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Josiah Duggar - Part 3 Now with lost heart pieces

happy atheist

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Although I'm sure both Josiah and Marjorie are disappointed by this series of events, it probably is for the best. Such a serious relationship is best put off a bit.

And I can just say how exciting it is to be quoted? Five seconds of internet fame for me! :D

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So much for courtship not giving away pieces of the heart :roll: but to be honest they looked more like bffs than in a relationship.

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The breakup of your first serious relationship after four months.....this is the closest to normal that any Duggar has ever gotten!!!

Hope someone's giving Josiah a hug and telling him he'll be fine. In the immortal quote from 'Best Marigold Hotel' - it will all be alright in the end. And if it's not alright, it's not the end yet.

I recommend Ben and Jerry and binge watching some Netflix. :popcorn2:

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The breakup of your first serious relationship after four months.....this is the closest to normal that any Duggar has ever gotten!!!

Hope someone's giving Josiah a hug and telling him he'll be fine. In the immortal quote from 'Best Marigold Hotel' - it will all be alright in the end. And if it's not alright, it's not the end yet.

I recommend Ben and Jerry and binge watching some Netflix. :popcorn2:

But Ben and Jerry are ebil liberals with them supporting gay marriage! :lol:

I can't say I'm surprised, but I also wanna know if it was one breaking up with the other :think: even though they said it was supposedly neutral.

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I also hope Josiah can learn from this about what he wants in a relationship. He now has a frame of reference, so to speak, albeit a very small one, of another relationship- something some of the other Duggar kids didn't have.

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Honestly, I am so happy those two unemployed and barely educated teenagers are no longer "courting." This is such an excellent turn of events in their lives, whether or not they realize it.

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Saying it was neutral/mutual is the best thing to say in something like this, regardless of whether it was or not, no matter who you are. One is not obligated to discuss. However in the case of the Duggars, they have taken enough PR hits recently, they don't need another one. Maybe they figured out FINALLY that railing and throwing blame will not help them, assuming that it was Marjorie's decision.

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They should look each other up in about 8 years - at that point I could see something happening.

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Yet another tenet of the Duggar brand falls. They cant protect their children, educate their children, or choose appropriate spouses. Why? Because your kids should choose their own partner.

So long Duggars, glad to see you are less and less relevant each passing day!

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Yet another tenet of the Duggar brand falls. They cant protect their children, educate their children, or choose appropriate spouses. Why? Because your kids should choose their own partner.

So long Duggars, glad to see you are less and less relevant each passing day!

But they faked everyone out for a decade of easy money!

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Welp. It's officially over.

http://www.people.com/article/josiah-du ... ie-jackson

Thanks to nst for showing me the link.

Man, imagine your first breakup with a boyfriend/girlfriend being on People.com. Blech. Hope they are both happier and better off now. And I hope that Marjorie's family doesn't now try to marry her off to someone even worse than the Duggars. And mostly, I hope that this breakup had nothing to do with Josh because Josiah did nothing wrong in regards to that and it would SUCK to lose his girlfriend over something his brother and parents did.

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imagine the horrible case of blueballs he has after all that anticipation and no touching. I doubt there is enough cold water in the world to fix it.

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Majorie has been saved

they ended their courtship

who was in charge of the prayer circle - Sassy :D

you get a donut

http://www.people.com/people/article/0, ... 85,00.html

does this surprise anyone else lol NO

can we all blame josh - it is fault

Here are some possible reasons:

* She or her parents wanted nothing to do with the Duggars after Joshgate.

* Josiah doesn't have a job outside of JB/TLC and won't be able to support a wife and kids for a long time.

* Their courtship just didn't work out (a la Zach Bates and Sarah Rieth).

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Sin in the camp!

Josiah is young, and perhaps he finds his natural sex-drive hard to control.

Marjorie's latest blog quotes 2 Thessolonians 3:13;

"Never tire in doing what is right."


Sadly their answer to that kind of thing is not "break up" it is "marry faster."

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Man, imagine your first breakup with a boyfriend/girlfriend being on People.com. Blech. Hope they are both happier and better off now. And I hope that Marjorie's family doesn't now try to marry her off to someone even worse than the Duggars. And mostly, I hope that this breakup had nothing to do with Josh because Josiah did nothing wrong in regards to that and it would SUCK to lose his girlfriend over something his brother and parents did.

I'd be willing to bet the mere fact of being mentioned in People takes the sting out of any real breakup woes.

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I think it's for the best that they broke up, because she's especially too young in my opinion to get married. I also think Josiah was too young as well, plus he hasn't had any job prospects to support a family. My hope is that the family doesn't call him a failure for having a broken courtship, because it's better that they ended it now instead of being stuck in a miserable marriage. I wouldn't be surprised if her parents convinced her to end the courtship because they didn't want her to be associated with Josh since they would be concerned about their potential grandchildren around him.

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They broke it off because a courtship means you're getting married and in the real world, most people generally accept and except that one must have a job in order to get married.

It will be interesting to see, if we do see, how the unmarried kids fare vs Ben and Jessa. Let's face it, had the scandal been exposed last year, the Seewalds would most likely not be married today.

The money from the show allowed for the courtships and marriages. Obviously the Dillards were in a different situation.

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Isn't Josiah damaged now. Courtship means everything in fundie land. What girl would want him now?

No silly. In Fundie Land, only GIRLS are damaged by failed courtships.

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It will be interesting to see, if we do see, how the unmarried kids fare vs Ben and Jessa. Let's face it, had the scandal been exposed last year, the Seewalds would most likely not be married today.

Yep, I though the same thing. Back up the scandal and all the fallout happening last year, it's pretty likely that Ben and Jessa would not have gotten married, or at least not when they did. And Ben might have had to finish school and find a real job instead of being JB's lawn boy.

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While I feel bad for these kids if one or the other is disappointed and hurting, I'm very relieved that this courtship is over. I never could feel hopeful about it because it meant that a young girl with a relatively normal life was about to get sucked into a cult, lose most of her freedoms, and be treated like nothing more than a walking womb for the rest of her life. That's sad enough when it happens to someone who's a little older and able to make choices for herself, but when it happens to a teenage girl, it's practically criminal.

Hallelujah! Marjorie has been FREED! :cracking-up: :cracking-up: :cracking-up:

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I don't want to be a cynic, but Marjorie did seem to enjoy being in front of the camera. Maybe she really did want all the perks and fame of being a Duggar.

Maybe they're cooling it off for now, but "God" may "lay it onto their hearts" to reunite when this whole thing has settled down a while, when they're older and when Josiah has a steady, reliable income.

Whatever happened, I do wish them both the best. It can't be easy dating in such a turbulent time.

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