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Mark Driscoll Hits Himself In The Face...On Purpose


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This made me laugh. It's so stupid that it sounds like a parody.

In Houston, Driscoll was intent on making absolutely clear that he is in favor of masculinity. At the 2 hour, 15 minute mark, he invited five pastors from the audience to take the stage, put his hands behind his back, stuck out his chin, and said, “Hit me with your best shot. Go on. I won’t hit you back. I want to show everyone what this is all about.†When none of the five took a swing, Driscoll had them escorted from the building and proceeded to hit himself five times.

What amazes me about some of the people that we discuss is that both the men and women are desperate to prove that they fit in their gender toles. They can't simply be a person who is confident in their own skins.


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So sad I wasn't there. Dude, I would have HAPPILY punched you in the jaw so hard I would have broken it. Maybe that would shut your ignorant a** up for a little while.

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More from the article.


Jesus and Paul were serious dudes. They had teeth missing. Jesus was a carpenter, Paul was in prison. These guys didn’t eat tofu dogs and bean sprouts. They didn’t play tennis. If there were trucks back in their times, they would have been doing driveway lube jobs on a Saturday afternoon. Same thing with King David. Yeah, he might have played a lyre, but he slaughtered thousands of guys.â€

Jesus was Jewish. He followed Kosher laws. Not only did Jesus not eat tofu, he didn't wear tennis shoes, turn on light switches or drive cars either. So what? Those things weren't available to him so we have no idea if Jesus would have like tofu dogs.

I have no idea why, but I find this hilarious. It sounds like a Saturday Night LIve Skit of guys desperate to prove how manly they are.

At last year’s Converging Conference, Driscoll talked about standing up when you piss and I got really excited. We started a men’s-only Bible Accountability Group. It was a combination of scripture study and Muy Thai Stick Fighting. It was great for a few weeks, until my worship pastor lost an eye. I had to make a tough call then and there: no more Muy Thai Stick Fighting at Kiona Community without protective face gear. I still think it might have been a spiritual compromise.â€
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I thought it was a parody. It's been up for awhile and I think Wittenburg Door is a parody/satire site done by a group of Christians somewhere. There are a few of these sites that are hilarious. Oh, I wish I could remember the site that makes fake "newsy" church newsletters.

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He was illustrating some point in his sermon. Yeah, I'm sure everyone learned a lot! Bottom line, he's on the level with a circus clown and he loves the attention.

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I thought it was a parody. It's been up for awhile and I think Wittenburg Door is a parody/satire site done by a group of Christians somewhere. There are a few of these sites that are hilarious. Oh, I wish I could remember the site that makes fake "newsy" church newsletters.

If it is a parody, it is hilarious. Mark Driscoll is a real pastor and he does seem desperate to prove he is manly so the writers nailed him. The comments beneath the article appear to take it seriously though. Several posters defend Mark so they seem to believe it is real.

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I thought it was a parody. It's been up for awhile and I think Wittenburg Door is a parody/satire site done by a group of Christians somewhere. There are a few of these sites that are hilarious. Oh, I wish I could remember the site that makes fake "newsy" church newsletters.

Landover Baptist?

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At last year’s Converging Conference, Driscoll talked about standing up when you piss and I got really excited. We started a men’s-only Bible Accountability Group. It was a combination of scripture study and Muy Thai Stick Fighting. It was great for a few weeks, until my worship pastor lost an eye. I had to make a tough call then and there: no more Muy Thai Stick Fighting at Kiona Community without protective face gear. I still think it might have been a spiritual compromise

It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye!!!! I'm sorry, I'm a mean old lady and I find this so fucking hilarious. (Although I'm sorry someone lost an eye. But "standing up when you piss" makes someone a real man?)

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The fact that the parody actually sounds like something that Driscoll would do makes me laugh all the harder. It illustrates how ludicrious the man is.

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(Although I'm sorry someone lost an eye. But "standing up when you piss" makes someone a real man?)

Oh, yeah. Steve Anderson ranted about men who sit to pee a while back, too. "pisseth against the wall" and Anderson should bring it up

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