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Dillards 40: Majoring in Grifting

Coconut Flan

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Uh again? Guess he dosen't understand the first time. I really want to know if he think that there was a mistake last time and people couldn't find già page or what, maybe a conspiracy by the heathens?  Or was Satan?

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What will this course at Cross Church do for Derelict? He'll get a couple of missioncations out of it, but what else? What is his goal? Does He want to be a full time missionary? Then learn some practical skills to really help people. A pastor? Go to seminary. Drift around spreading your hate filled gospel and neglecting your family? You're in the right place.

Didn't get chicken pox when it went through my class at school. Didn't get it when the wolf cubs got it. (Pre vax). Doctor thought I must have got a mild case when very young. Did get the shingles shot. Wolf boy got shingles when grand wolf was born.

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I realize that dwreck can't keep già mouth close and has  to spread all the hate that can and feeling superior at the same time, but is really so hard to find someone who could do some Pr work with him? I eon'teon' t think the Duggars want to lose more "fans" and keep the show in danger.   

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14 hours ago, RosyDaisy said:

. You (general) are deliberately exposing your child to a disease for the purpose of making them sick. There is no theory under which that is justifiable. It deliberately causing harm to a child. That is abuse.

Well, maybe so and maybe no, but i'd still rather that my child, if he was going to get chicken pox, and in the fifties, he WAS going to get chicken pox, after all those were the days of 50 kids in a classroom and the virus spreads by droplets... if you cough, your neighbor is inhaling your germs... I'd MUCH rather he get it in the summer, because even though the virus doesn' t shed after the first infection, the pox can remain on the body for ages, and you miss a lot of school that way.  So when that was the only way to get it, it was considered better to get it when school was out.

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A few more things about the chicken pox:

No,  being around someone with Chicken Pox will not reactivate the virus in you and cause shingles.  The only way chicken pox will cause shingles in someone is if you are a caregiver of someone with chicken pox and you are stressed, sleep deprived to the point where you immune system is impacted.  But you can't catch shingles.


As to the Chicken Pox parties,  Sing is right,  it was considered a viable treatment option back in the day.  Chicken pox in teens and adults is no joking matter.  It can spread to the lungs, and could even be fatal.  For women in particular getting chicken pox as a kid was a good thing because chicken pox in a woman of child bearing age presents serious issues for both mom and baby should she be pregnant. 

Another reason for Chicken Pox parties back in the day had to do with practicality.  The incubation period for is about 10-20 days.  A family with multiple kids could end up with chicken pox in the house for months at a time if each kid was exposed separately.  So many families would opt to expose the remainder of the kids all at once, so that everyone would get it and get over it in the same general time period.  This may sound cruel, but it could truly impact a family's financial situation if a single parent for example, had to miss weeks and weeks of work.  Back then there was no family medical leave.  People could be fired for missing work to care for sick kids.  Since it was pretty much inevitable that all kids would get Chicken pox eventually, many parents and physicians would recommend just getting it over with.  And it was less disruptive in the long haul for working parents.  Having sick kids is terrible, but having sick kids, with no job, no way to pay for a doctor, no money to cover rent, food etc, is far worse. 

Before we jump to calling it abuse, I think you have to understand that throughout history, we have had medical treatments that sound terrible now, but at the time were considered valid.  Things like bleeding people, or treating them with leeches, make our skin crawl, but that was the best they thought they could do at the time.  (And oddly enough,  Leeches are still used for very specific things, and there still is a valid treatment called Therapeutic Phlebotomy which involves taking blood from a patient for a very specific medical condition. )

As to Transmission,  Chicken Pox is transmitted via airborne or droplet method and also by the fluid contained within the vesicles or the blister like rash.  Once the rash has crusted over, and there are no new pox,  the person is generally considered to no longer be  contagious.  Usually a day or two before the rash erupts,  the person will run a  temp, and generally feel unwell.  They may even have some nausea or vomiting.  They are contagious during this period as well, through respiratory secretions that when they talk, cough, sneeze etc will then form droplets or become airborne.  (When I say airborne or droplet, by that I mean that in the right conditions,  a person can inhale the virus by being close enough to someone who has it.  When the infected person breaths, talks, coughs, etc, they release small amounts of the virus into the air.  This, and direct contact with the fluid is how chicken pox is spread. )


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8 minutes ago, FleeJanaFree said:

What are the odds that the new site lets you post unapproved comments?

