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The Arndt's have a TV show!

Seven Severn

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I saw photos of him younger with little hair and noticed he didn't have brows or eyelashes so I'm guessing alopecia.

I was wondering if that was the case. I had a student who had/has alopecia. She will have periods where her hair comes back, but then it all falls out again. She's decided that it's a lot easier to just keep it shaved off. She's confident enough without hair.

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Another good reason to pair them off with the Maxwell girls. They're all BORING!

Thing is, aren't most fundy families really boring? I realize they might have different interests, such as liking pickles or not, but they often appear to be "off." The Seven Sisters with their sense of fun and naivety, would suit but they could lose the curtain dresses and doilies on their heads.

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I don't know if its Mark or not but on their TV special they did for Discovery they said that one of them was albino.

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Mark has alopecia. I remember that from the special.

So... are they all going to live at home forever?? Aren't some of the "boys" 30 or thereabout? This family is beyond weird.

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I couldn't even finish an episode. My husband is home sick today, so he gamely joined in and watched as much as we could handle. Mostly, we just made fun of their odd speech patterns. We are cruel, cruel people. I agree with others on how the kids seem so stunted, for lack of a better term, in the way they speak and behave. I don't understand why the older children that have jobs that interact with the outside world don't find their life of living at home still into their 30's odd and even embarrassing to a point.

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Years-long lurker finally delurking to snark on the Arndts!

I saw this post a few days ago, and sat down to watch FamTeam from the beginning (the "Outer Pranks" episode is more "recent". You have to go back to their trip out to the Maine coast..Mama Arndt is OBSESSED with lighthouses). I've gotten about 10 episodes in and man, the Arndt's so boring.

The accent is an Illinois thing, I believe. I remember in an interview, Tina Fey said she based her Sarah Palin accent on a friend's grandmother from Joliet, and it sounds incredibly like the Arndts' speech patterns.

Not only is the stuff they do incredibly boring, they have the driest sense of humor. It's almost painful, to be perfectly honest. I usually crack up because it just gets delivered SO poorly.

You should all watch the two part "Tree"-mendous episodes. Dear lord. 2 half-hours dedicated to the replacement of shrubby little trees in the front lawn. MARK HAS SOME OF THE CREEPIEST SCENES IN WHICH HE DECLARES HIS LOVE FOR THE TREES AND SAYS THEY HAVE "TIED THE KNOT". It was supposed to be funny, but it was hilarious in such a different way. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he did end up with their trees; that's as far as Mama Arndt will let him go.

The boys' obsession with creating the perfect homemade pizza is also a little out there. Honestly, just save the effort and buy it from the pizzeria.

By the way...Wizzy is 15?! I thought she was around 11, and then I saw her birthday on the website. Even in her newer pictures posted to their blog she looks pre-pubescent. It's insane!

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I can't tell if they are talking like that because they are trying to add commentary to an otherwise boring film, or if they all talk to each other like that, all day long, because there's nothing new to say when you live a relatively isolated life.

I think they truly just have nothing else to say to one another so this is the end result. You have to realize that these people do the SAME things day in and day out with the same people. I mean their entire lives revolve around making trips to gas stations for soda, eating at pizza buffets, yard work, softball and the occasional YMCA work out. The end. And then they film it all. Ahhhh!!

Even their vacations are boring as they usually end up in some house or cabin in cold weather... where they do they same things they do at home but in a different setting. It really is mind-numbing. And such a waste of life! I mean as hard-core Christian as this family is, you would think the guys would be willing to do mission trips or something. I mean they built their family house for petes sake!! Go volunteer at Habitat for Humanity and DO something with your life!!! You might actually meet someone of the opposite sex that isn't completely creeped out by your manner of speech and the fact that you all live at home. Doubtful, but worth a try.

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and they are obsessed with waterfalls and canoeing. I think Mark is a good photographer and he seems to have quite a few clients.

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Thing is, aren't most fundy families really boring? I realize they might have different interests, such as liking pickles or not, but they often appear to be "off." The Seven Sisters with their sense of fun and naivety, would suit but they could lose the curtain dresses and doilies on their heads.

