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Traditionally Christianity says: "Women Bosses Suck"


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I've been in the workplace since I was a teen-ager, and I can safely say bad bosses can be either male or female. But of course, the fine folks at Traditional Christianity know better.


It's funny how women like Alte and Terri, who probably spent five seconds in the workplace, think they know everything about the world of work today.

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I've been in the workplace for ~ 19 years and have had good and bad bosses of both genders. But all bosses are human.

Women do not make any attempts to manage like men. Men are direct, are problem-solvers, and are solution-based in terms of their approach. Men have a tendency to analyze situations to look at the long-term implications and to see if there are details which have been missed. Women bosses do not make any attempts to do this.

This person has obviously not met my current director (female). :lol:

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I've had bad bosses of both genders.

I can't open the link. Can we please stop with the "dots" and just remove the "http://"? The auto shorten makes it impossible to c &p from a mobile device, and I'm having trouble even on my desktop.

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Honestly, the worst boss I had was male. He was an emotional wreck who made "on the fly" decisions that usually were bad and caused a lot of stress for everyone who worked for him. Not surprisingly, he drove our specific company branch into deep debt.

I've worked for some very analytical women who were great bosses, who made very conscious decisions with a long term goal in mind.

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Ooooooh, somebody doesn't like being told by a woman that he's not God's gift (pun intended) to the business world. This sounds exactly like some cocky young ass who thinks he knows everything and can do everything better than anyone else, and doesnt need to listen to anyone, especially a woman.

Saw this kind of employee all the time - they rarely last long, even when they get to work for a man. And when they get laid off or fired, it's NEVER their fault - it's always the "stupid, incompetent" boss who just couldn't recognize their genius.


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Alternate link: traditionalchristianity.wordpress.com/2011/09/05/when-queen-bee-bosses-attack/

I'm an administrator, which is a female-dominated field, but I work for an engineering firm. The overwhelming majority of my company's leadership is male, including all of the highest-level managers, and they have made some LOUSY decisions in dealing with the tanking economy. They cling to business units that are completely unprofitable out of a sense of nepotism and good-old-boy-ism. Many of them wouldn't know a solution-based approach if it bit them on the ass. Certainly no one could claim that having a vagina excludes a boss from being a good problem solver. Asshats.

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I would like to say that my (female) boss is awesome. She's a rare person that can combine being by the book with compassion and foresight. And I'd say this even if she didn't get me a payscale promotion well before the deparment recommended time frame.

My worst boss was male. He made the teenaged girls at the store feel unsafe, was inconsistant, and just in general a bad manager.

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I do not find any real differences between bosses based on gender. I've had male & female bosses who were great and had great leadership and decision-making abilities, and I've had male and female bosses who were jerks and didn't know how to do their jobs. People are people, for better or for worse.

And I've also spent a good deal of my career having subordinates, both male and female. They may all have things to say about me (good or bad - lol), but one rap I'd never get is not being direct or decisive.

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So this brings up an interesting question for me.

What is the "godly" man supposed to do if they're presented with a female manager?

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So this brings up an interesting question for me.

What is the "godly" man supposed to do if they're presented with a female manager?

Quit. Or just stop doing some of the tasks associated with their position until the company fires them or eliminates the position.

Just ask Steve Maxwell :roll:

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I've had bad bosses of both genders.

I can't open the link. Can we please stop with the "dots" and just remove the "http://"? The auto shorten makes it impossible to c &p from a mobile device, and I'm having trouble even on my desktop.


For u, my fellow smartphone addict. ;)

Comments to come.

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Talk about timely coincidences - read this in a trade mag today:

A May 14, 2009 Time article, "Women Will Rule Business", found that companies are most successful when women occupy senior management roles. "The workplace-research group Catalyst studied 353 Fortune 500 companies and found that those with the most women in senior management had a higher return on equities--by more than a third."

And, a 2007 industry report by Gartner estimates that by the year 2012, teams with greater gender diversity will be twice as likely to exceed performance expectations."

(emphasis mine)

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Also, when you get down to brass tacks, most of these "men" who are pissing and moaning the loudest simply don't have the educational pre-requisites that most companies require nowadays in order to be in a senior leadership role.

Of course, that shouldn't matter, because they have a penis, and that should really be the only requirement to be the boss.

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My current executive director is the most spineless MAN, I think I've ever met in my life. I'm not Jewish, but I believe the best description of him would be the Yiddish word "nebbish". He hates confrontation, so rather than step in and be the leader he is supposed to be he usually ends up ignoring serious problems or doing a half-ass job in handling them that he often makes the situation worse than it needed to be. He also can't make decisions on his own and relies too heavily on members of upper management to make important agency decisions for him--to the point where they are the ones essentially running the agency and taking liberties that they should not have. The man is an idiot and is stupid. I swear, the only reason why he got to the place where he is is due to his age and the fact that he's a male in a predominately female field (he's a man so he should be a natural leader, right? :roll: ).

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I've been in the workplace for ~ 19 years and have had good and bad bosses of both genders. But all bosses are human.

This person has obviously not met my current director (female). :lol:

Or me. This is what I do all day: problem-solve, create solutions, advise the male owner. Hmm, interesting, that those who have the necessary equipment to run the mythical "dick-drive" in IT couldn't fix my department. One year into the position (preceded by 5 men in same position), and my department has less staff, is more productive, and has almost 0 turnover rate. I guess the difference: I expect people to do the job they are being paid to do, no matter what is in their underpants.

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Also, when you get down to brass tacks, most of these "men" who are pissing and moaning the loudest simply don't have the educational pre-requisites that most companies require nowadays in order to be in a senior leadership role.