Probably 0:1

I really really really really can't believe that he thinks doing another fundraiser is a good idea.  I mean, is he getting any sort of counsel at all from anyone?  And if so, is he listening? 

The only fundraising efforts he should be involved with are to help with Flood relief in Texas, Fire Relief in Oregon, or if his interest is in international missions,  fundraising for India/Bangladesh and Nepal for their horrible flooding. 

For a well off young man, with the ability to get a job and earn his own money to be begging for money, particularly right now, is the definition of tone deaf, priviledge and offensive.  

But,  you know what?  Keep it coming Derick, because the more critical examination of this grifting family the better.  It makes me happy to think that JB is squirming because  as he is probably caught between a rock and a hard place when it comes to Derick.  He can't publicly step away or admonish him because that would reveal that as headship, he didn't do a good job in vetting out Derick before he pushed his daughter into a covenant marriage to him.  If he steps in and pays for it all himself,  that sets up a precedent to fund Derick for all of his future ill-conceived hare-brained ideas, and leaves it wide open for the rest of the in-laws and kids to do the same. 

And if JB pays then that would give the message that he endorses Derick's odd behavior. 

So, Derick, keep making JB sweat.  Keep drawing negative attention to this family.  Maybe Derick will accomplish what we have longed hoped for; that the the negative publicity, and subsequent inquiry into their finances, grifting, ways, will cause the family to just fade from public life.  Not wishing harm on anyone, just that they will start to live life as private citizens and will have no public forum to spout their incredibly harmful fundamentalism.



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1 hour ago, calimojo said:

Before we jump to calling it abuse, I think you have to understand that throughout history, we have had medical treatments that sound terrible now, but at the time were considered valid.

Very much yes to this. I have thought about @RosyDaisy's post all night and was, and still am, offended. Unless she raised children in that era, she is speaking of something she knows nothing about. Having nursed my kids thru some horrific illnesses/surgeries, abusive is the last thing I would be. The insinuation that I was abusive is offensive and patently untrue. 

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Every generation has medical traditions.  Just think of "Starve a cold, feed a fever".  I work in Healthcare, and when I first started, we thought that by keeping patients in bed for days on end, we were doing the right thing.  Well, now we know that was very unhealthy and led to blood clots, pneumonia, bed sores, kidney stones, etc. 

Years ago, anytime you had a broken bone you were in a cast for months.  Now, they often don't use casts much at all.  When my daughter broke her elbow, she had a brace and was encouraged to remove it 3-4 times a day and do range of motion exercises.  That would have been unheard of 20 years prior.  We thought you had to keep the limb complete immobile so the bones could heal.  Then of course the muscles would atrophy from lack of use, and it would take a long time to get that strength back again.

Future generations will look at the things we used to do to treat illnesses and injuries and think we were nearly torturing people and completely incompetent. 

If someone intentionally exposes their child to a potentially serious illness today, I agree that is abusive.  But to label it as such from a different time is inappropriate.  


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4 hours ago, MiddleAgedLady said:

Now he's trying to get his donation site up and running so you can give.

In other words, no one is giving, so the website must be broken and I need to get another, instead of people really do not support this endeavor.

3 hours ago, calimojo said:

The only fundraising efforts he should be involved with are to help with Flood relief in Texas, Fire Relief in Oregon, or if his interest is in international missions,  fundraising for India/Bangladesh and Nepal for their horrible flooding. 

