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Sarah, David, and Russell: Love, Marriage, and Pining on Facebook


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21 hours ago, lawfulevil said:

I dunno... http://www.gq.com/story/how-to-mail-stuff-to-the-militia-in-oregon

I mean, sorry Russ, but if nobody was willing to pony up for airfare to go kick Cabinetman's ass, it's DEFINITELY not happening for you.

ETA: Not least due to the very real risk you'd enjoy it.

Since Russ is so into appropriating social justice lingo lately, I'm just waiting for the post where he accuses you of "shaming the Christian kink community." 

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Look, what consenting adults decide to do in private is none of my business. I just don't want to do anything ever that gives Russ his jollies. Gross.

Anyway- I was thinking about Russ's insistence that his pictures "prove" Kindall is lying. Looking closer at the big pic, you can tell that the medical professional is holding Lauren's information card rotated over the top of the blood donation bag and flipped around to show the front. In a neutral position it'd show the back of Lauren's card, and so what's shown might also be the back of the donation bag- there might be another label on the front. Kindall mentions a "yellow label". I haven't donated blood in awhile but IIRC the bag had labels on both sides.

I dunno guys, I'm always going to double down on my doubt when a known liar posts "proof" that doesn't actually prove anything- especially when he started a fight over something that doesn't matter in the first place.

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Good ole Rusty.  By Sunday he will have repented, and be ready to sin against his fellow man for the next 6 days straight.  On Monday, it'll be a new rant.

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I guess we can expect another post this Sunday about God forgiving Russell, yet again, for being a gigantic jackass this week.

It takes a special type of jackass to make the claim others need to dust off their books and stop collecting a check while benefiting from subsidized housing. Maybe all those Big Macs are clogging the blood flow to his brain. 

Russell is a horrible, horrible pig of a man for publicly going after Kindall on Lauren's page for something so trivial. Who gives a damn what sex the donor was. What matters is Lauren receiving the donation and Kindall being grateful. If Russell was not a gigantic jackass, he would understand that. 

Russell needs to piss or get off the pot with these stupid threats. And just remember Russell, there are screen shots of your actually harassment. You might want to slow your roll before yammering on about things you know nothing of. 

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23 minutes ago, HumbleJillyMuffin said:

How do I do a hidden content box? I have some interesting news. 

I think you just click on the eye that's to the right of the smiley emoticon. 

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1 hour ago, Mecca said:

I guess we can expect another post this Sunday about God forgiving Russell, yet again, for being a gigantic jackass this week.

It takes a special type of jackass to make the claim others need to dust off their books and stop collecting a check while benefiting from subsidized housing. Maybe all those Big Macs are clogging the blood flow to his brain. 

Russell is a horrible, horrible pig of a man for publicly going after Kindall on Lauren's page for something so trivial. Who gives a damn what sex the donor was. What matters is Lauren receiving the donation and Kindall being grateful. If Russell was not a gigantic jackass, he would understand that. 

Russell needs to piss or get off the pot with these stupid threats. And just remember Russell, there are screen shots of your actually harassment. You might want to slow your roll before yammering on about things you know nothing of. 

What with all the blood Ol' Rusty sells, you'd think he'd donate some to his kiddo.  Maybe she's extremely luck, and they don't match---

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3 hours ago, Mecca said:

It takes a special type of jackass to make the claim others need to dust off their books and stop collecting a check while benefiting from subsidized housing. Maybe all those Big Macs are clogging the blood flow to his brain.

Ah, but, you see- Russ is a Deserving Poor Person (in his mind), so it hardly counts. He's just down on his luck. He's got an amazing work ethic- just ask him! All other poor people and anyone else getting any kind of assistance, including his ex getting help with Lauren's expenses? Lazy, no-good sacks of crap.

