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Upcoming Babies Part 2

happy atheist

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Especially considering that video of Katie extolling - at great length - the virtues of home birthin'. It seems to be an expected Thing in that family.

Video?? Never heard of it. Could you post a link? Thank You!!

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Grey, crooked, gummy -- not something you see in a 20-something American girl these days.

:? I think this is one of those American-standards-are-completely-different things. Her teeth look completely fine to me. Like, absolutely, completely fine.

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:? I think this is one of those American-standards-are-completely-different things. Her teeth look completely fine to me. Like, absolutely, completely fine.

Thank you! I looked at 1/2 a dozen pics and thought they looked better than mine and mine are perfectly healthy, just yellow (naturally so) and a bit wonky in places. I was expecting rotten black stumps and gaps.

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Captain Bret's YouTube account is a treasure trove of crazy.

Oh, Sweet Baby Jesus. They need to get off the compound and interact with people who aren't SOTDRT grads. Does Bethany have some weird speech problem or is it just her SOTDRT background? Katie Smith is a hick from the sticks. I feel sorry for her kids... She's doing them a huge disservice because she seems very uneducated. I think I hear the banjos from Deliverence.

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It's all SOTDRT and isolation. They don't hear many conversations so they don't learn inflection or conversational language. They are drilled on the bible and god and being breeders. They have zero experience with people, language, living or learning. They are robots who have no knowledge of anything other than what they're told.

They are Southern so they have the Southern accent/speech patterns/dialect/whatever, but that's not any kind of big deal. It's the total and complete ignorance of reality that makes them (robotic) hicks. Their language is stunted because it's all key phrases and concepts and all centered around the bible, their role as breeders and nothing else, and their attempts to make themselves special for doing what women have done since humans were created. I don't mean to negate the relevance of childbirth or the experience or anything else. They simply elevate a natural aspect of human existence to something holy - because there is no other way the men can keep women down and there is no other way for the women to exist in that world without convincing themselves they are special and magical and doing it all for god.

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I honestly have never heard a more boring and long conversation about childbirth in my life. We all have our own experiences, but holy cow, this is a mother and father and daughter all talking on and on and on about childbirth. Sigh. And yes, 39 hours is a horribly long labor, but it is what it is. If I get up the energy and have nothing better to do, I'll go through the video again and count how many times they say "blessing".

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Had Katie just given birth or something?! She looks spacey and exhausted, and her tone is really strange. That gave me the creeps.

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Had Katie just given birth or something?! She looks spacey and exhausted, and her tone is really strange. That gave me the creeps.

Does anyone else think Katie might have a hearing impairment? Her voice/inflection sounds a bit like the stereotypical "deaf accent."

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I think it's a combination of a SODRT education of the worst kind (she's also the eldest girl in a family of 12. I imagine spent her schooling years sister mothering and housekeeping), a southern accent, generally having any ability to think and have an opinion beaten out of her at an early age (she and her husband are Pearlites and it seems to follow quite naturally from what Mortons Sr practiced), and possibly the combination of being completely exhausted from a long labour and high on the post-natal the oxytocin rush.

Two things: I have a fair bit to do with the home birth community in my area. Most home birthers I know make an educated and informed choice to stay home. There are very few 'Laurens', but even among the sparkling adventurers I have *NEVER* seen some one someone so uneducated as Katie sMorton seems.

Secondly, I blame her parents for who she is. IMO, the Mortons are only half a degree of crazy below the Maxwells. They both have emotionally and intellectally crippled their children deliberately, in order to maximize the chances of their children staying Christian and carrying on the crazy to the next generation. The only difference is that the Maxwell's are dour and make their lifestyle unattractive, the happy, smiling sMortons make it look fun.

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I think it's a combination of a SODRT education of the worst kind (she's also the eldest girl in a family of 12. I imagine spent her schooling years sister mothering and housekeeping), a southern accent, generally having any ability to think and have an opinion beaten out of her at an early age (she and her husband are Pearlites and it seems to follow quite naturally from what Mortons Sr practiced), and possibly the combination of being completely exhausted from a long labour and high on the post-natal the oxytocin rush.

Two things: I have a fair bit to do with the home birth community in my area. Most home birthers I know make an educated and informed choice to stay home. There are very few 'Laurens', but even among the sparkling adventurers I have *NEVER* seen some one someone so uneducated as Katie sMorton seems.

Secondly, I blame her parents for who she is. IMO, the Mortons are only half a degree of crazy below the Maxwells. They both have emotionally and intellectally crippled their children deliberately, in order to maximize the chances of their children staying Christian and carrying on the crazy to the next generation. The only difference is that the Maxwell's are dour and make their lifestyle unattractive, the happy, smiling sMortons make it look fun.

THIS and I would like to add something:

- they are so eager to carry the crazy to the next generation that they marry off their kids as young as possible to make sure there are +/- 15-20 years of babymaking.

- to me Momma Morton seems to be less a victim than Teri is. In some of the girls posts they more appear as quite a harsh and dominant woman that disciplines especially the girls a lot when she thinks they don't show the right feminine attitude.

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Yes, Jeanine Morton seems to willingly and wholeheartedly sculled the koolaid and is quite unapologetic about hooking up her daughters to an IV of the same.

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The woman in the video really reminds me of Shalom Pearl, she sounds like a nice person, just uneducated and indoctrinated. The mom (?) has crazy eyes.

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Oh, Sweet Baby Jesus. They need to get off the compound and interact with people who aren't SOTDRT grads. Does Bethany have some weird speech problem or is it just her SOTDRT background? Katie Smith is a hick from the sticks. I feel sorry for her kids... She's doing them a huge disservice because she seems very uneducated. I think I hear the banjos from Deliverence.

I hear the banjos, too.

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Jennie Chancey due with number 11.....

Does Jenny deliver in Africa or come back to the States? Maybe that's why they're in South Africa, for better access to western style obstetric care.

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Does Jenny deliver in Africa or come back to the States? Maybe that's why they're in South Africa, for better access to western style obstetric care.

No idea. She's had at least one other baby during their time in Africa, but since she doesn't blog (except about her Jane Austen tours... how DO they afford to do that?), it's hard to keep track of their comings and goings.

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No idea. She's had at least one other baby during their time in Africa, but since she doesn't blog (except about her Jane Austen tours... how DO they afford to do that?), it's hard to keep track of their comings and goings.

Her FB comments seem to indicate she'll have the baby in SA; she's been checking out midwives.

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Whaaat? Where did you see that? If it's true.... I'm sorry but where was this child conceived? There's only so much room in a pop-up trailer with 10 people crammed in it. I'm trying not to imagine the horror I'd feel if I woke up to my parents doing THAT next to me and all my siblings! UGHHH!!

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It was in the latest newsletter, he posts them on his facebook page.

And I believe they are living in the basement of a church at the moment... I have no idea what their sleeping arrangements are like but it's got to be less cramped, even if just by a little.

Edited for grammar

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