their upbringing that maybe they are more comfortable, if not happier, remaining single and where they are. But Steve might not be saying no nor does he have to, because he's raised his daughters to do it for him.

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I don't see Stevehovah taking well to unplanned and objective questions that he didn't expect.

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I don't see Stevehovah taking well to unplanned and objective questions that he didn't expect.

I don't see Stevehovah taking well to questions, period. After all, "Trust and Obeeeeeeeyyyyy" is their theme song...

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As much as we are predicting the new focus to be something exercise-related, I wonder now with another Maxhell baby on the way if they are also working on a piece for training grandchildren in the walk with the lord? By August, Steve and Teri will have 6 grandchildren and you have to wonder what their thoughts and actions are in the spiritual lives of those kids. Do they leave it all up to the parents, or as grandparents, do they carve out a niche for themselves and their own form of religious training for their grandchildren?

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As much as we are predicting the new focus to be something exercise-related, I wonder now with another Maxhell baby on the way if they are also working on a piece for training grandchildren in the walk with the lord? By August, Steve and Teri will have 6 grandchildren and you have to wonder what their thoughts and actions are in the spiritual lives of those kids. Do they leave it all up to the parents, or as grandparents, do they carve out a niche for themselves and their own form of religious training for their grandchildren?

Now they have scheduled Bible time with the grand kids each month, so yeah, they feel they have the right to teach them religion too.

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But their whole schtick has been that fathers and only fathers are supposed to be in charge of the spiritual welfare of their children. How can grandparents possibly have any role?

I can see them going that route, but if they do, it will just be another example of their ludicrous doublethink.

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I can't think of anything less likely to energize anyone than an Energize! conference with the Maxwells. I can barely make it through one of their posts without nodding off.

I'm surprised Steve even allows his family to use exclamation marks.

...and this is why Rebecca Eleventy was never accepted into the fold.

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But their whole schtick has been that fathers and only fathers are supposed to be in charge of the spiritual welfare of their children. How can grandparents possibly have any role?

I can see them going that route, but if they do, it will just be another example of their ludicrous doublethink.

Maybe its a bit like Gothard and his umbrellas over umbrellas over umbrellas. Nathan and Chris might be fathers, but Steve is THEIR father so he's their boss. Steve's father has long since left the scene so Steve is only accountable to God (but we all know that he wants whatever Steve wants anyway, so Steve that juat leaves Steve. However you want to look at it, Steve is always the boss).

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I agree with Uber. I think all this "leave and cleave" stuff is great in THEORY, but once the little patriarchs have left the fold, it's easier said than done for Steve-O to let go (and his sons to assume total responsibility). Having been told what to wear, when to eat, and how to pray for X amount of years prior to getting married, they probably still approach him for all sorts of "guidance," and I'm sure he's all too happy to assist.

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I agree with Uber. I think all this "leave and cleave" stuff is great in THEORY, but once the little patriarchs have left the fold, it's easier said than done for Steve-O to let go (and his sons to assume total responsibility). Having been told what to wear, when to eat, and how to pray for X amount of years prior to getting married, they probably still approach him for all sorts of "guidance," and I'm sure he's all too happy to assist.

Pretty much this, seeing as how Nathan and Christopher have only been able to leave and cleave across the street (and still work, at least in part, for Daddy)....

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No matter how much he claims to advocate leaving and cleaving and the husband/father as the only authority in each household, Steve would never just sit back and accept it as his son's choice if Nathan or Christopher decided to get a television, send their kids to school, allow their wives to wear pants etc. The autonomy of each family unit really only means that they can write their own schedules (using the Maxwell method) and assemble their children's chore packs in whichever order they wish and they don't have to participate in the traveling Maxhellian circus. Any departure from the Gospel of Steve would be quickly stomped on.

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I think what Steve means by leave and cleave is being financially responsible for yourself, that's all.

But the grown sons aren't even financially independent. They all work for the various branches of the Titus2 "ministry", which is entirely controlled by Steve. He hasn't "prepared his sons to lead single income families without debt", he's simply created a business with which to support them.

I do wonder if Jesse and John will ever get their debt free home and bride. The Maxwells don't seem to be touring anywhere near as much as they did only a few years ago, and that's going to bite into the bottom line. Conferences are more than a place to sell their product, they are the main advertisement for the Maxwell brand.

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