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experiencedd, I'm totally blaming you when the new pet craps on the rug.

You'd think coming to FJ would be on her list of things nice Christian ladies shouldn't do. Lord I hope she's not here to try to save us.

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Yes, she is violating #9 on the list from page one. I'd like an answer to the quote I posted on Sarah, as well as a specific Bible passage that says that lesbianism is evil.


Where did DD go? She's missing it (anti-climatic though it may be).


Is it Friday already??

Guest Anonymous
Is it Friday already??

It's fundie o'clock somewhere ... (sorry.)


I just want to add this.... have you ever happened to read a school teachers blog? You may not know they were school teachers by their personal blog or fluent writing skills. I use curriculum just as the teachers do. I teach spelling through state approved programs, and my children are required to follow our states law on academics just as all children are. Our son, whom entering public school 3 years ago had, had no formal education in Haiti. He was still able to enter on a 6th grade level, he had been home only 1 1/2 years. We met with a school team and they were very happy with the cirriculum we used and how he was doing. I had him in third grade Bob Jones and it compared to their 6th grade level, it was slightly akward. Check out what homeschoolers use for books, it is quite advanced. Last year in 8th grade they were doing sponge bob math story problems. I see what the pubic school does day in and day out so I truly can compare the two.

Believe it or not our children's education is a top priority to us. We are not afraid to spend what it takes to provide what is needed. I should show you some photos of the books our children have. All of them read and read. Our 21 year old actually read 1000 pages of Darwin last year. He is a history buff and likes to see things from all angles. We encourage a love of learning, reading and information seeking.

Everyone must form their own opinion, including each one of our children.

I just want to add this.... have you ever happened to read a school teachers blog? You may not know they were school teachers by their personal blog or fluent writing skills. I use curriculum just as the teachers do. I teach spelling through state approved programs, and my children are required to follow our state(there should be an apostrophe here)s law on academics(there should be a comma here) just as all children are. Our son, whom entering public school 3 years ago had, had no formal education in Haiti. He was still able to enter on a 6th grade level, he had been home only 1 1/2 years. We met with a school team and they were very happy with the cirriculum we used and how he was doing. I had him in third grade Bob Jones and it compared to their 6th grade level, it was slightly akward. Check out what homeschoolers use for books, it is quite advanced. Last year in 8th grade they were doing sponge bob math story problems. I see what the pubic school does day in and day out so I truly can compare the two.

Believe it or not(there should be a comma here) our children's education is a top priority to us. We are not afraid to spend what it takes to provide what is needed. I should show you some photos of the books our children have. All of them read and read. Our 21 year old actually read 1000 pages of Darwin last year. He is a history buff and likes to see things from all angels. We encourage a love of learning, reading and information seeking.

Everyone must form their own opinion, including each one of our children.

Guess where I learned the difference between "angles" and "angels?"

Public school. :cry:

ETA: And it's "curriculum," not "cirriculum". God almighty, you are full of fail.

He is a history buff and likes to see things from all angels.

:angelic-blueglow: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-flying: :angelic-grayflying: :angelic-green: :angelic-halofell: :angelic-halofell: :angelic-innocent: :angelic-pink: :angelic-sunshine: :angelic-whiteflying: :angelic-yellow: :angelic-little:

I just want to add this.... have you ever happened to read a school teachers blog? You may not know they were school teachers by their personal blog or fluent writing skills. I use curriculum just as the teachers do. I teach spelling through state approved programs, and my children are required to follow our states law on academics just as all children are. Our son, whom entering public school 3 years ago had, had no formal education in Haiti. He was still able to enter on a 6th grade level, he had been home only 1 1/2 years. We met with a school team and they were very happy with the cirriculum we used and how he was doing. I had him in third grade Bob Jones and it compared to their 6th grade level, it was slightly akward. Check out what homeschoolers use for books, it is quite advanced. Last year in 8th grade they were doing sponge bob math story problems. I see what the pubic school does day in and day out so I truly can compare the two.

Believe it or not our children's education is a top priority to us. We are not afraid to spend what it takes to provide what is needed. I should show you some photos of the books our children have. All of them read and read. Our 21 year old actually read 1000 pages of Darwin last year. He is a history buff and likes to see things from all angels. We encourage a love of learning, reading and information seeking.

Everyone must form their own opinion, including each one of our children.

:shock: :lol:

Guest Anonymous
I just want to add this.... have you ever happened to read a school teachers blog? You may not know they were school teachers by their personal blog or fluent writing skills. I use curriculum just as the teachers do. I teach spelling through state approved programs, and my children are required to follow our states law on academics just as all children are. Our son, whom entering public school 3 years ago had, had no formal education in Haiti. He was still able to enter on a 6th grade level, he had been home only 1 1/2 years. We met with a school team and they were very happy with the cirriculum we used and how he was doing. I had him in third grade Bob Jones and it compared to their 6th grade level, it was slightly akward. Check out what homeschoolers use for books, it is quite advanced. Last year in 8th grade they were doing sponge bob math story problems. I see what the pubic school does day in and day out so I truly can compare the two.

Believe it or not our children's education is a top priority to us. We are not afraid to spend what it takes to provide what is needed. I should show you some photos of the books our children have. All of them read and read. Our 21 year old actually read 1000 pages of Darwin last year. He is a history buff and likes to see things from all angels. We encourage a love of learning, reading and information seeking.

Everyone must form their own opinion, including each one of our children.

You can bet if my child's public school teacher sent me a note that looked like this I would be raising hell.

**ETA: Dammit, ExoticFamiliarity was faster than me. But you missed "pubic school." :P


Dear god Lissar and Exotic, it was so much worse than I thought. :lol:


You can bet if my child's public school teacher sent me a note that looked like this I would be raising hell.

