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Traditionally Christianity says: "Women Bosses Suck"


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I'm another who has bad bosses of both genders. I wonder what they think of Hillary Clinton, who's the second most powerful woman in the world(just read that somewhere)

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Interestingly, my husband has always gotten along and done better when he's had female bosses. He's always said that they are far better problem solvers than men are. And they always like him because he doesn't flirt with them or talk down to them. Gee, who knew men and women could relate as equals and things would go well? :shock:

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MY husband's first 2 bosses were women,both were good. The second one he had for 15 years and she treated him like a son. Because of HER,he has the position he holds today.She went to bat for him for every promotion,and she even visited us in the hospital when we had our kids. She retired and moved to FL. when he moved to a different hospital, but they still keep in touch and will go out to lunch when she comes back to visit her children and grandchildren for Jewish holidays.

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I've had two jobs in my life, one paid and the other unpaid. Both of my bosses were female. My former boss, the one for the unpaid IT job, was a horrible person, and people used to joke it was only a matter of time before someone put cyanide in her coffee or something. She especially thought she could get away with treating the student IT support like shit because we were unpaid, and liked to use us to move heavy stuff around for her. My former supervisors/mentors (trying to explain the hierarchy here would take all day- they were sort of my bosses, but they were also my coworkers and teachers) hated her as well, especially the guy, and after she threw a bunch of stuff at me when I pissed her off, he finally had it and went to her boss about her behavior. She got fired, and everyone was happy.

My current boss is awesome, though. She's so nice, and understands that my availability schedule is subject to change at the drop of a hat because I'm a college student.

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My worst ever boss was a woman, and it actually escalated into a case of workplace bullying and the union got involved. However when I've had this discussion before with people they always assume she behaved like the stereotypical "devil wears Prada" bitchy female boss. Not at all...she was an extremely rigid thinker who used to say things like "Only weak people need praise."

She freaked out if anyone showed any sign of emotion in the office. I remember a co worker laughing at a silly mistake he had made and getting a freezing "Do you really think incompetence is a matter for humour?" Needless to say, we didn't spend time with her outside work, and she refused to attend leaving drinks etc or contribute to collections.

However she could also be very vindictive, but again not in a stereotypically female way. Another co worker, Jenna, was disabled and in a lot of pain. She and my boss mutually loathed each other and Jenna asked my boss's manager for a transfer to another area and to use her accrued leave to take time to visit the doctor as the pain had got worse and she thought it was due to the stressful work environment. Jenna is a very hardworking person who is super efficient, and the boss's manager took her concerns seriously.

Cue a call from the manager to our boss to say Jenna wanted to transfer out and he had another place for her. My boss went into a cold rage. She came back through and informed Jenna all her leave was cancelled including doctors' appointments ( this to a woman in severe pain).

(And people wonder why bosses and workers don't get on as good pals together....this is one of the nicest stories I have to tell. You should hear some of the others.)

Jenna didn't want to join the union so we couldn't help her but she asked me if the boss could withhold leave to punish her for asking for a transfer and as she knew fine well the answer was no. After a short and bitter battle she was transferred and new manager gave her leave to sort out her pain issues.

With that boss it was nothing to do with being a woman or a man, it was just that the boss in question was a nasty piece of work. Can't classify it male or female. Some folk are just bastards.

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A couple of gems from the article.

My job is in a field that is heavily infested with women.

Nice way to describe your co-workers. I bet they're super psyched about you too.

In addition we must also consider the fact that preserving the status quo means that the main issue is avoided: conflict resolution. For most people conflict resolution is a difficult skill to attain. Once attained, it does not guarantee success in your favor with every situation.

What is this, I don't even

Men have a tendency to analyze situations to look at the long-term implications and to see if there are details which have been missed. Women bosses do not make any attempts to do this.

None of them. At all. At anytime. Ever.

Do most female bosses even know what the word “directive†means?

No, a penis is necessary to operate a dictionary.

Women bosses are not authentic because it’s about a power struggle.

Authentic to whom? Perhaps you don't find them "authentic" because they don't fit into your narrow world view, but I'll bet your superiors aren't crying themselves to sleep at night over that.

This isn’t good for women.

Because we have teh wimmin's best interests at heart.

Men find it more difficult to keep work life out of home however they are better equipped to handle the stressors of work and therefore can manage these conflicts more readily compared to women

A man who is stressed deals with his problems as is and from a solutions-based stance.

I'll just point out that this man's method handling his problems is to write a blog post bitching about how having a female boss is THE WORST FORM OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TORTURE EVAR. Completely rational.

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What a friggin' whiner. Geesh!

I hope he has women bosses for the rest of his life - lol. Sorry, dude, but you actually have to be compete with other qualified candidates for jobs - and to keep your job - and some of those people will be women who are equally or more qualified than you are. :happy-jumpyellow:

Given your demonstration of your analytical abilities in your little post, I'm pretty sure most of the women here could run circles around you with regard to logic and synthesizing all sorts of data effectively. Maybe you should examine your own rather obvious deficits instead of blaming the ebil wimminfolk for your career issues.

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Guest Anonymous

Sadly, I think the author of the post is a woman.

The comments thread totally degenerates towards the end. There is a discussion of women flirting for promotions and other perks. And then Alte and the post's author yuk it up over how they manipulate their husbands by either showing a lot of cleavage or giving them Bambi Eyes. Then the men brag about how they can totally see through these kinds of manipulation tactics and how they shoot women down when they try it. But these are the same people who say feminists have wrecked relations between the genders.

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