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Election Results 2016, Part 2


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Omg I wished you were kidding @rainbowSky, ugh people kill me! I've also heard that Bernie Sanders just needed to be the nominee and we wouldn't have the problem but if America couldn't handle a women, how would we be able to handle a culturally Jewish man?! Especially with swastikas drawn in so many places.


Ugh society.

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He wasnt the ideal President let alone man/husband due to having the gaul to stand up in front of his people having his tictac sucked under a podium whilst addressing the country with a speech,

Ummm, was someone confusing real life with the movie Police Academy? I mean, I can kind of understand their confusion. We keep blurring the lines between pretend and real life as it is ("reality" tv anyone?). Certainly with this election, I keep looking around for the cameras and hoping we're being trolled.

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I overheard some Republicans discussing Trump today. They're already mad at him. The reason they're mad: he hasn't locked up Hillary yet. 

This is the level of stupidity we're dealing with. They actually believe a person who isn't even officially president yet has the power to lock someone who hasn't even committed any crime up. 

Meanwhile, it fills me with joy to know they're already mad at him. What a bunch of morons. 

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This just came across my FB.  I am just SMH.  The election didn't turn these people into racists... they have always been among us, just silenced.  Now they are out in full force.

I am ill.  This cannot be happening.  I thought we made progress ... this seems very pre 1960s behavior to me.  How long will it be til we have separate entrances, water fountains and yet another brave soul will be the Brave One to sit on the bus in the "wrong" seat?!

This wasn't my reality on Monday.  Or, at least I was unaware/stupid or they were muted ... until Tuesday night.

I NEVER thought we would see this sort of hatred.

Here is a news link from LA:


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19 minutes ago, AnywhereButHere said:

Ummm, was someone confusing real life with the movie Police Academy? I mean, I can kind of understand their confusion. We keep blurring the lines between pretend and real life as it is ("reality" tv anyone?). Certainly with this election, I keep looking around for the cameras and hoping we're being trolled.

I have laughed and laughed and laughed at that all day. When questioned, she truly believes that happened. She truly believes that Bill was receiving oral sex from someone hiding under a podium while addressing the American public. How the hell can you reason with anyone that believes that? And when you show her the quotes of the testimony that proves she is wrong, nope...still believes her version. 

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5 minutes ago, MarblesMom said:

This just came across my FB.  I am just SMH.  The election didn't turn these people into racists... they have always been among us, just silenced.  Now they are out in full force.

I am ill.  This cannot be happening.  I thought we made progress ... this seems very pre 1960s behavior to me.  How long will it be til we have separate entrances, water fountains and yet another brave soul will be the Brave One to sit on the bus in the "wrong" seat?!

This wasn't my reality on Monday.  Or, at least I was unaware/stupid or they were muted ... until Tuesday night.

I NEVER thought we would see this sort of hatred.

Here is a news link from LA:


It's absolutely horrific but sadly not surprising. People can fight till they're blue in the face saying they supported Trump for their economic reasoning but a LARGE majority were white supremacy racists just wanting it to be okay to say and do anything racist/xenophobic/etc. that they wanted to do.


Philadelphia which I live right outside I thought was way more progressive but not even 12 hours and people's cars were vandalized and destroyed with hate.

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Well, that did not take long. Poor little Trump is all upset because there are people protesting against him. That dang pesky First Amendment is bothering him again. Boo hoo.     


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I mentioned this at work this morning.... there were similarly many upset peeps in 08.  Was I just too busy with life, or did I miss the anti Obama protests then?  I seriously do not remember.

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To add on to what I said a while ago...

Is there someone who can show me how the hell Trump even ended up with Pence as a running mate? Or why Pence said OK?  I'm genuinely still confuddled over this. Pence and his immigration and Trump and his uhh...status seem to be a HUGE issue, just to start with. Or am I missing something somewhere?

I do understand that Pence has experience, etc where Trump doesn't and party "unification", blah blah...but I can't see how some of their views will mesh. At all. And maybe uts me, but they don't seem to even like each other much? I'd think you would choose to run with someone you respect or even like? Like...how does this work if their individual platforms are so different?

