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Joshley Madison: 2 Sex Scandals and Counting


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I don't think that Josh could come back with an anti-porn crusade. While he could theoretically take the "porn as slippery slope to affairs" route, he would have to admit that he started watching internet porn when he was a teenager and that would reflect badly on JB and Michelle's parenting. Then there's the molestation scandal. I think some fundies were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that it was a youthful mistake and that he had really changed, but the AM scandal suggests otherwise. Some of those who were taken in the first time probably feel betrayed now, and Josh can't claim that he didn't "know Jesus" or whatever (although I remember Josh saying he got "saved" at something like seven, so that excuse shouldn't have worked either).

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Y'all are killing me. I just got through the first 44 pages and this thread is on page 21 already. I'm dying for a nap, but I'll never catch up if I take one!

Quoting this in agreement. To bump it up in the thread, I hope this gets does get incorporated into the limits of the site speculations.

For right now, we are going to leave this in the self-policing realm for the community. We may revisit that decision based on how the posts go/how the self-policing works, however.

We obviously encourage people to keep the things VR has posted in mind so we don't need a lot of self-policing or to make an official rule.

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Maybe jana had some idea of the things Josh was doing and this fear of infidelity is the reason shes not actively courting.

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all Satan's fault cause the duggers are so important the devil saw them as a great pillar to topple.

Yes, and the gays fault obviously. Because, you see, when Josh started his philandering, gay marriage was becoming legal in a lot of states, so it clearly destroyed straight marriage. It's clearly all the gays fault y'all!!

(I'm actually waiting that a leghumper brings that up)

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Really? I thought I knew the Bible pretty well, and while that's sometimes the case, it doesn't seem to be the case all the time. Jacob married Leah and Rachel. Rachel was barren (for a while), but since she was the second wife, there is no way that could have been known. And I know David had several wives. I believe several of them had children. Solomon had a bunch of wives, and I can't imagine that all but one were infertile. I could totally be wrong, but from what I know/remember, there are plenty of Biblical men who don't follow that rule.

Leah and Rachel were both wives. Polygamy was legal/acceptable/the model.

A mistress/concubine would be more like Hagar, who Sarai gave to Abraham since she was barren.

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In case the Google cache changes before someone grabs it.


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New article on People - Josh Duggar Sex Scandal: Source Say 'It's Insane' & 'We're All Hunkered Down'

Privately, a Duggar family insider tells PEOPLE: "We're all hunkered down over here. It's just a mess, it's a whole mess. We don't even know what the truth is anymore. It's insane."

A second source with ties to the family says the cheating scandal is a devastating blow to the Duggars' firstborn, who resigned from his post at a right-wing Christian lobbying group in May.

"I would assume he feels like his life is ruined," says the source. "It will be such a steep and practically impossible climb to come back from this."

Wonder who their "source" is??

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For me, the $20,000 question is- did he wrap it up??!! Exactly when is it okay to try and prevent a pregnancy- if you're trying to avoid an STD and/or pregnancy- is it okay then?

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Leah and Rachel were both wives. Polygamy was legal/acceptable/the model.

A mistress/concubine would be more like Hagar, who Sarai gave to Abraham since she was barren.

Oh, right. Sorry, I didn't catch the distinction between wife and mistress (which I know-- just didn't process it into the equation).

Anyway, it was a silly joke is all. Obviously, marriage between siblings was frowned upon in Biblical times too (except I guess with Abraham and Sarah... and they were only half-siblings, right?)

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Referring to his wife as precious? All I can think of is Silence of the Lambs. *shudder*

Anna needs to grow a set and get the hell outta Dodge. I know she's been brought to be a helpmeet and broodmare, but she needs to have some respect for herself and realize she's worth more than what's been shoveled on her. It's hard for me to feel too sorry for her since she didn't dump his sorry ass back in May.

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I am confused. He said he was addicted to porn and he cheated on his wife. Is Ashley Madison also a porn site or could there be other shoes dropping?

I think he added the porn part just in case some site decided to leak that he was a subscriber or something, or possibly a webcam girl he frequented might decide to talk. Might as well cover all the bases in came more comes out. But clearly someone disagrees with that idea.

I am personally looking forward to seeing some of the women on OKCupid he probably sent pervy DMs to (because having been on OKC in the past that is seemingly the modus operandi) put two and two together and start publishing some of the stuff he sent them. If dick pics happen out of this I'm sure it will come from that.

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"I had allowed Satan to build a fortress that no one knew about"

This would be a delicious post count title.

