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Lori Alexander 28: Not Liking Children

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Lori Alexander is a false teacher.  I am an Atheist, and even I know that.

In 2014 she taught the following on her blog:


The whole of the scriptures is about redemption. How God creates a fabulous world teaming with the most magnificent nature and animals, and then makes mankind, male and female in Hs own image to rule the earth and subdue it. 

In 2015 she said:


Women are emotional beings. We can't help but let our emotions become involved. It is the way that God has created us. {I'm not sure men can either because I think casual sex for men is a false and empty search for intimacy.} We were created in God's image. 

I could go on, but those are two clear examples of her contradicting today's assertion.

Lori Alexander:


woman are not made in the image of God 


I think she will lose a lot of readers over this, but on the plus side (for her), she may go viral again.

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1 hour ago, December said:

Not to mention the assertion that submission can't possibly be related to abuse. If I read it correctly, it seems to suggest that drawing comparisons between the two things is... a deception by Satan?! (Someone correct me if I misread that!) Is it really so hard for some people to imagine that preaching how women should always submit to their husbands would, in some cases, lead to wives tolerating abusive behavior from their husbands and believing it is acceptable and/or even deserved?

Below is an excerpt from the long-awaited (for Doug Wilson non-fans and Natalie Greenfield fans) report by his denominations' ministers. They investigated the church's handing of the Jamin Wight (all-around predator scumbag)  and Steven Sitler (serial pedophile) sexual abuse cases. Both Wight and Sitler were ministry students at Doug's Greyfriars Academy as well as congregants.

The CREC denomination Doug founded is about as male centric as you can get outside of Raqqa, and even some of them have reluctantly acquired a clue. But would Lori approve?


Churches that (rightly) teach and practice masculine headship, as set forth in the Scriptures, need to be especially sensitive to potential abuses of that headship. In recent years, we have seen many associated with some form of “patriarchalism” fall into serious sins involving sexual and/or physical abuse of women. It needs to be very clear, both within our congregations and in our public witness to the world, that our churches do not condone such practices. Indeed, we stand against them with all our might. Church leaders are called upon to protect women and children from those who would harm them or prey upon them. Our churches rightly uphold male, masculine leadership, but this does not make women voiceless or powerless; indeed, when women have no recourse and no power, abuse can go on unchecked. Church leaders should work hard to protect women from men who would prey on them. We should work hard to detect and root out any forms of abuse in our community. We should make it clear by our words and actions that true masculine leadership entails sacrificial care for the weak and the vulnerable. Christian men do not take advantage of women, but serve them; they do not abuse women, but honor them.


You can access the whole, long, report at the "Truth About Moscow" website.

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Lori is indeed a false teacher.

I think that her whole "woman is not in the image of God" is an attempt to remove her own responsibility; if she is not in the image of God then she does not have to represent Him.  She does not have to have the fruit of the Spirit. . .   And it is heresy. 

I've been listening to worship music while working today - praying for clients and family members of friends displaced by Harvey - and I think this sums up my perspective of why Lori is so obviously not really Christian (it's a verse from Lord I need You - Matt Maher) but rather trying to form her own cult:

"Where sin runs deep Your grace is more
Where grace is found is where You are
And where You are, Lord, I am free
Holiness is Christ in me"

It is the complete absence of grace that to me indicates the complete absence of God in Lori's life.

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I was banned about as fast as I expected to be.  Reason?  I told her that if I caught her peeking in my windows at my house, I'd set my dogs on her.....:D :D:D

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2 minutes ago, saintmom said:

I was banned about as fast as I expected to be.  Reason?  I told her that if I caught her peeking in my windows at my house, I'd set my dogs on her.....:D :D:D

Ha! Did you say that on instagram?

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I jotted down Lori's fb numbers on June 30th at 8:13 a.m. PDT she had 24,482 likes and 24,512 followers. Today at 10:03 a.m. she has 28,569 likes and 28,835 followers. A gain of 4,323 followers in two months.

She gained about 70 followers a day in July & August. (I am not one of them.)

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Lori is a blasphemer, heretic, and a false teacher, and a monster! I hope the women she mentors realize this at some point before it's too late.

