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Do I hate woman? let me speak and prove it.


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This worthless human spawn have all grown to hate speaks in an interview(sorry you have to use the link) Proves he hates and is brain damaged too. the video is very pathetic.

http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/w ... out-planne

Wisconsin Senator Who Introduced Anti-Single Parent Bill Says Women 'Trained' To Lie About Planned Pregnancies

Wisconsin state senator Glenn Grothman went on the Alan Colmes show on Friday to discuss a controversial new bill he authored that would require the state’s Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board to officially label single parenthood as “a contributing factor to child abuse and neglect.â€

The bill was seen as a slap in the face to single parents in Wisconsin, who are raising 31 percent of children in the state.

Grothman told Colmes that the country’s out-of-wedlock birth rate is the “choice of the women,†who should be “educated that this is a mistake.†When Colmes countered with statistics about the high number of pregnancies that are unintended, Grothman said that many women are “trained†to lie and say that their planned pregnancies are actually unintended:

Grothman: There’s been a huge change over the last 30 years and a lot of that change has been the choice of the women. There’s a reason why in the 50s and the 60s you had less than ten percent of the births illegitimate, and now we’re over 40 percent. It’s not that there weren’t abusive men in the 40s or there was a problem with child support. It is the popular culture, led by the social service professions, who are saying…

Colmes: Well tell me what you would change.

Grothman: I think the first thing we do is that we should educate women that this is a mistake.

Colmes: You think women need to be educated, are they not smart enough on their own?

Grothman: They do have to be educated, because right now the culture encourages a single motherhood lifestyle.

Colmes: You think women choose to be single moms…

Grothman: Oh absolutely

Colmes: You think women want to have homes without fathers? You think women look to the opportunity to have to raise kids and not be able to get work because they have to stay home and take care of the kids. Women want to do this?

http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/w ... out-planne

Grothman: I think a lot of women are adopting the single motherhood lifestyle because the government creates a situation in which it is almost preferred.


Colmes: According to data published in USA Today, at least four in ten pregnancies in every state are unwanted or mistimed. According to the analysis that was released last May, more than half of pregnancies in 29 states and the District of Columbia were unintended, 38 to 50 percent were unintended in the remaining states. This mitigates against the argument that women are purposefully wanting to have kids. Their unintended for the most part. They’re unintended pregnancies, which is the argument for health care services and birth control for women.

Grothman: I think you undersell these women.

Colmes: Undersell them?

Grothman: Undersell them. I think when you have an epidemic of this great proportion, people are not so dumb that it’s surprising when they get pregnant. I think people are trained to say that ‘this is a surprise to me,’ because there’s still enough of a stigma that they’re supposed to say this.


So true. My mother DEFINITYLY decided she wanted to be a single parent. Of course she wanted to not be able to afford to pay rent and of course she wanted to drop out of college to take care of a baby. It was just so much fun, I'm sure she would do it all over again.

(end sarcasm)

Fuck that guy. He has no idea what being a single parent is like.


That's nice, men don't have to take responsibility for their half of the DNA. Does he also support stoning pregnant women in public and honor killings?

(much cut to save space) ….

Colmes: According to data published in USA Today, at least four in ten pregnancies in every state are unwanted or mistimed. According to the analysis that was released last May, more than half of pregnancies in 29 states and the District of Columbia were unintended, 38 to 50 percent were unintended in the remaining states. This mitigates against the argument that women are purposefully wanting to have kids. Their unintended for the most part. They’re unintended pregnancies, which is the argument for health care services and birth control for women.

Grothman: I think you undersell these women.

Colmes: Undersell them?

Grothman: Undersell them. I think when you have an epidemic of this great proportion, people are not so dumb that it’s surprising when they get pregnant. I think people are trained to say that ‘this is a surprise to me,’ because there’s still enough of a stigma that they’re supposed to say this.

This guy needs to get cable. There's a tv show full of women who were surprised to be pregnant - not that you could tell from the series title "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant", and "16 and Pregnant" is pretty much filled with teen girl who got unpleasant pregnancy surprises.

Plus he keeps harping about planned single mother pregnancies, ignoring all those divorcees, widows, and ladies who planned on coparenting until the lazy sperm donor abandoned his child.

That's nice, men don't have to take responsibility for their half of the DNA. Does he also support stoning pregnant women in public and honor killings?

Not if the stones are bought with taxpayer funds.


OK, so if this is his point.. then what is his view on birth control and abortion?

Is this one of the states that are trying to make abortion illegal?


In many cases, it's the man who decides that he didn't really want to be a father, so he leaves the woman to care for the child, often leaving during the third trimester, or after the child is already born.