Russ's problems are REAL and everyone else is just making excuses. I mean, before becoming a successful business owner because she needed to provide for her children, Kindall made a mere $100/month. Because working a shift or two a week on top of being a mom of 4 (including a critically ill baby daughter) is TOTALLY the sign of a lazy person.

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Hey, Russ- if what Kindall does is so easy, why don't you do it, if you're such an amazing parent? What's stopping you from cleaning houses and building up a business?

Oh, I bet it's because of your bad back, or any one of your other maladies that somehow don't stop you from pursuing leisure activities or slurping down junk food 5 nights a week.

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1 hour ago, lawfulevil said:

Ah, but, you see- Russ is a Deserving Poor Person (in his mind), so it hardly counts. He's just down on his luck. He's got an amazing work ethic- just ask him! All other poor people and anyone else getting any kind of assistance, including his ex getting help with Lauren's expenses? Lazy, no-good sacks of crap.

Russ's problems are REAL and everyone else is just making excuses. I mean, before becoming a successful business owner because she needed to provide for her children, Kindall made a mere $100/month. Because working a shift or two a week on top of being a mom of 4 (including a critically ill baby daughter) is TOTALLY the sign of a lazy person.

His comments about her only making $100 a month (in addition to the other irrelevant crap he put in that post) made me ragey AF. Because it wasn't like she was doing anything else during that time, you know, like being a full time single parent of four kids. No, she just sat around in a mansion eating bon bons. The man has absolutely no shame or concern that his daughter might see this crap someday. 

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I've seen Lauren's FB posts today. Kudos to the FB people for calling Rusty out about calling Lauren's mom a liar and having his lawyer involved in that matter to take it down. Good grief! I agree with one of the FB posted that Lauren's mom did a good job maintaining the page, trying to keep it civil and all about Lauren. 

If Russ got a bunch of beef against her mom, he can post it on his own FB page. He can rant and rave about her and her "lies". His page. But no, he has to create waves on Lauren's FB page.

Why can't Lauren's mom or its admins kick Rusty off the page or put him on a time out time frame until he behaves himself? I hope Russ will spew some more toxic waste on Lauren's page and get kicked off. 

Something is eating him lately. Too much fast food or we being too blunt with him?

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So, on Lauren's FB page he cries the 'against Lauren's wishes' cry. 

Is it Lauren's wish to be used as a prop in her fathers FB drama? Is it Lauren's wish to have her father publicly call her mother a liar? To degrade her, dehumanize her, spread shit about her on a public FB page? Is it Lauren's wish to have a father who so immature and fucked up that he uses social media to continue to harass, dehumanize and bitch about her own mother?

I hate that fuck more every day. It's amazing how much anger and disgust he brings out in me. It's a damn good thing I've never met him and there is no chance that will ever happen. I'd get myself into a shit load of trouble.

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If you go to Lauren's moms page, she has shared a few posts from the public page set up for Lauren. A search usually brings up Lauren's page, as well. I have no words to describe my opinion of his latest attack on Kindall. It is usually very fitting to compare him to a turd, but now, well, it would be an insult to a turd and a compliment to Russ. 


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I really admire Kindall for how she handles Russ and all of his craziness. I don't know if I could handle it nearly as well as she does. 

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He can't stand that Kindall has done well for herself, through her hard work and he is just trying to get her angry enough at him to sink to his level, so he can utilize that to 'prove' that she is exactly what he tries so hard to convince others that she is.   

He can't stand that she doesn't fall for it.  

Meanwhile, back in Russland, I bet he's used up his entire paycheck on worthless tickets to concerts that he thought would make him a young, virile man again - and is hanging out at the front of the coffee and donut table at church for his meals today.  That is, in between being 'saved' for the week.

He's been mighty quiet on Facebook for the last few days.  Surprised he's not posting nasty he-man woman hater things about the big national march this weekend.


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Rusty posted an "OPEN LETTER" (who does he think he is, a Duggar?) to his brother Darrin, calling Darrin out on everything from his sexuality to the fact that Rusty's "house" is clean, unlike Darrin's. It's richer than chocolate mousse. It's on Facebook.

