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Lori Alexander: Her Kids Didn't Need Her

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From today's post: "Also, too many fathers are not involved enough with their children. They are chasing after the almighty dollar instead of investing their lives into their families."

And yet, from one of her comments to a post a few days ago: "I didn't want to sacrifice any of my time at home to make money. God calls mothers to be keepers at home, not fathers. Fathers are called to provide for their families."

So which is it, Lori? 'Chasing after the almighty dollar' or 'providing for their families?'

You've indicated more than once that fathers need to need to work two, three, or even four jobs if necessary in order for their wives to remain at home. So I ask you, when do these fathers have time to be involved with their kids?

PS--One-year-old boys are NOT studs. They're babies. :evil-eye:

I thought the same thing when I read her post - she contradicts herself once again. Now, even the husbands are damned if they do, and damned if they don't (though I'm sure she'll still find some way to blame it on the wives - it's always the female's fault for not being submissive enough :disgust: ).

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No. Doncha' know that you're not supposed to wait to have babies; do it right away! Let your parents support you while your husband is in college so you can just stay home and incubate.

'Cause everyone has parents who will do that, right? Right?

This concept should be filed under the heading "Reality, Republican style".

They're not exactly sure what reality they said they believe but they stand by what they said whatever it was. :lol:

"I believe in an America where millions of Americans believe in an America that's the America millions of Americans believe in. That's the America I love." –Mitt Romney (January 2012)

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Good night my three paragraph post was eaten. LOL I will try this again.

Lori drives me totally crazy with her parenting views and working mothers vs SAHM. Actually, she offends me and probably all mothers except for her leghumpers. Everyone family has to decide what is best for their families. Some families choose for Dad to stay with the kids which I think is totally cool! My middle daughter Precious 3 had a friend and her dad stayed home. Her mom was a nurse and had no desire to stay home. But dad loved it. He did every thing a "traditional" mom did. He was very involved in his daughter's schools and he was even President of the PTA for a few years. He chaperoned many field trips and baked goodies for the class room parties. He even had a small wood working business in his home that worked at part time.

I was a SAHM for 16 years and I enjoyed it immensely. I stayed home because I wanted too not because my husband was a domineering asshole and I his submissive wife. And never once in all those years did he ever say it is his money because I didn't work outside of the home. I had many friends that worked full time and their kids went to some type of child care. My friends and I never debated who the better mother was. Sometimes I joked and said I would love to have an adult to talk to for a meaningful conversation and then they would say talking to kids is sometimes better than asshole bosses. LOL LOL

I don't understand why Lori had a Nanny and still couldn't spend time with her kids. Personally, if I had had the resources to hire anyone to help me I would have wanted a cleaning person once a week or every other week. I did take my kids to a Mother's Day out Program twice a week. It was usually at a church from 9 AM until 2:30 PM. My kids enjoyed because they got to play with different kids and got away from me!! lol I enjoyed because I could run errands, clean the house or sometimes I would just go home and chill out. It was just good for everyone. The only thing I ever did that somewhat resembles Lori is until my kids were about 4 they took naps. If they weren't sleepy or tired I would let them play quietly in their room for about 45 minutes or so. We all needed the down time. They usually would fall asleep within 15 minutes and sleep anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half.

I did enter the back into the workforce when my youngest Precious started kindergarten. It was sort a sad day for me when he did. It sure wasn't for him. He couldn't wait to get on the bus and use his new back pack. He got on the bus so big and proud and said don't cry mom, I a big boy now!!! Now youngest Precious graduated high school this past June!! I sometimes miss those days and years!! :character-kermit: He carried a Kermit the frog stuffed animal around forever.

Sorry for the long post!! I am talker IRL!!

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