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Sarah, David, and Russell: Love, Marriage, and Pining on Facebook


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I don't think any of us want Russ to fail. I mean, it seems to be a habit with him but its never too late to change. I was honestly surprised and happy for him that he was able to get a job and an apartment (however lowly it may be) and have a nice Christmas with his daughter. As a poster upthread noted, it's his fucking hypocrisy that is so unbelievable and his horrible, manipulative, abusive, and self-exalting posts directed at others that are so disgusting. Everyone else is to blame for all the problems in his life, down to his skin problems brought on by stress from baby mamas. One of which goes out of her way to be respectful and considerate to him for the sake of her daughter, and the other, if what he says is to be believed, he cut all contact with a few years ago.

If Russ hates being talked about so much (he might hate what we say, but he seems to LOVE being talked about!) he can just set his facebook to "friends" only and there ya go, no one here will have anything to talk about anymore and this thread will die. 

If he hates his public posts, memes and rants being responded to, or hates people calling him out for HIS vile, mysogynistic bs, he can just stop posting. Or like I said, place his settings to "friends". Only publicly available information is allowed on FJ and he can stop the discussion as soon as he likes - but he chooses not to. He is totally a mysogynist and I think he secretly loves that a handful of (what he assumes are mostly) women talk about him here and criticize and comment on his publicly shared shit. It gives him even more of a reason to hate and disrespect women because we are the bullies, in his mind. 

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He thinks it means everyone here actually loves him. That's why he's so obsessed; no where else, on any planet, would any women pay any attention to him and here he has (what he perceives to be) an entire message board of women lusting after him.

The people who choose to live in delusional worlds used to be treated as necessary, now they are apparently the norm.

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6 hours ago, ellacinders said:

Ladyamylunn - I apologize for not recognizing your 'handle' - haven't noticed you before.  Seems you are brand new here, on this thread at anyhow.  So, welcome to the group!  Looks like you discovered this thread Wednesday?  

You are absolutely correct, I (nor any of us present) don't need to, and should not use  'vile mysogynistic bullshit' to describe Russ.  He likes to publicly utilize it on a regular basis, but two wrongs don't make a right.

I stand corrected. :) 


Lol yeah I'm really new here. I haven't participated much in this saga because it Russ is just a random loser and frankly not that interesting.


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On ‎1‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 8:27 PM, HumbleJillyMuffin said:

Perhaps he and his neighbor Jonathan Sap Cosby got together and went to Swinger's World for a blow up doll? That's a good reason for a drink. 

Poor doll.

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Rusty sure done told us! Those tags are really rich. Hate to break it to you buddy, but obviously the Galva Police Department thought you were "playing pretend in a costume" in some form or another or they wouldn't have canned your ass or forced you to resign. 

Your continuous efforts to "prove us wrong" are proof that you need help of some kind. And that's not an insult or being unkind; seeking help with mental health issues and taking the advice of professionals and using those tools to improve your interaction with others and how you react to situations is admirable. What's not admirable is wasting your time bitching about the "haters" and trying so damn hard to show us what hot shit you are when you are out of a job and need employment desperately. Use your time wisely. And oh yeah, driving a vehicle for a "friend" 20 miles in the pouring rain when said vehicle has dangerous brakes is just fucking stupid. #thinkofLauren


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Who is Kim Jenkins? Seems Russturd wasn't all that successful yet he wants others to "get out and live life" presumably like he did?


Kim Jenkins rusty get help. i dont know whats wrong with you but you arent healthy. your family and friends sent you off to basic and you couldnt finish it. which is okay not everyone is cut out to be a soldier. you lost your job as a cop because you threatened jen. both times were Very bad learn from your mistakes listen to your family get help.

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Oh heck, he won't go to counseling or won't take heart what the counselor has to tell him because he only told them whatever HE wants them to hear. Pulling the sympathetic male card. Proving us wrong all the time shows his insecurity, narrow mindness, and narc or persuasive  personality.  

