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Just think of what he'd be thinking if your username was "Snatch"!

Funny you should say that! My user name on a very small forum I use with some of my friends is "Snatchy"

I swear, I just really love lifting heavy things and putting them back down.

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I remember this one Stevie sermon where he was like "no woman could EVER beat me in any physical endeavor."

My face got all 0_o and I was like "enter, jerkit"


ANY physical endeavor? Really? I'm quite sure than any active, athletic woman could beat Stevie at some physical endeavor. I mean, no one (not even a MAN!) can be good at everything. I could probably beat him in a long-ass swim, you could lift the crap outta him, someone else could out-yoga him completely. That is just a ridiculous statement for him to make.

Competitive athletes like you can probably kick is ass in multiple areas.

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ANY physical endeavor? Really? I'm quite sure than any active, athletic woman could beat Stevie at some physical endeavor. I mean, no one (not even a MAN!) can be good at everything. I could probably beat him in a long-ass swim, you could lift the crap outta him, someone else could out-yoga him completely. That is just a ridiculous statement for him to make.

Competitive athletes like you can probably kick is ass in multiple areas.

It was around the time he made that LOLworthy video of himself running, doing (really bad) pull-ups, benching (again, with very poor form). And for some reason he had chains around his neck during most of it. It was so weird.

And yeah, I think he feels that way because women can't clean or snatch in a skirt, so it must not be ladylike.

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Is this a new post from CB (I refuse to give him clicks)? The reason I ask is that I noticed the last topic was sinking further and further down the board. Seems like he put this one up just to get talked about again--and it's working. Quite the attention whore, this one.

I can't decide if Cabinet Boy is real, partially real, or completely fabricated. I'm starting to be done with him.

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Is this a new post from CB (I refuse to give him clicks)? The reason I ask is that I noticed the last topic was sinking further and further down the board. Seems like he put this one up just to get talked about again--and it's working. Quite the attention whore, this one.

I can't decide if Cabinet Boy is real, partially real, or completely fabricated. I'm starting to be done with him.

Actually, yeah, that's a really good point. He even mentioned in a post this weekend that his next post would really make us mad. Sounds like he got his little feelings hurt that his last thread had devolved into a thread about random connections with powerful/famous people...

EDIT: Here is a quote from one of his comments:

Don’t worry Monday’s post will have the feminists pulling their hair out with biblical meat….

I can't imagine the new post is the one he's talking about. There's not much "biblical meat" at all.

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ANY physical endeavor? Really? I'm quite sure than any active, athletic woman could beat Stevie at some physical endeavor. I mean, no one (not even a MAN!) can be good at everything. I could probably beat him in a long-ass swim, you could lift the crap outta him, someone else could out-yoga him completely. That is just a ridiculous statement for him to make.

Competitive athletes like you can probably kick is ass in multiple areas.

I want to see dude labor for eight to 20 hours and then push a baby out of his rectum. I'd pay to see that.

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Dear Ken and Lori,

Take notes from your friend CM about dealing with dissenters.


Jerkit/Snatchy/still not about masturbation

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Actually, yeah, that's a really good point. He even mentioned in a post this weekend that his next post would really make us mad. Sounds like he got his little feelings hurt that his last thread had devolved into a thread about random connections with powerful/famous people...

EDIT: Here is a quote from one of his comments:

I can't imagine the new post is the one he's talking about. There's not much "biblical meat" at all.

Based on what is quoted here, it is not meaty at all, but rather a rehash of the same crap Ken was all a twitter about a few months ago. Is his forcing his wife to stay in their marriage his one claim to fame?


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Based on what is quoted here, it is not meaty at all, but rather a rehash of the same crap Ken was all a twitter about a few months ago. Is his forcing his wife to stay in their marriage his one claim to fame?


Am I the only one who pictured women using meat to pull out their hair? I was thinking "well, that doesn't seem like it would work very well," then figured out that he meant "all of the biblical meat in my next post will cause feminists to pull out their hair." Right? Am I following now?

Also, what's biblical meat? Is it, like, kosher?

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Am I the only one who pictured women using meat to pull out their hair? I was thinking "well, that doesn't seem like it would work very well," then figured out that he meant "all of the biblical meat in my next post will cause feminists to pull out their hair." Right? Am I following now?

Also, what's biblical meat? Is it, like, kosher?

I thought that too. I didn't actually figure it out until I saw your post.

In my defense, I haven't had a day off in over a week, lol.

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I can't read anything about Cabinet Crybaby without singing "The Ballad of Davy Crockett" to myself.

[bBvideo 560,340:3snxcro6]

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I bet the minute someone stands up to him he turns into a mewling kitten.

