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Anna-Marie looks beautiful and she is so in love with her baby boy. It's a beautiful picture of her and JCM. Christopher looks to be very happy too.

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Anna looks happy. But I just might go crazy if my mother in law was reading scripture while I was laboring and giving birth.

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People forget she was raised in a home very similar to the Maxwells.Their ways are the only kind she knows, unlike Mel.

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Baby was definitely overdue. Look at the peeling skin on his hands.

Christopher is posing because that's what a Maxwell does.

Anna isn't because she isn't a full-blown Max and seems to posses some creativity.

How long will it be before she's told she's making that baby an idol?

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Christopher is posing because that's what a Maxwell does.

Yeah. I seem to remember a really beautiful picture of Uncle Christopher with new baby Bethany, where he's turned his head towards the baby and isn't focused on the camera. But when you're the man of the hour, you've got to pose properly.

Edit: found it, about halfway through this post titus2.com/blog/index.php/2010/08/15/meeting-bethany/

Man, Bethany was a particularly cute newborn. And that pic of Abby seeing her little sister on the screen is amazing.

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I don't really care that Anna is a glowing new mom. That's kind of as it should be. In her case, a bit more-so given it is her only purpose in life and she has finally reached the pinnacle of what she was trained to do. I mean, most of us would beam and glow if we'd reached our life's goals by our mid twenties.

I think more of that poor baby boy. I see the pictures of him and I swear, I can feel my heart break a bit each time. His life is going to be so terrible. By being born alive, he's already reached his highest point in life. It's all down hill from there.

My heart also broke when I saw his picture and thought the same things you did. That precious baby is never going to experience the joys of life. He was born into a mini cult and his free will that God gave him will be taken away by a tyrant grandfather who brainwashed his family because of his sick and twisted evil mind. Shame on NR Anna for not protecting that baby and getting him out of that lifestyle. Fundie watching isn't fun any more. It's getting depressing to look at these beautiful children and know that they will be robbed of their lives.

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Yeah. I seem to remember a really beautiful picture of Uncle Christopher with new baby Bethany, where he's turned his head towards the baby and isn't focused on the camera. But when you're the man of the hour, you've got to pose properly.

Edit: found it, about halfway through this post titus2.com/blog/index.php/2010/08/15/meeting-bethany/

Man, Bethany was a particularly cute newborn. And that pic of Abby seeing her little sister on the screen is amazing.

Oh man, I literally went cold when I saw the picture of Steve holding the baby (who WAS exceptionally cute). The hand on the head just looked so possessive, though probably just because it's Steve...

On the other hand, the only time Teri looks even close to genuinely happy is when holding one of the grandkids.

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Darnit, she's gorgeous. I'm always a pale, swollen, frizzy-haired mess after having a baby.

She does radiate joy in that pic. It's beautiful. :)

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Shallow moment of the morning for me:

I want to befriend Mother Maxwell and take her to my hair stylist!

She is not a bad-looking woman, but that hair-just-hanging-there makes her already long face look longer and dourer, even with a smile.

My own grandma looked a lot like Mrs. Maxwell. Being a late-era Victorian, she never cut her hair but she never wore it down, either. She got a "permanent wave" around the front and put the rest into a bun or chignon, or braided it and arranged it at the nape.

The result was a little width to an otherwise very oblong face. And she looked pretty, insofar as old ladies are "pretty." :) A horizontal component to Teri's face would really really look nice on her. (NB: It isn't about 'cutting hair just because she's so many years old. It is about *doing* something with what looks to be a nice head of hair.)

OK, hijack/rant over. Thanks for tolerating me! ;)

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She didn't need to say anything, and most people wouldn't. Anyone can see that she's radiant and joyful.

Exactly. It's the difference between TELLING and SHOWING. We can see she is radiating with love and joy. No need to caption it. I don't think there's any question about her radiance or the reason for it.

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And, who's taking credit for this joyous post on their blog?

