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Lori Alexander: Women Aren't Happy

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Fundy woman will always support the gilded cage over freedom.

You're right and there's a reason for why they do so. When you've been taught that the world outside of your little bubble is dangerous and immoral and all of the other crap fundies teach their children, that's what you know. I don't think that excuses the horrible shit that Lori posts, or that Zsu posts, or any of the other fundies on here, though. It simply provides some perspective to why we see so many fundy women sticking to the party line.

In much the same way that DV survivors have a very difficult time escaping, so do fundamentalist daughters and wives. Sarah Maxwell is the perfect example. She has traveled (sort of, I guess...), has seen people outside of her family, and still stays tied to cult leader Steve. Trauma induction and indoctrination techniques are powerful tools in the hands of abusers.

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I think a big part of the problem is that these women are indoctrinated at birth to fear almost everything -- if you're scared to set foot outside your bubble, it's pretty difficult to break free.

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*Looks at pictures of the Jslaves and Sarah Maxwell*

Yeah, of course they arent happy....but us eeeeevil feminists are because we are not being treated like shit. We can choose who we marry and if we want to get married and wont end up with someone like Michael Pearl. We have the freedom to choose what jobs we want to do and arent forced into a box. We can choose how many children we have. For some people, that will be 0, or 1, or 2, but some of us might want to have 10 and thats okay too.

Lori should really get out more and actually meet some real women. Just because she is unhappy how she is, doesnt mean that everyone else is or should be unhappy in their lives.

The difference between a fundie and a worldly woman is that if a fundie isnt happy in her life-maybe 10 children is too much, her husband treats her badly and he has a crappy job and the family have to make two chicken breasts and a bag of rice last a week, she cant do anything about that as she is not allowed to divorce him, or say no more children, or get a job to feed the children more. But if the average woman isnt happy in her life, she can change things because she is in control of her life.

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"The fact is women were self-reportedly more satisfied with their lives when they spent their days caring for their children, maintaining the house, cooking delicious meals, and exercising so she could flash her husband a view of her shapely thighs as she headed upstairs for the night."

This is right out of The Stepford Wives

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"The fact is women were self-reportedly more satisfied with their lives when they spent their days caring for their children, maintaining the house, cooking delicious meals, and exercising so she could flash her husband a view of her shapely thighs as she headed upstairs for the night."

This is right out of The Stepford Wives

Lori wouldn't know a fact if it bit her on the ass.

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Lori, I WAS happy until I discovered your blog. Now I am seriously UNHAPPY due to reading your absolute total and utter bullshit which you spout day after day. I am UNHAPPY because some naive, vulnerable young woman might read it and believe what you say.

I wish to be happy once more so as you are so concerned with the happiness of women, could you do me a favour and SHUT THE FUCK UP?

Thanks in advance


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It's so rarely gilded, though!

Mind you, if someone's never seen gold, you can tell them shit is gold and they'll believe you.

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