Not if the stones are bought with taxpayer funds.

:clap: It's statements like that that make me miss the political wit that's so rampant in DC.


I wonder what this person's view on abortion and birth control is. He makes it sound like women are just rushing to get pregnant and single. Of course, if you are going to restrict birth control and ban abortions, single motherhood will only increase. Why do fundies deplore on one hand the state of out of wedlock births and in the next breaths take away the few tools we have to reduce the rate of unwanted births?

Also of note is he never mentions the father's responsibility. It's always the WOMAN'S actions that causes the out of wedlock pregnancy and the WOMAN'S erroneous judgement that led to single parenthood. Are all these women having virgin births? 'Cause it seems to me like there was probably a man behind every pregnancy....or did no one explain to the good senator the facts of life? LOL.

It seems there is a strident bunch of fundies that want to treat women as children when it comes to their rights and privileges but treat them as adults when it comes to punishing them.

Hey, fundies! Women are either big people with infant minds who have few rights but are not responsible for their actions or they are adults who take ownership with all attendant rights, privileges and responsibilities of men. Can't have it both ways.


well I sure have never heard of a tale where a dad just leaves his partner when she announces she's pregnant. Nor have I ever heard of a man who abandons his family to have wild sex with a girl 10 years younger. Nope, really never heard any bad thing about dads ever.


the whole idea is that woman should not be having sex out of wedlock. that's really why they don't support birth control. then when in a marriage a woman should not be using birth control. because you know god mandated it.

this why they do what they do.


Hmm...many pregnancies are unplanned so that is wrong. Is taking into account married couples with surprise babies. I know many married couples who were using birth control and then surprise, a baby on the way. Was unplanned. In fact, I remember a girl in my grade in school who's parents had two boys and mom got her tubes tied. Then surprise, she found she was pregnant. Unplanned pregnancies happen because no birth control method has a 100% success rate.

He's the typical douche who wants women to "close their legs and stop having babies", forgetting that if women all "kept their legs closed" men will have to keep their dicks in their pants. No women having sex means they aren't getting any either.

There are very few people who choose to be single parents. Most of the time it just happens. Guy leaves or sometimes the gal does (douche forgets men are also single parents, but only women are the bad ones apparently :roll: ), they divorce or become widowed. Many reasons and calling it abuse is terrible. Does this jerk not realize that just because a child has two parents does not mean the child is better off? Guy should worry about more important things.


Personally, I think the guy should keep talking and get as much media exposure as possible. That way, when the Republicans get spanked in the presidential election this year and all get thrown out of Congress in another 2, they may actually have to stop and think about where they went wrong. Seriously, Obama couldn't BUY better advertising. Why fund raise when you can get this for free?

He's the typical douche who wants women to "close their legs and stop having babies", forgetting that if women all "kept their legs closed" men will have to keep their dicks in their pants. No women having sex means they aren't getting any either.

Have you ever noticed that it's often older men who have this point of view? Wonder if it has anything to do with, er... "self confidence" issues that may have *cough* arisen *cough* due to the aging process.


Not if the stones are bought with taxpayer funds.

But, oh, the delicious irony of stoning welfare queens with welfare stones!

Personally, I think the guy should keep talking and get as much media exposure as possible. That way, when the Republicans get spanked in the presidential election this year and all get thrown out of Congress in another 2, they may actually have to stop and think about where they went wrong. Seriously, Obama couldn't BUY better advertising. Why fund raise when you can get this for free?

What about the men who have sex with these women out of wedlock? Shouldn't they be just as guilty as the women? Or even more guilty since they are not the ones raising their children and taking responsibility for them? Oh right, I forgot double standard.

What about the men who have sex with these women out of wedlock? Shouldn't they be just as guilty as the women? Or even more guilty since they are not the ones raising their children and taking responsibility for them? Oh right, I forgot double standard.

I don't think they would consider it, after all, men are 'innocent' :roll:

Its always the woman's fault. :x

What about the men who have sex with these women out of wedlock? Shouldn't they be just as guilty as the women? Or even more guilty since they are not the ones raising their children and taking responsibility for them? Oh right, I forgot double standard.

no because that has never been the way. What you want something besides 12 century ideals? shame on you.


This morning on EWTN (crazy fundie Catholic channel) I heard people claim, in the same half hour, that 1) single mothers cause social ills by trying to raise children without a man in the house, and 2) that every woman who has an abortion deprives some man of "his right to protect his family." WTF . . . I don't even. I guess women need to be assigned an owner so they can't misappropriate the offspring that rightfully belong to a man.


