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Bringing Up Bates & Bates Family Doings: Part 2

happy atheist

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I really thought the proposal was precious. Seven personalized videos, pieces of the ring to explain it all, etc. Yeah, I had a tear in my eye.

I think he may have proposed in DC to keep a boatload of Bates kids out of the picture. They seem to think that every event is a family event.

:shock: What's happening to you, Closed Womb? Does FJ need to organize an intervention?

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:shock: What's happening to you, Closed Womb? Does FJ need to organize an intervention?

I know, right? I need a thesaurus, lest I start talking 'seasons of life' and 'purposing', and then I need to get to the Rodrigues thread to remind myself of the horrors awaiting Michael. Or early Duggar videos, STAT.

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Did anyone else notice that the Florida Supreme Court struck down the state's gerrymandering of congressional districts? Although Alyssa's FIL Daniel Webster is not called out in this article, it does say because the narrow district next to his needs to change, his might as well:


Not like it will change his awful beliefs or terrible ideas, but he might have a less conservative district someday.

Yep-- http://www.tampabay.com/news/politics/s ... to/2236734

Since his district is next to the 5th District, which must be redrawn, his district will absolutely be affected. Alyssa (and Allie Jane) might have to work extra hard at campaigning next year. Although I suspect Alyssa enjoys it.

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Can someone tell me more about this guy. I see that he has 2 sisters does he have any more siblings.

Saw this the other day. It's a year and a half old.


Angie (38/39- has a BA and is working on a Masters), RJ (36, married with three kids), Alison (31), Craig (29-30), Brent and Becky (27, twins), Cara (26), Brandon (24), Christy (22) and Amber (20).

Other than RJ, none seem to be married. Angie and Alison seem pretty career-focused and both have highish level business jobs. RJ works in real estate and Brent, Becky and Cara seem pretty ATI involved. Christy worked at a pizza place (not sure if she still does) and Amber I think is doing College Plus. Brandon just finished a 3 year course at IMI.

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He is definitely crazy about her. Really sweet proposal - and even though the ring wasn't my taste - the back story behind it was lovely.

Are his sisters still ATI? Angie has her own apartment and PANTS on so.... What do we know about them?

Some ATI'ers wear pants.

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Some ATI'ers wear pants.

True, but having her own apartment? I assume this also means her own job? I cannot imagine the Duggars allowing Jana or Jinger to do anything like that. I'm not sure about the Bateses. I guess we'll see what happens in a few years when Tori and Carlin are a little older. They're more strong willed than their older sisters and seem more likely to want to go off on their own.

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did Michael travel alone to DC? And where did she stay before she went to his sister's apartment? She seems to have arrived to DC the day before she went to the sister's apartment. This seems like a fair amount of freedom for a fundie girl to have.

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did Michael travel alone to DC? And where did she stay before she went to his sister's apartment? She seems to have arrived to DC the day before she went to the sister's apartment. This seems like a fair amount of freedom for a fundie girl to have.

I noticed that too! My best guess is she stayed in a hotel solo..(insert gasp here) and went to his sisters apartment the next day.

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I noticed that too! My best guess is she stayed in a hotel solo..(insert gasp here) and went to his sisters apartment the next day.

I was thinking that but then I thought about how she had to ask her parents to even go on the trip. Kelly even mentioned how she's the one Michael goes to ask permission to visit Brandon. My guess would be that she either stayed with some other friend or family in DC that they know or she had a friend with her that wasn't shown.

ETA: I remember when the Duggar girls went to Chicago and it was made out to be this independent trip for them, when in fact they were staying with Pris and Pecan and were with them the whole time (I hope I'm remembering this correctly). But basically what I'm getting at is if 25 year old Michael has to ask to travel, then I don't believe for a second that she was alone. And I think the show just made it look that way to add that "normal" view to the family.

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I took the asking permission to be partly about the family schedule. We know that Michael seems to have a lot of responsibility with supervising and running the home when Gil and Kelly are gone, so when Kelly said she had to ask permission, it felt more like "Let me make sure I can get by without you here to help". This is still ridiculous in my opinion as it should work the other way around. Kelly should ask Michael what her availability is before assuming she is able to help out babysitting or running the house. But we know that isn't how it works with their families.

