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It's the B movie they'd play at the drive in after the feature and intermission when everyone got their food on and all that was left to do was that nasty smooching and loving in the back seat.

My daughter who will be a scientist if she ever thinks about it said, meteorologically it is wrong, the fish would die out of water, no way a waterspout could get that far inland and it takes a hell of a lot longer to get to the Valley from Beverly Hills than these people did it. That being said, she thinks they should have had mechanical monster sharks a la Pacific Rim. :cracking-up:

I finally watched Sharknado yesterday, and I think I lost a few brain cells. Aside from the sharks surviving out of water in the longest-lasting-tornados-ever, at the end, Our Hero was shooting the sharks in the air and they would immediately fall to the ground - as if they were flying on their own power, and being shot made them stop flying. Also, apparently I cheated death many times as a youngster, because it seems that cars spontaneously explode if you give them too much gas and flood the engine.

And don't get me started on the chain saws that can fillet (filet?) a flying shark. Good grief. :roll:

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