Nothing wrong about can't making thru basic. It just shows you what your capabilities and  your limitations. After all the Army wants only the best! 

Yeah, Rusty did threaten Jen.  Police officers frown on abusers, let alone by one of their brothers. They do not tolerate it, period. They do not need someone putting a bad image in their solidarity. It's a weak link, a link they don't need so they get rid of it.

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But, but, but...he's already in counseling and has learned he is the most innocent victim to ever be victimized. He never does anything wrong and is a perfect angel and always has been. It's because he chose women who attack him as he cries. Poor baby.

There isn't a thing the whiner could say to make me change my opinion that he is walking excrement.

But, keep trying buddy. Your obsession with FJ is going to drive you over the edge and in my opinion that's exactly where you belong. Hopefully locked in a ward. Maybe crying in a room because you're being 'attacked'.

I don't know how he can think anything he says or does will do anything...what is he looking for? Apologies? For us to be his BFF's and praise his awesomeness? I don't really want to know because knowing means understanding and that, my friends, is one biological mistake I don't ever want to understand.

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Rusty's awake!  Up bright and early, setting the record straight.  2 posts in the last hour, and a special shout out to Free Jinger.

In other news, my husband is off to work, and my mom has been at her desk for over an hour now.  Hope Rusty's employers won't mind if he's late this morning.  He's got a good excuse, boss.  Seems he had some internet business he needed to straighten out.

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He is worried that his Facebook friends and family are here reading all about him, and he needs to deflect that.   But, I don't think his friends and family are here reading.  Because if they were, and his story of being a 'victim' is a known truth, then someone would stand up for him.  Someone would want to set the record straight and defend him.

That's not happening.  It's either not happening because they aren't reading any of this - or if they are, they know what they are reading here is true and have no intention of stepping up and defending him.

And Russ, since you are here reading this (and a good morning to you on this wonderful Friday!) - if you really were in counseling since - when was it?  2004?  Then you'd have known to stay away from married women with 5 children, because surely you would have mentioned/bragged that you were out to rescue a woman fitting this exact description to your counselor - which he/she would have strongly advised against.  

Oh, and Russ, were you actively and consistently seeking true, meaningful counseling to change the path of your life, you'd also know that in any case, all you have 'been through'  - if TRUE, makes you a SURVIVOR.  

You are using the incorrect counseling lingo.

Do more research before spewing.  What you do rather than convince others of the story you have talked yourself into so that you can sleep at night, is to consistently reveal yourself.

And cops are infamous for being abusive partners.  Fortunately, most are not - but there are bad apples everywhere, in every walk of life.  The majority of them point the finger at the actual victim rather than man up and admit to themselves who and what they really are.

You keep threatening to post the 'true' story.  The legal records.  Well, you are posting vile things about your daughter's mother where she can read them.  Might as well go the entire nine yards and prove your story, right?  There's no going back now that you have posted what you have posted.  Your daughter will never forget it, never unsee it.  

But you won't post the 'proof.'  You can't because the proof will tell the actual truth.

And you'd better hope Kindall continues to take the high road, and not post it herself.

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Am I supposed to congratulate Russell for getting up before 9:30am and doing what a parent is supposed to do and get their child ready and off to school? I would actually would congratulate Russell if he would STFU and keep a job. 

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I am pretty sure we see in Russell exactly what the Orange One would have become had he not been born into wealth.

Insecure, drama queening, desperate little boys full of such self loathing they lash out in every direction and have no ability to see the trees through the forest.


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Hmmm. . .well if he wants praise for getting his kid up and getting her to school, taking a shower and going to a "business meeting", then he needs to thank Kindall for doing that every other day of the week. Thanks to her parenting and provision, his daughter has clothes, school supplies, a warm home and plenty of food. Thanks to Kindalls generosity and selflessness, Russell is able to see his child once a week or whenever it is. Even when he was camped out along the river. 

