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Lori Alexander: Her Kids Didn't Need Her

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Pshhh my daughter bottle fed every three hours like clock work. I adjusted to HER schedule, and actually slept well. The first few times she slept for any longer a stretch than that, I got worried about her lol. She also had reflux, and at her four month checkup, her doctor told me it was absolutely normal to be spitting up as much as she did, and that her own daughter had done it for a year. I wasn't the only one who was concerned about the amount she was spitting up, so the very next day I turned around and saw a different doctor who sent us for testing and we actually found out the other issues she was having because of it. Makes me wonder if I had listened to that doctor, how long would it have been before we found the swallowing issues? First doctor wasn't concerned unless it caused weight loss. Second doctor said We don't want to get that far, so lets check her out.

Anyway, I couldn't leave her to cry it out when she was younger, with good reason. She started sleeping through the night once we figured out her problems and started fixing it. She's a year and a half old, and I STILL don't like to hear her cry herself to sleep!

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If that wasn't a jab at Alyssa I don't know what is. She "keeps busy by teaching exercise and ballet classes" while Erin is a "keeper at home (just like I demand all women be)"

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Imagine dating an Alexander kid and discovering Lori's blog for the first time. I have zero sense/boundaries, so I'd probably just forget about it because luuuurve, but I imagine it would send a normal person running for the hills!

Do we know what the Alexander spawn think of Lori's blog? Do the daughters blog or have they just written for Lori?

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Lori Alexander:

Lori Alexander:

Lori Alexander:

Lori Alexander:

Lori Alexander:

Now, now. :naughty: Ken has already told you that you can't quote Lori to show how she is a flaming liar and hypocrite. Covering up her lies and hypocrisy is what Jesus would do according to the Bible of Ken and Lori. Nobody needs to know that Lori doesn't practice what she preaches.

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What do you expect? These people are genuinely stupid. That's not even mean, they are just not intelligent. Simple minds who can't reflect upon themselves. They can't think logically and don't want to be questioned. Fallacy is their ministry.

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I love how it ok for her daughter to teach exercise and ballet at a studio outside of her home but for everyone else it's bad. Could it be that a woman can keep a home AND work outside of it?

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People do look down on those on welfare. I used to look down on them too. Until you've walked that road you really don't know what welfare is exactly. Everything changes once you've experienced it in real life.

This! A million times this! I once looked down on people on public assistance. I'm so ashamed of myself for it. I feel doubly so now that I will be facing disability. At least when my fiancée are married, some of that burden will lifted. He wants to add me to to his medical, dental, and vision insurance. This the one time I'll be submissive to him because it makes sense. I love him for wanting to take care of me. If the tables were turned, I would do the same for him.

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I have to ask. How certain are we that Lori has/had all of these medical problems?

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I love how it ok for her daughter to teach exercise and ballet at a studio outside of her home but for everyone else it's bad. Could it be that a woman can keep a home AND work outside of it?

I think she's not happy about Alyssa working outside the home.

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I think she's not happy about Alyssa working outside the home.

I don't know. She seemed to be bragging on her in today's post.

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I have about as much tolerance for CIO methods as I do spanking. It's just as lazy and self-serving and people need to stop acting like they're doing a good thing or that it causes no harm. A baby who fusses for a few mins and falls asleep is one thing; purposely leaving them to cry for god knows how long and claiming that's somehow "self-soothing" is bullfreakingshit. A baby doesn't learn to "self-soothe" by crying night after night; he learns how to give up because no one is coming. I've made mommy enemies all over the 'net for my opinion on this topic and I don't care. FFS, most people (based on what I've seen on countless message boards, anyway) who do it don't even try anything else first. They took what was supposed to be one of many methods from Ferber to be tried after 6 months and turned into letting a baby cry til he pukes night after night at 3 months old. It's abusive and neglectful and it makes my blood boil at the thought of all the helpless, frightened, hungry babies who are left alone because a book, or a grandmother, or society says they "should be."

If that wasn't a jab at Alyssa I don't know what is. She "keeps busy by teaching exercise and ballet classes" while Erin is a "keeper at home (just like I demand all women be)"

I find her wording insulting in a different way.

Jon is working at a job he loves and Alyssa keeps very busy teaching some exercise and ballet classes.

Jon's job is important and Alyssa is just fooling around with a stupid hobby.

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Alyssa has fertility problems, or her husband, so has not been able to get pregnant. Lori probably sees her teaching as just a way to fill her time as a childless woman.

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I think she's not happy about Alyssa working outside the home.

I agree...she was even complaining the other day about older women (with grown children) working outside the home. :roll: I noticed she failed to mention what her youngest daughter does...interesting.

Side note: She has tons of pictures of her granddaughter on her blog, but you rarely hear a peep about her grandson and only a few pictures since he was born over a year ago. He was also the only one left out of today's pictures.

