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Abby's "Struggle" with infertility


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So let's get this straight. I am not always clear on Abby's whole timeline but I think she has 5 kids under the age of 10 (or maybe 12, either way lots of little ones) a 1 year old who was in the NICU and a very colicky infant that she has said she will shut in other rooms to cry it out for hours on end so Abby can sleep. Plus as we've discussed before she has terrible money managing skills and blows it off chunks of money on trinkets and ice cream and then her family doesn't have money to buy groceries.

Yet today she is whining about how she is experiences inferility because she she nursed her little one for 11 months.

Please tell me this is a joke

Okay, so today was my first period in my new house. I got miraculously pregnant with Abigail the very week we moved. So 9 months of pregnancy plus 11 months of nursing a little imp with chronic infant reflux equals me trying to find the tampons at my new neighborhood Target a full year and half after our move.

They put the tampons next to the pregnancy tests.


It was like a fist punch to the heart. You didn't get the answer you wanted to see two weeks ago, so now you are here--in the depressing feminine hygiene aisle. Next to all those people using Trojan condoms that are also stuck out at your eye level.

Oh, and Abigail has a cold and is teething and is not looking her best after getting up with me 5 times last night--and she's staring at me sort of greenish from my shopping cart and I think

"WAA WAA I will never be able to wake up multiple times with a baby ever again. She's my last one".

(Isn't that stupid? Like I'm so not enjoying waking up in the middle of the night with the toddler and the one year old that I have right now. But if I think about never getting a chance to suffer like this with a new baby, I could start to tear up.)

Yeah. Secondary infertility. It blows.

Woman for crying out loud she can barely raise, feed or educate the ones she has, every baby she makes has the risk of cystic fibrosis and she whines that she's infertitle due to natural lactational ammorehea? I just can't even.....

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This really illustrates how addicted these women get to pregnancy. Eleven montgs of non pregnancy immediately following a baby =/= infertility.

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Maybe she should have a chat with my parents who struggled with infertility for 8 years and only conceived because of IVF, or the thousands of couples (millions?) worldwide who cannot conceive at all. Yes babies are cute etc (they were designed that way so we protect them) but she already has lots of children, who you know, still need love and affection once they've been potty trained!

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Secondary Infertility? Drama queen much?

If I read excerpt correctly, she has tried to get pregnant for all of one month. She's had ONE period since she was pregnant and nursing the last one. Run don't walk to the fertility doctor!

Fundies are nuts.

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You're right that her kids are under 10-the oldest was born in 2003. She also had a 12 week miscarriage in there, so that's at least 6 pregnancies in 10 years. I know secondary infertility is a difficult thing, but that is NOT what Abigail has.

She has friends/fellow bloggers who are experiencing actual infertility. Like, we have been trying for years but we have no children AT ALL and cannot get pregnant EVER. I wonder how they feel when they read this drivel?

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Infertility? Wait...wasn't God supposed to be the one in charge of "opening and closing the womb" of fundies? Maybe God has decided that Abby has had enough. Sounds like someone needs some time in the prayer closet. :)

edited to add: excuses for my sarcasm to those women who had had real problems with infertility

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You know, I don't even really know what to think about this.

I know Abigail IRL. For the most part, I just think she has a funny way of thinking. This, on the other hand....it's a bit overdramatic and over the top.

It's not infertility. Second infertility..whatever you want to call it. It's called breastfeeding amenorrhea, and it happens to a lot of women. I've nursed 3 out of my current 5, and got my cycle back at 19, 21, and then 24 months. My first period. I gave bottles too, especially in the beginning. Some women just respond (with each baby) to nursing. As in no cycles.

I really want to tell her to not focus on the kid thing so much. Who knows if you'll have another kid? If you don't, then you have FIVE to be thankful for. When she found out we were pregnant with our sixth (which, I was not happy about at all....charting mistake on both my hubby and my part...and too much wine), she told me she couldn't believe we "lapped" her and her husband with number six.

I wanted to tell her number six wasn't a happy joy-joy moment. Number six is a lot of damn work. A lot of extra hours my hubby works so we can oh, get a bigger van to hold us all (I refuse the 12 passenger...just refuse), another child on insurance...clothing, diapers...because my son with autism isn't potty trained.