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1 hour ago, saintmom said:

I was banned about as fast as I expected to be.  Reason?  I told her that if I caught her peeking in my windows at my house, I'd set my dogs on her.....:D :D:D

Your dogs are GORGEOUS (I assume that's them in your profile picture)!  I have a German Shepherd :my_heart:

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1 hour ago, Florita said:

I jotted down Lori's fb numbers on June 30th at 8:13 a.m. PDT she had 24,482 likes and 24,512 followers. Today at 10:03 a.m. she has 28,569 likes and 28,835 followers. A gain of 4,323 followers in two months.

She gained about 70 followers a day in July & August. (I am not one of them.)

I'm glad I'm not the only one tracking those numbers. I've decided to believe that a majority of them are hate followers.

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Longtime fangirl corrects Lori:

Lindsay Harold says:

August 31, 2017 at 9:12 am



I do realize that women have been given a different role than men and that God has revealed Himself to us as taking the masculine role, not the feminine role. However, women are definitely made in the image of God also, even though we do not have the masculine role as God does. We have a spirit that communes with God and the ability to reason and moral accountability – all of these are aspects of the image of God and separate mankind from the animals. If women were not made in the image of God, then we could not be saved and we would be mere animals. It is our spirit that makes us made in the image of God.

Both men and women are made in the image of God, but men reflect the glory of God in a different way than women do because men have a similar role to God’s role, which is protector, provider, and leader.

It’s important to distinguish between being made in God’s image and sharing the same role as God. They are not the same thing.

There are several verses which show us that women are also made in God’s image.

Genesis 1:27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created THEM.

Genesis 9:6  Whoever sheds man’s blood, By man his blood shall be shed, For in the image of God He made man.

This verse would indicate that it is only wrong to kill men and not women if women are not created in the image of God also. It is the image of God that sets mankind apart from the animals and makes it a capital offense to kill a human, whether male or female.

Thus, when you have a verse like this one:
Exodus 21:29  “If, however, an ox was previously in the habit of goring and its owner has been warned, yet he does not confine it and it kills a man or a woman, the ox shall be stoned and its owner also shall be put to death.”

This is evidence that killing a woman (through negligence, in this case) bears the same penalty of death as killing a man because both men and women bear the image of God.

1 Cor. 11:7  For a man ought not to have his head covered, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.

It does not say here that woman is not made in the image of God. Rather it says that man is both in God’s image and designed to bring glory to man. Women are in God’s image, but designed to bring glory to man (especially their husbands). It is pointing out the one major way women differ from men, and it is not in lacking the image of God, but rather in what they bring glory to.

Romans 8:29-30  For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren;  and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified. 

Here we see that salvation is about being conformed to the image of Christ. This is drawing on the language of mankind’s creation in the image of God to say that we were created in God’s image, but the image was corrupted through sin, and now we must become conformed to the image of Christ to restore what we were meant to be. If women were not created in the image of God, then women cannot be saved because how can they become the image of Christ if they were never in the image of God?

I Corinthians 15 uses the analogy of Adam being the first man, created in the image of God, and Christ as the second Adam who came to redeem us. In verse 49, it tells us why this is important. “Just as we have borne the image of the earthy, we will also bear the image of the heavenly.”

Again, if women do not bear the image of God, then salvation does not apply to them. We must bear the image of God in the earthly sense, being human beings, before we can bear the heavenly image of Christ through salvation.

Even Jesus’ words make this case.

Matthew 22:19-21 Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny. And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? They say unto him, Caesar’s. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s. 

Jesus’ point here is that while the coins of Rome bear the image of Caesar and should be given to Caesar when they are due, humans bear the image of God and thus belong to God. We should give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to Him – i.e. that which bears His image, which is ourselves. Again, if women do not bear the image of God, then they cannot be saved.

Good theology is important, and while I fully agree that those who are claiming God is also feminine or could be a Heavenly mother are misguided and wrong, it is also wrong to claim that women are not created in the image of God. You must distinguish between the image of God, which separates mankind from the animals and which makes women a suitable helper for their husbands because they share the same nature, and the roles which God has ordained for men and women. Men have a role that is more similar to God’s role toward mankind and thus bring glory to God more directly while women have a role that is designed to bring glory to God more indirectly through bringing glory to their husbands. But both men and women share the image of God and are equally capable of bearing the image of Christ through salvation.


Lindsay Harold says:

August 31, 2017 at 10:39 am

I know you respect John Piper, so here’s a sermon of his where he affirms that women are also made in the image of God.