Nah, kittens are nice sweet creatures. Not like our friend the Cabinetjerk. ;)

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He must not have anyone he can get attention from in real life if he has to depend on getting a rise out of us over here at FJ on the internet.

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Just think of what he'd be thinking if your username was "Snatch"!

And, she used something like "Clean Queen," he'd misinterpret that, too, and love her because she is a good housekeeper!

I think I found a picture of Cabinetman, posing with a woman:


He does not appear very large to me. ;)

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This guy really is a bully. He chastises a commenter for being "challenging" from the beginning, when it appears these are the only comments she's ever left. I bet if her name was "Harold" or "Henry" he'd be a lot nicer to her. Readers won't stick around long for this guy.


— July 24, 2014 at 4:51 pm

This sounds horrible. How, specifically have you been threatened? How scary!



— July 24, 2014 at 4:52 pm

This is just horrible. How, specifically, have you been threatened? My goodness, how scary!



— July 24, 2014 at 7:58 pm

Ooops. Please forgive the duplicate comment. I was unaware it took awhile for things to show up and posted again. Sorry.

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This guy really is a bully. He chastises a commenter for being "challenging" from the beginning, when it appears these are the only comments she's ever left. I bet if her name was "Harold" or "Henry" he'd be a lot nicer to her. Readers won't stick around long for this guy.


— July 24, 2014 at 4:51 pm

This sounds horrible. How, specifically have you been threatened? How scary!



— July 24, 2014 at 4:52 pm

This is just horrible. How, specifically, have you been threatened? My goodness, how scary!



— July 24, 2014 at 7:58 pm

Ooops. Please forgive the duplicate comment. I was unaware it took awhile for things to show up and posted again. Sorry.

He will never give specifics as to what exactly his wife was doing only that she was "rebellious". He will never give specifics as to what threats were made -- because clearly his reactions are over reactions to all of this.

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As much as these people complain about trolls, I don't think they'd recognize a troll if it was tearing up their bathroom with magical bogeys hanging out of its face. From the comments today:

So, to successfully rule over my wife, I can start by make notes if when she is sinning, then tell our friends about it — then threaten to accep her divorcing me if she wants to.

Does that work if she actually wants to? What is the threat in your terms — is it no ongoing child support payments? (I think those are manditory here anyways, so if that’s it, I’ve got nothing. Should I threaten some other way of making a divorce not work out well for her? Maybe keeping the kid? Plus, I don’t want her gone, I just want to rule my household with her in it.

How do I get her to accept terms like yours, so I get respect and my other needs met properly?

Breakfront Bozo responds predictably, with mountains of text and precious little substance, never once realizing that whoever this guy is, he's totally messing with them.

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As much as these people complain about trolls, I don't think they'd recognize a troll if it was tearing up their bathroom with magical bogeys hanging out of its face. From the comments today:

Breakfront Bozo responds predictably, with mountains of text and precious little substance, never once realizing that whoever this guy is, he's totally messing with them.

Yeah, there was some serious lol-ing over at my desk over that comment. I wish I could claim it, but alas! I'm still stuck asking why CM doesn't obey older Christian men, a la 1 Peter 5:5.

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Don’t push my commenting policy. If you comment here you will stay respectful and not waste me time. comprende?

Uh-oh, guys. Now, asking questions respectfully, talking about Greek and verses CM doesn't like, and continuing to ask for clarification when questions are deflected is pushing the comment policy.

Looks like I'm next in line when Cabinetboy sues everyone from Free Jinger!

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Cabinetboy is reliving the glory days again :roll:

LOL, I KNEW this was about CM just by your title!

Because sex is his choice and he'll decide when they have it damn it!

Naturally, because penis. Makes sense, yes?

Now remember this line about how crazy and violent (and of course how suicidal she was), because in a minute he's going be real generous and give her joint custody of the kids.

Right on. Cabinet Clown is always changing his stories, it seems. He has no credibility with me.

Convince everyone she's nuts (thus limiting the number of people she can turn to for help)? Check.

You'll notice that he in laboring under the delusion that he set the terms for the divorce, not a judge. He was "granting" her these concessions. However, he goes on threaten that if she doesn't do the divorce his way it would be "war" and he would fight her for custody and assets (all the while rubbing it in her face that he could easily replace her with no problem).

I cannot STAND arrogance and CM has a plethora of it. I also loved how HE decided how the divorce was going to play out. I roared with laughter over the comment that he'd have no problem remarrying. Then again, with him being in the upper 20% of attractiveness (his words), I can fully understand why he'd feel that way. *eye roll*

So she has sex when he says or he "disciplines" her. And of course her counselor was TOTALLY on board with this.