It makes me mad, I guess.

There are a lot worse things to struggle with than not being pregnant by a year post partum.

But, I couldn't say that. Because she wouldn't hear it that way.

I dunno...I don't think I can read her blog anymore. I always try to give her the benefit of the doubt, but that makes me mad.

I have several friends who have true infertility...I know if they read that it would make them upset. Because they have gone above and beyond to have just one child.

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Infertility? Wait...wasn't God supposed to be the one in charge of "opening and closing the womb" of fundies? Maybe God has decided that Abby has had enough.

If it's what they want to happen, it's God's will. If it's not, it's Satan or the woman's fault or sin in the camp.

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I was thinking this is a joke as I was reading. I had a small chuckle when she specifically mentioned the Trojan condoms as though they are something evil and abhorent. Another part of the chuckle came because I was thinking of the picture I saw in my FB feed last night. The picture was from the local Planned Parenthood site and it had a picture of a gray foil condom wrapper with a mini Darth Vader stating "I Will Not Be Your Father." Very clever and funny at the same time.

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I'm still super confused about "god being in charge of the womb" or whatever so therefore no condoms blah blah blah- how in the hell do they justify IVF? Come on now, of you think god is against stopping pregnancy he's probably also against creating it with ebil science.

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I'm still super confused about "god being in charge of the womb" or whatever so therefore no condoms blah blah blah- how in the hell do they justify IVF? Come on now, of you think god is against stopping pregnancy he's probably also against creating it with ebil science.

Roman Catholics are opposed to IVF.

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Secondary Infertility? Drama queen much?

If I read excerpt correctly, she has tried to get pregnant for all of one month. She's had ONE period since she was pregnant and nursing the last one. Run don't walk to the fertility doctor!

Fundies are nuts.

I get that secondary infertility can cause a lot of suffering too, but, even if she had TTC longer, how can you complain about secondary infertility when you have FIVE kids?

ETA: and she doesn't seem to get that "as many as God gives us" works both ways.

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She is an idiot. I'd be happy to chat with her. After trying for years and years and years to get pg, it happened exactly zero times for us. We spent somewhere around 50k for two adoptions, and we are not wealthy. I have never seen a positive pregnancy test, but I've seen a whole lot of negative ones. Dear Abigail, STFU!

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I get that secondary infertility can cause a lot of suffering too, but, even if she had TTC longer, how can you complain about secondary infertility when you have FIVE kids?

ETA: and she doesn't seem to get that "as many as God gives us" works both ways.

I'm fairly sure that it's now quinary infertility.

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Roman Catholics are opposed to IVF.

But not to fertility treatments in general; surgical and pharmaceutical interventions (clearing Fallopian tubes, Clomid, etc.) are fine according to RCC doctrine.

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But not to fertility treatments in general; surgical and pharmaceutical interventions (clearing Fallopian tubes, Clomid, etc.) are fine according to RCC doctrine.

Thanks for clarifying.

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I must have 'infertility' too - it was over a year before I got my period because of breastfeeding my daughter :roll: Though I had (have) no desire to go through another pregnancy / have another kid

Secondary infertility can happen but you need to be trying more than a month!

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I've never been in a store which didn't have all the vagina stuff together. Pregnancy tests, condoms, lube, douches and tampons. Where has she been shopping?

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Personally, I love the stores that keep all the vagina-related items in the same aisle- so when I come drudging down the tampon aisle, feeling crampy and bleedy and generally unpleasant, I can mentally high-five myself because at least I'm not pregnant!

I should probably write to my local grocery and complain that they keep the Popsicles in the same aisle as ice cream. I want my Popsicles, but it's so unfair that the employee in charge of stocking so rudely reminds me of my lactose intolerance. Call the whambulance!

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Wait...this woman and her husband are CF carriers and they keep having children knowing that? WTF! CF is a TERMINAL illness.

I'm all for doing whatever, but I wouldn't have a child on purpose knowing that there's a high chance of CF or any other genetic disorder.

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I'm still super confused about "god being in charge of the womb" or whatever so therefore no condoms blah blah blah

How about if "God being charge of the womb" then God doesn't want her to get pregnant yet.

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