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Curious, here is what Wardrobe Wanker says:

Can we sue THEM for libel, prettyplease? ;)

Wait, how do their kids know so much about all this that they're scared? Either Cabinetboy and his wife spend an inordinate amount of time talking about FJ, or they really do think they're being stalked and decided to tell their kids for so-called safety reasons. Which wouldn't be a bad idea IF in fact they were being stalked.

ETA: His business info wasn't posted online before? I thought that was pretty much par for the course these days if you expect to have a successful business. Or is CB a sooper speshul cabinetmaker that only works by referral? Much exclusive! Such fancy! Wow!

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Also from Ken's comment on CM's blog:

"We do have some fear that some crazy will ultimately physically stalk us from your group."

Oh for the love of all that is holy :roll: First, anyone in the world could stalk them and *say* they were from FJ and there is NO way to prove it (on the surface. If it went to a trial, sure it'd probably be possible). This is a PUBLIC website. You don't have to be a member to read the majority of the material here, only to POST. Which, btw, is why most of us post under pseudonyms and don't put ALL our private info out for everyone to read. While we are a community and there are small groups that are "real life" friends or very good online friends that share a lot of private information that is COMPLETELY SEPARATE from Free Jinger and as I found out, can come back to bit you in the ass, as well.

Even though people from FJ that I thought were my friends turned out not to be and proceeded to do Bad Things[tm][/tm], that has not stopped me from making other friendships here on FJ or anywhere else on the internet. Just like in real life, you are going to have people that you think are friends and you find out they aren't. That was my FIRST bad experience on the internet with that kind of thing and I've been on the net for many years and met many, many people from the net in real life. Some of my best "real life" friends are people that I initially met online.

If I were Ken and Lori, I would be WAY more worried about one of their reader's whose lives they have managed to ruin with their horrible and dangerous advice, stalking them than anyone from Free Jinger. The odds of that happening are way higher, IMO.

I do find it funny they are so worried about it. My internet footprint is HUGE and I have a dedicated stalker out there giving my information to anyone that will listen and I don't expect people to show up at my door step at any moment, even though according to Ken and many others I own a "hate site."

If someone is really stalking you, you do what I did. You go to the police station with all your evidence neatly collected and you get law enforcement involved. You don't whine about it on the internet and clutch your pearls like a little girl.

There is a "hate site" out there about me/FJ right now and I do not care. They have the right to have it and as long as it does not cross any lines (like the ones in the past did), they are welcome to disagree with how I run FJ, with me personally and with what is said on FJ. I don't lose any sleep over it. I certainly don't go around crying about how they are defaming me and stalking me because they quote what I say on FJ. It's part of having a polarizing site on the WORLD WIDE WEB.

So either put on your adult underoos and deal with the fact that not everyone is going to agree with you or don't have a public site. This is not rocket science.

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Curious, here is what Wardrobe Wanker says:

Can we sue THEM for libel, prettyplease? ;)

Can I have a link to this page please? Thanks in advance.

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Here's the wife. According to her, we not only hacked the blog, we impersonated her family:

Was it her FB or her blog that was hacked? She says one thing and he says another.

I will also add that most people would be thrilled if their blog traffic went up 1800% (that also doesn't qualify as stalking. That's a marketer's dream lol).

I don't quite understand the other claims about facebook friend requests, but you can just not accept them if you don't know the people, so again I don't think that qualifies as stalking. It's up to you to handle your facebook settings if you don't want friend requests from random people.

Edit to add: where is the proof that any of those things actually happened, as well.

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Was it her FB or her blog that was hacked? She says one thing and he says another.

I will also add that most people would be thrilled if their blog traffic went up 1800% (that also doesn't qualify as stalking. That's a marketer's dream lol).

I don't quite understand the other claims about facebook friend requests, but you can just not accept them if you don't know the people, so again I don't think that qualifies as stalking. It's up to you to handle your facebook settings if you don't want friend requests from random people.

Edit to add: where is the proof that any of those things actually happened, as well.

Regarding the Facebook friend requests, I think she's saying someone found out the names of her real life friends, created fake accounts in their names and sent her friend requests from those false accounts.

Seems to me that her husband is the only person who would know sufficient personal information to do this.

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Can I have a link to this page please? Thanks in advance.


They are in the comments here. There are quite a few comments, but they are both in the thread under LuckyWife's comment.

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Can I have a link to this page please? Thanks in advance.

It's in the comments of this post:


Ken is there as well, accusing us of all manner of evil :roll:

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I had the FB thing happen to me, coincidentally, right after Ken came here. Now, I don't think it was Ken but someone started sending me fake friendship request. It took like five seconds to realize that either my account had been hacked or someone in my friend's list's accounts had been hacked. I don't think it is that uncommon to have this happen. I could start claiming that Ken stalked me after I refused to give him my home address and now me and my children live in fear of him, but that would be silly.

