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Aunt Lori Alexander 24: Wearing Shorts and Kicking Cats

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2 hours ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:
LOL, I daydream about sex!!

Here she goes making women into sexless creatures again. 

What the hell. Give me sex over "romance" any day. 

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I guess I need to bite the bullet and dive into all things Lori Alexander. Somehow I have missed out completely. Do I just jump in? Or start at the beginning?

(I'm at my peak JRod and NicNog disgust/extreme dislike level right now, so maybe she will distract me?)  

I've tried to ignore all the tantalizing discussion titles but "kicking cats"?? Them's fightin' words. 

Here I go...

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My daughter hated to brush or have her hair brushed. The hairdresser said my kid had the thickest fullest head of hair she had ever cut. By the time she was 11 she begged me to let her shave her head. We were all about bodily autonomy and let her. Other kids teased her mercilessly but she didn't care. I figured she would eventually go back to having hair. She's 21 and still shaving it. Go figure. 

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51 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:
LOL, I daydream about sex!!

Here she goes making women into sexless creatures again. 

But I bet it is in a romantic setting, with candles and a loving husband patiently listening to all your worries and dreams particularly about the babies you are longing for. You see, men only dream about the five seconds at the end and put up with the rest for the sake of that.

If that is not your experience, there is obviously something wrong with you. All REAL men and women follow this Godly pattern.

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I've tried to ignore all the tantalizing discussion titles but "kicking cats"?? Them's fightin' words. 

Here I go...

I’m sure that none of you have noticed this, but I’m totally a cat person (Luna says hi mommy friends by the way!). The idea of kicking any animal, but especially a cat, so hard you have to ice your foot for a god damned week makes me RAGE.


Lori Alexander is a fucking MONSTER.

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For those of you who have followed Lori for a long time is she on some sort of manic upswing?

She does seem crazier than usual since the book, but she’s always been really really awful. Mileage may vary but I don’t think she’s any different really beliefs wise.

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1 minute ago, Fluffy14 said:

For those of you who have followed Lori for a long time is she on some sort of manic upswing?

Speculation, obviously, but here goes

We have long suspected that Lori is jealous of those *really* popular women bloggers that get book deals and go on speaking gigs and all that attentiony jazz.

She had that post go viral, A YEAR AGO!!!!!, she wrote a book! annnnndddddddd nuffin

People give her book 1 star reviews that she can't delete.  Her book was self-published and edited by one lazy ass editor (page numbers on index page wrong?  come on man!), not published by some hot Christian publisher.   No one but people who disagree with her seem to be part of her new audience.

It must be frustrating for someone that has such a high opinion of herself that she claims to be a prophet and speaking for the "God of the Universe"

I suspect she's just trying the right amount of crazy biblical extremism to really make it big.  Stuff she has tried so far isn't working so she's getting more and more out there.


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1 hour ago, EowynW said:

What the hell. Give me sex over "romance" any day. 

Hahahahahaaaaa! I'm with you! I would die if my husband suddenly turned into a moony-eyed romantic creature. DIE. Die laughing, that is. Sex is perfectly fine, thanks, and I can do without the romance, thanks. I know lots of women want to be swept off their feet (and lots of men are into that, too), but it's just not my thing.

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4 hours ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:


You know Ken will get the last word on that. Brian won't be allowed to respond.

Yep. Hours later, and nothing more from Brian. I'm sure he replied, but we'll never see it. :my_dodgy:

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Is it just me, or did ALL the comments on her blog post today disappear? My computer has been wonky, so it could be my end ;) 

1 minute ago, BamPeterson said:

Is it just me, or did ALL the comments on her blog post today disappear? My computer has been wonky, so it could be my end ;) 

Yep, it was just me. They're all still there...

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6 minutes ago, BamPeterson said:

Is it just me, or did ALL the comments on her blog post today disappear? My computer has been wonky, so it could be my end ;) 

Yep, it was just me. They're all still there...

That happened to me a while ago as well, so it was probably on the blog end, not your computer.

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I wouldn't be surprised if she's taking a page out of The Activist Mommy's book. We know she reads TAMs blog because she's commented on it before. 

TAM just got a lot of attention for a stunt she pulled by burning a magazine in a video online as a protest. It's popular because people think she's fucking psycho but for TAM, any attention is good. 

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She deleted Brittany. 

You see a man is allowed to tell a woman she speaks with emotion and therefore should be disregarded, but a woman can not say the same to a man.  Because of course men are always rational, logic creatures. She has to always protect the men. 

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6 hours ago, Chocolatedefrauded said:

I'm curious, as a mom to an almost 13 yr old, does your kid manage to wash the shampoo completely out of his/her hair? My kid's hair comes out looking greasier after a shower than before. She doesn't rinse well & it drives me nuts. I manage to bite my tongue mostly but I seriously wonder what she is doing in there! And she goes through conditioner like crazy. Same with shave gel, that she just started using last month. How can you use a whole bottle in 1 shower? I think she's using it give herself a fake beard & mustache.

so yes, some teens are all gung-ho to have romances & act adult but plenty of other kids are not. Other teens need to be reminded to apply soap to their bodies in the shower, instead of just singing & goofing off. So not ready...

