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Joy and Austin: 248 Days Since the Wedding and Still Counting

Coconut Flan

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InTouch is reporting it's a boy because she used the blue baby bottle icon and a boy emoji in the #9days pic. Which I really, truly, hope is true!!

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11 minutes ago, Shadoewolf said:

InTouch is reporting it's a boy because she used the blue baby bottle icon and a boy emoji in the #9days pic. Which I really, truly, hope is true!!



Is there even any other icon for a bottle or baby? I used both of those for my pregnancies with both sexes. You can’t change the color of the bottle. And it’s just a baby head.


These are the only options for baby heads and bottles. They are as neutral as it gets:


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Supposedly (according to Jessa in that video, at least), they don't know the sex (or the jinder) of the baby.

I don't think it's any better for them to have all boys. Those boys are all going to be raised to believe that their penises invest them with magical God-given powers to oppress women and heathens. These holy penis-bearers are the next generation of extreme right wing religious fanatics intent of forcing the rest of us to live in their dystopian dream society. 

I mean, of course my ultimate hope is that any children they have escape fundamentalism. But some are going to stay. It may be worse to be a female fundamentalist, but I think male fundamentalists are worse for society in general.

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The males are the ones that will run for office, Become influential Fundamentalist Preachers and speakers who draw in followers,  Are the ones who potentially will Start up Organizations Like ATI

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17 minutes ago, singsingsing said:

holy penis-bearers

Holy Penis-Bearer would be an awesome post-count title.

Also:  when I was typing "count" I accidentally left out the O, so there's that. lol

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I’m 26 weeks pregnant and took a while to show due to big winter sweaters. Now that I am, though, I’m getting all kinds of belly touches. I’m not yet annoyed but talk to me in a week, haha. 

As far as glowing, I wouldn’t find it offensive. I wouldn’t believe you if you told me though. Up until a few weeks ago, my mom had to point out how pale and sickly I looked. Every time she saw a new pic. Sorry but I can’t change my damn pregnancy complexion! I feel like I look similar to Joy- I’m on the shorter side and kind of have that tired look too (no offense to her, pregnancy is super tiring. I find myself huffing and puffing for no good reason). 

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I agree that its likely they simply planned their weddings around their periods- not necessarily ovulation. That's what I did when I got married. I sure as hell wasn't dealing with blood and cramps on my wedding day and honeymoon. I was just thinking last night though how sad it is for these Duggars to get pregnant so quickly after the wedding. These couples never had time to really enjoy being together and getting to know each other intimately...sex is just not the same while pregnant. It can be uncomfortable and awkward and I can't imagine trying to navigate pregnancy sex with a man I had only been intimate with a few times. My husband and I had 10 years together before conceiving and even still we've had our awkward moments trying to work around my new body and as we get near the end it just simply doesn't happen anymore. I miss being with my husband the way we were before but these poor Duggar girls will know no other way. And with no birth control this is how it will always be for them. I just can't imagine.

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14 hours ago, AtlanticTug said:

The Duggars are young, ignorant, sheltered and barely know their spouses. They don't get alone time with them...

Right? Sometimes people try to reason that well, Joy and Austin have been family friends for years, so they probably know each other very intimately, and I'm like... how does playing Monopoly along with all your siblings when you were 12 prepare you for having a child together?

Though I worry about this stuff less with the Duggars than with other fundie couples, especially the IBLP kids who have drifted toward a more minimal-communication "betrothal" approach. Going through the stresses of pregnancy with a partner you trust 100% can be tough already; how shitty must it be to go through it with someone you've talked on the phone with 10 times and lived with for a week?

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15 hours ago, AtlanticTug said:

I honestly think it's terrible.

I know a few people who had honeymoon babies, but they all dated for years, most had lived together, they had established careers or were working, had gone to some sort of college, traveled together, etc. I am not talking about those cases where the couple had plenty of time and experiences together.

The Duggars are young, ignorant, sheltered and barely know their spouses. They don't get alone time with them, and they all rush into very quick engagements and it's like a race to the top/bottom with who can get their egg fertilized the fastest. Also I know it's not everyone's experience, but I found my first baby a LOT more challenging to deal with than the second. We didn't know what we were doing, we didn't have much help (our parents were not yet retired), my DH worked crazy hours and I was mostly alone, had to deal with some PPD a few months in, a horrible time breastfeeding, a baby with silent reflux who never slept, etc. I guess maybe that's why there are all these sister-moms, if you have other people cleaning your house and watching your kids whenever you need that you don't quite get the same level of stress. But still, as between the couple, everything changes and not always for the better. Plus realistically the wife will be pregnant again in no time so there is literally nothing but the same endless cycle to look forward to for the next 20 years. I am depressed just thinking about it.