Or she could have just told him to fuck off and there wouldn't have been a damn thing he could do about it other than go sleep in the cabin or on the sofa himself.

How can any respectable man enjoy sex that he must coerce? What does that say about his character? And is the wife supposed to fake enthusiasm for the rest of her marriage? What if he doesn't like her level of enthusiasm? Can she never say no? What if she's angry with him? BTW, I agree that most counselors would NOT agree to this MANipulation which I suspect was the reason for the wife's unhappiness in the first place.

Prior to this showdown, I figure if CM's wife didn't want to have sex with him and viewed him with "hatred" (his words), there must have been a reason why she felt that way. And now, suddenly, all is hunky dory? I don't buy it.

Umm, not that he was doing anything illegal...so umm, don't call anyone, k? Promise you won't send help? Because we're happy. Help is not needed here. Have I mentioned I'm as big as a mountain? And LAWYER! :roll: :cray-cray:

You nailed it! I hate how almost everything that went wrong in that marriage was the wife's fault. Hate it! I also hate how the wife seems to blame herself for most of it. No failed marriage is ever the fault of one person.

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Don’t push my commenting policy. If you comment here you will stay respectful and not waste me time. comprende?


And what exactly are the consequences if his comment policy is pushed? Nothing other than being banned? Oh, ok.


ETA: and once again, I'll point out that at my job, I deal with shit stains like CB all the time. Big manly men telling me what I WILL & WILL not do. I've actually asked a few of them "or what?" or I respond with a very polite version of "No THIS is what's going to happen. Love it or leave it." They tend to either completely lose their shit or just hang up on me. Buh-bye.

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Apparently his comment section is not the place to dish it out with the Alexander's. Which I can almost respect except for the fact that there is no other place to have it out with them because they're dirty deleters. What's his face has no other choice!

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I love how the discourse is so clearly all about him.

Instead of the two of them disagreeing, she is in "rebellion."

Instead of making sex something she looked forward to, it is a scheduled maintenance task that she is ordered to enjoy on schedule--sex every other day and change the oil every 3000 miles.

I wonder, also, about her counselor

I get the feeling any counseling was from some religious nutjob picked by cabinetman.

I notice we don't hear what her imput to the direction of their marriage that he would not allow really was. I gather much of their fighting was about frequency of sex, based on how much he dwells on it.

And, btw, is he writing this again? Is this the big success of his life "How I killed my wife's will and convinced her to stay with me by browbeating her, and threatening to take the kids until she agreed to fuck me on demand." What a wonderful love story. Can't wait for the movie.

Absolutely. Everything seems to ALWAYS be about him. That's because he's so big and strong and manly and darts in front of moving vehicles. *bats eyelashes furiously*

I get the feeling that CM never likes to be challenged -- especially by women -- because it's a personal affront to his masculinity. Any challenge must be squashed. The way he responds so rudely and condescendingly to his commenters is proof of that.

Re: sex, that IS all CM seems to talk/think about, isn't it? I'd hate to be viewed by my husband as his personal sex toy, his thing that (notice I didn't say 'who' which implies personhood) can satisfy him whenever he wanted. If a husband wouldn't want to consider my thoughts or feelings, that would be a deal breaker for me. And I'm just not talking about sex either but our marriage in general. Thankfully, I'm not married to such a man.

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The shit about being enthusiastic during sex makes me sick because I've been through that. My ex made it clear that I should be ready and willing to have sex fairly frequently, but he also insisted that I enjoy it and claimed he couldn't enjoy it if I didn't. And of course, being pressured to enjoy sex is not going to help a person enjoy sex. Instead of working with me to figure out how my body worked or encouraging me in healthy ways, it was just, "You need to enjoy it so I do."

It was seriously awful. The above doesn't give justice to how much that attitude screwed with me.

Actually, Wardrobe Wanker reminds me A LOT of my ex, even in his writing style. I feel like I can pick out all the points where he is making shit up and make a good guess at the kernel of truth behind it.

I'm sorry you went through that and can't imagine how difficult it must be to try to enjoy sex when you're being forced to enjoy it. Why some men can't understand that is beyond me.

I'm curious, based on CM's writings so far, how much would you estimate is embellishment and how much is the truth?

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As much as these people complain about trolls, I don't think they'd recognize a troll if it was tearing up their bathroom with magical bogeys hanging out of its face. From the comments today:

Breakfront Bozo responds predictably, with mountains of text and precious little substance, never once realizing that whoever this guy is, he's totally messing with them.

I suspect it's because the commenter was named Bobby. CM isn't as rude or condescending to men, it seems.

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