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Anna Duggar - Merge


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I have to say that I feel very bad for Anna. How can there be anything positive for her in this. And so pregnant.

I feel bad for her too. BUT she's not actually a slave and despite her lifestyle telling her she has to stay with him and get pregnant over and over... she doesn't HAVE to do that. She can make the best decision for herself and her existing children and leave him (if that is what she wants and needs). If she stays, she gets what she deserves.

Just want to add that I say she gets what she deserves because she isn't being abused, I don't see her leaving Josh as similar to a wife leaving an abusive husband and how hard that is. I see her more as a wife leaving a shitty partner who probably lied to her about his past.

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That article makes it sound like she's more upset about people knowing than what Josh did.

I'm just not convinced that she isn't totally fine with what he did and his subsequent "rehabilitation." I'm sure she didn't grasp the full details when she was told, but I think the watered down version she got was still pretty damning by normal people's standards. Like others have said, she participated in her father's prison ministry--forgiveness and rehab through Christ is their thing, and I think they truly believe that.

She's upset at the media frenzy. She's devastated at what this could mean for her lifestyle--this is the first of her pregnancies where it's likely that the baby won't be greeted by cameras and huge amounts of media fanfare. That's going to be a huge adjustment for her--assuming the world isn't quite as shitty as I believe and Josh and his family remain forever off camera. She will just be another quiverful housewife pushing out baby after baby without the public love and attention she's gotten for it up until now. That's why she's so upset about all this--not because Josh molested 5 girls when he was 14-15, or even because she might not have been told the full extent of his actions. Her incredibly charmed life that proved that God looked upon her favorably is over. That's a tough pill to swallow.

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After watching Ma and Pa Duggar lie numerous times last night without so much as batting an eye, I can believe that Anna was told a very white-washed abbreviated version of the facts before she married Josh. Of course, the Duggar parents and Josh would minimize what he had done, because in their mind, it "wasn't rape or anything," and it "was just a few seconds," and "the girls didn't even know what happened."

As to that last quoted part, yes Anna, Josh will always be seen at the guy who molested his sisters, including one who was only five years old at the time. And as long as you are married to him, you will be seen as the wife of a child molester. I'm very sorry that your father did such a crap job at selecting who to hand you over to.

To the bolded: the interview reinforced the same for me. Anna would not have gotten anywhere near the truth of what Josh did. Add to her own complete naivete about anything sexual, she would have not fully comprehended the ramifications and what that said about Josh. Whether the full realization is hitting her now, who knows, but I think in any case she would be hiding in shame over the whole wide world knowing about Josh. She married him, the oldest son of the famous, wholesome Christian family and had a pretty good life. Material needs were met, there were many perks from the show, travel and adoring fans. She was now known. She was liked because of her connection to this famous family. Not that connection has become a liability for her and she's stuck. Overnight she has become known as the wife of a child molester, people will question why she stays and whether her children are safe. That may not be fair but unfortunately, that's how it goes. Now she is experiencing the serious downside of fame. With four kids in the mix.

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They were royalty. They went to events and were greeted by handlers and fans. Special dinners and meetings with politicians, fancy dinners... Now they're back in Arkansas living in a home that needs a lot of work, public pariahs, and a baby due imminently. She's far from her midwife and isnt at a point in her pregnancy that she can comfortably find a new one. My guess is that she winds up back at the place she gave birth at last time, assuming they want to have anything to do with the duggars.

Her world was blown away in an instant. I wonder if they're reading Job...

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That article makes it sound like she's more upset about people knowing than what Josh did.

I'm just not convinced that she isn't totally fine with what he did and his subsequent "rehabilitation." I'm sure she didn't grasp the full details when she was told, but I think the watered down version she got was still pretty damning by normal people's standards. Like others have said, she participated in her father's prison ministry--forgiveness and rehab through Christ is their thing, and I think they truly believe that.

She's upset at the media frenzy. She's devastated at what this could mean for her lifestyle--this is the first of her pregnancies where it's likely that the baby won't be greeted by cameras and huge amounts of media fanfare. That's going to be a huge adjustment for her--assuming the world isn't quite as shitty as I believe and Josh and his family remain forever off camera. She will just be another quiverful housewife pushing out baby after baby without the public love and attention she's gotten for it up until now. That's why she's so upset about all this--not because Josh molested 5 girls when he was 14-15, or even because she might not have been told the full extent of his actions. Her incredibly charmed life that proved that God looked upon her favorably is over. That's a tough pill to swallow.

