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End To 'Sodomy-Based Marriage


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I just love the religious liberties card. well if you are a certain type of christian then you should never have anyone go against what you believe forgetting there are other people in the world. They always ignore other peoples faith in their hatred of people. I like the protest sign too I think Evey child needs non hating parents more.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/1 ... 14605.html

No Special Rights PAC, a new anti-gay group, has laid down roots in Maine, where its two founders are hoping to combat a pro-equality push that has led to a same-sex marriage ballot initiative being put to a vote in November.

Paul Madore and Mike Heath, longtime opponents of gay rights and pro-gay initiatives who founded the group, made a public push this month at the University of Maine during Pride Week, where they distributed a "truth pledge" that, among other goals, seeks to rebrand gay marriage as "Sodomy-Based Marriage."

ThinkProgress has a full copy of the pledge, which encourages people to "avoid the deceptive terms 'same sex or gay marriage,'" and to "inform my friends and neighbors that the term 'same sex marriage' contains two contradictory terms, and is therefore, illogical, false, and absurd."

Madore said he opposes legalizing same-sex marriage because he considers it an attack on religious liberties. He further said homosexuality represents a "culture of death" because of its links to AIDS and because it "doesn’t bring forth life."

Earlier this year, gay marriage advocates in Maine gathered more than 85,000 signatures, nearly 30,000 more than were needed, to secure their initiative a spot on the ballot in 2012.

Pro-gay rights groups have contended that the dynamics in Maine have changed since voters overturned a state legislature-approved measure to legalize gay marriage in 2009. That claim appears to be upheld by recent polling, which showed 58 percent of respondents expressing support for same-sex marriage being legal in Maine.


Shut up already, bigots.


Funny. I'm a woman married to a man and our relationship doesn't "bring forth life" either (thanks, birth control!). And there's definitely some sodomy involved. Just sayin'.


Ya know, I'm not thrilled about the idea of someone saying that I have a "vaginal intercourse-based marriage". How about just saying that I have a loving marriage to my partner, and keeping the bedroom details for the bedroom?

Ya know, I'm not thrilled about the idea of someone saying that I have a "vaginal intercourse-based marriage". How about just saying that I have a loving marriage to my partner, and keeping the bedroom details for the bedroom?

when your love life and life in general suck so they have to try to make others conform to their way to justify it,

Just because they can't practice oral sex does not mean everyone should do the same.


Again, my story:

When I was 11 and had no idea what sex involved (I was slow, yo), I did know that sometimes men lived together and were each other's wives and took care of each other.

So when my boozy uncle wailed again that his 22-year-old son didn't even want a girl in a window in Amsterdam, I thought, "Don't worry, he'll find a nice man and be his wife."

And so he has, and they've been together longer than I and my The Spousal Unit have. And probably happier in their marriage.

Were all young kids encouraged to look for their life partner and to think about behaving so that some day, they and their loves would have a good place to live and maybe children to raise and a life to live together in a friendly neighborhood, would the gay lifestyle still be a series of anonymous, furtive encounters?

Maybe some of it, some people like sex that way. But if the world acknolwedged back in 1955 what my mother acknowledged -- the men across the street were nice men and were each other's wives and looked after each other -- things would be a lot better now. As is, "same-sex" marriage has every promise of making things better from henceforth.

I honestly do not understand how those agaisnt it can say, with straight faces, that one kind of marriage cheapens the other kind. Nuts.


So lesbians are totally okay? Peachy. 8-)

So lesbians are totally okay? Peachy. 8-)

sodomy covers oral sex in most states. But they always seems to focus on men.


Were all young kids encouraged to look for their life partner and to think about behaving so that some day, they and their loves would have a good place to live and maybe children to raise and a life to live together in a friendly neighborhood, would the gay lifestyle still be a series of anonymous, furtive encounters?

Maybe some of it, some people like sex that way. But if the world acknolwedged back in 1955 what my mother acknowledged -- the men across the street were nice men and were each other's wives and looked after each other -- things would be a lot better now. As is, "same-sex" marriage has every promise of making things better from henceforth.

Exactly. Marriage is a pretty conventional social structure - in fact, I know some in the gay community who are against the idea of getting married for that reason and worry about "acting straight".

The world of bathhouses and anonymous sex evolved out of the need for secrecy. Logically, if people were REALLY concerned about AIDS and other diseases, they'd be promoting committed, monogamous relationships for same-sex couples, and avoiding marriage to an uninformed opposite-sex partner. The same-sex committed couple can get tested, make responsible decisions and are less likely to have multiple partners. It's the gay guy who is still deep in the closet who is more likely to go to a bathhouse or use a prostitute, thus increasing the number of partners with no knowledge of their HIV or other disease status, and then have unprotected sex with his unsuspecting wife.

