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James Behind in Math


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Is James behind in math? That is what I gather.

Rumor has it. I think that little James probably does better than me in math.

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We don't know for sure but my guess is yes. His fundie education is failing him. A 13 year old should be learning algebra / pre algebra.

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Is James behind in math? That is what I gather.

Doesn't really matter, since the Duggars don't care about education. Isn't James almost at that age where the Duggars boys start working full-time anyway? JB and Michelle have always been vague about what the teenage boys do, probably because they know that they'd get flack if it was widely known that they use them as unpaid labor on the various Duggar businesses. I wish their educational neglect of all the kids was more widely known, but I guess even that could be spun by leghumpers as a sign of their thriftiness of not wanting to waste money on "useless degrees."

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Doesn't really matter, since the Duggars don't care about education. Isn't James almost at that age where the Duggars boys start working full-time anyway? JB and Michelle have always been vague about what the teenage boys do, probably because they know that they'd get flack if it was widely known that they use them as unpaid labor on the various Duggar businesses. I wish their educational neglect of all the kids was more widely known, but I guess even that could be spun by leghumpers as a sign of their thriftiness of not wanting to waste money on "useless degrees."

Other than John David and Joseph, I don't think I have ever seen the Duggar boys working at all. Mostly they are just sitting around the TTH.

We know that some of the boys like to make videos, and one of them plays chess, but that is about it.

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Well he's 13 and was recently shown reviewing his multiplication tables with flashcards.

Jill, his sister mom, was also recently shown to be less than stellar in basic math facts.

I'm still trying to figure out what they Duggars are good at, besides procreating. Yeah them,not.

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Other than John David and Joseph, I don't think I have ever seen the Duggar boys working at all. Mostly they are just sitting around the TTH.

We know that some of the boys like to make videos, and one of them plays chess, but that is about it.

To be fair, the boys younger than Josiah are all minors who should be busy with their basic education.

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Is James behind in math? That is what I gather.

VERY behind! My third grade students are learning the multiplication tables with flashcards and other strategies i have developed, like someone said here he should be learning pre algebra or algebra. I'm not surprised though, JB and Michelle are anti education so he's probably behind in all subjects and all of his siblings too.

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Didn't someone on here say that some of the kids were dyslexic? I wonder if James could maybe be?

James seems like a pretty smart, insightful kid to me overall. Of course, intelligence doesn't necessarily mean you are good at math, and if he DOES have any learning disabilities or special needs in that area, it's pretty safe to say he's not getting the help he needs. Between Jchelle, the J'slaves with no substantial education themselves, and a pile of workbooks and computer software, it's probably pretty easy to get left behind and nobody notices until you're 14 and can't do 4th grade math. b

Anyway, I just thought maybe that could be the case. I don't remember seeing any episode that mentioned any of the kids were dyslexic myself, but I know I've heard it mentioned here before.

Were there any episodes that hinted at him being behind other than the one where Jill tutored him at her house? I thought it was nice that she was helping him. For all we know he is pretending to be bad at math just to get out of the house to see his real mom...

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Is James behind in math? That is what I gather.

I think Boob and Mullet are absolutely nuts, and doing a huge disservice to their kids by not allowing them proper schooling, it makes Me sick! :shock:

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Well he's 13 and was recently shown reviewing his multiplication tables with flashcards.

Wow. We started those when I was in 2nd grade, and did this game called Around the World in 3rd. If he's only doing them now, something is wrong.

I'm still trying to figure out what they Duggars are good at, besides procreating. Yeah them,not.

Hypocrisy and judging everyone.

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James is my fav Duggar. He's the new Jinger to me. At 13, he may be behind in math, doesn't know much history, etc but I see his facial expressions that depict that he knows this life he has to live is bullshit.

And I wonder if Derrick starts to see a trend about how smart these young'ns are... and is married to one of their teachers... will he say, put his kids in actual school...

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James is my fav Duggar. He's the new Jinger to me. At 13, he may be behind in math, doesn't know much history, etc but I see his facial expressions that depict that he knows this life he has to live is bullshit.

Totally agree. I love James. He just seems different from the other boys. I hope they don't manage to beat that out of him :( He seems to have absolutely 0 connection to either of his parents, so it makes me happy that Jill seems to want to include him in her life still.

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James is my fav Duggar. He's the new Jinger to me. At 13, he may be behind in math, doesn't know much history, etc but I see his facial expressions that depict that he knows this life he has to live is bullshit.

And I wonder if Derrick starts to see a trend about how smart these young'ns are... and is married to one of their teachers... will he say, put his kids in actual school...

If he's smart and Jim Bob lets him.

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From what I gather Arkansas doesnt have strict homeschool requirements. They dont need to make a certain grade on the tests. I cant see James pretending to be behind in math, but wouldnt blame him for the attention.

