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Diane on the 19 kids and counting FB page


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I mentioned this in the group. There are two main types of Duggar fans. The first group uses phrases such as "Love this family!" and "Godly family!" and "Well behaved children" and "Christian/Family Values!" You can read what they say usually but they all sound. exactly. the. same.

The second major group of Duggar fans are the ones who can't spell, cannot use punctuation, and have no grammer skills whatsoever. Some are fond of completely leaving little words such as "the" "and" "of" and so on. Most of the time you cant tell what they are saying.

I swear I think there are only two fans who write the same stuff... or two people payed to say the same stuff and create multiple facebooks to create the aura that the Duggars really do have more than a handful of supporters!

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I am confused- does Diane like the Duggars or not? Because no she says it is wrong if they follow Bill Gothard. What changed her mind? hmmmm

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If she did read up on Gothard, I'm a bit surprised because she told others that she didn't want to hear about Gothard or read up on him. There have been others before who liked the Duggars, but once they read up on QF and Gothard, they leave the fanbase. I think eventually Gothard will be known to more people in the world. The IFB got exposed last year on 20/20. The FLDS has been gotten a lot of attention in the past few years because of Warren Jeffs trial and the Jessops and other ex-FLDS going public. Gothard will be exposed at some point to the mainstream media.

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Diane is back in full swing

Diane Stadtherr Oh, opinions are allowed, if they make sense. Saying that the Duggar's should be happy with the children they have, and think about the one's who can't even though that's not their fault, is idiotic! I believe you need to get over yourself! Get it?

6 hours ago · Like

Crystle Eicke lmwao. were not talking abt a human error we're talking abt life and death of a child. i guess if my daughter were to put her finger in a light socket and shocks herself i should let her do it again to see if the outcome if different the next time. if god created humans he created ones smart enough to create birch control & common sense. that's all im gonna say anymore ya'll can have ur own convo this is borring. idc abt them enough to have this debate. idc if they have 1000 kids not my problem

6 hours ago · Like · 1

Crystle Eicke birth*

6 hours ago · Like

Crystle Eicke Ridiculous is Fitted to excite ridicule; absurd and laughable; unworthy of serious consideration. it's not a name calling. lol

6 hours ago · Like

Diane Stadtherr LOL is right, because I wasn't talking about the word ridiculous, I want referring to you calling us IDIOTS!!! Learn how to read! And you're bored with the conversation YOU started!? Oh, that's a good one! Oh and I'm beginning to wonder, if you're having a conversation with yourself, because there are two Crystle's on this thread. Odd!

Is it bad that I enjoy reading her semi-incoherant rants?

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I kinda like Diane in that love/hate way. I stay just nice enough that she does not block me, because she is hilarious in a Taryn-esque way.

I think she means well, but she is so bought into the idea that Christian=perfect and following convictions=always right. Some of the women on there are rabid bitches though. You cannot make a snarky comment about spelling without being called an ableist (not in that word, of course, the Duggar lovers have apparently not taken a college course or even thumbed through the course catalog) but anything Josh does is automatically awesome.

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I kinda like Diane in that love/hate way. I stay just nice enough that she does not block me, because she is hilarious in a Taryn-esque way.

I think she means well, but she is so bought into the idea that Christian=perfect and following convictions=always right. Some of the women on there are rabid bitches though. You cannot make a snarky comment about spelling without being called an ableist (not in that word, of course, the Duggar lovers have apparently not taken a college course or even thumbed through the course catalog) but anything Josh does is automatically awesome.

I'm kind of the same way.

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Diane and other rabid Duggar fans provide entertainment for me. I agree with emmiedahl, Diane has totally bought into the idea that Christianity is perfect. I laughed when she posted that Christianity is about doing good in the world. It seems she forgets about the bad things Christianity has done. Some of my closest Christian friends often admit the bad things that religion has inflicted onto the world. Diane's bashing of Mormons was sad to me. All religions are a bit wacky and I can see why some people find Mormonism to be extremely wack-a-doo. Diane defends the Duggars and calls Mormonism a cult. Some Mormons are probably more normal and in touch with the world than the Duggar kids are. I have read some Mormon blogs in which the bloggers and their families are better off than the Duggars.