Boltingmadonna- why are you paying to get EWTN?!???

What about the men who have sex with these women out of wedlock? Shouldn't they be just as guilty as the women? Or even more guilty since they are not the ones raising their children and taking responsibility for them? Oh right, I forgot double standard.

Well, obviously all the single mothers tricked men into getting them pregnant. You all know how women use their feminine wiles to seduce the poor naive little men who are unable to get away. I bet these men were whisked away from bible study for a night of illicit passion. I guess every father who chooses not to take responsibility for their child is the real victim.

Let's attack the mother as always. The blame is always put on the person who stands up and takes responsibility for the raising of their child, not the person who isn't in the picture. It gets me that single mothers are always attacked for doing what should be expected, taking care of their child. They didn't run away from responsibility, they stepped up to the plate. I guess having a penis is a kind of get out of jail free card.


holierthanyou said:

Boltingmadonna- why are you paying to get EWTN?!???

LOL! Good question--sadly, it comes with my cable package. If I could excise it with many stabby stabs of a dull knife, I would. But this is Grand Rapids.


Isn't is also interesting that the same conservatives who decry "lazy" welfare mothers saying they should put their kids in daycare and go to work, yet in the next breath sing the virtues of stay at home mother-dom?

It seems to me like the argument for SAHM by conservatives isn't about kids at all, it's about keeping the woman below the man. Otherwise, conservatives would love the idea of even poor women staying at home.

Then again, it's the same reasoning that I hear from self proclaimed "traditional" men. They absolutely love love love their stay at home wife because she can raise the kids "properly" and "take care of the family right". As soon as said wife is divorced, she becomes a lazy leech on society that needs to find a job!! Funny how being a good mother is directly related to her relationship with the husband. Of course, it has nothing to do with the man wanting a woman at home to take care of HIS needs.....

I say to these men: if you think a woman must stay at home in order to be a good mother, then you CAN'T say that a divorced or single mom is a bad mom for wanting alimony or welfare to provide for her so she can stay home!


Welcome to Wisconsin, where we elected a bunch of idiots, realized what we'd gotten ourselves into, and promptly tried to recall them all. Unfortunately this one slipped away, 5000 signatures shy of a recall.

All that's really going on right now is a Republican legislation spree. The recall of Governor Walker is inevitable and they're trying to work their agenda through as quickly as possible. But before my blood pressure spikes, I must remind myself that my state is not entirely run by idiots. Seeing my representative write this:

http://host.madison.com/ct/news/opinion ... b3d5b.html

...makes me feel a little bit more hopeful. I love my state and it's strange and wonderful aspects. And God help the person that tries to take my Wisconsin away!

edited because I totally know the right way to write write!


I say to these men: if you think a woman must stay at home in order to be a good mother, then you CAN'T say that a divorced or single mom is a bad mom for wanting alimony or welfare to provide for her so she can stay home!


Of course, it all has to do with whether a woman is the "right" type or the "wrong" type....


This reminds me of a story I was told by a professor in undergrad about Newt Gingrich. My professor was doing studies on separation of young from their mother and what were the long term consequences of this. Basically they would separate a mother Rat from her litter of pups for a half hour and she could see them on the other side of the glass. After ten minutes of scurrying around frantically trying to find a way to get to them she began "posturing." It seems when rats are super stressed they will begin posing in strange positions, she was on her back in a corner with her head lower than her butt. They were constantly measuring her cortisol levels and they were sky rocketing. Once they let her back in with her young she began "hiding" them in separate locations, we assume to protect them from being stolen again. She placed them in random spots and would cover them with wood shavings. Of note, her offspring picked up on her stress and had elevated cortisol levels. As adult rats they would be stressed easier with stimuli and their cortisol levels would remain high for longer periods of time than their control group rats.

The point of this? Newt Gingrich felt our foster system was broken and that we needed to harken back to the time of orphanages. My professor was gobsmacked when he heard of this and approached NG when he was touring the facilities. He wanted to show that a primary, consistent caretaker was vital to the child's development and that and orphanage environment is one of the most damaging things to a child's forming sense of security and trust. NG basically laughed him off and stated those are just rats and humans are more complex. Um, no shit dumbass, that's exactly our point.

I don't know WHY senators and other government officials are even permitted to make these kind of decisions and pass bills pertaining to situations they have NO expertise, research or education in. It's like letting a physician write a manual for a car. The government needs to step away from laws that affect life choices, bodies and rights to privacy. They need to go back to working on helping the economy, cutting taxes, and maybe doing some personal humanitarian work.


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