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Teenage Exorcists satan hates us


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I am sure he is terrified of you. Of course reality tv is the next goal.


http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2 ... n-hates-us


Three young girls from Phoenix, Ariz. have formed a Charlie's Angels-esque squad for God, performing exorcisms — and possibly turning their plight into a reality TV show.


Brynne, 17, Tess, 17, and Savannah, 20, are all black belts in karate, big musical theater fans and expert horseback riders when they're not busy fighting the war they claim is "being waged against us" by Satan,

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The guy they are working with has been accused of fraud. I wouldn't want them around me.

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I predict, in less than a year, this guy will be busted for statutory rape. And maybe sexting with underaged girls. Probably both.

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So three teenage girls paid to "exorcise demons" from people who are hearing and seeing things? Am I the only one smelling a scam here?

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So three teenage girls paid to "exorcise demons" from people who are hearing and seeing things? Am I the only one smelling a scam here?

I saw these people profiled on some news program, and my bs meter went off. I have the inkling the people they are exorcising have mental illnesses that need serious treatment. But I guess "hot teen Christians and one scam artist" brings in the viewers more than shining a light on the seriousness of mental illness and the treatment and care needed.

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You know, whenever I read something like this, I find the Catholic Church with its strict rules about who can perform what (and teenage girls definitely can't perform exorcisms) enormously attractive :shock:

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Wow, not only are there fake jews, but there are fake catholics too? Complete with collars, holy water, and the little sceptre thingie that looks like it is a big papal baby rattle?

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The "Charlie" of this group, Bob Larson, was one of my gateway fundies nearly 30 years ago. I have such mixed feelings seeing him back on the radar ... he's a scam artist of the first order, but he entertained me for years with his radio show when I was stuck in a boring government job in the mid-80's. Although I think he's guilty of LOTS of things, I don't think he's sleeping with any of the girls. I think he sees them as great big dollar signs. He realized no one would give him a reality show without the hot-but-forbidden young girls. I could be wrong though...

He never wore a collar before. I've just seen that pop up recently. Better for business, I'm sure. I'd be surprised if he claimed Catholicism or even fake Catholicism because Catholics are not his target market; however if you're naive enough to believe that anyone with a collar must be a priest, I'm sure he's completely OK with that.

He's a total sensationalist. He was deeply into the Satanic Ritual Abuse trend in the 80's (which was later debunked), he told stories of his drug-fueled rock musician career (a classmate later said he actually played a guitar in a church basement for parties & such) and he started his affair with wife #2 at work before he had actually left wife #1. He hired a ghost writer for his books, then tried to shut her out from the ministry to hide that fact.

I have this fantasy life-goal of writing a novel with him as the main character. He's that much fun, and transparent as glass.

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I didn't read the link as I have to run to the store and buy eggs that won't wind up boiled but why do they hate us? We're not demon/satan worshipers nor love anything evil. Hence our distaste of fundies hurting others/children for their own un-godly beliefs.

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  • 4 months later...

I saw this 6 minute blurb from my nightline on demand section.


Apparently, these girls are exploiting the mentally ill to make money and be famous. There were several moments when my jaw almost hit the floor. Like when the pastor claims half the world is possessed. Or when they say they cant take care of people who have doctors claiming they are mentally ill(at least that is what i took from it). Im having a hard time telling if they sincerely believe any of this shit at all, or if its all truly for profit.

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