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Four Little Fergusons


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That is hilarious :D

Did you draw this? Do you have any other fundie snarking drawings????? I need to see more of this!

Yep! And no, not at present, this is part of an ongoing series of Fundie Scrapbook Pages, but I've only made 3 so far.

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Yep! And no, not at present, this is part of an ongoing series of Fundie Scrapbook Pages, but I've only made 3 so far.

Its so awesome, Im interested to see what your other ones are of! :)

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From her public FB, it seems she was a Bontrager before marriage. Seems to be a different Bontrager family than that of the family singers, but the name is so unusual to me that something pinged. Does anyone know whether the Bontrager family singers have relations that are less visibly fundy (ie more trendy?)

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From her public FB, it seems she was a Bontrager before marriage. Seems to be a different Bontrager family than that of the family singers, but the name is so unusual to me that something pinged. Does anyone know whether the Bontrager family singers have relations that are less visibly fundy (ie more trendy?)

It may be a more common name in certain parts of the country. I'm in her state and there are a ton of Bontragers in the area I grew up in.

Also, she is outraged by what is being written about her over here and at GOMI? I'm outraged at how she "disciplines" her children. I'm outraged that she drug her daughter into her marital problems. :angry-banghead:

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It may be a more common name in certain parts of the country. I'm in her state and there are a ton of Bontragers in the area I grew up in.

fair enough! :)

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She wrote about the bright side of all this is all of us who go over there might see the light by being exposed to her Godly wisdoms, having our heart opened by the Holy Spirit through her glorious upright writings!

I thought the bright side would be her readers coming here and seeing the light on how full of self righteous, egotistical drivel that lacks all logic.

I hope some people who know her will speak up and join in the fun! And it doesn't have to be Friday to celebrate Fundie Friday.

That would make me irrationally happy!

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It may be a more common name in certain parts of the country. I'm in her state and there are a ton of Bontragers in the area I grew up in.

Also, she is outraged by what is being written about her over here and at GOMI? I'm outraged at how she "disciplines" her children. I'm outraged that she drug her daughter into her marital problems. :angry-banghead:

If she doesn't like it, she might have thought of that before she aired her dirty laundry for fun and profit. Also, be honest... saying I'll not hold your past against you but making it one of the top recurring themes on h er blog is not just hypocritical, it is stupid and arrogant and so demeaning to her husband.

Oh well-- I hope she is comfortable in the bed she is making.

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If she doesn't like it, she might have thought of that before she aired her dirty laundry for fun and profit. Also, be honest... saying I'll not hold your past against you but making it one of the top recurring themes on h er blog is not just hypocritical, it is stupid and arrogant and so demeaning to her husband.

Oh well-- I hope she is comfortable in the bed she is making.

Fact, Salex. The hypocrisy of having a public blog (and visiting your PUBLIC BLOG does not a stalking case make) and being pissed about the predictably negative response to the shoddy parenting is mind boggling.

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MANDATORY ON MY BLOG: Ass-kissing, Jesus talk.

NOT ALLOWED ON MY BLOG: Criticism, dissenting opinions, anyone prettier than me.

Do what I say or else JESUS HATES YOU and also SATAN.

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I was going through her blog, and because I can't be arsed to wade through that dreck about her and her husband, WTF is this all about?

Welp, I found out what happened in regards to this: 4littlefergusons.wordpress.com/2012/07/17/an-open-letter/. I have to say, I'm glad she was mad and pissed and contacted the police. Butttt...she says she refused to close down her blog (or, say, limit pictures of her children on the internet) because that's what satan wants. I'm really scratching my head on this one, because honestly that would scare the crapola out of me, too. However, I would probably think good and long before putting a photo of my child in a bikini on my blog after that...which of course she did in a later post. Oh, and I'd probably not put that picture of my youngest bare bottom (but hey, it was censored...at least the one of the blog was censored. She got up in arms after someone reported the uncensored bare bottom when it was posted on facebook.)

From something she wrote in the comments:

Did you know if you are on facebook, any of your photos are free game? Flickr? Did you know these men even take advertising from etsy and ebay of little girls modeling dresses for sale? It is everywhere!

Yes. Yes I did know that. :roll: That's why I do my utmost not to post photographs of my niece and nephew on sites that are available to the public. I suggest all parents do the same.

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I am sure her open letter to those child porn addicts really bit home for them and now they walk the path of righteousness!

This isn't even funny, it is scary. She is batshit crazy to continue posting pics of her kids. And her husband is ok with this too? These people are fucking sick.

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A message from Dale

Watch a woman sometime, you know the one: She walks by a group of guys in a crowd, waiting for them to roam over her with their eyes before she walks on. She likes it, she feeds off of it. What you see occur is her lust spirit attaching to theirs and vice versa, and once you are aware of it you can actually see and feel it occur. Disgusting.