Also, John MacArthur, whom I know you revere highly, says that woman are created in God’s image.

“It says, “The man is the image and glory of God. The woman is the glory of man.” Man is the reflection of the glory of God. Man is uniquely created to bear the image of God as a ruler who is given a spear of sovereignty. In that sense he is created to be the glory of God. God is the sovereign ruler and man is created and given dominion to be sovereign ruler over all the created world, to care for the creation according to God’s divine plan.” Man was given rulership of the world. It is true, “both men and women are created in God’s image,” Genesis 1:27 says that. But it is man who is created from the dust of the ground and it is woman who is created from the side of man.”

So this idea of only men being created in God’s image is not a position that has the support of known men of God, nor has it been the historical understanding of the Bible throughout the history of Christianity.

What’s more, I think this position, which is not Biblical, is very much in danger of pulling women away from your teaching and causing them to fail to heed the scriptures which tell them to be submissive to their husbands and keepers at home. When you teach the right message about a woman’s role, it is very controversial in today’s world, and many do not want to listen, but when you stick to the scripture some do begin to listen. However, throwing in this sort of unbiblical teaching, that women are not made in God’s image, will cause many women who are seeking truth to turn away and look elsewhere for their guidance and fear your message of submission as being everything your critics have claimed – a message that women are inferior to men. This is a very serious issue that could ruin your ministry. Please reconsider and listen to the teaching of men of God on this topic, and do not lead women astray or push them away from the valid teaching you have given by holding to this unbiblical stance.



Lori Alexander says:

August 31, 2017 at 11:41 am



Thanks, Lindsay, for your thoughts. Yes, I realize there are many teachers of the Word out there that probably disagree with Dr. Rice on this issue but I thought it was very interesting and brought up some good points since God is absolutely masculine and ruler over all as He made men to be masculine and the leaders in the home, church, and cultures.

It matters not to me in the least if I am or am not created in the image of God but I know my value and worth are no less than any man and that He created me female. He died and rose again for me as much as He died for any man. I know that God is in control and His ways are best! I like to bring up different points of view that give valid arguments for their position.


She says things don't bother or matter to her a lot, but oh they do. And even if it doesn't matter to her, it matters to thousands of others that she teaches proper theology.

But Rice's point of view is not a valid argument. And since when does she like different points of view. She deletes any commenter that shares a different point of view.

Edited to add: The more I think of it this really shows her "its all about Lori" attitude.  She claims it doesn't bother her because she is supposedly secure in her faith and value as a person, but their are countless women out there who aren't secure and see an inflammatory article title like hers and will only make them feel worse. She doesn't really believe women are NOT created in God's image as Koala showed in those quotes. This post and the click bait title was purely derived to cause controversy, attention, and to go viral. 

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Is it just me or did Lori now add a question mark behind her post title? I don't recall the post title being asked as a question this morning. It came across more as a bold statement. But now that she has pushed back is she trying to defuse it a bit.

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12 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Is it just me or did Lori now add a question mark behind her post title? I don't recall the post title being asked as a question this morning. It came across more as a bold statement. But now that she has pushed back is she trying to defuse it a bit.

There was no question mark this morning.  

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Will Ken come riding in on the Horse of Truth to correct Lindsay? The Godly Mentor can't be wrong! She's a prophet! NO ONE understands the Bible like she does! And I mean that, really, NO ONE.

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HAHAH a male pastor corrects her. She better not argue back, but oh she does!




She deleted Michael's "fair enough" comment!

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You know what bothers me about the teaching that "woman is not made in the image of God"? 

These conclusions:



- So, in the home, man is the deputy of God, and should lead the home for God.

 So it is only law, order and government for God’s man to be the head of the home, the head of the wife, and to rule over his wife.


I can't recall one place where God tells man to lead the home for Him. He wants each one of us to go straight to Him and be lead by Him.  Every single believer receives the Holy Spirit, regardless of their gender, age or social status.  A man doesn't stand between God and his wife.  A pastor doesn't stand between God and the Church.  As Jesus taught his disciples, a leader in his Kingdom is a servant, not a ruler, and the servant's role is to point to Jesus. 