"Beth says:

June 4, 2012 at 6:53 pm

Joshua IS amazing. A a premie, and possible DES baby (I was adopted in a closed arrangement), I can’t prove why I never grew to average height, or have deformed arms, legs, fingers and toes. I weighed 16 lbs. on my first birthday. I was also diagnosed as bipolar 5 years ago and I don’t care what anyone says, the medications corrected the mess of synaptic connections in my brain.

That said, I’d rather take the medications to enhance the incredible brain that allows me conscious discernment, in addition to the ability to merely function than suffer excrutiating bipolar disorder.

That said, I wish only the best for Joshua, Abby, Bethany and the siblings/cousins to come.


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That was an odd post. Why are the claiming the baby is possibly a DES infant?

I think that person is claiming that THEY were a DES infant and mean to type "As a" instead of "A a" or whatever they ended up writing. Confusing I know, but Joshua definitely wasn't a preemie, so I highly doubt it refers to him.

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Shallow moment of the morning for me:

I want to befriend Mother Maxwell and take her to my hair stylist!

She is not a bad-looking woman, but that hair-just-hanging-there makes her already long face look longer and dourer, even with a smile.

My own grandma looked a lot like Mrs. Maxwell. Being a late-era Victorian, she never cut her hair but she never wore it down, either. She got a "permanent wave" around the front and put the rest into a bun or chignon, or braided it and arranged it at the nape.

The result was a little width to an otherwise very oblong face. And she looked pretty, insofar as old ladies are "pretty." :) A horizontal component to Teri's face would really really look nice on her. (NB: It isn't about 'cutting hair just because she's so many years old. It is about *doing* something with what looks to be a nice head of hair.)

OK, hijack/rant over. Thanks for tolerating me! ;)

:clap: :clap: :clap: Amen!!

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That was an odd post. Why are the claiming the baby is possibly a DES infant?

Well, and it's just not something you post on a "Congratulations" thread, you know? I mean, what a downer! I'm actually surprised Stevie let that one through without a huge edit.

And call me stupid, but what is DES?

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Well, and it's just not something you post on a "Congratulations" thread, you know? I mean, what a downer! I'm actually surprised Stevie let that one through without a huge edit.

And call me stupid, but what is DES?

Diethylstilboestrol was a synthetic hormone given to pregnant women from 1940-1970 in attempts to prevent miscarriage (it didn't)(it was also prescribed for a lot of other conditions, but pregnancy was the most problematic). Unforeseen effects included female children who went on to have incompetent cervix problems (and thus a high risk of pregnancy loss without interventions), and/or clear cell carcinoma of the vagina, plus other reproductive abnormalities (and the mothers had an increased rate of breast cancer). It was nasty stuff... I almost wonder if that poster means thalidomide though, with what she's described.

Oops über frau and I posted at the same time!

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DES=Diethylstilberstrol. A drug that was given to pregnant women and caused some fairly nasty long term effects in the children (and their children). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diethylstilbestrol

Wow, that's horrifying! I had heard about the use of thalidomide (sp?), but not DES. Thank you for the link!

ETA: And woops -- FunkyChicken and I posted at the same time about thalidomide! I actually knew a gal in college in the 80s who had been a thalidomide child. Her wrists were attached at her shoulders so she had no arms. No, I'm not kidding.

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Besides being sad that another child has been born into such a restrictive, ugly lifestyle, there is another reason that these pictures, that would ordinarily bring nothing but a sentimental "Awww, how sweet" from me, make me sad.

It seems as if a newborn is the only thing about which these people may freely express real joy (not to be confused with the "we are supposed to be joyful now" crap). Full, deep emotion -- adoration, wonder, joy, love, relief -- all of the things that are normal in pictures of people with newborns -- are permitted, for now, and for this one event.

It makes the rest of their limited life even sadder by contrast.

As Creaky Mom said, I wonder if there is a point at which even that is forbidden, and Mom (or even some other relative) gets reminded not to make a baby or child an idol.

But, most of the adults chose it, so there is a limit to my sympathy for them. I go right back to hurting for that poor child, who may never know what he is missing.

I hope I'm wrong.

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