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They are in the comments here. There are quite a few comments, but they are both in the thread under LuckyWife's comment.

Thanks. I just read the comments on that thread and I'm so sad for commenter Becca. I just want to give her a hug and send her to a good therapist (and have her stop reading marriage blogs). I did like she pushed back against Ken a little bit though :)

It sounds like she was relatively happy until she found out she was doing everything wrong from the marriage blogs :(

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Regarding the Facebook friend requests, I think she's saying someone found out the names of her real life friends, created fake accounts in their names and sent her friend requests from those false accounts.

Seems to me that her husband is the only person who would know sufficient personal information to do this.

I still find the whole thing confusing. Wouldn't your friends and family already be your facebook friends?

Before the fiasco last Nov I had virtually no privacy settings on my facebook other than my feed was set to friends of friends and one other minor thing that I can't even remember. I pretty much accepted ANYONE that sent me a friend request unless it was an obvious spammer or porn site (and even then I accidentally accepted a pornish one once..that was exciting to wake up to :shock: )

The reason I locked down my facebook was because "FRIENDS" were doing no no bad stuff (and I mostly did that to protect my actual friends after someone tagged one of my business contacts on the 19k&counting page and she was like uh...what is this about Curious? Isn't this one of your friends? Yay...embarrassing!). Strangers very rarely are going to take the time to fuck with you at that level unless they are professional hackers and your profile was next in line.

If someone in my family suddenly sent me another friend request I'd just contact them and ask what was up. I wouldn't immediately think someone was stalking me.

I would hope their stats are better now, but in 2011, facebook ADMITTED that 600,000 accounts were being hacked PER DAY: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... e-1.968681

Y'all were really busy in '11. I guess we did have all that down time on yuku :roll:

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In my cranky moments, I wish that someone would engage in some mild stalking of those two characters. Then maybe they'd have something honest to be upset about instead of making things up in their minds.

One of my daughters once said mom quit stalking the Roloffs. I looked at her and asked what she was talking about. Then we had a little session of words have meaning. Since I was not in Portland nor engaged in sending correspondence to the Roloffs, I wanted to clear that up. She was perturbed because I was looking up the Roloffs' publicly posted address on Google Earth. Once I explained that the address came from their own website published to draw attention and customers to their farm - the very farm shown on their TV show each week, she got with the program. I fear CM and Ken have about the same level of understanding of what stalking really is.

CM also has a lot of nerve deciding who is Christian and who is not. He should go join Missionary John who is trying to convert the Christians.

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With apologies to Ophant Annie..... (A poem my dad used to quote to us when we were kids....)

To all the little children: -- The happy ones; and sad ones;

The sober and the silent ones; the boisterous and glad ones;

The good ones -- Yes, the good ones, too; and all the lovely bad ones (at free jinger).

A group of aging daughters are staying home today,

to wash the cups an' saucers up, an' brush the crumbs away,

An' shoo the chickens off the porch, an' dust the hearth, an' sweep,

An' make the fire, an' bake the bread, an' earn her board-an'-keep;

An' all us other childern, when the supper-things is done,

We set around the kitchen fire an' has the mostest fun

A-list'nin' to the witch-tales 'at Sarah tells about,

Bout Command Men 'at gits you

Ef you




They said there wuz some feminists who wouldn't say their prayers,--

Who when they went to bed at night, they often went in pairs,

They made ol’ Lori holler, an' made CM’s kids bawl,

But when they said we’d stalked them, no one wuz there at all!

An' they bitched of us to Google, to their readerz and facebook,

An' thought we’d be in closets or in their private mountain brook;

But all they ever found wuz their own shadows—made ‘em pout!:--

But Command Men will sue you --

Ef you




They wuz mad that GIRLS 'ud allus laugh bout them an' grin,

An' make fun of ever' one, while in rebellious sin;

An' wunst, they came as "company," the mighty men came HERE!

We mocked 'em an' shocked 'em, an' said we didn't fear!

Kaola blinded ‘em with logic, an' they turn't to run an' hide,

Back to their blogs on manliness, discipline and pride

An' how men can demand sex from a reluctant bride

From the safety of blogs, they still fear us and they shout

That the command men 'll git you

Ef you




An' little Orphant Annie says, when the blaze is blue,

An' the lamp-wick sputters, an' the wind goes woo-oo!