I was home schooled and my parents got into the isolation thing when I was around 13, though they never went full-out fundie. As a grown woman, I really do not enjoy gatherings of other home school graduates. Not only are they boring, they are also often AWKWARD. Certainly you see enough examples of this online, but in person it is worse.

Humor for these people is often based on family inside jokes so no one gets it except for family members. The social immaturity is grating.

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Welcome, jacalley!

I have to take issue with one thing you wrote:

The accent is an Illinois thing, I believe. I remember in an interview, Tina Fey said she based her Sarah Palin accent on a friend's grandmother from Joliet, and it sounds incredibly like the Arndts' speech patterns.

The Arndts are in Southern Illinois, disturbingly close to Chez Junebug, and I can tell you that they're the only folks here I've ever heard talk like that. It's an Arndt thing, not an Illinois thing.

'scuse me whilst I shudder at the thought of that bunch!!!! :character-cartman:

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Welcome, jacalley!

I have to take issue with one thing you wrote:

The Arndts are in Southern Illinois, disturbingly close to Chez Junebug, and I can tell you that they're the only folks here I've ever heard talk like that. It's an Arndt thing, not an Illinois thing.

'scuse me whilst I shudder at the thought of that bunch!!!! :character-cartman:

Ah! I apologize junebug! Wasn't sure where Joliet was (probably should have googled that, eh?), but they do remind me an awful lot of Tina's SP impersonation....and also a bit of Frances McDormand in Fargo...are Mama and Daddy Arndt originally from another part of the midwest/north? That could be it...or they really are just the basket of crazy we think they are and their isolation developed their own little accent!

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Ah! I apologize junebug! Wasn't sure where Joliet was (probably should have googled that, eh?), but they do remind me an awful lot of Tina's SP impersonation....and also a bit of Frances McDormand in Fargo...are Mama and Daddy Arndt originally from another part of the midwest/north? That could be it...or they really are just the basket of crazy we think they are and their isolation developed their own little accent!

I think their regional accent and their borderline speech impediment are two different things. I don't know where their accent originates, but it doesn't have anything to do with their weird clipped manner of speaking.

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Maybe after all four parents die off, the Arndts can have a mass wedding with the Seven Sisters and they can all live platonically. The boys can earn some income and the girls can do the domestic stuff, and none of them will ever have to hold hands with a member of the other gender for their entire lives.

I think we have a winner here! THIS is an excellent idea. Now we just need about, what? Three more girls? I nominate Sarah and Anna M. (so they will at least have each other) and Rebecca!!!11111!!!!

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Welcome, jacalley!

I have to take issue with one thing you wrote:

The Arndts are in Southern Illinois, disturbingly close to Chez Junebug, and I can tell you that they're the only folks here I've ever heard talk like that. It's an Arndt thing, not an Illinois thing.

'scuse me whilst I shudder at the thought of that bunch!!!! :character-cartman:

I agree. I grew up 30 miles from where they live and I have never heard anyone I know talk like that. It is completely an Arndt family thing.

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My hypothesis is that either Ma or Pa Arndt had this strange speech affectation and, due to isolation, every one of the kids picked it up from them. Kinda like a lost tribe of the Amazon or something. The last speakers of their language...

I watched the episode where it was Phillip's (age 20) birthday. The older boys "roasted" him, which consisted of [spoiler ALERT] talking about how he once pinched another Arndt-bot and bopped him on the head with a plastic bowling pin. And how he likes to play the piano or something. Wild and crazy guys, I tell you. Then I saw the episode where it was the second youngest's Arndt-bot's birthday -- he turned 10. The day before his birthday, he entertained the family by dressing up like Humpty Dumpty, falling down and rolling around on the floor and also played with a stuffed penguin. By far the most exciting thing I have seen any of them do.

Gonna try to watch an episode or two tonight -- the Arndts can cure insomnia.

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Next week on Fam Team:

The Arndts describe paint drying.

Tune in!

Didn't the Maxwells blog about that yesterday?

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