**ETA: Dammit, ExoticFamiliarity was faster than me. But you missed "pubic school." :P

OH Well Done!!!!! :dance: :clap: :mrgreen:


Are you asking me about the quote on Sarah? I am not sure what you are referring to. My understanding of a busy body is someone who is nosing around in someone else's business. I am here to talk about anything that is specific to me, and to me alone. I ended up here because I saw free jinger on my stats about a year ago. I read what was said about me then. I did not want to be a coward so here I am. I certainly did not come here to fling scripture. Yet, if you do want to read something in the bible about your question go to Romans 1:24-26. Make what you will of it.


Jodi, please tell us how you feel about the Oxford comma.


Guest Anonymous

I have a question. How do you correct your children's grammar when they write book reports or research papers?

Are you asking me about the quote on Sarah? I am not sure what you are referring to. My understanding of a busy body is someone who is nosing around in someone else's business. I am here to talk about anything that is specific to me, and to me alone. I ended up here because I saw free jinger(proper nouns should be capitalized) on my stats about a year ago. I read what was said about me then. I did not want to be a coward(there should be a comma here) so here I am. I certainly did not come here to fling scripture. Yet, if you do want to read something in the bible (proper nouns should be capitalized) about your question(there should be a comma here) go to Romans 1:24-26. Make what you will of it.

Let's talk about your grammar skills.


I fixed my spelling mistakes, I think. My typing is not all that great either so that adds to the error. GASP I do not type well????????????


I have to wonder though IRL do you rip on people your friends for this sort of thing. Is seems so junior high. Just saying.

I came here for a discussion but you ladies can not get beyond pretending like you are my English teachers.

Are you asking me about the quote on Sarah? I am not sure what you are referring to. My understanding of a busy body is someone who is nosing around in someone else's business. I am here to talk about anything that is specific to me, and to me alone. I ended up here because I saw free jinger on my stats about a year ago. I read what was said about me then. I did not want to be a coward so here I am. I certainly did not come here to fling scripture. Yet, if you do want to read something in the bible about your question go to Romans 1:24-26. Make what you will of it.

Here's the deal, you are in no way qualified to educate those children. I don't care how much curriculum you buy, you can not give them what you do not have (in your case adequate spelling/grammar skills). Heaven help me for being so rude, but something needs to be said. Even under what you know are highly critical eyes, you aren't able to construct a reply without numerous errors. I don't hold that against you at all...sometimes it can't be helped. My biological father was completely illiterate.

Saying that you spend tons of money on your curriculum does not make this better. I could go out and buy hundreds of dollars worth of power tools tomorrow but that wouldn't mean I know how to use them. Your children have to be picking up on your errors. There's no possible way for you to correct them if you don't even recognize the issues yourself.


But it's okay that her grammar is so terrible, you guys. Public school teachers have terrible grammar, too! That's why she's homeschooling. Because public schools are so awful. Now wait a minute . . .

I fixed my spelling mistakes, I think. My typing is not all that great either so that adds to the error. GASP I do not type well????????????


I have to wonder though IRL do you rip on people your friends for this sort of thing. Is seems so junior high. Just saying.

I came here for a discussion but you ladies can not get beyond pretending like you are my English teachers.

If it was just an average poster I wouldn't give a flying fuck about minor grammatical errors. I get lazy and make them myself. However, someone who comes on here, specifically to argue about how well she homeschools her children, is fair game.

I fixed my spelling mistakes, I think. My typing is not all that great either so that adds to the error. GASP I do not type well????????????


I have to wonder though IRL do you rip on people your friends for this sort of thing. Is seems so junior high. Just saying.

I came here for a discussion but you ladies can not get beyond pretending like you are my English teachers.

This has nothing to do with your errors. People here make make spelling and grammar errors all of the time and no one bats an eyelash. This has to do with the fact that you are trying to educate innocent children when you are in no way qualified to do so.


Let's talk about your grammar skills.

I'm going to be persistent. I truly want to know her feelings on the Oxford comma. It's taken up a whole thread of very intense discussion and it is a subject that is hotly debated here on FJ. I think it's important to have her input on this subject.

Guest Anonymous
I fixed my spelling mistakes, I think. My typing is not all that great either so that adds to the error. GASP I do not type well????????????


I have to wonder though IRL do you rip on people your friends for this sort of thing. Is seems so junior high. Just saying.

I came here for a discussion but you ladies can not get beyond pretending like you are my English teachers.

If a friend was "homeschooling" and their writing was like yours I would tell them they had no business teaching children. I don't have much interest in a discussion with you, I just feel sorry for your kids.

I am a friend and ally of the Oxford comma.


The oxford comma is a debate some say use it some say don't. You ladies are leaving out of the equation Dad who is also a school teacher, he corrects papers obviously. :) If the children can pass state tests and are up to grade level, then what we do works. Period.


I'm going to be persistent. I truly want to know her feelings on the Oxford comma. It's taken up a whole thread of very intense discussion and it is a subject that is hotly debated here on FJ. I think it's important to have her input on this subject.

Don't be facetious about this, DD.

I'll be gracious and say that Jodi may be a reasonably intelligent person, in terms of logic and ability to reason, (though her challenge to read the Bible makes me doubt that.)

When it comes to being an educator, though, she fails miserably.

I think the best opinion she could muster about the Oxford Comma is, "The fuck is that? Is that a medical condition?"

She is a perfect example of why homeschooling needs more oversight. Any burgerflipper can "educate" their kids as the laws stand now, and in the end the kids suffer for that. Sure, there may be one in 1000 who do it well, or have legitimate reasons for wanting to homeschool, but far too many are like Jodi, and can't even punctuate a basic sentence. God only knows how she's handling math and science.


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