I am at my kids soccer practice. I am going to try this 'lust spirit' thing out!

Wish me luck.

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The evil library book!

Heh. I know a lot of librarians. They all get these visits from Fergie types. It's just part of the job. Most nod politely. Some hand out a complaint form. Most of the librarians I know, come to think of it, are religious themselves. Many are evangelical Christians. All will side with the book.

My MIL is a retired librarian and a very conservative Catholic and even she always spoke against censorship. In fact it is one of the few things we can agree on. I used to run a bookstore and would have parents come in and ask why I sold certain books. I would tell them that it is not my job to tell someone what they can and can not read nor tell them what their children can and can not read. I would let them know what type of subject matter was in a particular book but it was up to them (the parents) to decide if it was appropriate for their child. FYI it is Banned Books Week. ALA Banned Book Week

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Her luuuuuuurve story is just as you'd imagine it. She only went to college because her parents made her and paid for her first year. Not enough eye rolls in the world for this one. Maybe if she'd stayed around college another year she could have learned to run her blog entries through spell check before she published them. (It's lightning, not 'lightening' and 'voila!' when you've created something...viola is a woman's name or a musical instrument.)

I love teaching the Pre-K class. Did you know before I met Dale on main street that fateful summer night, I was going to college for a degree in Early Elementary Education? Well, that’s only partly true. I went ONLY because my parents made me go and paid for my first year. I picked being a teacher because I LOVE kids, but truly just wanted to get married and have babies and stay home! :)

She talks about her wedding as well. She had seven bridesmaid and he had seven groomsmen, as well as:

In the end, we had 12 flower girls, who would head down our churches 4 side aisles that day, while handing out flowers to start the service. Next would be 2 bell ringers down the Center aisle, followed by the Jr. attendant walking with the 2 more flower girls.

That's one big ass bridal party right there. And the recessional music was, I kid you not, 'Great Balls of Fire'. So many jokes, sooo many jokes... She wrote love letters to her future husband starting at 13, and they opened them up and read them all on their wedding night. I'm starting to think this woman is Miss Raquel in the future.

Dale and I were engaged for a whole year, something our children will NOT be allowed to do.

I don't think you should have any say in how long your adult children choose to be engagement.

While Dale was gone, I waged my own emotional war of unforgiveness in both the area of Dale’s past, as well as forgiving my father!

Sheesh, she has a hard time with forgiveness, no?

Turns out I had a stressed induced issue, resulting in a giant grapefruit-sized cyst on my right ovary. (Ew, I know, I said ovary.)

:roll: You're a grown-ass woman writing to other grown-ass women. You have photograph after photograph of you and your husband (did you guyz know he cheated on her?!) making out and looking at each other with bedroom eyes. We can handle the word 'ovary' and don't find the medical word for a part of the body to be gross in the least. I can speak for all of us when I say that, I think.

Summer break came, my mom and dad reconciled and dad moved back in. I was PISSED! How dare she forgive him!

More variations on a theme.

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Do you know the Victory of defeating a plan the devil himself dreamed up to end your marriage and destroy your family?

This is an ongoing theme here- something EEEEEVILE (Big Pharma! The Devil! Scholastic Books! THE GAY AGENDA!!!) is both:

SUPER powerful and omniscient and ubiquitous and blah blah blah... Big Pharma has secretly infiltrated all doctors and also the FDA! Satan is everywhere and has taken over America! ZOMG! How ever WILL our heroine fight this near-impossible battle?

But also insanely dumb and pathetic? Because if I were Satan dreaming up a plan to destroy Tonya's marriage and family, a quick shag with a quicker-forgotten coworker wouldn't be my plan. Or us bitches on FreeJinger. Come on, Satan is the Ultimate Evil but he can't dream up something more creative than minor infidelity and internet criticism? Really? Because Biblically it's A-Okay by God if Satan deprives you of all your material possessions without hope of recovery, kills your ten children, and afflicts you with incurable boils/leprosy while he's testing your faith.

Job you ain't, Tonya.

Then, miscarriage number 3 occurred. How humiliating it was to “un-tell†people!! Now I was just mad! How could God do this to me? He gave me that verse about fullness of life!!!!! My life long dream was to have 4-6 kids, and it was just not happening!

I told Him I was ticked, and no longer would be talking to Him about having a baby. I would run this show myself! We saw a specialist and they ran $10,000 worth of blood and genetic tests. They all came back normal. There was no reason my body couldn’t carry another baby to term. So, we went home, me more determined than ever, and started counting days, and all that hoopla that entails.

The leprosy alone would do it. Or just a couple years with an unstoppable craving for Steak N Shake.

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What makes her think she is so important Satan gives a fuck about her?

She does his work for him just fine without his help.