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@RainbowSky Basically the jist I've gotten is that other people he wanting (ie: Chris Christie) but his people were like Mike is going to be the safest bet (besides you know the whole believer of conversion therapy and burying miscarried fetuses). But yeah like neither of them knew eachother's platform and opinions on many things but I'm getting the vibe come January that they're going to be just like two separate entities and not having friendship bracelets like a certain duo we know

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4 hours ago, season of life said:

Melania has an Instagram under the handle of First Lady Melania Trump. I know in the end, it's a term for the wife of a president, but it's weird to go from Michelle Obama to...her.

It's surreal. Fun fact: Barron Trump, son of Melania and Orange, will be the first boy in the White House since John John Kennedy. Poor kid looked miserable on stage.

I don't know why, but the thought of her as First Lady is one of my triggers that gets me really upset. Which isn't quite fair, since she hasn't said the things that her husband has. Maybe it's because we'll be propping up someone who seems to present as nothing more than a malleable trophy wife and through publicity with the Christmas tree and White House tours suggesting that that is the ideal for women. 

If we can't keep Michelle, I'll even take Laura Bush back. Or Barbara.

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@RainbowSky I don't think they really planned on winning.  He didn't really think he'd be working with pence for the next 4 or 8 years.  He just viewed pence as a player in his chess game: putting him on the ticket would help bring in voters trump couldn't get otherwise.  They don't seem to agree on much or like each other.  And from what I understand trump is vicious and cruel to anyone he doesn't like.  Pence might be in for a rough few years.  Course I hate him almost as much, so no sorry's felt.

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Thanks, guys! I still don't get how this is supposed to end up working but OK then! Even not liking each other I can sort of understand now thinking on it-IF- they agreed on major policy. Or much of anything. Ya know, obvious personality differences and all.. But I've done some extra reading on him tonight and how he has voted/things he has said and now I've done the "How the hell...???" look a few times more since starting lol.

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Pence seems to have the personality of a rotting fish. Not that Trump is better but, like many sociopaths, he can be engaging when he wants to be.

Speaking of the Trumps, since this is technically his third family will they be the First Third Family, the First Family, or the Third Family? Inquiring minds want to know!

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2 hours ago, nausicaa said:

I don't know why, but the thought of her as First Lady is one of my triggers that gets me really upset. Which isn't quite fair, since she hasn't said the things that her husband has. Maybe it's because we'll be propping up someone who seems to present as nothing more than a malleable trophy wife and through publicity with the Christmas tree and White House tours suggesting that that is the ideal for women. 

If we can't keep Michelle, I'll even take Laura Bush back. Or Barbara.

I've always thought that Laura Bush dressed nicely when she was the First Lady. 

Part of my problem with Melania, is the hypocrisy. Do you guys remember the grief Mrs. Obama got when she first started appearing in public in sleeveless dresses? It was like the damn pearl clutching Olympics for the Republicans.

Now, we're going to have a First Lady who has nude pictures of herself posted all over the Internet, and the Republicans are totally silent. Can you imagine if someone found pictures like that of Mrs. Obama?!? Fox News would have everybody and their grandma on to yap about how scandalous it was, how she  was a horrible mother, and how President Obama must immediately resign for the good of the country. :roll:

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4 hours ago, Mecca said:

Well, that did not take long. Poor little Trump is all upset because there are people protesting against him. That dang pesky First Amendment is bothering him again. Boo hoo.     


So just let me check I have this straight.....48 hours after winning the Presidency of the United States, he's whining? No grace, no empathy, no attempt to bring people together and move forward.

The same guy who previously said he'd protest if he didn't win, and he can't see what's going on here?

Words fail me.......



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7 hours ago, Free Jana Duggar said:

My husband and I are white, along with an adopted white daughter and biracial son. 

Okay well please try to give it a little more thought next time before saying something like that your family is white. You're probably a great mom, but your phrasing there was not great and could actually be quite hurtful.


