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Daughter of gay moms rails against same-sex marriage


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I was conceived in the early 80s as a "test tube" baby using donor materials. I go back and forth on my feelings about it. And while I know how terrible it sounds, I've often thought that people who are sterile are sterile for a reason, and maybe it should stay that way. Then I remember that other people aren't my parents so maybe I'm just jaded. Also, these beliefs tend to fluctuate with how much I believe in God that day. So there's that.

I have no problem with marriage, same sex or opposite sex, as long as everyone involved consents of course. But I'd really like for people who are having difficulty conceiving to pursue other avenues before they create life. Adopting for one.

Part of me thinks that I have no right to pursue looking for the people who donated. They didn't raise me, not my parents, nurture over nature, etc. But part of me wants to know. And being a twenty something who was a little slutty was worried about sleeping with a potential close relative. Not to mention the lying and the trust issues I have. And the school I went to that had the same stance on IVF as Zsu. It makes things very confusing.

In Australia gay people are banned from adopting, so that's not even an option. What is your opinion about identity release donors? Would that make a difference about how you feel about the whole thing? Just wondering if it would relieve some of your concerns if you had access to the donor info. Also, were your parents open about you being donor conceived? Just curious how my kids will feel about this stuff in the future - if it feels too hard for you to discuss further I understand.

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I hope the justices can see through this woman's shoddy reasoning, but who knows? The fact that God put different people on different continents was used as a reason before the Supreme Court for why interracial marriage should be illegal, and that was thankfully rejected, but it shows that crazy, religion-based arguments can at least get a hearing in the highest court in the land.

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In Australia gay people are banned from adopting, so that's not even an option. What is your opinion about identity release donors? Would that make a difference about how you feel about the whole thing? Just wondering if it would relieve some of your concerns if you had access to the donor info. Also, were your parents open about you being donor conceived? Just curious how my kids will feel about this stuff in the future - if it feels too hard for you to discuss further I understand.

I'll PM you about these questions.

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My brain hurts after reading that.

"This debate, at its core, is about one thing. It’s about children."

No. No. Unless you are marrying children, it is not about children.

I think this is arguing against any marriage that can't produce biological children, or even any step-parent situation. Way to stay on topic, Katy. You know that any of that could happen with or without marriage, which is about civil rights.

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