So weird that all three women impregnated by Russ were "identical". And made up the same stories, and had the same experiences with him. Did they know each other IRL? Did they get together and craftily plot his demise? Did they write a script and memorize the same story? I don't know if any of that is true but I can't say I blame any of them for leaving his loser ass. So weird that he volunteers the information he "never laid hands" or something on his supposed fiancee, when all that was stated was that he "threatened" her. 

At least two of those women seem to have gotten away. I feel for Kindall. She's stuck dealing with him for the foreseeable future. 

I don't doubt Russ may have experienced abuse as a child or even as an adult. But being abused doesn't give you an excuse for continually abusing others. When it's pointed out, repeatedly, over the course of many years, that you are doing and saying things that hurt others, a normal person will respond by apologizing and getting whatever help they might need to interact with their loved ones (or anyone, for that matter) in a healthy manner. 

Russ responds by cutting anyone who causes him any sort of discomfort out of his life and then ranting about them on his public FB page. 

I doubt what Russ says really bothers Kindall all that much. But it can and will bother Lauren. It can't be good for any child to have one parent so hateful towards the other. Constantly. I can't imagine the emotional turmoil he has or will, consciously or not, put Lauren through by viciously tearing down her mother, over and over and over.  

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33 minutes ago, MakeitSew said:

So weird that all three women impregnated by Russ were "identical". And made up the same stories, and had the same experiences with him. Did they know each other IRL? Did they get together and craftily plot his demise? Did they write a script and memorize the same story? I don't know if any of that is true but I can't say I blame any of them for leaving his loser ass. So weird that he volunteers the information he "never laid hands" or something on his supposed fiancee, when all that was stated was that he "threatened" her. 


It's a typical tactic of narcissists to compare a hated ex to another hated ex; chances are, while you were together he whined and whined and whined about how awful said ex is and how she screwed him over and blah, blah, blah. The women who sadly fall for it are then solidly in his trap. Said trap can close shut and cut your arm off in a second if it serves his drama needs.

Ask me how I know?

My ex whined from the day we met how crazy his ex is and she cheated on him even though he never did anything wrong and blah, blah, blah. I was young and stupid enough and fell for it with ease. 15 years later when I left him, he said the same things about me he used to say TO me about his ex wife, verbatim. The assigned motives, actions, whining...it was a complete carbon copy. Of course, once I realized how exactly how extremely I'd been duped I fell further into the pit of hell I'd been in, but I also eventually used that to empower myself. My first step? I went to the craft store and bought some t-shirts & iron on transfers. I printed "Crazy Ex Wife #2" and a few variations of it and ironed them onto the t-shirts. I wore those shirts around the house and anywhere around the small town we lived in regularly until we were no longer under the same roof.

Anyway....if Russ has had the exact same experiences with three women then the common factor is Russ. HE created his experiences and HE made them what he wanted them to be, as it suited him at any given time. Exactly as he is doing now.

I just hope all three got some empowerment out of it.

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Russ will  never grow up hes been this way for years....Its funny his family never had a pot to piss in but for some reason he thinks he came from somewhere not sure where all this judgement comes from...I heard stories of his dad was so abusive neighbors could hear him down the street yelling

and it was nothing for the dad to chase his kids outside and spank them with various items...sad

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I thought he was in a business meeting...

6 posts in 4 hours.  He is claiming that his daughter was abused.  I suppose that is an accusation towards her mother, and not an admission of guilt of his behalf?  

Anyway, he's doing his best to "shield" her by airing his dirty laundry on Facebook every 20 minutes or so.   

It is really scary that L is around her Dad when he's like this.  I hope her mother has screenshots of all of this madness. 

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And, we give him more. The more he thinks he 'has' to fight, the more he comes out punching. Because he has something to prove.

Just like with my ex when I wore the crazy ex wife shirts to cut him off at the knees - can't whine and 'prove' when someone so obviously agrees with you - I will do with this piece of shit. 

No more fuel for his drama. My opinions of him and his behavior are no longer fuel for his insane...everything.

I will miss the train wreck in a weird way but am done. Life is too short to have it poisoned by little boys I don't even know.