Also it seems that Kindall wisely deleted the comment thread that Rusty started on Lauren's page, where he accuses her of lying multiple times. 

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What an atrocious letter. He is horrific, demeaning, and utterly delusional. I hope his brother gives himself plenty of space and time away from the shitstain that is Russell. Like everyone else impacted by Rusty, Darrin deserves better.

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18 minutes ago, amandaaries said:

What an atrocious letter. He is horrific, demeaning, and utterly delusional. I hope his brother gives himself plenty of space and time away from the shitstain that is Russell. Like everyone else impacted by Rusty, Darrin deserves better.

He must have balls the size of an elephant to write something that mean, crude, and judgemental, and then to post it openly. Russ is just like Jill Rodrigues - each time you think they can sink no lower, they do. 

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I have a toxic, meth and heroin addicted, sick brother.  A few times he has threatened to cut me out of his life because I tell him the truth when no one else will, and it enrages him, especially when nothing is ever his fault, and everyone else is the problem.  But I know in the long run, when my mom is gone and his daughter is 18, he will be cut from mine, and he has no idea it's coming.  I no longer suffer fools, and there won't be any big dust up, I will just cease having anything to do with him.   What both Russell and my brother don't see, and most likely never will, is that leaving someone's life, will be a huge blessing to that person.  His post has me seeing red.  What a toxic, whiny, attention seeking drama queen.  Russell, to walk out of your brother's life, would be a pricless gift to him.  Please be that generous.  

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What a fucking dick. What the hell is his problem lately?! Weeks of relative FB silence, followed by semi normal holiday photos, and going to church check-ins. Then a vicious attack against  Kindall and now this?! What the hell? 

What's he trying to do? Why is he trying to prove he is better than Kindall, better than Darrin? And to post something so personal and private, to his own brother, PUBLICLY?! Disgusting!

He must have really fucked up lately, somehow. Needing to make others appear bad so, he thinks, he will look better by comparison. 

He's such a liar. He's kept a job since he was 12, he claimed, yet he has been unemployed almost all of this past year. BY HIS OWN CHOICE! He quit!

His home is clean, says the man who was a wandering homeless bum until recently. 

He chooses not to go around people who cause him drama or pain, says the man who is causing those who are around him both drama and pain. 

He's alone by choice? Makes it sound like women are beating at his door constantly, but he has to sorrowfully turn them away.

"And hopefully children"?! Seriously?! Is he talking about Rose, or does this fucker seriously want to impregnate more women and have more children he cannot and will not support?

Darrin's sexual lifestyle (which is none of your business, Russell) is morally and emotionally unhealthy and wrong? Says the man who has had no problem having affairs with married women.

His brother hits and throws things at his partner? Says the man who dragged the pregnant mother of his child by her hair and even now, over ten years later, is still emotionally and mentally trying to abuse and manipulate her at every possible opportunity.

Ohmygosh. He really does sink to new lows constantly.

Who's next? Who can Russell make out to be the worlds worst sinner while he exalts himself? Aunt Janice? SJ? This guy is on a roll. . . 







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Wow. More delusional, nasty and pathetic by the day and that's saying something given his status as walking excrement. 

His brother is hopefully used to dealing with the crazy and walks away from it.

Russ is crying, begging for attention. 

Kindall cut his ass off so now he's turned on his brother; the only other human being he has left to blame for all the ills. I feel for both Kindall & Darrin having to deal with the ball of shit but no doubt they've both done it long enough they know how to put up their walls and leave him to himself and his delusions. 

Darrin isn't even a FB friend so Russ deleted him before going on his rampage knowing he'll never see it but others will and will offer him 'pity'  - - or he's (Darrin) done exactly what I thought he should, removed himself from the crazy. Either way, Russ is drama queening for his own benefit, as always.