And would say that applies to most of the Duggars.

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Yeah, if that's true... poor thing. I hope she gets out somehow. Not like she'd have trouble getting full custody of their kids. I hope at least some of the kids or their spouses see through the truthiness Jim Bob and Michelle are selling to the media, even if they're not admitting it yet.

So is Anna keeping her children away from Josh?

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I'm sure she's not. She already knew about this stuff (in one form or another). She hasn't kept them away before. Why would she now? The only thing that's changed is that the whole world knows.

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s... Now they're back in Arkansas living in a home that needs a lot of work, public pariahs, and a baby due imminently. She's far from her midwife and isnt at a point in her pregnancy that she can comfortably find a new one. My guess is that she winds up back at the place she gave birth at last time, assuming they want to have anything to do with the duggars.

Sorry if I missed this somewhere (there's sooooo much!!!) but do we know for sure that Josh and Anna are back in Arkansas? I'm so curious what they're up to!!

I kept thinking last night how bizarre it was that Josh's parents were basically his defenders...he's a grown man!!

Anyway...just wondering if there have been any sightings or if we're just assuming they're there.

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To the bolded: the interview reinforced the same for me. Anna would not have gotten anywhere near the truth of what Josh did. Add to her own complete naivete about anything sexual, she would have not fully comprehended the ramifications and what that said about Josh. Whether the full realization is hitting her now, who knows, but I think in any case she would be hiding in shame over the whole wide world knowing about Josh. She married him, the oldest son of the famous, wholesome Christian family and had a pretty good life. Material needs were met, there were many perks from the show, travel and adoring fans. She was now known. She was liked because of her connection to this famous family. Not that connection has become a liability for her and she's stuck. Overnight she has become known as the wife of a child molester, people will question why she stays and whether her children are safe. That may not be fair but unfortunately, that's how it goes. Now she is experiencing the serious downside of fame. With four kids in the mix.

Man. And probably can't get a divorce. However, some religions are willing to void a marriage in cases where the nuptials were based on a lie, right? Basically what I'm asking is if there is a middle ground that would let Anna out.

I know a woman who had her marriage annulled, for instance, because her husband signed up for active duty (after securing a military desk job) in Iraq during the height of things without telling her and her church viewed that as abandonment and falsehoods, etc.

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Sorry if I missed this somewhere (there's sooooo much!!!) but do we know for sure that Josh and Anna are back in Arkansas? I'm so curious what they're up to!!

I kept thinking last night how bizarre it was that Josh's parents were basically his defenders...he's a grown man!!

Anyway...just wondering if there have been any sightings or if we're just assuming they're there.

This is how you know this entire blitz is about $$$$$$$$$ where the Duggars are concerned.

For most families, exposing the victims would be harder and more gut wrenching, for the Duggars the abuser is protected.

Why? It''s all about eliciting sympathy for the family, and the ability to either retain or advance earning potential.

They are playing the emotional card to secure and maintain the $$$$$$$$ flow.

They all learned from the best con artist around.

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She's upset at the media frenzy. She's devastated at what this could mean for her lifestyle--this is the first of her pregnancies where it's likely that the baby won't be greeted by cameras and huge amounts of media fanfare. That's going to be a huge adjustment for her--assuming the world isn't quite as shitty as I believe and Josh and his family remain forever off camera. She will just be another quiverful housewife pushing out baby after baby without the public love and attention she's gotten for it up until now. That's why she's so upset about all this--not because Josh molested 5 girls when he was 14-15, or even because she might not have been told the full extent of his actions. Her incredibly charmed life that proved that God looked upon her favorably is over. That's a tough pill to swallow.

THIS! :worship:

She's not upset because the media found out, she's upset because the money will dry up.

Also she can't be SO STUPID that everytime someone who knows who she is is going "oh she's the wife of a child molester."

You spew hate Duggars; now it's coming back to bite them.

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That article makes it sound like she's more upset about people knowing than what Josh did.

I'm just not convinced that she isn't totally fine with what he did and his subsequent "rehabilitation." I'm sure she didn't grasp the full details when she was told, but I think the watered down version she got was still pretty damning by normal people's standards. Like others have said, she participated in her father's prison ministry--forgiveness and rehab through Christ is their thing, and I think they truly believe that.

