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Gay Marriage Foes Assume Own Marriages Are Stable


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SO it seems these anti gay marriage people are not worried about themselves so who are they worried about? hell they have never said how gay marriage would destroy marriages anyway. It's just shouting how they will destroy marriage but no real idea how or who.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/1 ... 28366.html

Opponents of same-sex marriage worry that extending the institution's rights to gay people will harm heterosexual marriages. But a new study suggests that no one really believes their own relationships are at risk — only other people's.

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That is, until Mr. Fundie is found with his low-rent boy some afternoon when Mrs. Fundie comes home too early from a church function...

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I think that this is an excellent point and one that has to be made again and again. No one actually believes that a strong marriage will be harmed by same sex couples getting married. Yet, people are willing to deny rights to others based on the perception that imaginary strangers will be harmed. Really, if your marriage is so weak that it can't survive what other couples do, you shouldn't be married in the first place.

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A prime example of how shouting something often or loud enough doesn't make it true.

Really, how does this even make sense? Does it imply that my husband would run off with a man if given the opportunity? If I thought that was possible, why would I be married to him in the first place?

When so many marriages end in divorce, isn't THAT where the real threat lies? I confess to getting the odd twinge of fear when I see a friend's marriage fail, or a marriage which on the surface looks similar to mine (background, number of kids, etc.), and that's a sign for hubby and I to work hard to make sure that our marriage is strong. [Not implying that divorce should be banned, just that there are far more realistic "threats" to marriage and issues to address in order to strengthen relationships.]

Can we take some of that anti-gay marriage energy and direct it toward encouraging better communication between spouses, or premarital counselling, or preaching about the importance of treating your spouse with respect?

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Never was able to understand how gay marriage somehow undermined hetero marriage. Glad to see I'm not the only one who didn't get it!

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You guys ever heard of the California Marriage Protection Act? Right after CA voters voted against gay marriage, this guy started this petition to get a ballot initiative that would make in illegal to get a divorce in California. In interviews he always said that he was 100% confident he could get this law to pass; after all the people of California CLEARLY believe in the sanctity of marriage and so they would naturally support banning divorce. It was hilarious watching all those people squirm their way through an argument as to why gay marriage destroys the sanctity of marriage, but that it should still be easy to get a divorce.

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It's true, it always seems the right wing republicans or right wing public figures are the ones that are coming out with gay sexcapades(Ted Hagard the Pastor, I can't think of any politicians actual names...)

They think it's the detriment to society allowing everyone over 18 to get married, yet they can't even have a good marriage let alone a great marriage.

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Personally, I think that anyone who dumps wife #1 to marry wife #2, and dumps wife #2 to marry wife #3 is undermining marriage, but Newt didn't seem to see it that way.

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You guys ever heard of the California Marriage Protection Act? Right after CA voters voted against gay marriage, this guy started this petition to get a ballot initiative that would make in illegal to get a divorce in California. In interviews he always said that he was 100% confident he could get this law to pass; after all the people of California CLEARLY believe in the sanctity of marriage and so they would naturally support banning divorce. It was hilarious watching all those people squirm their way through an argument as to why gay marriage destroys the sanctity of marriage, but that it should still be easy to get a divorce.

Yeah, I've tried a few versions of this on facebook. The most telling was to ask those who kept posting stuff against gay marriage if they would also support a bill to make owning or viewing pornography illegal - outwardly religious people get pissed when they think their "secret" porn habit may be at risk.

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