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Lori Alexander 59: The Oracle of California

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7 minutes ago, SuperNova said:

How did manage to steer the conversation into talking about about breasts? 

'Hey, why are your boobs so hard?' *poke*  

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1 minute ago, delphinium65 said:
9 minutes ago, SuperNova said:

How did manage to steer the conversation into talking about about breasts? 

'Hey, why are your boobs so hard?' *poke*  

For someone who chides women to be meek, discreet, chaste, pure,etc....She seems to talk with other women about sex an awful lot. IRC the conversation she said she had with her friends about how often they have sex and if they every refuse their husbands.  She is always asking other women about sex, their bodies, referencing other people's bodies, etc. 


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17 minutes ago, delphinium65 said:

'Hey, why are your boobs so hard?' *poke*  

"Are they home-grown or store bought?"

Lori Alexander is gross, tacky, inappropriate, and unchristian.

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13 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

Does aging gracefully include dying your hair? Although I believe she said she uses a natural henna dye or something. I wonder if that's what dries her hair out, or maybe she uses a shampoo soap bar or something that is very stripping. 

If she uses soap to wash her hair, she needs to rinse it after the washing with vinegar and she shouldn't wash it more than 2 times a week or it will become dull. The keratin in our hair, like our skin needs some fat to stay soft and soap washes all of that away. And dyed hair needs some extra care, exp right after the dyeing process, no matter of natural henna or chemical dye. I dye my hair myself with a permanent chemical dye from the drugstore every 2 to 3 months. And my hair doesn't even look the slightest like her. I take great pride in my very thick hair and take good care of it.

4 hours ago, Frog99 said:

I am CACKLING at “dried out scarecrow”. 

In regards to implants- my sister in law is petite (like 5’3”) and was extremely busty- her mother is built the same way. She had terrible back pain as a result and had difficulty finding bras that didn’t cut into her shoulders. Insurance covered a reduction for her, which necessitated a lift and implants. The cosmetic benefit was a nice bonus- not her primary reason for surgery. 

With 5'11 I may not petite, but I also have a large bust and I can rave and cry for hours about the journey to find a fitting and comfy bra. And for the next year, I planned a breast reduction, because of the heavy weight of them I got varices in both breasts and the possible danger of phlebitis and thrombosis. I allready spoke to the surgeon and he said that per breast he will cut 2 lb away and lift the rest, but I don't need implants. And the medical reasons are why my insurance will pay for it, not the cosmetic aspect.

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19 minutes ago, Pink Muffin said:

I don´t know what to say so I just leave this here



Wow! I know a couple just like that, too, only they even had a housekeeper come in to do the cleaning! Can you imagine? Their names are Lori and Ken Alexander. Wonder if Tanya there has ever heard of them.

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2 hours ago, SuperNova said:

but after the hard boob comment she goes on to say that those women all told her that they had breast implants. How did she manage to steer the conversation into talking about about breasts?

The same way she got every single one of the female doctors she's ever run into, to confess they hated their lives and wanted to be home?   She is amazingly easy to confide in, apparently.   And everyone says just what she wants to hear!   If she wasn't a mere female, she could use her powerful  empathetic powers for good not for evil.   So very sad.  

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I'm nine years older than Lori, and aging gracefully is on my mind. I watched the video wondering whether we had any common ground, but the thing is that I've never considered a facelift or "hard boobs." I get it that she lives in a part of the country and a demographic where those are more common, but unless you are in show business or fashion, feeling pressure to get cosmetic work done is surely up there in the problems of privilege department. Isn't it?

When I worry about aging gracefully, I think about nattering in the checkout line and wasting people's time, or generalizing about "young people these days," or talking more than I listen, or complaining about my symptoms. I'm already gray, and saggy and wrinkly, so that horse has left the barn.

I keep an eye out for role models of how I want to behave. The other day in Goodwill, I saw an older couple who, by their appearance, were probably farmworkers from Central America. They were small, weather-beaten, and indigenous-looking. They looked tired. They were shopping for a jacket for the man, and the woman was handing him various options. He tried on one and she looked him up and down, patted his chest and gave him that unmistakable smile you give the guy who rings all your bells--just full of love and lust. It was the sweetest thing. I want to be an old lady like that, who is more aware of what I've still got than what I've lost.

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4 minutes ago, EowynW said:

She looks so hideous. She's aged so much since I first discovered her. 

her first ever YT video vs her newest one  




Wow. Just...wow.

I really, really don't like to comment on a person's appearance. Lord knows I'm no oil painting myself, as the saying goes, and as I'm exactly Lori's age, I'm starting to show all the signs, too. So I have no right to criticize someone else. But in Lori's case, it's obvious that both her skin and hair care habits--organic and expensive though they might be!-- and her diet are causing a lot of her aging signs, and her hateful, horrible attitude is causing the rest. Because otherwise, she would be a naturally attractive person. 

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1 hour ago, klein_roeschen said:

If she uses soap to wash her hair, she needs to rinse it after the washing with vinegar and she shouldn't wash it more than 2 times a week or it will become dull.

Sorry for the derail, but do you rinse it before or after you put on conditioner? 

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1 hour ago, ViolaSebastian said:

Sorry for the derail, but do you rinse it before or after you put on conditioner? 

After. If you use a shampoo bar you rinse to restore PH after. 

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2 hours ago, Alisamer said:

"Are they home-grown or store bought?"


They're real, and they're SPECTACULAR. 