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In some of the earlier episodes Ive seen then 10y.o. James literally running away from his mom when she was chasing him with schoolbooks and pretending he has already finished his homework when he didnt. Even some of the older girls said that while many of the kids struggle to stay focused, James is the worst of them. Being homeschooled by a woman who at least at the early stages of their education has to teach a whole bunch of different age kids at the same time, having no structured school enviroment, no ability to meet deadlines, of course James is behind in math. Homeschooling is for kids who have self-dicipline, not many kids have that. Thats what public schools are for - to make sure children stay on track.

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In some of the earlier episodes Ive seen then 10y.o. James literally running away from his mom when she was chasing him with schoolbooks and pretending he has already finished his homework when he didnt. Even some of the older girls said that while many of the kids struggle to stay focused, James is the worst of them. Being homeschooled by a woman who at least at the early stages of their education has to teach a whole bunch of different age kids at the same time, having no structured school enviroment, no ability to meet deadlines, of course James is behind in math. Homeschooling is for kids who have self-dicipline, not many kids have that. Thats what public schools are for - to make sure children stay on track.

Side note: if Mullet was my mum, I'd run away from her too.

Back on track: It's abhorrent that this Duggar school is considered education. There are several well educated home schooled children and fantastic, talented and smart parents that do it; but the Duggar Headships are just idiots, plain and simple.

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It's sad in general when kids don't get a proper foundation in math early on because it comes back to bite them in so many subjects later in life. I've seen so many of my peers give up on various career goals because they couldn't handle the math in the college science classes they had to take to get there.

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How old is James? It's not unusual for someone to be behind in math. I don't think just because someone is homeschooled that they are not getting a good education. Arkansas homeschoolers are tested yearly, I believe, from grade 3 and up. Having said that, Jill's recent drama about not being able to figure out rice for 3 makes me wonder. Probably just for show though.

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How old is James? It's not unusual for someone to be behind in math. I don't think just because someone is homeschooled that they are not getting a good education. Arkansas homeschoolers are tested yearly, I believe, from grade 3 and up. Having said that, Jill's recent drama about not being able to figure out rice for 3 makes me wonder. Probably just for show though.

I disagree. Too many of their "er" moments have been shown onscreen for anyone to think that sort of thing is for show. or for "cute". I think the whole dog and pony show is coming apart and they can't hide it anymore.

Why on earth do girls who supposedly do the family cooking NOT KNOW how to measure rice and water into a pot?

Why do they all, when questioned, start off with a reply, then turn it into a non-response? About ANYTHING!

Remember the "What would you do as chaperone if they kissed?" question? "call the police"... ???

These children are horribly stunted. They don't know what they're doing or why they're doing it.

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Im not a big fan of homeschooling but I can imagine some parents out there doing a much better job than the Duggars. Yet with Michelle Ive seen on some episodes how she would attempt to teach Jackson to read (and he was about 6 y.o. and still couldnt read at all, she was still teaching him teh ABCs), at the same time Johanna was crawling on her knees and disturbing Jackson while little Jordyn was crying and somebody (maybe Josie?) had a dirty diaper and Michelle had to attend to them all at the same time. Then I saw the same stuff going on with James. When you have to teach kids of different grade levels/attention spans/ages at the same time while being distracted by a crying toddler, I can imagine this would take a toll on the kids education. There is no structured educational enviroment in this house and the kids barely learn enough to pass the tests.

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Im not a big fan of homeschooling but I can imagine some parents out there doing a much better job than the Duggars. Yet with Michelle Ive seen on some episodes how she would attempt to teach Jackson to read (and he was about 6 y.o. and still couldnt read at all, she was still teaching him teh ABCs), at the same time Johanna was crawling on her knees and disturbing Jackson while little Jordyn was crying and somebody (maybe Josie?) had a dirty diaper and Michelle had to attend to them all at the same time. Then I saw the same stuff going on with James. When you have to teach kids of different grade levels/attention spans/ages at the same time while being distracted by a crying toddler, I can imagine this would take a toll on the kids education. There is no structured educational enviroment in this house and the kids barely learn enough to pass the tests.

Some kids don't start kindergarten until 6. They begin with learning the ABCs and letter sounds. That is completely fine and normal and most likely in their curriculum. I'm pretty sure Michelle uses a box set, and it would go through everything for each kids grade level and then their state tests yearly. While some of the children may be behind in some areas, (which is normal) I don't believe they are as horribly uneducated as people state here. You can't base intelligence off of a 30 minute reality show. If not knowing how to measure rice is an indication of how my education went, them the public school system failed me. Cooking rice takes ratios of water to rice to get it right and it's about like cooking pasta. You never know how much to cook so you end up with either too little or enough for the neighborhood.

But I agree with the distractions. With that number of kids of varying ages, they either need a group project or some separation to get some one on one learning most of the time if there is only one adult.

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