Of course, nobody ever mentions that lesbians have a lower risk of HIV infection than heterosexual women.

It's not, and never has been, about disease. It's not even about eliminating homosexual sex altogether. It's about wanting there to be a stigma, so that hetersexual marriages are seen as clearly different and superior.


I am going to look at this from a purely mercenary perspective today (just because I am on teh back pain medz).

The more people who have "official" relationships wherein a financially solvent partner can look after the other should (s)he become ill, disabled, old (imagine that!), etc. then the less government aid / intervention is required by our society (i.e. less big government is required).

Same sex marriage is financially beneficial for society. Just my 2 cents. Now where is my flexeril?


Does that mean heterosexual marriage needs to be rebranded as "vaginal intercourse-based monogamy" too?

Guest Anonymous
Does that mean heterosexual marriage needs to be rebranded as "vaginal intercourse-based monogamy" too?

Of course. No deceptive terms to be used, so when introducing your intended to the family you say "Hey Grandma - come and meet the woman whose vagina I intend to penetrate with my penis for the rest of our lives."

Does that mean heterosexual marriage needs to be rebranded as "vaginal intercourse-based monogamy" too?

Surely that should be 'missionary position based monogamy'?

So lesbians are totally okay? Peachy. 8-)

Most homophobes have less of a problem with lesbians than with gay men. I think it stems from a misguided belief that the right man can "cure" a lesbian, or maybe they just like lesbian porn because more boobs, more gooder.

I think that if there were more sodomy-based marriage in this country, the divorce rate would be below 50%. :D


Seconding the "doesn't bring forth life" question. Do post-menopausal women have to sign a "I will henceforth not allow a penis to darken the doors of my non-fertile reproductive organs" pledge? Just askin'...

Seconding the "doesn't bring forth life" question. Do post-menopausal women have to sign a "I will henceforth not allow a penis to darken the doors of my non-fertile reproductive organs" pledge? Just askin'...

Florida is full of amoral women having vaginal intercourse with no chance of pregnancy due to their advanced age. For shame. ;)


Of course. No deceptive terms to be used, so when introducing your intended to the family you say "Hey Grandma - come and meet the woman whose vagina I intend to penetrate with my penis for the rest of our lives."



"We have a strictly missionary-style PIV-based marriage, why do you ask?"

  • 2 weeks later...

Of course. No deceptive terms to be used, so when introducing your intended to the family you say "Hey Grandma - come and meet the woman whose vagina I intend to penetrate with my penis for the rest of our lives."


Seven Severn wrote:

So lesbians are totally okay? Peachy.

sodomy covers oral sex in most states. But they always seems to focus on men.

Yeah, they focus on men because all these "straight" male fundies are obsessed with what goes on sex-wise between two gay men.

Seconding the "doesn't bring forth life" question. Do post-menopausal women have to sign a "I will henceforth not allow a penis to darken the doors of my non-fertile reproductive organs" pledge? Just askin'...

I hope not. I'll refuse to sign. :teasing-neener:

Of course. No deceptive terms to be used, so when introducing your intended to the family you say "Hey Grandma - come and meet the woman whose vagina I intend to penetrate with my penis for the rest of our lives."


So lesbians are totally okay? Peachy. 8-)

Guess so :lol: So I intend to marry a woman some day, but there won't be any sodomy in that marriage. They always seem to forget that some ladies like to marry other ladies. Marriage is not all about sex. Unless I guess you're a fundie and it's all you think about along with having zillions of childrens.

More gay marriage would be great for society, IMO.


Guess so :lol: So I intend to marry a woman some day, but there won't be any sodomy in that marriage. They always seem to forget that some ladies like to marry other ladies. Marriage is not all about sex. Unless I guess you're a fundie and it's all you think about along with having zillions of childrens.

More gay marriage would be great for society, IMO.

How do you figure?

I'm not being snarky, just honestly, asking, the benefits beyond those for the couple usually get drowned out in the fray.


If sodomy includes oral sex, well then I guess I'm in a sodomy based marriage even though my significant other is male.

Seriously, why are people so concerned about who marries who? I could care less if two gay people get married. I could care less if a heterosexual couple chooses to live together and never get married. I could care less if a group of people decide to be in a polygamous marriage or relationship. As long as everyone has the right to be in whatever type of relationship they choose, then I'm happy. People need to worry more about their own relationships and less about the relationships of others.

Seriously, why are people so concerned about who marries who? I could care less if two gay people get married. I could care less if a heterosexual couple chooses to live together and never get married. I could care less if a group of people decide to be in a polygamous marriage or relationship. As long as everyone has the right to be in whatever type of relationship they choose, then I'm happy. People need to worry more about their own relationships and less about the relationships of others.

That's because your life is not completely bankrupt.


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