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Bates Updates - Part 2


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Well I guess if you want to nitpick- I have absolutely no proof she isn't being herself. BUT- she is obviously wearing pants, yet every single picture of her is in a dress/skirt, clearly she isn't comfortable sharing that part of her self with the public. As I am sure she will receive some backlash from hard core fans/fundies/just plain anyone who wants to cause drama. Though you may rebuttal, well maybe she just hasn't had the opportunity to do so. The only person who knows if she is being herself is Alyssa, but I can still speculate.

Or , given the timing of her wedding, that photo and her pregnancy - she went shopping after she moved to Florida, bought some jeans, wore them once or twice, and then they became uncomfortably tight due to her pregnancy. I can't imagine if you were used to dresses all your life that denim jeans would suddenly be your go-to choice when you're nauseous and your abdomen is expending. Uggghhh.

It's all speculation - but if she were trying to hide her clothing choices it would be pretty stupid to wear some sort of forbidden attire on a big ass float in a parade.

Hey, remember that special where the family went to visit Alyssa in Florida, and there was something in her closet that made the girls gasp? I bet it was the jeans!

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Alyssa has been away from home for less than a year. It will take time for her to completely shake off her upbringing so it makes sense she is not comfortable being public about wearing jeans, watching tv, pierced ears, etc. It has to be a little scary to have the freedom to make those type of choices after years of being told to do the opposite. She'll probably be more open as time goes by.

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I agree with Mama Mia. I doubt she is trying to hide it. She got pregnant fast and probably found it easier to go back to skirts and dresses. I wore a lot of skirts and dresses while pregnant because it could be more comfortable.

I don't think that was a secret from anyone in that family that she was going to start wearing pants as soon as she got married. They might have played up the sisters gasping and acting surprised for television drama, but I bet they all knew.

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It's harder (and kinda silly) - but not impossible - to fake a LinkedIn Profile.

Remember to logout of your own LI account before you click the link or you'll show up as having viewed the profile. #protip

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After the pants pic of Alyssa I went to take a look at her pinterest and it's mostly skirts. Although she has some weird obsession with the Duchess of Cambridge (Kate Middleton). Lol I wonder if she knows she lived with William before marriage and has many scandalous photos. Not all of her outfits are classy...

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Does it say anything interesting? I don't have LinkedIn so I can't view the full profile. I'd lean toward it being real because the teen girls who tend to make these fake profiles gravitate toward Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest - I'm not sure a lot of them would even know what LinkedIn is.

It doesn't say anything interesting. It only says that she is going to Crown College.

That reminds me. I need to write my own LinkedIn profile.

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It doesn't say anything interesting. It only says that she is going to Crown College.

That reminds me. I need to write my own LinkedIn profile.

I wonder if it was part of a class assignment to create a LinkedIn account? Otherwise it seems a bit silly to create one before you actually have any experience to list, although I guess it doesn't hurt for the networking aspect... It just struck me as something a professor might recommend or even require -- a business professor, perhaps -- to emphasize the importance of networking?

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Of course you can speculate but in what universe is asking for evidence for strong declarative statements nitpicking? Your statement about opportunity to find herself is exactly right.

I don't think her still wearing skirts all the time is proof she is uncomfortable in pants in public. She still may prefer her skirts or she may not be able to afford more than one pair of jeans. Or the jeans may have simply been a practical choice because she was riding in the back of a truck in a parade. There is a whole 'nother modesty standard that allows pants when it is immodest to be skirted (see Olivia from Fresh Modesty). Of course there is.

I hope it is not my other theory- she is still skirts only and the Websters pressured her to look a certain way for the campaign.

I think the underlined is a pretty big part. The woman's entire wardrobe, pre-marriage, would consist of skirts and dresses. Why would she buy tons of pants just to replace skirts, especially if she's comfortable in them?

She probably also thinks of skirts as more dressed up, which she may want to be when she goes out. I'm guessing that as her clothes start wearing out, or if she changes dress size after pregnancy, we'll see a different style emerge (and even if that style doesn't include as many pants as the average American woman, it doesn't point to her being uncomfortable.)