Have you considered buying her self lubricating razor heads? I buy those on and off (they tend to be on sale for some reason). There is a kind of Venus these days that has two huge bars of moisturizer stuff, and it actually lathers up when you use it. At most I need a little extra soap suds. The heads themselves might be a little more expensive than the plain ones, but it's a huge savings in shave gel.

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My girls never gave me much of a rough time about bathing. My boys...yeah...they wouldn't bathe for love nor money. I had to threaten to get in the shower with them and get some pumice soap and green scrubbies on their hides. My youngest is still a stinky slob at 27. 

I can't believe she's STILL beating the damn "stay home" drum. Holy shit bitch...you haven't cleaned a house in years, you haven't done a load of laundry in years and you probably haven't cooked a real meal in years either. I hate that fkn bitch. She has no idea of what the bible really says about anything. I mean, right now I'm a "stay at home wife" but due to the accident I really can't do shit. Fuck her....I hate her guts...Lori Alexander is a goddamned monster. Ken Alexander is a fucking pervert. 

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@Chocolatedefrauded, if you decide to go the Venus self-lube route, just make sure she knows to turn the razor blades up...if you leave it down it gets stuck to the shower tile... not like I know from experience or anything.

The whole "state culture" thing really gets me.  If it's that easy to eradicate your values, then you're not doing a very good job.  Plus, your children's teachers and daycare providers shouldn't be "strangers".

And my personal favorite, a woman working = man out of work -although at least this one states "professional".  They've been trying to pull this BS since the 30s, and it still isn't true.

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1 hour ago, desertvixen said:

And my personal favorite, a woman working = man out of work -although at least this one states "professional".  They've been trying to pull this BS since the 30s, and it still isn't true.

It's hard to believe that for every woman who works - blue collar, white collar, whatever - there's a man out of work. That if we all quit, there'd be no unemployed men. I call BS.

But hey, if Lori can provide facts and numbers to support this, I'll look them over with an open mind and will admit that I'm wrong if that's the case.

Side note: I was a secretary for 25 years - at a large university and at the largest law firm in our city. I knew most of the secretaries at the university and all of them at the law firm. Every single one was a woman. If Lori's dream comes true, I'll be stopping by those places to look at all of those unemployed men lining up for interviews to be secretaries.

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5 hours ago, BlackSheep said:

(Betty Friedan, Germaine Greer, and Gloria Steinem), none of women is currently married, ” (Dr. Brenda Hunter).

How old is the book Lori is shilling?   Betty Friedan died in 2006 and Gloria Steinem is a widow. She married late to David Bale (2000-2003).  So yeah, technically neither of them are married.

The thing is all 3 of the women had SAHM. Friedan, Greer and Steinem obviously noticed the toll it took on their mothers' lives and sense of self-esteem.

I firmly believe that most SAHM -- those up until the late 70s anyway --did so because that's what society expected them to do -- not something they necessarily wanted to do. 

Think of all the women during WW2 who took over men's jobs to free them up for fighting.  Took over jobs in factories that were considered "men's work" and did them well.  History tells us that many ,many of those women didn't want to go back to the kitchen when the war ended, but were forced out of the work place so life could return to "normal".  

I never, ever, ever wanted to be a SAHM. I always wanted to work, even if I was married, because I wanted my own money and a sense of autonomy, a sense of accomplishing more than doing 7 loads of laundry.  I wanted to be able to take care of myself if I had to.  As a teenager I was determined to never depend 100% on anyone else for money. I knew I'd work even if I had children,

Mr. Dress and I never had children and I have always worked. Truthfully the thought of retirement someday terrifies me. I'll be bored out of my mind. I need to begin thinking ahead about a second part-time career and volunteering opportunities plus more hobbies. 


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1 hour ago, desertvixen said:

The whole "state culture" thing really gets me.  If it's that easy to eradicate your values, then you're not doing a very good job.  Plus, your children's teachers and daycare providers shouldn't be "strangers".

When I read that, I tried really hard to think of something I learned in school or from a teacher or day care provider (my mom was an ebil single, working mom until I was 12, when she got married. She worked about another year and was dx with MS and had to quit) and I can't think of a single thing that anyone *taught* me that differed from my parents values.

Did I agree with everything in my parents value system?  No, I did not and they didn't give me much shit over it, even when I absolutely refused to be confirmed.  They did not care that I didn't believe like they did, but were upset I wouldn't go through the "pomp and circumstance" of the whole process.

*I,* on the other hand, felt like it was grossly hypocritical to be confirmed when I no longer believed and/or agreed with some of the church's teachings.

I ended up "winning," because I just flat out refused and when I talked to a priest that was a family friend (not our local priest) he agreed with my reasoning, so they gave in.

It was nothing I was specifically taught, I just developed my own value system based on my own experiences, which I'm pretty sure is a normal stage of development and a goal for most parents.

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