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Sweet jesus shit in a bucket. Some freekin whiner on 19K&C FB is yelling, "She's got that same picture on FJ'. Go piss up a rope you fucking lurker. :twisted:

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Sweet jesus shit in a bucket. Some freekin whiner on 19K&C FB is yelling, "She's got that same picture on FJ'. Go piss up a rope you fucking lurker. :twisted:


Never mind I see it. Bitch

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Jeez, she could have pm'ed you. I thought we had a deal not to bring the Duggar lovers over here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know this isn't the real Diane...but hilarious nonetheless!!

I have just been hired by TLC to run this board. It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears but after sending them an application every day for the past year and a half, they have finally accepted. I am thankful to God and the Mormon Church for this opportunity. My first order of business will be to pen a rule book. It will be very specific, and I ALONE will be in charge of it. I reserve the right to change/add/delete rules without any prior notice. I will also be commenting on every.single.post. Probably for eternity, since this is how long I plan to keep my new job. Yes, my children will suffer from no longer having a mother, but that is what God and the Duggars have called me to do. And anyone insinuating that the Duggar children do not have a mother will be deleted/banned/sent immediately to hell. I am now a Mormon, as well.

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Wacky Wanda, Diane's butt-buddy, keeps accusing me of making the fake Diane page. :lol: It's truly not me, I have a greater attention to detail. For instance, I know that Diane always says "Morman's" instead of "Mormons." The 19KAC page goes deeper down the rabbit hole every day.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This person is starting to sound suspiciously like Diane...same misuse of the comma and everything...I had some doubts but once they brought up Jehovah's Witnesses, well... :think:

MT Holcomb I've heard, that the Jehovah's do the same thing, twist scripture. So I've been told.

MT Holcomb If they are indeed avoiding this question, which I would hazard to guess is only speculation, I don't know if anyone has proof of this, I would say because they don't owe anyone any explanations, and it's their right to answer or not answer. Can you provide the link to this interview Kimmie? You say they cut that part out, but how do you know this for fact? I doubt they are hiding anything. I've seen plenty of interviews on TV, where a question is asked, and the person being interviewed has declined to answer. Sometimes for privacy and other's, because they don't feel that they need to justify themselves, for the sake of public curiosity. The pubic may be dying to know, but it's not their right to know.

Have any of you here ever avoided answering questions posed to you, at one time or another in your life, because you didn't want to answer the question, because it's no one else's business? Do the Duggar's not have that same right? I wouldn't call it avoidance, I would call it keeping your life private. It's your life, no one else's. It's your right to not answer, just as it is their right to not answer, only they seem to get criticized for anything and everything they do. If they don't answer they get criticized, if they do answer they get criticized. Seems to me, this is a no win situation. I don't care for the Sister Wives TV show, but instead of finding things to insult them about, I just chose not to watch the show, problem solved. If you really feel that the Duggar's are horrible, brainwashed people, etc. then write to TLC and ask them to pull the plug. The only problem with that is, if they actually do, then you'll have nothing left to complain about.

I don't watch the show, just came to check this site out.

Yeah, okay...

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  • 5 months later...

Bumping this to annoy Diane.


Diane Stadtherr Diane-It's pointless to argue with certain people on this site. These certain people hate the Duggar's and anything good and anything about God. Don't waste your time trying to prove your point, because it will fall on deaf ears.

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I was thinking about Diane on Wednesday night when I was watching The X Factor. Khloe Kardashin is one of the hosts and I remembered how Diane used to whine about Kim K. on several sites. I'm not a huge K sisters fan, but I think Khloe is doing a good job as a host. I laugh at Diane because she loves the Duggars so much and it probably chaps her ass that the Duggars don't have the popularity that the K sisters have. The Duggars are never going to be like NeNe Leakes or Khloe. Nobody in Hollywood is going to give them acting or hosting gigs.

I hate how Diane says that certain people hate anything that is good or anything about God. I think FJers dislike the Duggars because they are associated with Gothard and his cult. But again Diane refuses to read up on Gothard and it is funny because several months back she was going on tirades about Mormonism being a cult. I get a cult type vibe from Gothard and Mormonism.

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