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here is a screen shot (I put it on the scandal thread too)

[attachment=0]8-20-2015 3-31-40 PM.png[/attachment]

Her use of the word "tragic" here really bugs me. A tragedy is usually something that happens to you that's out of your control - Josh had the ability to keep it from happening. I suppose you could call it a tragedy that befell his wife and children, but not Josh.

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Maybe we'll get a post from Ken about how it's not fair for us to judge Josh. After all, his profile shows a strong interest in oral sex, and oral sex isn't really sex-sex, so it's not really much of a sin-- only a little worse than porn, and porn isn't that bad.

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Would anyone here be surprised to see that Ken Alexander is an AM subscriber? Or does he simply get his kicks for free posting on FJ?

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Would anyone here be surprised to see that Ken Alexander is an AM subscriber? Or does he simply get his kicks for free posting on FJ?

He was THE VERY FIRST person I thought of when the info was released.

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Now now, we know that Lori and Ken LONG ago learned to "take porn by the horn", which means that Ken NEVER could have built himself a Satan Fortress in his heart. Besides, Lori allows him the correct amount of sexual intercourse for the correct amount of time...so what else could he want?

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Maybe we'll get a post from Ken about how it's not fair for us to judge Josh. After all, his profile shows a strong interest in oral sex, and oral sex isn't really sex-sex, so it's not really much of a sin-- only a little worse than porn, and porn isn't that bad.

I could see Ken going there.

As for Lori scrubbing Josh posts from her blog, I'm guessing she might have gotten tired of defending him. She grossly defended him during molestationgate and I'm betting she got tons of hate mail. I don't see Lori having the energy to continue on with supporting/defending the Duggars. I see her shifting her focus on the Bates and Willis families.

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Let's remember that Ken and Lori insist that this verse:

But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

(Matthew 5:28)

Doesn't really mean what it says it means.

I think they will try to spin it by saying that Josh has admitted to viewing porn; but whether or not he engaged in intercourse with another woman is not clear in his statement. THEREFORE (heh), they will try to say that Anna has no grounds for divorce and she should just pray for him and make herself available to him.

I'm also eager to see how they minimize this the way they did the molestation of his own sisters. Remember how they kept saying everyone does something like that in their youth??? :o I'm thinking they will use the old Fundie trick of saying "Other people do it; Josh is only being persecuted because of his deep faith." Just like the other scandal, their response to this will likely shed a great big light on the skeletons in the Alexander closet.

As to whether Ken has a AM account - doesn't he use Lori's blog for basically the same thing (see also: The Beautiful Courtney).

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I'm digusted that someone looks up to her enough to ask her opinion for guidance in forming their opinion (ie telling them what to think)

Really? Lori?! Not the person I'd be waiting to hear from...well to snark maybe

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He was THE VERY FIRST person I thought of when the info was released.

I agree. It wouldn't surprise me at all. Wonder what Lori would do if she found out? I mean, it's pretty easy to get access to the original file, wonder how many fundie wives are busy scrolling the names?

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Since Ken and Lori typically blame the wife in a case of a husband's infidelity...well, for all things that go wrong in a marriage, I am really wondering how they can find a way to blame Anna. She was THE PERFECT FUNDIE WIFE. I think Lori often praised her and the way she submitted to and adored Josh - just as she praised all things Duggar. She and Ken will either have to find a way to blame her or admit that complete submission does NOT make a marriage perfect.

I think Ken will write a million words and say nothing. He will chastise Josh in one sentence and then excuse him in the next. He will talk in circles because he will not be able to say that Josh was wrong and leave it at that. He will make vague references to how Anna could have done certain things better to keep Josh happy.

I think he might say it's okay for them to separate for a while if Anna will agree to come back a few days a week to cook and clean for him. Yes, he actually suggested that in one of his bizarre comments.

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Since Ken and Lori typically blame the wife in a case of a husband's infidelity...well, for all things that go wrong in a marriage, I am really wondering how they can find a way to blame Anna. She was THE PERFECT FUNDIE WIFE. I think Lori often praised her and the way she submitted to and adored Josh - just as she praised all things Duggar. She and Ken will either have to find a way to blame her or admit that complete submission does NOT make a marriage perfect.

I think Ken will write a million words and say nothing. He will chastise Josh in one sentence and then excuse him in the next. He will talk in circles because he will not be able to say that Josh was wrong and leave it at that. He will make vague references to how Anna could have done certain things better to keep Josh happy.

I think he might say it's okay for them to separate for a while if Anna will agree to come back a few days a week to cook and clean for him. Yes, he actually suggested that in one of his bizarre comments.

Didn't Ken go to med school? He can figure out how to medicine but not how to clean his house or heat some soup up in the microwave? WTH.

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My guess for the highlights on the "poor josh got caught fucking around" post is that it will include.

Wife blaming.... no matter how perfect their marriage looked from the outside she may have failed our boy Josh. It takes two to kill a marriage.

Some Quote From Debbi Pearl...about husband's needs and women's role and the duty to take your husband back and promise him you will do better.

Blaming Modern Society. .. either for being so sex filled and so tempting for men in general and for poor little Joshie or for putting thos in the media or both.

Forgiveness. .. 70X70 you guys..we and Anna are to forgive over and over...maybe with added stuff about Moses,Paul and David in the Bible being sinners who God used...

Bible verses ...out of context to round things out.

Maybe some black salve for Anna's broken heart.....

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Didn't Ken go to med school? He can figure out how to medicine but not how to clean his house or heat some soup up in the microwave? WTH.

No, he went to a Christian college, did some divinity stuff and became a consultant to orthodontic practices, telling them how to schedule their time more efficiently.