She's upset at the media frenzy. She's devastated at what this could mean for her lifestyle--this is the first of her pregnancies where it's likely that the baby won't be greeted by cameras and huge amounts of media fanfare. That's going to be a huge adjustment for her--assuming the world isn't quite as shitty as I believe and Josh and his family remain forever off camera. She will just be another quiverful housewife pushing out baby after baby without the public love and attention she's gotten for it up until now. That's why she's so upset about all this--not because Josh molested 5 girls when he was 14-15, or even because she might not have been told the full extent of his actions. Her incredibly charmed life that proved that God looked upon her favorably is over. That's a tough pill to swallow.

Hate it for her, but maybe she should take a leaf out of her sister Rebekah's book and only have as many kids as she can handle and afford.

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Will Anna still have sister moms help out? I hope not. If you breed em then take care of them

Her husband has lots of free time. He can help.

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Her husband has lots of free time. He can help.

I can see Josh turning into more of a sloth now. Unshaven, in the easy chair watching TV all day, eating junk, and possibly even starting to drink. Light beer.

He'll be of little help no matter. On the bright side for Anna, Mac is 6 this year. Old enough to start M-Slaving. :x

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I can see Josh turning into more of a sloth now. Unshaven, in the easy chair watching TV all day, eating junk, and possibly even starting to drink. Light beer.

He'll be of little help no matter. On the bright side for Anna, Mac is 6 this year. Old enough to start M-Slaving. :x

I think he is going to stay out of the limelight for about two years. I bet JB will be paying him a hefty yearly salary just out of sympathy. He might be hired by Huckabee or senator Bart Hester to do some sort of work later on. If not, I predict that he will end up starting some sort of Christian ministry and preach about forgiveness. I can see him trying to write a book about forgiveness and give interviews on the scandal within 3-5 years. Also, he might try to go to law school and try to become a lawyer that defends juveniles and their records. The way Jim Bob talked about that so fervently in the interview makes it seem like that is Jim Bob's new "mission" for the family... seek justice for protecting juvenile records and "campaign" for that instead of becoming activists for that. So, I can see Josh also being encouraged to go that route.

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I absolutely agree that Anna and her family couldn't have known the full version of events from Josh's past when they were vetting him for husband material.

I was just thinking about some previous posters who remember a podcast about a young man who grew up knowing he was a pedophile (I heard that episode too), and who desperately has sought treatment and does not want to offend, so he is proactive to stay away from kids, etc.

I wonder if a part of Josh would feel guilty and not really want to have kids of his own because of his past. But his upbringing and culture wouldn't allow for him to not marry and fill the quiver because it would look so weird.

I don't get to watch 19KAC, but didn't someone say he didn't look as happy about M4 as Anna did? All this is not to pity him; it's still vile and repulsive what he's done. I just think it's sad that there is so little variation in accepted life paths for fundies. There are so many reasons why some people don't want or shouldn't have kids.

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I think he is going to stay out of the limelight for about two years. I bet JB will be paying him a hefty yearly salary just out of sympathy. He might be hired by Huckabee or senator Bart Hester to do some sort of work later on. If not, I predict that he will end up starting some sort of Christian ministry and preach about forgiveness. I can see him trying to write a book about forgiveness and give interviews on the scandal within 3-5 years. Also, he might try to go to law school and try to become a lawyer that defends juveniles and their records. The way Jim Bob talked about that so fervently in the interview makes it seem like that is Jim Bob's new "mission" for the family... seek justice for protecting juvenile records and "campaign" for that instead of becoming activists for that. So, I can see Josh also being encouraged to go that route.

Josh's work ethic is just about nil.

He loved the limelight of his FRC job. Big title, nice salary, all the perks of being a pundit without ever having to learn anything but basic talking points. Those of us who remember his pre-FRC used car salesman instagram days recall a young married man who spent his days playing games in the office and cruising fast food joints 3 or 4 times a day.

The sweet job is gone and nothing like it will ever come his way again. He must be defeated and depressed right now. Even the pols that say nice things about him aren't going to let him work for them.

He's not going to law school. He may have a GED, but he's woefully under educated and law school is grueling with no guarantee of a good job upon graduation. "Sealing minors' records" is the theme of the day, but it's just a red herring. Josh wasn't a minor when the police report was released so the police were simply complying with the law.