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2E0A2810-3A47-436E-8DF8-FA28FD656D32.thumb.jpeg.ebd399636163422554431826848e49a9.jpegdear Lori, is your oldest messed up because you had a nanny for her? Parents can mess their kids up just as much as a stranger. My mother raised me and home schooled me. I have a lot of emotional issues. It’s not always black and white. 

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I can't believe Lori is acting so intentionally dense and naive:


The Transformed Wife writes:  What does “redpilled” mean?

Yeah. She reads and comments at Dalrock, Roosh V.'s site and elsewhere in the vile manosphere, and yet she doesn't know what redpilled means.  Gimme' a big break.  I HATE her "I'm just a stupid little girl" act.  I HATE it.

She knows EXACTLY whom she is quoting and what she is doing.  The only way she possibly doesn't, is if Ken is the one writing the content on her blog and she is simply signing her name to it all.  

That disgusting "YT" supremacist she has quoted today sounds like he fits right in with their recent alignment with the MRA agenda.

Makes me want to hurl.

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Those pics above: Wow! 

I'm not one to judge on looks either. Lori looks nice in the first pic. Count me in with those who think her diet and all of her expensive woo crap are taking a toll on her.  She needs a cheeseburger and some ice cream instead of her slimy salad. I doubt she's getting enough vitamins. Maybe that could contribute to the dry hair. 

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There is a striking change between the photos of Lori posted above.

Seriously praying for her health.  Seriously.  

That is just weird and really shocking, to be honest. 

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About four years ago, I did Ideal Protein through the hospital where I work.  Low cal, low carb, low fat.  My hair was horrible.  It's thin and baby fine, but the diet made it worse.  Lori needs to eat a BLT sandwich with some mayonnaise.  Fat and carbs!

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22 hours ago, ViolaSebastian said:

What. the. Fuck. Guys, I don't even know where to begin with this.


Jealous much, Lori?  Cause it sure sounds like it to me.  She strikes me as a person who can not stand the idea of growing old, aging is a terrifying idea for some people.  Especially as insecure as she seems to be.

I have some grey hair, not a lot and it's really more white than grey.  I like it.  I earned every strand and I am proud of it!  As a redhead, I'm probably not going to get a lot of grey/white hair.  But I call myself calico now.

Her fascination with other people's boobs is really kind of creepy.  I have wondered before if maybe she has a little same-sex attraction that she won't ever face or admit. Because you know that would be evil! (I am being sarcastic about that, I don't think it's evil. I'm also bi.)

The other thing I want to mention is that it's not any of her business if or why a woman would have implants.  They may be cosmetic, which is fine.  Or they may be reconstructive, like my mother-in-law had to have because she had breast cancer.  It ain't any of Lori's business!

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Some things I noticed from Lori's wacky growing old gracefully "you tuber." 

A.  Her hair is dry, brittle, full of split ends, and thin, very thin.  Obviously her healthy diet isn't helping her hair. Since she's dyeing it herself she needs to spring for better "all natural" hair dye and a deep conditioner while she's at it.  Aw heck she could even do that naturally. She could slather her hair with olive oil, wrap in a hot damp towel for an hour and then wash it out.   As someone up thread mentioned, she needs to buy a comb.

B.  Her cheeks are sunken in, as if she missing her back teeth.

C.  She doesn't wear a wedding ring.  Noticed this 2 or 3 seconds before 1.00.

D.  At about the 1.00 mark she says she had 4 children at 30 and thought she was done having kids. Then catches herself and says but she never did anything to prevent having children.  Really Lori?  Really? Not even the rhythm method? Because if you had 4 children by 30 and then used no form of bc at all until menopause you are one lucky lady.  Or maybe Ken, having been snookered into having a 2nd child by a punctured diaphragm decided to handle the bc himself with a vasectomy and just never mentioned it to her.

E.  She says that after 40 or so people (well women) really begin to look old with wrinkles, age spots, grey hair, sagging, etc.  Speak for yourself Lori.  There are plenty of women older than you who still look fabulous, even with wrinkles and grey hair.  Lori looks old because her skin is so sun damaged and dry. Neither of which would have happened if she'd worn sunscreen and a moisturizer.  Her wrinkles, age spots and damage are her own damn fault. As is her mean and hateful disposition that shines through on her face. 

I think she dyes her hair because if it was grey she'd looked even old than Ken than she does now.  For all we laugh about his porn 'stache he looks pretty good for his age, without the skin damage Lori has. I have long suspected that Lori's 2 hour daily naps (while the children were locked in their rooms) were spent in the sun working on her tan.


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Personally, I think this is a bit of jealousy & possibly regret eating at her. She was a pretty woman but age, illness, & lifestyle have caught up with her. She sees her daughters & daughters in law looking young & beautiful & there's *nothing* she can do about it. She has to sit back & accept that she's not 'cute' anymore. (I fucking hate grown women being referred to as cute) 

I agree, she's convincing herself that she made the right choice not to get the implants or have the lifts. But deep in the little black heart... she's regretting letting go of her youth... or at least the appearance thereof. 

She's a proud, vain woman. This has to be hard. 

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I am closer to 40 than I like to admit (almost 38). Even after frying my face in the sun during my teen years, I don't have noticeable crow's feet because I do take care of my skin.

My smile lines are completely different than my crow's feet and they make me look younger. :)

My amazing grandmother is in her 90s, has wrinkles, and is (IMO) more beautiful than Lori. Because Nana is HAPPY. 

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