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TODAY AN OPEN LETTER MY BROTHER DARRIN THAT ALSO SHEDS LOT OF LIGHT INTO ME. DARRIN You blame everyone and scream at everyone but yourself. Your even physically ANd mentally abusive. You hit your partner and throw things at each other. Its very troubling and sad. You will end up hurt or in prison.No one can talk over you. Your sexual life style is morally and emotionaly unhealthy and wrong and, I fear will lead to your death. Get counseling for what hurts you, who your hurting and for answers. 
 Start looking at yourself and your life. Everyone around you is tired of listening and being a part of it. As for Tammy, she is a liar, a user, and a thief. She is no longer part of my life that I have to deal with. She was not our sister. No matter who she lied to to get paperwork. I believe my father and mother when they both said she was never our father's child, dad And mom told me her mother cheated, dad even told me the name of the guy who was her really her father. He never wanted to hurt Tammy by telling her repeatedly her mother lied to her. She was never part is DADS life. She was born after their marriage was over. He never saw her till she was 20 some years old and showed up. He told her right then she was not his, she couldn't except it. Dad felt sorry her mom had lied to her for all her Life. She was trouble ever since. But Its over. And I'm glad. And if you can't help yourself, I'll walk from you like before or aeast keep my distance like I have many years. I don't want that life. Its not who I am or want to be. I can't help you and you won't listen to anyone. I'm sorry I was a mean brother growing up. But most of your life since child good you were a liar and manliputive. I thought the other day. Wow if I go to counselors cause of my childhood dear LORD my mentally slower, emotionally weaker brother must be having a really horrible time and it explains him. And I felt sorry for you real empathy for your pain. But I started going to counseling in 2004. Its helped gain and understanding of who I am and dealing with hurtful people and my choices. I am alone by choice at times it sucks really bad. But my house is clean, it's quite, it's full of love to the best of my ability. There is no violence. And that's what I give to my child. And hopefully children. I have a lot of love to give and hopefully someday I will find someone to share that with. But I choose not to go around people that cause drama or me pain. There is all your answers. I love you Darrin. I'm sorry Darrin. If I die Tommorow, I know I told you and tried to give you my best. I'm sorry if it's not enough

Is he out of his goddamned mind?

And this:


Wow if I go to counselors cause of my childhood dear LORD my mentally slower, emotionally weaker brother must be having a really horrible time and it explains him.

I am just...wow.  There are absolutely no words.  None at all.

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And of course he's now posted a selfie, claiming that he's fat but cute, "it's in the bloodline". Oh yeah, make sure to sign me up for some sperm from that family when the day comes I want to reproduce. :TrainWreckMotion:


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Oh, golly gee I wonder what's really going on?  Something's up.  His behavior reminds me of when he quit that last job.  Let's see...his bank account has suddenly been hacked, he spent funds he probably didn't really have on upcoming concert tickets, he's lashed out at Kindall, he's lashing out at his brother, he's not posting any more photos of heart attack on a plate restaurant meals, and a new selfie.


Based on past behavior, and I could be completely wrong on this one, but I'd be willing to bet that he's either quit or lost yet another job.  

He's cryptically requested financial aid and probably not received any.  He probably hit Darrin up with the old "Brother, can you spare a dime" song and was turned down.   In fact, I'm positive that's what the Darrin rant was about.  He asked for help, and for his trouble  received nothing but a lecture and this is his nasty, foul, typical un-Christian method of getting back at him.

Like I always say, you can set your watch by this guy.

And Russ, nothing about you is cute, fat or thin.  But if selfies are the last bastion of esteem you have, go ahead and keep posting them, like the 14 year old girl you truly are deep down inside.  

I'd also be willing to be that Russ's testicles never descended and he's got undetected ovaries.  Each time he tries to prove his machismo, he does so in a completely and overtly feminine manner.  

GIRLS take selfies, Russ.  Not MEN.

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