Thank you for mentioning the Oregon fires. Last year, I vacationed in an area that is currently burning and evacuated. This year, fires were within about 6 miles of where we camped, and significantly altered our hiking plans. (We had a lot of other options, but I'm really concerned about those fighting the fires, those whose health is affected by poor air quality, and those who have had to evacuate, and those who have lost homes. I mentioned the hiking because that made it personal to me.)  I also read in the paper this morning that 140 hikers are trapped between two fires, one that's been burning since July and one that started yesterday afternoon, on a well-traveled trail in the Gorge, which my friends and I have hiked. It's really awful and scary here.  (I'm mentioning my connection to these places, as one of the things I love about Free Jinger is getting to know people across the country and overseas. We might read about the flooding in Texas, but it's more personal because @BecauseScience and @Howl have written about their connections, so we're thinking about real people.)

I wonder what Anna Dugger thinks of Derick and his grifting. Her sister, Esther, is married to King of the Grifters, John Shrader, who is serving as a grifftionary missionary in Africa. Ester is preparing to give birth for the second time in Africa. Previously, the Shrader family lived in a tent camper (popup) in the US. I wonder if Anna sees any correlation between John and Derick? I also hope those two never meet and exchange new ways of grifting overseas mission trips.    

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1 hour ago, Chickenbutt said:

Very much yes to this. I have thought about @RosyDaisy's post all night and was, and still am, offended. Unless she raised children in that era, she is speaking of something she knows nothing about. Having nursed my kids thru some horrific illnesses/surgeries, abusive is the last thing I would be. The insinuation that I was abusive is offensive and patently untrue. 

Exposing kids to chickenpox at a young age essentially WAS the vaccine before the vaccine. They get a mild version and then have lifelong immunity.

@calimojo this is not my area, but I assumed theoretically you should not be able to get chickenpox more than once - and yet people do for some reason. And I get that decreased immune system under stress can result in shingles but my understanding is that we still don't fully understand the conditions that allow for it but it is often thought to emerge during times of stress when the immune system is weaker, but the exact reasons aren't well understood.

While most people should have immunity for life, this doesn't always happen. Reexpospure to chickenpox can help "boost" the immune system to fight off future bouts of shingles but how does this work in someone who is not fully immune? Do they get a weakened case of chickenpox or is it possible to have an outbreak of shingles? Do we really know for certain? I get that it's in he nerves and dormant and under normal conditions the body is able to suppress it, but hypothetically someone not fully immune to chickenpox may be utilizing antibodies/resources to fight off recent exposure versus suppressing the dormant virus. Like this is why they check titers, even in people who should be immune?

Since increased exposure to chickenpox is associated with decreased chance for shingles, something is happening and to the immune system during reexposure. And the very idea that you can get chickenpox more than once challenges the idea that reexposure to chickenpox has no effect on all people, even if most are immune. Maybe it's a stretch, but I guess the logic that people do get chickenpox more than once - despite being theoretically impossible - makes me challenge the idea that reexposure to chickenpox is never associated with shingles. 

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I remember chicken pox going around my kindergarten classroom, and then again when I was a bit older. I was fine, until I got them in fifth grade. It was a great time to get them, as I hated my fifth grade teacher. 

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2 hours ago, Chickenbutt said:

Very much yes to this. I have thought about @RosyDaisy's post all night and was, and still am, offended. Unless she raised children in that era, she is speaking of something she knows nothing about. Having nursed my kids thru some horrific illnesses/surgeries, abusive is the last thing I would be. The insinuation that I was abusive is offensive and patently untrue. 

I took my two to a CP party before they started school. No vaccines offered in mid 1990s. They both caught it before nursery age. They missed no education that way. If #1 had caught it later he would have been seriously ill due to crap immune system later in life caused by physical problems missed by Doctors. Totally unrelated to CP. we are forever grateful that he did catch it as a toddler.

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People get chicken pox more than once if they didn't have a strong enough case the first time to commute immunity.  In the past the rule of thumb was you needed at least 50 lesions or Pox to feel confident of immunity.  Not sure if that has changed.