God didn't command man to rule over his wife. In Genesis 3:16 God is speaking to the woman. Then he turns to the man and lets him know what the consequences of his disobedience will be.  We never find God telling man to rule over his wife.

In my opinion, John Rice is wrong and abuses Scripture to his own gain. He's the man who wrote the book "Bobbed hair, bossy wives and women preachers", right?   And Lori wonders why "the feminists" rebelled?  

Lori's conclusion, as usual, is only one part of the message.  Yes, Ephesians 5 :22-24 is properly quoted, but it doesn't stand alone. It's part of a message, which is part of a letter. 

You are right when you say she's a false teacher and I'm glad people are starting to call her out.  


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HAHAH a male pastor corrects her. She better not argue back, but oh she does!
She deleted Michael's "fair enough" comment!
This is priceless. Lori had a chance at being an invited speaker, and she ruined it for herself.
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Oh my God...for the love of all that's holy that bitch is FUCKED UP!!! 

As you all know, I belong to a VERY conservative church...not long ago, our pastor was preaching through the book of Ephesians (the one where it is written "wives submit to your husbands"). This is what he said (in a nutshell)...yes, men are supposed to be the leaders, HOWEVER, a man is to LOVE HIS WIFE as Christ loves the church. Its a sacrificial love, it's a love where the man should be ready to give up his life for his wife (and children). A man who uses that verse to demand his wife's submission to him is not a Christian man, is not following what Christ showed. A husband who uses that verse to justify abuse of his wife in any form is not a Christian husband, he is a spoiled brat letting his ego get in the way of what his true duty to his wife is. A man must never, ever forget that his wife shares in the glory of God, shares in being created by God, and has been given certain talents and abilities that reflect God's character. See, God, as the eternal creator, possesses so many different traits that one human is not enough to contain all God's character. However, a man and a woman together possess God's traits of being provider, protector, nurturer, life-giver, etc. 

Lori wouldn't get a 5 minute hearing at a women's group at my church...she'd be run out on a rail. 

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I just realized whenever talking about an abusive husband she uses the word "disobedient" instead. This is done on purpose to not make it seem so bad. He isn't abusive, he is just disobedient! She is afraid to and doesn't want to use that word. Amazing when you notice all these little things.

Also about Michael's comment, I also just noticed how she had to have the last word. She had to link to her post on that topic and get the last word. 

Any bets Ken is going to ride in to correct this pastor?

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I have a feeling that (now that the shit is hitting the fan), Lori's going to try to spin this as an idea she was sharing, not something she necessarily believes herself.

I *still* haven't figured out screen shots (there's no hope for me :pb_lol: ), but I am going to put this here....


Lori Alexander says:

August 31, 2017 at 7:50 am

Yes, there are going to be differences of opinions, Brittany, but Paul’s verse seems to be the clearest that woman are not made in the image of God but this doesn’t diminish our value and worth at all.

Her response to Jay is hilarious!  You can practically hear the whiny pleading in her voice:


I am sorry this offended you so much, Jay, but Dr. Rice seemed to be a very knowledgeable man of the Word so I thought I would share his perspective but it doesn’t have any bearing on our eternal salvation or our roles as wives and mothers, does it?

Translated, this means:


I am so sorry this offended you, Jay, but Dr. Rice seemed so knowledgeable, and you know how easily deceived my silly little woman brain is!  I was just showing my readers what he wrote, but we are still TOTALLY on the same page about salvation.  Which Saturday would work best for you?????


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4 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:



Wait, wait! Jessica says "A woman's actions is not why men abuse!" Haven't we been hearing ad infinitum that when women are abused, we're to blame because of our behavior? Lori is forever asking why a man whose wife is submissive would choose to hurt her. Who could imagine such a thing?

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Lori says 'it doesn’t have any bearing on our eternal salvation or our roles as wives and mothers, does it?'  She goes on, and on, and oooooon, about the role a wife and mother is to fulfill, based on what? The idea that men are above women, that they are to rule over us. She reiterates the view that 'God’s inspired Word tells us that the man “is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.” A man is like God in a sense that a woman is not like God' and a few lines down follows with 'in the home, man is the deputy of God, and should lead the home for God,' and 'it is only law, order and government for God’s man to be the head of the home, the head of the wife, and to rule over his wife.'  So how the hell can she claim 'it doesn’t have any bearing on...our roles as wives and mothers'? 

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