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On 11/9/2016 at 4:05 PM, EmmieJ said:

They want people of a certain skin color to "know their place" and take the scraps occasionally tossed to them.  They want women to "know their place" and if they can't take a little sexual harassment in the workplace, maybe they should quit their job and go work in a preschool (I'm paraphrasing one of Trump's deplorable sons, who said that).  They want that good old boy white privilege all to themselves.  They want to be able to bully, harass, and injure anyone they think is Muslim or an immigrant, with impunity.  That's the America they want back.  They are tired of having to be "politically correct."  They think Trump and the Republican Party is going to get them good jobs and white privilege.  They are fools.

Oh yes, they want women to have fewer and fewer opportunities, so that they will be stuck in marriages with an imbalance of power.  You know, like the good old days.  Women have been getting too big for their britches, earning their own money and not being financially dependent on their husbands.  No longer willing to be a violent spouse's punching bag.  Spreading their wings and finding out that it feels really good to be in control of your own life, instead of dependent on the whims and desires of your lord and master. 

Emmie, you are awesome. :)



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7 hours ago, nausicaa said:

I don't know why, but the thought of her as First Lady is one of my triggers that gets me really upset. Which isn't quite fair, since she hasn't said the things that her husband has. Maybe it's because we'll be propping up someone who seems to present as nothing more than a malleable trophy wife and through publicity with the Christmas tree and White House tours suggesting that that is the ideal for women. 

If we can't keep Michelle, I'll even take Laura Bush back. Or Barbara.

JMO - Never mind her husband. Barbara Bush was and still is a fine woman, actually quite the feminist, always known for having her own opinion that did not always reflect her husband or husband's party's line. A great fighter for literacy.

Just had to get that out. I really like Barbara Bush.

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@RainbowSky i agree- I don't see how it could work. With two normal people who disagree with each other on so much sharing office. BUT  the orange one is a sociopath. He's barely acknowledged the existence of his running mate.  remember, he ALONE can fix this, right? He'll just run over pence, ignore him and do whatever the hell he wants.  Or he'll think that. Mostly he'll just whine on twitter and make absurd demands.  While the people under him make the real legislating happen.  Pence will get his legislation passed while the trumpfurhr is the figure head who gets to travel around and mock foreign leaders.


@Mecca whining and bitching on twitter got him this far. He'll see no reason why he shouldn't.  He gave his unity speech- isn't that enough ??? WAHHH why aren't the folks unified yet, I told them to do it!

He doesn't have to be empathetic and I'm pretty sure he can't be. it's not in him. sociopaths are known for it.  he also seems to have a teeny weeny attention span and is used to everything going his way with little effort.  and no consequences.  of course he's whining: he's a spoiled 4 year old who only got one wowwipop when he wanted 2.

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Remember how Donald swore he wouldn't take a salary if he got elected? Someone needs to remind him and his followers of that. It will probably be the first of many promises he breaks. 

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9 hours ago, nausicaa said:

I don't know why, but the thought of her as First Lady is one of my triggers that gets me really upset. Which isn't quite fair, since she hasn't said the things that her husband has. Maybe it's because we'll be propping up someone who seems to present as nothing more than a malleable trophy wife and through publicity with the Christmas tree and White House tours suggesting that that is the ideal for women. 

If we can't keep Michelle, I'll even take Laura Bush back. Or Barbara.

I, too, am struggling with the idea of her as First Lady. I've thought Michelle Obama has done a fantastic job, and I also respect the other first Ladies. Even if I didn't agree with their husband's politics, I've admired the first ladies as examples of style and class. I can't say this about our new president's wife. I don't even want to call her the First Lady. 

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My Mom just called me and said, "I'm ready to blow." A relative put something on facebook about how Trump isn't racist and sexist. 

I can't even deal with these people and their bullshit. So now it no longer matters if a person says racist and sexist things, that doesn't make them racist and sexist. What a load of bullshit. 

I'm thinking now of that Maya Angelou quote, "When people show you who they are believe them." Trump has shown me who he is, a bigot. And now this relative is showing me who he is, a narrow minded, hypocritical asshole. 

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Re: Melania Trump (nee Melanija Knavs)

On the flipside, there you now have a 1st generation immigrant as the First Lady of the USA.

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