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The dream I have is our pressure will somehow become a sign from god to Steve.

I mean really, he was looking forward to what God was going to bring on Saturday, maybe what god had in store for him was me?

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I believe the reason is actually that Steve won't let them fly because a) it's too expensive, and b) too many major airports now have the full body scanners. Which is, of course, whorishly immodest. Patdowns by a female officer are obviously also out, I'm guessing. This was in response once to a family who desperately wanted him to come to Australia to preach.

Nathan didn't have a problem with flying. He flew his family to WA for Chris's wedding.

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Also, everyone should do what they are comfortable with. I hope this becomes a thing, but we aren't a hive vagina. So we are not going to agree on what we think the best thing is.

Personally as a couple of days have passed I am increasingly pleased with what I did, because it was right for me. Plus I hope it weighs on Steve.

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Is it legal to deface money in the U.S.? I think it's illegal in my home country.

In any case, I've been wondering for ages how to get through to Steve. Glad to see some people are way ahead of me. I thought of writing him a letter.

It's so very sad to see his family cut off like they are. I can see how gentle and nice and loving they are and they do seem to enjoy nice things and nice times together - and this sucks other people in. But they need to be/do all of those things "in the world" - out at the coalface where it's much tougher to live out one's faith.

It's sad that other families want to emulate the Maxwells.

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I predict within the next three days we will have some commentary about how fulfilled Teri is and how the reversal kids are a blessing.Steve will naturally say something about death.

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Nathan didn't have a problem with flying. He flew his family to WA for Chris's wedding.

If I recall correctly, Steve's position was that there was an ever shrinking number of airports deemed appropriate for them to use for flying purposes. Plus, who would want to fly when you have URIAH!?!?

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Steve's family don't fly for a number of reasons. Could you imagine a TSA agent frisking Teri or Steve? Can you imagine them sitting shoulder to shoulder with nonMaxwellians? Steve determined a long time a go his love of flying and his plane had become idols, it would be too much for him spiritually and could send him down satan's abyss.

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If anyone doesn't want to write directly on bills, I would put removable stickers (and I will if they are ever in my neck of the woods)

"We Are Watching You"

"FreeJinger was Here"

"Jesus Had Friends"

"I LOVED Uriah"

"Domestic Violence/Cult Hotline or URL xxxxxxxx"

They can be removed, but they would be read first. Combinations are endless, you print them out out labels at home and off you go to the Maxwell meet & greet. I would bring cards and if an opportunity presented while I was browsing books, slip them in for whoever to find them.

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Adding my thanks to the pile as well. If you get a chance, Sprocket, I'd also be curious what the audience's reaction to the seminars was....did you think anyone was drinking the Kool-Aid? Were lots of people purchasing their merchandise?

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A big round of applause to you Sprocket. Thanks for your report, you've certainly given me a different perspective on Teri, formerly I held her in nothing but contempt.

By marriage I am related to a megalomaniac and, while I feel vaguely sorry for his wife, I have more contempt for her than anything. Teri deserves some sympathy, she's stuck with little choice, no medication or therapy and little outside accessible support.

What am amazing FJ week!

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You rock Sprocket! Thank you for taking one for the team! I feel horrible for Teri! I cannot imagine living that way! I am also curious to know how many of the attendees were receptive to drinking Stevie's kool aid.

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Were there any tears when they spoke of children gone bad? That seemed so false to me

Steve told all of those stories and they seemed contrived to me also. Another note, Steve tries to be an actor. He uses different variations in his voice when he's telling these stories and it comes off as hokey and unbelievable.

Adding my thanks to the pile as well. If you get a chance, Sprocket, I'd also be curious what the audience's reaction to the seminars was....did you think anyone was drinking the Kool-Aid? Were lots of people purchasing their merchandise

I can't find the question now because I was reading on my phone and came downstairs because it's easier to type. The question was were there a lot of people buying books or something like that. There were quite a few people there with armloads of books. There were families who were splitting up buying the Moody books. But there was also a lot of browsing.

Someone also asked what the crowd was like. It was very crowded for a Tuesday night. Let me just say, there were a lot of 15 passenger vans and matching polo shirts. But there were a sparse few who showed up in jeans and I thought to myself, 'they obviously don't know who they're coming to hear speak!"

Is it legal to deface money in the U.S.? I think it's illegal in my home country.

I looked it up before I did it and yes, you can write on paper money. You cannot deface coins though.

edited because I found the question as soon as I hit submit.