For your sake though, Russ, I will continue to comment on your immaturity and insanity. Just in a place you can't go drama queening over. Your daughter deserves better than an unhinged father motivated by a message board of strangers. What you don't know or read you can't have a public tantrum over. 

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3 hours ago, horsenut said:

Russ will  never grow up hes been this way for years....Its funny his family never had a pot to piss in but for some reason he thinks he came from somewhere not sure where all this judgement comes from...I heard stories of his dad was so abusive neighbors could hear him down the street yelling

and it was nothing for the dad to chase his kids outside and spank them with various items...sad

According the the court records, his dad has been charged with domestic problems. Its all there in the court records.

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The abuse explains Russ's abuse of others.  But that doesn't mean he's got a permission slip.

He went off his rocker today.  He will wind up punishing Lauren to get back at her mother.  What a shame to read all that, and see that opposed to growing up and wanting to actually shield her, he uses the fact that was she's seen makes it okay for him to even further.  Makes it okay for her to have to deal with more.

For fuck's sake Russ, she's suffered FAR more in her short life than you will ever be able to claim in the entirety of yours.  Who the hell do you think you are? 

Not a son of God, that's for sure.

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5 hours ago, Koala said:

Wow...that's really sad.  No snark at all.  I am genuinely sorry that happened to Russ and his siblings. 

I completely agree with you on this. My father's father was notorious for being an asshole abuser of his wife and children. My father turned out differently than his upbringing. I once asked him how that happened, and he said, "It was easy. I simply made the choice that I would NEVER be like that."

I guess what I'm trying to say is that in this world we all have choices. I'm terribly sorry that Russ and his family had to endure horrible abuse at the hands of Dad. But it doesn't give him or anyone a pass to abuse others, be a shitty parent, etc. Russ had the choice to get help and do whatever it takes to not be an abuser. He obviously chose differently. I don't have sympathy for a man who refuses to get help for something that affects him and his relationship to those most important to him, past and childhood experiences be damned. 

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On 1/19/2017 at 8:23 PM, HumbleJillyMuffin said:

White trash bigoted mysogynistic asshole. 

No wonder he supports Trump! Birds of a feather and all that.

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46 minutes ago, ellacinders said:

The abuse explains Russ's abuse of others.  But that doesn't mean he's got a permission slip.

He went off his rocker today.  He will wind up punishing Lauren to get back at her mother.  What a shame to read all that, and see that opposed to growing up and wanting to actually shield her, he uses the fact that was she's seen makes it okay for him to even further.  Makes it okay for her to have to deal with more.

For fuck's sake Russ, she's suffered FAR more in her short life than you will ever be able to claim in the entirety of yours.  Who the hell do you think you are? 

Not a son of God, that's for sure.

If I could like this a million times I would. That post about how Lauren will know everything and see everything because she's lived it was truly fucked up and heartbreaking. Instead of minimizing his daughter's exposure to reminders of painful past experiences he's bound and determined to maximize it and continue to do so in the future. 

Russ, you are a. Fucking. Scumbag.

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He has the unflattering pic of Lauren posted in its entirety.  Nothing like saying you don't care about your 'haters' by feeling you have to respond to virtually everything that is said about you.  Take THAT Frejinger-ites, he showed US!!!  He has lost his audience, no one even bothers to comment on his rants anymore.  

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32 minutes ago, Fallgirl30 said:

He has the unflattering pic of Lauren posted in its entirety.  Nothing like saying you don't care about your 'haters' by feeling you have to respond to virtually everything that is said about you.  Take THAT Frejinger-ites, he showed US!!!  He has lost his audience, no one even bothers to comment on his rants anymore.  

He apparently has locked down 99.9℅ of his Facebook page. Finally taking some advice? Maybe tired of the drama? Or doesn't want to be exposed as a total psycho to potential employers and women? Whatever the scenario, I pray this man gets help for his issues. If not for him then at least for his daughter. It would be fabulous to see him become a productive member of society. 

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