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Girl Defined 2: Aren’t They Women Yet?


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I’m probably not the best at describing this situation because I’m not fully educated on it. But it seems Reddit’s fundie snark uncensored is pissed at how light Zelph went on Bethany and Dav in their interview. And in return, some youtubers like Zelph and the antibot think fundie snark is being too harsh and nasty about Dav and Bethany. And here I am basically partially agreeing with both sides. Because I do think Zelph went to easy on them. And I do think fundie snark uncensored can get very nasty about looks and really superficial stuff that I think doesn’t matter at all. I personally prefer to focus on the harmful beliefs and not their looks. 

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It's like every time someone tries to defend Bethany, she shows how she still doesn't make changes within her realm. She could have NOT posted this. Instead she's coming across as blaming women. 

Bethany is my BEC so I'm 90% always gonna snark on her while she says one thing and does stuff like this.


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Bethany, please get therapy. Real therapy, not your victim-blaming, shaming "biblical counseling." It's wild to me seeing the extreme swing from purity culture to basically triple x posts. I'm glad you've figured out you don't have to be rubbed raw but I'm also so uncomfortable that you feel it's necessary to tell others about it! You're exibit A why schools need comprehensive sex ed. I'm terrified you're the one homeschooling your children. And "He can only penetrate you as much as you're willing..." was the perfect intro to a discussion on consent and somehow you managed to completely ruin it. Also? I love that you're using things like * and 3 instead of the full words - it's the same thing scammy porn sites do. I get it, but I'm also rolling my eyes at how you pretend how special and different you are from The World while keeping the "good" tactics. Whatever, girl, just get some therapy and learn just because you can doesn't mean you should. 

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Posted (edited)

Someone explain like I'm 5, but isn't this shit raw?

I am not the cook of the family and was under the impression there shouldn't be pink in chicken or pork

Gordon Ramsay is in my head "it's fucking raw!"



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31 minutes ago, justpassingthru said:

Someone explain like I'm 5, but isn't this shit raw?

I am not the cook of the family and was under the impression there shouldn't be pink in chicken or pork

Gordon Ramsay is in my head "it's fucking raw!"



What is that? I hope it’s not chicken. Because your chicken isn’t cooked if it looks like that. 

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I don't know, she didn't say but the package it came in looked like raw chicken. It's from Good Ranchers

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The only proteins I can think of that are pink like that are chicken and pork. Either one of them is dangerous eaten as raw as that picture makes it look! (It looks like chicken, not pork. But neither of them should look like that when eaten!)

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She also drinks raw milk. Just imagine eating raw chicken and washing it down with raw milk. 🤢

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Guess Reddit calls her Bubbleguts for a reason.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a girl for Kristen 


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8 minutes ago, justpassingthru said:

It's a girl for Kristen 


Ugh. She’s going to prefer that baby over the boys. It will be obvious. At least the boys have each other. 

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My baby name guess is Charlotte Marie Clark. 

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On 5/31/2024 at 4:42 PM, JermajestyDuggar said:

She also drinks raw milk.

Ooooh, just in time for  H5N1 (bird flu).  In the past I've had raw milk with cream on top and butter.   It's insanely yum yum YUM but you couldn't pay me to drink raw milk right now. 

H5N1 is rampant in some wild animal/bird populations.  In a Texas dairy where a worker came down with bird flu, H5N1 killed almost all of the barn cats within a manner of days.  

It's the next pandemic down the line and it's not being taken seriously.  Best hope is that effective vaccines (for humans and animals) will become widely available soon.

*rant off*  

Also, how does "Dav" pronounce his name?  Wouldn't everything go better if he just added the "e" at the end?


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@Howl He pronounces it Dave. Idk why he dropped the e. I think I've seen it spelled Däv. No idea if an a with the dots (umlaut?) turns it into an ā a or if he just decided it does. 

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He puts the “long a” mark in his name: Dāv. “Long” and “short” vowels were something I was taught when learning to read in the ‘50s. 

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I thought it was a kind of in-joke with his friends (his official name is either Dave or David) but then Bethany thought it was so cute and quirky so she made it IG official.

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Heidi yet again being toxic and a liar. Her children did not want to see her and Michael being affectionate, especially if what their son, Michael, said was true. I do believe what Michael said as Heidi fell off the face of the planet after he went to Reddit and victim blames him.

I don't think any of Heidi and Mike's children escaped unscathed.

Michael's comment was in regards to something else, but I'm sharing it based on the affectionate comment



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I'm sorry what the son went through. I'm happy he's pushing back on her lies. I hope her other children see that and have the courage to go kn their own healing hourney. As of now Kristen, Bethany, and the one who's married to the Ukranian come across as sanctimonious and alt-truth (and anti-questioning) as Heidi. 

I'd love to hear Kristen & Bethany's take on their brother. Even if they're not as close with their mom as they were when they were younger I could see both of them avoiding their brother at all costs and telling everyone he's delusional. 

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I know it isn't the point of this post but I can't get past "horderves". I don't really mind youngish people messing up spelling - it clearly isn't a priority anynore and I'm not even sure I disagree with that sentiment - but Heidi is easily old enough to have been taught differently. Horderves...

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I am so weirded out by "they want to see their parents continuously pursuing one another".

Really? Because that's a no from me - respecting one another, liking one another, communicating with one another sure. "Pursuing" one another... no thank you.

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3 hours ago, Ozlsn said:

I am so weirded out by "they want to see their parents continuously pursuing one another".

Really? Because that's a no from me - respecting one another, liking one another, communicating with one another sure. "Pursuing" one another... no thank you.

I witnessed my dad and step mom as newlyweds. They were very lovey dovey and all that. Thank goodness it eventually died down after a few years. None of us wanted to see that for our entire childhoods. Kids think that’s gross, lol. I am extremely anti pda. I get so embarrassed. So my kids rarely see my husband and myself kissing and all that. They see us laughing together, having fun together, having long conversations together, but not all over each other. I don’t remember anyone’s parents like that when I was growing up. 

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It's lovely to see your parents loving each other, but not sexually desiring each other.  If non parents were displaying their sexuality in front of the kids it would be highly inappropriate, so this is just... odd.

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Someone tell me they got screenshots of Heidi's original post where she lies about having cell phones in 1977.

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10 minutes ago, justpassingthru said:

Someone tell me they got screenshots of Heidi's original post where she lies about having cell phones in 1977.

No, but this is hilarious:


She also said “Cooper” admitted to having an addiction to porn. Which is bullshit because no one used lingo like that in the 1970s. Back then you viewed porn at seedy theaters. No one thought of porn as a possible addiction. Those words weren’t used in common speaking terms until decades later. 

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