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Ok, here's my guess:

- more moaning about the evil judgmental world throwing stones

- complaining that thousands of men were on the site but only Josh gets exposed in the media

- moaning about temptation and the evil of porn and Ashley Madison and the tools of Satan, proof that the End Days are just around the corner

- more allegations that the world is blood-thirsty and anxious to tear down a Christian family in the public eye, and continue to nail the Duggars to the cross. Haven't they already suffered enough martyrdom?

- an appeal to "consider Anna and the precious children", and how this latest scandal affects them (without really mentioning that it's Josh's fault for doing this in the first place)

- praise for Anna as an example of a truly submissive and supportive wife, standing by her man even in his darkest hour

- praise for Josh's apology

- admonishing us that since he has humbled himself and apologized, the blood of Jesus has cleansed him of sin and isn't it wonderful that even flawed human beings like us, with a sinful nature, had Jesus die for us

- since Jesus has clearly forgiven Jesus, how dare we remind him of his sin

- request that we pray for them as they suffer endless persecution

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No, he went to a Christian college, did some divinity stuff and then Lori decided he needed to make more money so became a consultant to orthodontic practices, telling them how to schedule their time more efficiently.

Fixed that for ya!!!

Okay, I keep thinking about how Lori and Ken are going to address this and have thought of another one of his crazy posts. Remember how he said that a wife's anger over porn is a worse sin than viewing porn itself? So, according to them, Anna had better not even be angry about the (now deleted) porn admission.

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Ken wrote:

Beware of emotional attachment to celebrities, including your pastor and those who are public figures. Lori tells me that the chat room is quite devastated by what has been announced, and rightfully so, but perhaps some have built too much of an imaginary connection to the Duggar family.

Is that Ken's way of saying "told ya so" to Lori? It's one line out of his wall of text that I'd agree with.

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Who predicted "giant wall of text where Ken says nothing, praises Josh in one sentence, and condemns him in the next"

DING DING DING we have a winner

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A man’s greatest battle is his sexual drive and desire, just as a woman’s greatest battle is her emotional make-up and need to control those closest to her to try and get her seeming “needs†met.

You are an idiot Ken. A real idiot. Why don't you go put sexual drive in quotes like you did needs? Oh because it is all about the almighty penis with you, and women are absolutely nothing. You don't even believe that they have needs.

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You are an idiot Ken. A real idiot. Why don't you go put sexual drive in quotes like you did needs? Oh because it is all about the almighty penis with you, and women are absolutely nothing. You don't even believe that they have needs.

Out of that whole wall of text, this is exactly what stood out to me, too! Unbelievable. These people are so fucked up.

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I am going to try to log comments from the FB post, because Lori tended to delete most during Joshgate 1.0

Women need to learn to look men in the eyes, with no expectations of who they are, and let your intuition tell you who they are, because as eyes are windows to the soul, you can read another through his eyes. My husband used to get upset when I'd point out that this or that male friend or acquaintance was heavily involved in porn or worse (it didn't mean I treated them any differently, just that I saw) but over the years it comes out one by one and every man I ever mentioned to him, it's all come out in the wash at this point in time. Josh's eyes have always been messed up, and I've mentioned over the years what types of sins he was prone to and/or involved with based on even pictures of his eyes, and of course people chastised me, but that didn't make it less accurate. I don't think choosing to really behold another person is a special gift either, just look at another with no expectations of who they are or how bad or good they act or speak, and you can then really see them. I wish everyone would do this, as nastiness thrives in secrecy, and if you see a man's secrets and let him know that you do, this can become a turning point for him. I am sorry for Jim Bob, Michelle and Anna but grateful they learned this now rather than a decade or more from now.
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From Jerkit:

Who predicted "giant wall of text where Ken says nothing, praises Josh in one sentence, and condemns him in the next"

DING DING DING we have a winner

Since Ken and Lori typically blame the wife in a case of a husband's infidelity...well, for all things that go wrong in a marriage, I am really wondering how they can find a way to blame Anna. She was THE PERFECT FUNDIE WIFE. I think Lori often praised her and the way she submitted to and adored Josh - just as she praised all things Duggar. She and Ken will either have to find a way to blame her or admit that complete submission does NOT make a marriage perfect.

I think Ken will write a million words and say nothing. He will chastise Josh in one sentence and then excuse him in the next. He will talk in circles because he will not be able to say that Josh was wrong and leave it at that. He will make vague references to how Anna could have done certain things better to keep Josh happy.

I think he might say it's okay for them to separate for a while if Anna will agree to come back a few days a week to cook and clean for him. Yes, he actually suggested that in one of his bizarre comments.

Oh my gosh! I think that was me. I'd like to thank the academy...seriously, I never win ANYTHING!! :cracking-up: :cracking-up:

Let's face it, though; the man is SO predictable.... :cry:

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You are an idiot Ken. A real idiot. Why don't you go put sexual drive in quotes like you did needs? Oh because it is all about the almighty penis with you, and women are absolutely nothing. You don't even believe that they have needs.

This kind of nonsense is why Ken will always be the douche lord. Good God these people must have a remarkably fucked up life and relationship

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This kind of nonsense is why Ken will always be the douche lord. Good God these people must have a remarkably fucked up life and relationship

We all know by now that Ken and Lori each assign to "everybody" the characteristics they see in each other. So this only means that Lori is still a controlling nasty woman who only thinks about her own needs. Like everything else (Porn, cheating, lust....) it makes them feel better to just say "all women" or "all men." Now I just laugh when I read things like this because we all know he really wants to say "I'm looking at YOU, Lori."

He's trying to hammer home Lori's bizarre idea that "a woman's desire will be for her husband" really means "a woman will desire to control her husband." :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: Even she couldn't defend that one when she tried to cram it down our throats.

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