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^ This.

I know very very few women who only wear pants. I work in a rather formal setting, in a part of the country that is hot & humid in summer. Most friends & coworkers of mine, no matter how secular they are, alternate between skirts/dresses & pants. If nothing else, they bust out the dresses for weddings. etc.

I certainly don't expect Alyssa, or any other fundy, to go all pants--especially not in Florida.

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That's interesting that ATI is allowing pants now. I knew one fundie family for whom beginning to wear pants sometimes was part of a big theological shift (it was pretty shocking, actually--they even started cutting their hair! :o ), but I imagine most aren't all-or-nothing on the pants/skirts issue.

I personally only wear pants and can't even remember the last time I wore a dress or a skirt--it's been a few years, at least. I got in trouble for not liking dresses when I was little, though. I was rebelling against my God-given femininity. :roll:

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Well, Alyssa's BFF who she seems to admire and look up to is her sister-in-law Tori and Tori (who is btw best friends and roomate at IBLP with Laura, the Duggar's friend) wears pants. Laura wears pants as well.

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Well, Alyssa's BFF who she seems to admire and look up to is her sister-in-law Tori and Tori (who is btw best friends and roomate at IBLP with Laura, the Duggar's friend) wears pants. Laura wears pants as well.

Thinking about it, Alyssa doesn't strike me as very religious. She doesn't post religious themed pics or hashtags like the others do. Not even a happy birthday Jesus on Christmas. I think she loves her new family, her city life, her upgraded clothes, not having to cook, etc. I think she will just be a regular mainstream Christian.

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I live in florida and I can attest that LOTS of women wear dresses here. It's just part of the "resort casual" lifestyle that Floridians prefer because it's summer 9 months of the year. I wear them several times a week just BC when it's hot they're so much comfier then having thick fabric clinging to your legs. I agree w the person that said that if she has an entire wardrobe from pre-wedding, she is not going to throw it all out when it still fits in perfectly fine with all the other flirty-dress wearing Fl girls.

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Thinking about it, Alyssa doesn't strike me as very religious. She doesn't post religious themed pics or hashtags like the others do. Not even a happy birthday Jesus on Christmas. I think she loves her new family, her city life, her upgraded clothes, not having to cook, etc. I think she will just be a regular mainstream Christian.

I want the same thing for Jinger Duggar. It'd be much better than living close to a Wal-Mart :roll:

And I want a 2nd Chad for Jana. I'm tearing up just thinking about that girl's life. :(

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I'd take a Chad... but if they're customizable I'd just like mine a little more liberal, please. ;)

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I'd take a Chad... but if they're customizable I'd just like mine a little more liberal, please. ;)

Maybe if you get them young enough you can train them

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Thinking about it, Alyssa doesn't strike me as very religious. She doesn't post religious themed pics or hashtags like the others do. Not even a happy birthday Jesus on Christmas. I think she loves her new family, her city life, her upgraded clothes, not having to cook, etc. I think she will just be a regular mainstream Christian.

That is an excellent point that I hadn't really processed. Alyssa does have a very really religious-neutral Instagram compared to other fundies. No bible verse pics, nothing about abortion. Other than the "off to church with my hubby" photos, you would barely know she was a practicing Christian!

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Alyssa wasn't exactly thick to begin with before pregnancy, many skinny girls don't get huge. I can't wait to see what Alyssa & John name the baby. I'm thinking something traditional but a little less common than Anna or Grace. Maybe Ruby for a girl.

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I think if it's a boy, they'll name him after his father, and if it's a girl, Alyssa will choose something very girly like Charlotte, Zoe, Gabriella, or Olivia.

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as stated by me in the predictions thread: alyssa has a boy. i'm thinking a popular name like asher, mason, liam, owen. or because she loves catherine middleton - george!

but on the off chance she's having a girl... i actually wouldn't be surprised if she went with something like ava elizabeth.

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