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Just a note on the writing on money - I believe it is illegal. Would Steve call the cops if he got enough defaced dollar bills? I wouldn't put it past him.

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Teri used to enjoy daily Pepsi. At some point she felt it had become an addiction (in truth she probably did need the caffeine like any daily coffee drinker) and furthermore felt she had raised it to an idol. This idolatry was affecting her "relationship with the LORD". At some point she quit cold turkey, and thinks of this stuff the way addicts should think or Oxycontin abuse.

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Just a note on the writing on money - I believe it is illegal. Would Steve call the cops if he got enough defaced dollar bills? I wouldn't put it past him.

Sprocket looked it up and it is legal to write on paper money.

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What is his deal with Pepsi? Why is it evil and forbidden?

Maybe it's his way of trying to identify with the real world and therefore draw more people in? He can't claim alcohol or drug abuse or a real addiction problem but carbonation and sugar almost wrecking his family? Now that's an attainable story and helps his cause with the sheeple. Thank God for saving the Maxwells from the ruin of Pepsi!

Plus it's another ploy for the whole, "we're better than you because we cleansed our home of every sin -- even carbonation-- so therefore listen to what God laid on our hearts to share with you," image.

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I had never heard of this guy before coming here...but I have seen his influence alll over the place.


It almost seems like a parody...hard to believe it's real!

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Haven't read all the replies here, but thanks for the review, Sprocket. These people are fascinating and sad all at the same time. Still watching...

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If anyone doesn't want to write directly on bills, I would put removable stickers (and I will if they are ever in my neck of the woods)

"We Are Watching You"

"FreeJinger was Here"

"Jesus Had Friends"

"I LOVED Uriah"

"Domestic Violence/Cult Hotline or URL xxxxxxxx"

They can be removed, but they would be read first. Combinations are endless, you print them out out labels at home and off you go to the Maxwell meet & greet. I would bring cards and if an opportunity presented while I was browsing books, slip them in for whoever to find them.

Wait. You think they VIEW the money before deposit?? Oh no no no. I don't think so. Cash - straight to bank. OTOH it WOULD be awesome if Steve was at your local BofA teller depositing his giant stack of $1 bills (drop it like it's hot, Steve!) and the teller says "Sir - there's something stuck on your bills. Something about Jesus and your friends?"

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I haven't even finished reading the 1st post but I just wanted to point out that this

If they need help with an upper level math question, they are handed a solutions manual and told to figure it out by themselves.
doesn't work. "I don't need to pay attention in class, I'll just do the homework and figure the math out based on the answer key" is a mistake that I'm sure every advanced math student has to make at some point. At best you'll have a vague understanding of how the math works, at worst you'll end up totally confused. You can turn to the internet when that happens, but the Maxwell kids probably can't.
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Sprocket, amazing notes and recap. Thank you for your time and heart.

I just have to say that I hope that every single Maxwell conference from here on in has an FJer infiltrator. And would somebody, please, for the love of all that is good in the world, sneak Teri a Pepsi next time?

If they ever come back to my province in Canada, I'll be there.

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Teri's own sister Aunt Tami has no doubt tried. If they can't see by Tami's example that one can be Christian and have fun then why would they listen to anyone else?

Because Steve believes he is obeying God, he won't be swayed by anything or anyone, family, friend or foe. Because Teri believes her responsibilty is to follow Steve's lead, she won't be swayed by anyone or anything else. Anyone outside of their belief system would be dubbed "unteachable", "bitter", "prideful", "hard-hearted", "know not what they do", etc. Discussing contrary ideas with anyone other than someone who is looking to adopt their view point would be "arguing with a fool". Google search Bible/fool:

Proverbs 14:7 Leave the presence of a fool, Or you will not discern words of knowledge.

Proverbs 15:5 A fool rejects his father's discipline, But he who regards reproof is sensible.

Proverbs 17:21 He who sires a fool does so to his sorrow, And the father of a fool has no joy.

Proverbs 18:2 A fool does not delight in understanding, But only in revealing his own mind.

Proverbs 20:3 Keeping away from strife is an honor for a man, But any fool will quarrel.

Proverbs 23:9 Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, For he will despise the wisdom of your words.

Proverbs 26:4 Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Or you will also be like him.

Ecclesiastes 7:4 The mind of the wise is in the house of mourning, While the mind of fools is in the house of pleasure.

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