Of course, that shouldn't matter, because they have a penis, and that should really be the only requirement to be the boss.

Co-sign. Let's face it: these guys (and the women who depend on them financially) are hacked off that they have to actually compete with women in the market place at all, which means that these men must actually qualify for the jobs they seek.

More women graduate from college than men these days, and while a degree is not the be-all, end-all, it is just but one indicator that suggests that women are working at becoming qualified for various careers than ever before.

http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/ ... over_x.htm

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Alternate link: traditionalchristianity.wordpress.com/2011/09/05/when-queen-bee-bosses-attack/

Thank you!

I've had terrible male bosses/managers and terrible female bosses/managers. I had a male director who was the embodiment of the negative (traditionally female) characteristics on that list. However, despite his insecurity, moodiness, and insecurity, he was still a better boss than one of the women who managed me back in my serving food days. But I really think that just has to do with the type of job, level of education, and just not being a completely terrible person.

I would never once think that the fact that he at least pretends to see my potential as a person is because he's male and she was female. It was because she was evil and rude and unprofessional. I used to cry when I was assigned shifts with her, she would follow me around and tell me I was "snobby" (for going to college), "lazy" (because I wanted to be cut when it was my turn - not work late because someone else had kids), "stuck up" (because I didn't watch stupid reality shows about people I didn't know picking a date), "dumb" (because i didn't instantly know the ingredients in every dish in the restaurant on my first day), and so on. Because of her and her crowd of bullies, I will not ever eat in any of those nationwide chains ever, nor will I go back to serving. I'd rather die, and I mean that literally, not figuratively. But again, it's not because of queen bee syndrome or because she is female. The men that hung out with her were just as bad. It was a bad experience. I can recognize that.

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I've had 3 jobs working for others in my life (I'm still relatively young, so I think that's a good thing). In my jobs I've had one male and two female bosses. The male boss and one female boss have been the best. The second female boss was incompetent and idiotic... not because she was female, but because she took it upon herself to try to convert everyone in the workplace to her specific religion. It was a small Christian daycare which operated out of a Christian church that was very clear that they did not discriminate on anything really. They had a better non discrimination policy than our state holds. After they hired the loaf I worked for, she tried to change everything. She found reasons to fire people she didn't like, or who wouldn't convert in her time frame. She found stupid reasons, but they were reasons none the less to fire someone (late by 1 min 3 days out of the year, took 29.5 min on lunch instead of required 30... silly little stupid things). She hated confrontation, so she avoided it, despite some risks involved... she just was horrible.

that said, I'd never base my reality of all female bosses on one bad boss, or all male bosses on one good boss. People are just that, people. We are all uniquely different and suited for different jobs and types of jobs... Not everyone is management material, male or female or other. Not everyone is made to work as an engineer or a teacher or a child care worker... seriously. Why do people fail to notice this?

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I've been working for 28 years in various capacities. I've had female bosses and male bosses. Good and bad of each. My absolute best boss, though, was a woman. She understood and functioned on the premise that those who work 'for' her are human beings with talents and skills and deserving of respect, trust and honesty. She was the most supportive, honest boss I've ever had. She pulled no punches when necessary but she was always there to back you up and respect your decisions about how you do your job. She is retired now and her party was massive, because just about everyone who had ever worked with or for her was in attendance.

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This just comes back to the old double standard: A woman who wants to go far and works hard to get there, even if it means ruffling feathers is a bitch. A man just has drive and determination.

My worst boss ever was a man. He was the biggest prick I've ever worked for and I'd have a strong urge punch him in the face if I encountered him in public, and I've never hit anyone in my life. He was also completely useless. He was supervising a department and he had no idea how to do any of our jobs. He didn't even want to learn. I'm a firm believer that you should know how to do every single job that you supervise. Running a very close second was a woman supervisor who was thankfully let go about a year ago. No one liked her. She was a horrible micro-manager and nothing every got done on time because we all had to wait for her to approve every minute little detail.

All of my supervisors are women now, and I get along with them fantastically. I will admit that I prefer working with men, though it's not my current reality. But that's just my personality. I've always gotten along better with men, and it has nothing to do with how they lead or any of that jazz.

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Re: Traditionally Christianity says: "Women Suck"

Fixed the title for you. :)

Notice in the comments the solution to the problem of male bosses being susceptible to feminine wiles. It's just silly to expect the mens to resist (says Alte, almost verbatim). Take the pretty little creatures out of the workplace all together! Only ugly women can have (low level admin) jobs, because, we are also reminded, women LIKE meetings and paperwork and are sometimes good at it.

I don't know why they bother putting "Christianity" in their blog title. Gag.

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Both of my bosses (co-owners of the company) are men and they are both pretty good. Two of the best I've ever had, so clearly, I believe that men can be good bosses. These two tend to have opposite strengths and weaknesses, so one boss' weakness does not have as much of an effect on the rest of us.

But they aren't good bosses because they are men. They just happen to be men.

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This just comes back to the old double standard: A woman who wants to go far and works hard to get there, even if it means ruffling feathers is a bitch. A man just has drive and determination.

This. And of course teh ebil feminists (plus anyone else who can string two thoughts together) see that as a problem of perspective. Men and women who exhibit the same characteristics shouldn't be judged differently because of sex. "Traditonal Christianity" sees it as an inherent problem of women working outside the home. I just don't get that, and I'm not sure what they think they're going to accomplish. Women won't be dropping out of the workplace to suit the skewed priorities of screwed up men anytime soon.

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