But still, it felt like Michael was on her own at least one night. Even if she stayed with ATI Friends in DC, she still may have been on that plane alone. This feels like a bit more independence than we have seen with Jana. Though Jana is so quiet and under the radar that she could have been traveling a lot on her own, and we just don't know about it. Last year, when she went on that God Awful RV Trip with Joshanna, I assume that Jana must have flown to DC on her own prior to going to Josh's house.

Lawson has traveled with his 'music' career (which I hate to be mean, but he really needs to re-think that plan) and I wonder if he gets to travel alone. I just got back from a long weekend in Nashville and Just walking up and down the streets of downtown, you can hear so many hopefuls that have so much more talent than anything Lawson has ever shown. He might be a nice enough guy, but talent wise, I don't think he quite has what it will take. The competition is stiff in that town. And since it seems unlikely that he would ever visit one of the many Honky Tonk bars to sing, he likely won't really be able to crack into the popular Country music scene. I have no idea about Christian Country, though I rather imagine the standards are lower as far as musicality.

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Anyone found a link for the most recent episode (episode 5) yet?

if there is, PM me? there was apparently links being PM'd and no one has sent it to me, despite multiple requests :(

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if there is, PM me? there was apparently links being PM'd and no one has sent it to me, despite multiple requests :(

I'd like to have a link too.

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To be fair to Brandon, I've never gotten the impression he doesn't love Michael or is marrying her because it is 'strategic' in moving up in ATI ranks because it is a fundie royalty union or anything like that.

My impression is more that he doesn't like being filmed when he just wants to spend time with Michael (and fair enough) and is very conscious of the cameras being there (he wasn't on United Bates of America so his first experience with all of this dog and pony show nonsense) and as a result he comes off a bit 'stiff'.

I know when someone is watching me like a hawk and I'm not comfortable with it (like the one boss at work who HATES me and hovers over me when I'm trying to work), I start to subconsciously act weird and unnatural. I can only imagine how strange I'd seem if I had cameras everywhere filming me for television.

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To be fair to Brandon, I've never gotten the impression he doesn't love Michael or is marrying her because it is 'strategic' in moving up in ATI ranks because it is a fundie royalty union or anything like that.


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Saw this the other day. It's a year and a half old.


We talked about it a bit here: search.php?keywords=Brandon+family+picture&t=25345&sf=msgonly then by their names I found one goes to their area community college, etc. I was just in Dewitt the other week, I had business to do in Lansing. I didn't have time to go see if the family has a produce stand with the farm. Maybe another time :)

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Actuallyjessica And pretzel, pm me! General forum requests get lost, sorry. I'll send it ASAP; am travelling just now

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The Bateseseses recently finished speaking at the Sacramento ATI conference, and will be speaking at a new ATI conference in the Twin Cities later this month, along with the Pecan Thief and the Pecannette: familyconferences.org/events/twin-cities/

No Duggars on the program

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I took the asking permission to be partly about the family schedule. We know that Michael seems to have a lot of responsibility with supervising and running the home when Gil and Kelly are gone, so when Kelly said she had to ask permission, it felt more like "Let me make sure I can get by without you here to help". This is still ridiculous in my opinion as it should work the other way around. Kelly should ask Michael what her availability is before assuming she is able to help out babysitting or running the house. But we know that isn't how it works with their families.

That part really bugged me. I'm hoping it was actually more about making sure it worked for filming ( but of course they wouldn't say that ).

Because really, why should Kelly have to have Michael's help around the house just to get by? Kelly doesn't work outside the home, there are what - 8 ? children under the age of 12. And even if Gil does work at the tree business and the oldest kids have outside jobs - she should be able to handle watching her own children on her own during the day. Plus she has another few young teens who could help out! I could see her needing to check with the other adult children, since she and Gil were going on the trip - but that had nothing to do with Michael. Ugg. Watch your own kids lady!

Also in that episode - the visit to Alyssa seemed so odd. The baby was born the day before , but it felt like an Aunt or friend of the family stopping by to see a month old baby because they were in town. Not a mother and father going to help out / gush over a brand new grandchild. I don't know why, it just felt more formal? Distant? Than " normal" for that situation.

I also noticed that when they talked about Alyssa they showed photos of her in short skirts and sleeveless tops - and iirc, even one in jeans. So they aren't glossing over her change in style .

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