I think Jim Bob will support him and his family out of guilt. But the only way Josh can truly make something of himself in the future is to break away from his awful parents and their cult. He needs to reevaluate and reassess the shit they've ingrained in him and what he's been spewing while working for his hate group employer. He needs to fully grasp the hypocrisy of it all. And he needs to learn to see females as fully human, not sexual objects put on this earth only to please and cater to men.

Maybe if Josh is able to do these things people will be interested in his journey. But if he writes a book that's basically "I Was a Teenaged Child Molester And Was Illegally Outed" people are just going to tell him to fuck the fuck off.

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Again, take it with a grain of salt, but OK is reporting that Anna didnt know the whole story

http://okmagazine.com/photos/anna-dugga ... 001263065/

If thats true, I feel truly sad for her. She is trapped in a life built on a lie.

This is a a bunch of hype, and assumes the reader has no ability to think for self. :cray-cray:

She "knew" but it now undermines everything she believes about Josh? Everything? Not only does that read as a contradiction, but it also reads as pure gossip rag sensationalism. Consider the source (Star Magazine; stellar journalism.)

And she believed it occurred when he was "very" young? :think: 14 is pretty young. She'd have felt better if he had been even younger??? I fail to see how that would be more acceptable. Again, sounds like nothing more than a trash mag spin on the story (considering the Star story as a whole.)

And the last paragraph,..."If she leaves Josh to stay with her parents for awhile, people will say she abandoned him." Huh? Why on God's green earth would any of the Duggar haters care if Anna "abandoned" him under these circumstances? This doesn't seem like anything Anna would worry about at all (what her adversaries might think or say.)

Yeah, this article isn't even worth a grain of salt. Star is lame.

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I feel bad for her too. BUT she's not actually a slave and despite her lifestyle telling her she has to stay with him and get pregnant over and over... she doesn't HAVE to do that. She can make the best decision for herself and her existing children and leave him (if that is what she wants and needs). If she stays, she gets what she deserves.

Just want to add that I say she gets what she deserves because she isn't being abused, I don't see her leaving Josh as similar to a wife leaving an abusive husband and how hard that is. I see her more as a wife leaving a shitty partner who probably lied to her about his past.

She's certainly not a slave, or without any options to leave him. But I also don't think you can undo twenty-something years of brainwashing in 2 weeks. I hope she does leave him in time (or if she does stay, by her own choosing, that they all get adequate psych help).

I wonder how much contact with the outside world she really had in DC. I don't just mean going to fancy events, but like actual interaction with normal, not extremely fundie people who might've been able to show her another side of the secular world than what she was raised to imagine. Maybe even some people who could support/encourage her now. I hope so.

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She's certainly not a slave, or without any options to leave him. But I also don't think you can undo twenty-something years of brainwashing in 2 weeks. I hope she does leave him in time (or if she does stay, by her own choosing, that they all get adequate psych help).

I wonder how much contact with the outside world she really had in DC. I don't just mean going to fancy events, but like actual interaction with normal, not extremely fundie people who might've been able to show her another side of the secular world than what she was raised to imagine. Maybe even some people who could support/encourage her now. I hope so.

I doubt that Anna had much interaction with normal non-fundie people while in DC/PG County, MD.

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Of course she looks tired and sloppy- that's what happens when you have baby after baby. Then add this all in. She's headed for the looney bin, but I think she will keep it together as best as she can while her kids are young but I could see a mid-life crisis happening.

Well, unless she starts using birth control, it will be a long time until she can have that crisis. My bet is, a meltdown will happen even if she has little ones or not.

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I do feel sorry for Anna. In a way, she is a victim too.

But Anna, just like all the other Duggars, needs to now put her faith in motion. For all these years they've been drawing a check, for spewing religion and a certain lifestyle. Well, now it's time to show the world how that faith works when the chips are down.

Jill has always spouted religious speech. Look at the interview after Izzy was born, the first thing she did was thank God...I was surprised at the clip shown of her talking about how unfair this is for her as a victim. A good coach would have advised her to stick to her true form and start with religion, while saving the rest for later.

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I don't see Anna leaving Josh. And how would she support four children? As someone said, Josh is now a pariah, across the world. All he can do is wash cars...wearing a mask.

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I wonder if, without the cameras rolling, will Anna take the opportunity to go to a hospital and have an epidural? I'm wondering if the stress of this situation would point towards hospitalization rather than flying loose with a midwife she doesnt know...

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