An' you hear the crickets quit, an' the moon is gray,

An' the lightnin'-bugs in dew is all squenched away,--

You better mind yer parunts, an' yer teachurs fond an' dear,

An' churish them 'at loves you, an' dry the orphant's tear,

While Lori screams obedience no matter—saint or lout,

the Command Men'll git you

Ef you




(Again, apologies to the original .poetry-archive.com/r/little_orphant_annie.html)

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So I'm skimming CM's blog and I have to say I give him kudo's for this post: amanhiswifethebible.wordpress.com/2014/07/29/warning-enter-with-caution/#comments

I like that he says this is the way I blog, take it or leave it, no hard feelings. It's HONEST and I appreciate that. In fact, now that I'm reading (skimming really) his posts, his writing style is pretty good. If he was writing on another topic, I think I would probably find him engaging and be a regular reader. Even though I disagree with the majority of what he says, I feel like he's being genuine in what he posts and that is more than I can say for many of the people we follow here.

I sort of feel like I need to take a shower now for some reason :wink-kitty:

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They said there wuz some feminists who wouldn't say their prayers,--

Who when they went to bed at night, they often went in pairs,


Brava, Salex (for the whole thing, but the above deserved special mention)!

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This is part of a comment on CM's blog and is such a good illustration on the kind of damage these blogs can do. My heart aches for Becca :( Because her husband doesn't happen to be some kind of weird sex obsessed manly man, she thinks he doesn't desire her anymore and he can't convince her he doesn't because he isn't trying to jump her every second of the day like the marriage blogs say men want/need/expect sex from their wives.

(bold mine)

My husband does not desire me and it is incredibly painful. He says he does, but actions speak louder than words, you know? So many marriage blogs are all about husbands who want their wives all the time and how wives refuse them. My marriage doesn’t work that way, which is one of the main reasons I think so lowly of myself, I think. The sad thing is, I didn’t realize I wasn’t desired until I started reading all the other marriage blogs and I realized our frequency is less than that of most couples.

My husband is a great man. He is sweet to me, he always tells me he loves me, he says he thinks I’m beautiful, he says he desires me (but I think it’s just cause he knows he should say it). He protects, provides, and guides us. He works so hard, so early in the morning, and I try to tell myself that has a lot to do with it. But when he prefers sleep most nights, it hurts. And I can’t talk to him about it or it makes him feel like he’s not doing a good job, or being a good man. He is – he so is. I don’t want to put him down when he is such a great guy. I don’t want to hurt him. It’s not his fault I don’t attract him very much. I can’t force him to be attracted to me. But I also don’t have to believe it when he says it, if he’s not showing it. I sleep on the couch most nights anymore because of the pain. I can’t stand being close to him and not being close, you know?

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Maybe I missed it (as I tend to skim that blog due to the high BS content), but has Cabman/Aman mentioned his wife's PMS problem on his site? Or is it that on his submission porn site he focuses on her disobedience and when he's utilizing his FJ membership he focuses on her "lady problems"?

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Hey cabinetman! This is me, checking in to say I'm about to leave for church to worship God!

*smile and wave*

I've got a while before I leave, but I'm up early to go to my church where most of the leaders are complememtarians. I've discussed it with them, and they are 100% okay with my attending and volunteering, despite my different beliefs. :)

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I don't read for a few days and I miss a lot!!! First of all Salex I so admire your talent!!!!

CM is definitely enjoying the attention he is getting from us isn't he. I wonder what his pastor or other church leaders think of his tits and asscheek comments. Is there anyplace here we can post helpful information for his wife or any other abused woman who might read here. Like what to do who to talk to and how to find a lawyer if you don't know any and are to afraid to ask around? She might not be ready now but perhaps plant a seed. Maybe a few years from now she would be more ready and something here could be useful to her, or someone else.

Dear Mrs. CM,

You don't have to live this way. It will be hard, but it is possible to get out of your situation. Just know you have choices.

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This is part of a comment on CM's blog and is such a good illustration on the kind of damage these blogs can do. My heart aches for Becca :( Because her husband doesn't happen to be some kind of weird sex obsessed manly man, she thinks he doesn't desire her anymore and he can't convince her he doesn't because he isn't trying to jump her every second of the day like the marriage blogs say men want/need/expect sex from their wives.

(bold mine)

Good God! Men are human beings too, just like women. If she had to be up early every day to work her tail off would she be in the mood come night time? Of course not. He's up early, works hard, comes home and spends time with his kids, eats dinner, and then probably helps put them to bed. Sounds like he doesn't have a moments rest all day long. I'm sure he just wants to pass out by the time that's all over. I know, because I lead that same lifestyle. Up early, 10 to 12 hours at work, come home and cook dinner, spend time with my kid, bathe him, put him to bed, then pass out myself. Sometimes life just gets in the way of sexy time. Perhaps, instead of being all depressed about it and doing things like sleeping on the couch (which I'm sure doesn't help his frame of mind), she works on finding someone to watch the kids one weekend so she and her husband can have a couple of days to themselves to enjoy each other. Take a small trip somewhere or just stay home and enjoy your empty house. I'm sure if she set up a relaxing, child free weekend for her husband, he would be thrilled and she'd get all the intimacy she wanted. Be proactive sweetheart instead of moping around feeling sorry for yourself!

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