I think Lori should stop by an teach her a thing or two. :evil-eye:

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Humiliating to untell????? I'm sorry but of all the emotions I've endured from repeat miscarriages, and all the emotions I've heard other women relay from their repeat miscarriages, I can honestly say I have NEVER heard that it was humiliating to untell people you were pregnant because you miscarried.

What bothers me the absolute most about her 'buy my book because *I* know how to repair marriages from infidelity' crap is something really basic.

It's true that only the cheating partner chooses to cheat, and the betrayed spouse bears no culpability for the poor choice the cheater makes. However, there IS something amiss in a marriage when cheating occurs. One of the things I embraced in rebuilding was what one expert called 'radical change.' I felt very strongly that to get through the crisis, we needed to change the dynamics that led to a marriage where I was blindsided by thinking everything was going well and yet he was cheating.

This woman changed not one iota about her life. She just demanded her husband go back to the what she thought he was previously, and she has invested a lot to shame him and continue to make his cheating a focal point since then. But, she didn't change anything about herself or her marriage.

I knew I couldn't control his choices. I could control my response, and I had no intention of being the type of woman who would take anything sitting down, nor ever get complacent about myself again. I changed everything about my life because I knew that our marriage had been complacent and stagnate in the first place.

I cannot imagine simply banging your head against the same brick wall that brought infidelity into your life and expecting any different response than what it already got you.

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Oh, and Tonya, since you are still reading here. Make no mistake. I'm not going to go to your simpering blog and FIND Jesus because you personify exactly why I LEFT Christianity. I'm so tired of the hate-filled, simpering, shallow, look at me and darn it SATAN wants to test me crap of Christians.

You aren't going to convert me, nor teach me the error of my ways, nor even show me Jesus's love. All you do is remind me why I want nothing to do with a religion that someone like you espouses.

I thought for years that I could love radically and seek righteousness radically and block out the airheaded nonsense and hate of so-called Christians like you. Then, I just grew too weary to care anymore and walked away. It wasn't worth trying to hold onto a faith that I had to filter out crap like your blog and how hateful you are to your children with your bizarre misinterpretations of a religious text you claim to believe for me any longer. I realized if I had to block and filter and explain that much, then there wasn't much to hold onto in the first place.

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Well said, chaotic life- I have no desire to return to the flock, but if I did, Tonya would remind me why I left in the first place.

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She wrote love letters to her future husband starting at 13, and they opened them up and read them all on their wedding night. I'm starting to think this woman is Miss Raquel in the future.
:agree: :popcorn2:
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I stand corrected. I started to read the comments and it struck me how, if someone were to call me out like this, I would stop and consider what they were saying. If I was raised to beat my kids and expect perfection, and all these people ripped it apart I think I would pause and wonder what alternatives there were. Am I being scornful to my husband? Crap! I didn't realize how he might feel about me telling everyone how I didn't like sex! I don't think I thought out my chemo post very well. I know I would take my kid to the doctor if they had cancer and to chemo after all. If I really believed my post why bother going to the dr at all, either they are in on the government cover up or not as smart as I am. Yeah, it might not of been my best moment getting my kids involved in my marriage issues. I can see other peoples point.


She posts a bunch of pictures of herself, thoughtfully reflecting on all her past hairstyles. Very deep thinking and humble that one.

I think she just wants everyone to reassure her about how pretty she is. Because, in the end it's the outside that matters. Am I right???

Well, we have a winner kids. Great comment. This chickie is lacking a key component of intellectualism- critical thinking skills. She is not going to be able to rationalize like that because she simply cannot. She either doesn't have the ability or the education.

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:agree: :popcorn2:

For real. :lol: I'm just amazed at how shallow this woman is. Miss Raquel also claims that she wants people to see Jesus in her blog. If these blogs reflect Jesus I'll be staying over here on the going to hell couch. So all her loyal readers, rest assured, she won't be bringing me back into the fold. All she does is remind me why I couldn't stand half the people I went to church with.

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So let me get this straight, chemotherapy is BAD and nothing but Big Pharma trying to scam you out of money. But using Shaklee's cleaning products to soak all of your produce before you consume it is GOOD.....because Shaklee claims to be 'all natural.'

I'm having trouble finding any ingredient's list for this product, which would be a HUGE red flag for me personally. However, according to their Material Data Safety Sheet (required by the federal government, mind you), the product when ingested requires you call poison control, will cause mouth throat and stomach irritation. Oh, and it decomposes into carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and sulpher metabolites. So it sounds like hydrogen peroxide with something sulpheric in it, likely a mild sulpheric acid to make it caustic for cleaning purposes. Sure, that's 'all natural' but so is BLEACH and you darn well don't consume that either!!!


Excellent critical thinking skills this one has, let me tell you. Between her irritating whine that Oncologists don't focus on building the immune system (cause she's an idiot who has NO medical training and obviously isn't aware that building the immune system is an integral part of oncology treatments), and this nonsense, I think I'm going to sprain my eyeballs from rolling them so far back into my head.

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