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Y'all are killing me. I just got through the first 44 pages and this thread is on page 21 already. I'm dying for a nap, but I'll never catch up if I take one!

For right now, we are going to leave this in the self-policing realm for the community. We may revisit that decision based on how the posts go/how the self-policing works, however.

We obviously encourage people to keep the things VR has posted in mind so we don't need a lot of self-policing or to make an official rule.

Fair enough Fluffy Bunny. Thanks for the update on this!

Also, let this be a warning to anyone who crosses the line and posts something seriously inappropriate regarding this topic - I usually feast on sweet Fundie Flesh, but I have absolutely no issue making an exception for any precious posters commenting here. :twisted:

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For me, the $20,000 question is- did he wrap it up??!! Exactly when is it okay to try and prevent a pregnancy- if you're trying to avoid an STD and/or pregnancy- is it okay then?

This. I would suppose that he did, I don't think he would have been so stupid to risk a child out of wedlock. Although, he is Josh Duggar, so he might just have thought that such a thing couldn't happen to him?

Seriously, the only thing worse than this scandal would be if he indeed had secret children and their mothers would tell the press that he wanted them to get an abortion. That would be the final blow.

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Blows my mind that leg humpers are so hurt and disappointed over this but not the first scandal?? (Taking this from comments on their FB posts now and when the first scandal was coming out.)

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Blows my mind that leg humpers are so hurt and disappointed over this but not the first scandal?? (Taking this from comments on their FB posts now and when the first scandal was coming out.)

I guess that this time, they really have no excuses left?

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Uhhh I was on page 22 of the first thread last night and was hoping to catch up today. Then I saw he released a statement and I knew I was in for a long night of reading. BRB gotta head to the liquor store and get stocked up for this one. :obscene-drinkingcheers:

BTW I went to login into an okcupid account I made years ago and forgot about to check out his profile. Now I'm getting messages from all sorts of random men just for logging in. I had forgotten the joys of dating site for a minute there. I blame Josh for that one.

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Referring to his wife as precious? All I can think of is Silence of the Lambs. *shudder*

Anna needs to grow a set and get the hell outta Dodge. I know she's been brought to be a helpmeet and broodmare, but she needs to have some respect for herself and realize she's worth more than what's been shoveled on her. It's hard for me to feel too sorry for her since she didn't dump his sorry ass back in May.

She's in a tricky position. If she leaves now a lot are going to demand to know why cheating on her was in her line in the sand when molesting his sisters wasn't. Whatever she decides to do I hope that she will be allowed to do it privately and without comment.

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"I had allowed Satan to build a fortress that no one knew about"

This would be a delicious post count title.

Has to be shorter, right? Hidden fortress of Satan, maybe?

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Has to be shorter, right? Hidden fortress of Satan, maybe?

in satan's fortress?

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This. I would suppose that he did, I don't think he would have been so stupid to risk a child out of wedlock. Although, he is Josh Duggar, so he might just have thought that such a thing couldn't happen to him?

Seriously, the only thing worse than this scandal would be if he indeed had secret children and their mothers would tell the press that he wanted them to get an abortion. That would be the final blow.

Can any ex-fundies out there answer this? Do super-fundies know about contraception options? I mean, he has to know what a condom is, but on a more advanced level does he know other methods? or where to shop, how to use, etc?

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Blows my mind that leg humpers are so hurt and disappointed over this but not the first scandal?? (Taking this from comments on their FB posts now and when the first scandal was coming out.)

It proves they were RIGHT and he really did get healed of those icky bad issues of his youth. He's moved on to more adult interests!

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Man, I really chose the right time to be bedridden due to a severe sunburn.

Imagine a woman who can barely move pathetically sipping water through a straw with a constant layer of aloe on her skin meekly scrolling down pages upon pages of this mess.

My opinion is that Joshie realized he got caught, wasn't expecting to what with his fake email address, was bombarded with angry phone calls from JB telling him to "be dignified enough to give a response to the world" and quickly typed out a text to DQ who quickly uploaded it to her blog, only to have JB edit it a few times after it has been posted.

I feel like Josh is freaking out he got caught, but feels no real emotion towards anyone else in the situation. He probably has mustered some fake tears for Anna, but that's about it.

I am imagining the Boys Room at TTH with little Jackson wanting to go out and get a snack because he hasn't eaten all day, and Joseph refusing to let him out because JB and Michelle are downstairs with a PR team and gave strict orders to the kids that they must stay in the room and that dinner will be delivered to them later.

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