When I look at these young ladies (and men) who marry, kiss, do the deed and have babies in 9 months time, I just think they all look old- It makes me think that for all JB and M's talk about leaving relationships and family size up to God, that's the only prep these young people have had for what being a couple and more importantly a parent, is all about. From what we have seen, albeit it the later years of PG and child rearing, JB and M made a big family look easy...I doubt the earlier years were all that easy, and the 2nd generation Duggars are starting to see the realities. Although let's be honest, those still getting money from CO still have it easier than their parents initially did. Poor Joy, she looks old and tired. She's barely 20 YO- 

All these kids and their spouses have been sold a false bill of goods from JB and M.

And I agree with the above. It is depressing and not the least bit mentally or physically healthy.

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According to the Chinese gender predictor Joy is having a girl, so that’s my prediction and I predict she gives birth on or close to her due date 

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15 hours ago, tabitha2 said:

They are probably getting sick of boys by this point. 

Probably, since girls are more desirable in their world. I mean, Joe and Kendra are doing it right so far, since the golden order is to have your manly son first, followed by a bunch of girls, but Jessa and Jill need to get some girls going quick if they hope to have big families (not that I think a big family is in Jill's future - unless they adopt)

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15 hours ago, AtlanticTug said:

I guess maybe that's why there are all these sister-moms, if you have other people cleaning your house and watching your kids whenever you need that you don't quite get the same level of stress. 

I've been thinking about this--isn't the sister mom train running out ? The only adult sister without kids is Jana, and there's only so many hours in the day for her to run the Duggar house and then help out with Jessa's, Jill's, Anna's, Kendra's, and Joy's  kids. Forget extended trips down to Laredo.

It's not even like any of the other sisters or sisters-in-law can help out because their own kids are older. All of them are in the thick of the all-consuming baby/toddler/preschool years. And will likely stay there for the next ten years or so at least.

Johannah can't drive herself yet. And while twelve is well within sister mom age in their culture, I still have my doubts that a sixth grader is going to be able to watch your kids, cook meals, and do your laundry with the same capability as an adult. And I think we can all agree that Michelle will be useless and her sisters don't appear to be in the picture much. And of course, men can't clean or change diapers.

So on the Duggar side they have one overextended 28 year old and a 12 year old. Most non-Fundie people I know actually have far more support.

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6 minutes ago, nausicaa said:

I've been thinking about this--isn't the sister mom train running out ? The only adult sister without kids is Jana, and there's only so many hours in the day for her to run the Duggar house and then help out with Jessa's, Jill's, Anna's, Kendra's, and Joy's  kids. Forget extended trips down to Laredo.

It's not even like any of the other sisters or sisters-in-law can help out because their own kids are older. All of them are in the thick of the all-consuming baby/toddler/preschool years. And will likely stay there for the next ten years or so at least.

Johannah can't drive herself yet. And while twelve is well within sister mom age in their culture, I still have my doubts that a sixth grader is going to be able to watch your kids, cook meals, and do your laundry with the same capability as an adult. And I think we can all agree that Michelle will be useless and her sisters don't appear to be in the picture much. And of course, men can't clean or change diapers.

So on the Duggar side they have one overextended 28 year old and a 12 year old. Most non-Fundie people I know actually have far more support.

Sadly, looking at the ages the older four Duggar females became sister mom's, Jenny and Jordyn could also be farmed out. Not precious Baby Josie, though. I wouldn't be surprised if Mac has been asked to help more, since M5 has been born.

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11 minutes ago, Audrey2 said:

Sadly, looking at the ages the older four Duggar females became sister mom's, Jenny and Jordyn could also be farmed out. Not precious Baby Josie, though. I wouldn't be surprised if Mac has been asked to help more, since M5 has been born.

They could each get a sister/aunt mum

Josh & Anna - Mac
Jill and Dipshit - Jenni 
Jessa and Ben - Jordyn 
Jinger and Jeremy - ? 
Joe and Kendra - Lauren Caldwell? 
Joy and Austin - Johannah 

I hope they all have boys, because eventually they'll run out of sister mums. 


Though I did have a dream that Joy had her baby, and it was a girl called Caroline. Please don't let it be true. 