As to your other assertions, that periodic exposures to Chicken Pox helps strengthen immunity and keep shingles at bay, that is not something I am personally aware of but it may be true.   I tend to be suspicious of lots of things when it comes to vaccines because there is just a lot of bad science out there that clouds the issue.  Add to that is the fact that we don't  know the long term efficacy of the newer vaccines,  it makes for lots of conjecture, etc. 

The main point I was trying to clarify is that you don't catch Shingles from someone who has shingles.  IN order to have shingles, you first have to have had Chicken pox at some point in your life.  Once you have had chicken pox, that virus lives in you forever in a dormant state. 

The immune system is incredibly complex.  I had to study it recently for a certification test I was taking and I just skimmed the surface.  It was amazing how much more we know about the immune system now, than when I first studied it in nursing school back in the 1980's.  And I imagine 30 years from now, we will understand even more. 

It is truly fascinating.  My personal theory is that more and more diseases will eventually be considered as issues with immunity.  We already know the immune system plays a huge role in Cancer, and we know that inflammation plays a role with heart disease.  

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So this idiot didn't learn a thing during his latest fundraising disaster. I had no idea it would be possible to hate someone who you've never even met this much, but Mr Dickhead has made that possible.

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7 hours ago, MiddleAgedLady said:

Does Derick just tweet for us to snark? 



I find this funny because he doesn't work. he has no produce or whatever the hell he's talking about. Thus, he dishonors the Lord.


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I went to DerICK's twitter, and saw that the tweet about getting the grifting page up and running again was a response to Cathy saying the link was broken. So she clearly supports his refusal to get a job to support his family. Does this mean she wasn't one of the contributors to the $125 he grifted?

He also retweeted a clip from Fox News about praying for victims of Harvey. Maybe he realized how tactless it is to beg strangers for money when he's perfectly capable of getting a job and lives in a beautiful home while others lost everything? Nah. Just another example of thinking prayer fixes everything for others, but give him money money money. 


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5 hours ago, calimojo said:


So, Derick, keep making JB sweat.  Keep drawing negative attention to this family.  Maybe Derick will accomplish what we have longed hoped for; that the the negative publicity, and subsequent inquiry into their finances, grifting, ways, will cause the family to just fade from public life.  Not wishing harm on anyone, just that they will start to live life as private citizens and will have no public forum to spout their incredibly harmful fundamentalism.

Emailing pastors of the program might be a good idea. The more public flak they get will impact their image, thus shut Derick up.

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14 minutes ago, MiddleAgedLady said:

His page is back up. 2 comments so far

Both negative--now that didnt take long now did it

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7 hours ago, Four is Enough said:

and in the fifties, he WAS going to get chicken pox, after all those were the days of 50 kids in a classroom and the virus spreads by droplets... if you cough, your neighbor is inhaling your germs.

I entered kindergarten in 1958. My sister, cousins, neighborhood kids, and many/most of the children in our elementary school got Chicken Pox, but not me. Years later, pre CP vaccine, all four of my children got them, the youngest, a toddler still in diapers, the most uncomfortable. I kept the diaper off when I could, and was otherwise at the ready to dash to him and get the diaper off the second he peed. He'd suddenly wail in pain when the urine came into contact with the Pox. It was awful!

The children's pediatrician suspected I probably developed immunity following a VERY mild case. As someone else posted here, getting titered to check would be expensive, and why do it now?

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14 minutes ago, MiddleAgedLady said:

His page is back up. 2 comments so far.


I just can't believe he would try again unless the site will now allow him to delete comments. This brings to mind an old quote on insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. 

I love how Jill posted a photo of Derick cooking them a steak dinner. Nothing wrong with treating yourself, but when you are begging for funds from strangers on the internet, it may look better to grill some chicken or hamburgers instead, just saying. I guess they can afford the steak since other folks are going to be paying for his "personal development" in the coming year. #morebangforyourbuck indeed, Derick.

Honest to Pete--what an a-hole.

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Last time I could find the comments. Now it says 0 comments.  Is he deleting?

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