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The only time I glowed during pregnancy was when I was sweaty from throwing up...which happened all hours of the day and night for the first 25 weeks. It was best to just not say anything to me about looks. I felt like I lookedterrible all the time. Looking at pictures now, it wasn’t so bad, but I was not a happy camper through the majority of my pregnancy. And the unwanted touching...seriously. There are a lot of people at the grocery store who really lucky they didn’t get punched.

i think Joy looks lovely in that photo. Purple really suits her!

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In norwegian we have a saying, which directly translated would be: «Just watch, don’t touch» (No: «Bare se, ikke røre»). A quick google search came up with a variety of pregnancy t-shirts with similar message:




And maybe my favorite:  https://goo.gl/images/zC1WQa

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I think they really have a bit of an almost-daycare at the Duggar compound at the moment, where whoever is around just watches the kids. I think if Jessa dropped off her kids, there would always be somebody at home, if not Jana, maybe the little girls with an adult maybe semi-supervising. The boys might help out every once in a while, too. Even though they do of course support old fashioned gender roles, they have often shown the boys cooking or JimBob helping with the kids. I think that they are actually not as extremely rigid about gender role as some people seem to believe. They think it's primarily a woman's job to do housework and take care of children, but if need be, the men can help out. At the moment they don't have a ton of kids yet and once they start having more kids the younger girls will be in perfect sister mom age, so I really think that they will always be able to make it work. And most likely they will have a couple of girls themselves. Not that I'm happy about that... 

I think Joy only looks tired in that picture because she is not wearing any makeup. I'm one of those people, who always gets told I look pale and sick, when really I'm just not wearing any makup. But who knows, maybe she is also exhausted from pregnancy. I've never had a baby, but for the last two weeks of her pregnancy my best friend didn't even want to walk for 5 minutes to get some ice cream because she said she was too exhausted. I had to bring it to her :D And Joy looks a little older than she is, because she has a lot of wrinkles around her eyes for a 20 year old. 

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18 hours ago, mstee said:

I’m 26 weeks pregnant and took a while to show due to big winter sweaters. Now that I am, though, I’m getting all kinds of belly touches. I’m not yet annoyed but talk to me in a week, haha. 


I bought a t-shirt that says "You touch the bump, I punch the throat." 

Only mildly sarcastic....

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4 hours ago, viii said:

Probably, since girls are more desirable in their world.

I instantly got the idea in my head of farmers wanting baby cows and chickens to be female.  What good is  a male chick or cow?  They can't make new chickens and cows. :my_cry:

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1 hour ago, Chocolatecheesecake said:

I think they really have a bit of an almost-daycare at the Duggar compound at the moment, where whoever is around just watches the kids. I think if Jessa dropped off her kids, there would always be somebody at home, if not Jana, maybe the little girls with an adult maybe semi-supervising. The boys might help out every once in a while, too. Even though they do of course support old fashioned gender roles, they have often shown the boys cooking or JimBob helping with the kids. I think that they are actually not as extremely rigid about gender role as some people seem to believe. They think it's primarily a woman's job to do housework and take care of children, but if need be, the men can help out. At the moment they don't have a ton of kids yet and once they start having more kids the younger girls will be in perfect sister mom age, so I really think that they will always be able to make it work. And most likely they will have a couple of girls themselves. Not that I'm happy about that... 

I think Joy only looks tired in that picture because she is not wearing any makeup. I'm one of those people, who always gets told I look pale and sick, when really I'm just not wearing any makup. But who knows, maybe she is also exhausted from pregnancy. I've never had a baby, but for the last two weeks of her pregnancy my best friend didn't even want to walk for 5 minutes to get some ice cream because she said she was too exhausted. I had to bring it to her :D And Joy looks a little older than she is, because she has a lot of wrinkles around her eyes for a 20 year old. 

I don't think so. And I don't think the adult kids are seeing much of the counting on money either.  Since when have the two Duggar parents ever been generous with their children? I see them being more like, hey, we raised you guys without aunt/uncle/grandparent help. You're on your own.

Tangentially that could be a good thing if the duggar parents are stingy. much less motivation for the kids to stay on the show or in the lifestyle.

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15 minutes ago, Crazy Enough to Join said:

I don't think so. And I don't think the adult kids are seeing much of the counting on money either.  Since when have the two Duggar parents ever been generous with their children? I see them being more like, hey, we raised you guys without aunt/uncle/grandparent help. You're on your own.

Tangentially that could be a good thing if the duggar parents are stingy. much less motivation for the kids to stay on the show or in the lifestyle.

I agree about the no help being a harsh reality for the 2nd generation parents.  We saw how Jill responded to being in Central America, although for a fairly rugged locale, the Dillards were housed in what appeared to be a decent,  functional  and fairly protected place.

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