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I think her post the other day (in which she reminds us that her grandson is one YEARS old :? ) was the first time I was made aware of the baby boy. I thought it was quite strange that she used her grandchildren as examples when talking about a man's sexual nature:

"A man's battle is with his sexual nature and a woman's battle is with her emotional nature. I have heard this and I have written this but I have changed my mind. Yes, a man's battle is with his sexual nature. In the womb, the male baby gets a testosterone wash. They have ten times the testosterone that women have.

I went over to my son's home recently and Emma opened the door for me. She is three years old and she had a pink, fluffy Bella dress on. Then out walked my grandson in only a diaper. He's only one years old but he had his shoulders back and looked like a stud! Even from childhood, the differences are so apparent and I LOVE them!

Men will always have to battle their sexual nature...."

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I think her post the other day (in which she reminds us that her grandson is one YEARS old :? ) was the first time I was made aware of the baby boy. I tho ught it was quite strange that she used her grandchildren as examples when talking about a man's sexual nature:

"A man's battle is with his sexual nature and a woman's battle is with her emotional nature. I have heard this and I have written this but I have changed my mind. Yes, a man's battle is with his sexual nature. In the womb, the male baby gets a testosterone wash. They have ten times the testosterone that women have.

I went over to my son's home recently and Emma opened the door for me. She is three years old and she had a pink, fluffy Bella dress on. Then out walked my grandson in only a diaper. He's only one years old but he had his shoulders back and looked like a stud! Even from childhood, the differences are so apparent and I LOVE them!

Men will always have to battle their sexual nature...."

Lori, gross. Now, I know writing isn't your forte, but let's try to not sexualize them, eh? I know you can't resist, but battle that evil feminine nature and try.

Also, a question. When the baby boy goes through his terrible twos and screams "no!" or swats his hand at Mommy, does she discipline him? Or do you see that as his Command Man coming out and instead nuture it?

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Lori, gross. Now, I know writing isn't your forte, but let's try to not sexualize them, eh? I know you can't resist, but battle that evil feminine nature and try.

Also, a question. When the baby boy goes through his terrible twos and screams "no!" or swats his hand at Mommy, does she discipline him? Or do you see that as his Command Man coming out and instead nuture it?

That's remarkably creepy.

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Does anyone need Lori?

[bBvideo 560,340:18cufrxe]


Haha yes poor Lori. Gotta suck to have her only job be bitching about everything instead of getting a life of her own. How stressful would it be to constantly looking for something to judge? :teasing-neener:

FYI Lori if you read this, nobody needs that so give it up and go do something that makes you happy. And DON'T BLOG IT.

btw GolightlyGrrl i love that video! crickets are kinda relaxing lol And it linked up to one with 11 hours of birds singing. :worship:

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I think her post the other day (in which she reminds us that her grandson is one YEARS old :? ) was the first time I was made aware of the baby boy. I thought it was quite strange that she used her grandchildren as examples when talking about a man's sexual nature:

"A man's battle is with his sexual nature and a woman's battle is with her emotional nature. I have heard this and I have written this but I have changed my mind. Yes, a man's battle is with his sexual nature. In the womb, the male baby gets a testosterone wash. They have ten times the testosterone that women have.

I went over to my son's home recently and Emma opened the door for me. She is three years old and she had a pink, fluffy Bella dress on. Then out walked my grandson in only a diaper. He's only one years old but he had his shoulders back and looked like a stud! Even from childhood, the differences are so apparent and I LOVE them!

Men will always have to battle their sexual nature...."

Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew. NO. BAD LORI! GO TAKE A COLD SHOWER!

You are talking about a one year old in a diaper. He does not look like a stud and he is not battling his sexual nature. He has no sexual nature. It is summer and babies like being naked. Plenty of baby girls also walk around in just their diapers, or wearing nothing at all.

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I think her post the other day (in which she reminds us that her grandson is one YEARS old :? ) was the first time I was made aware of the baby boy. I thought it was quite strange that she used her grandchildren as examples when talking about a man's sexual nature:

"A man's battle is with his sexual nature and a woman's battle is with her emotional nature. I have heard this and I have written this but I have changed my mind. Yes, a man's battle is with his sexual nature. In the womb, the male baby gets a testosterone wash. They have ten times the testosterone that women have.

I went over to my son's home recently and Emma opened the door for me. She is three years old and she had a pink, fluffy Bella dress on. Then out walked my grandson in only a diaper. He's only one years old but he had his shoulders back and looked like a stud! Even from childhood, the differences are so apparent and I LOVE them!

Men will always have to battle their sexual nature...."

That grossed me out when I read it for the first time on Lori's blog. In fact, I had to read it again to make sure that I wasn't mistaken. A baby doesn't battle a sexual nature. And a male baby certainly isn't a stud. To say so is totally appropriate, imo.

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From today's post: "Also, too many fathers are not involved enough with their children. They are chasing after the almighty dollar instead of investing their lives into their families."

And yet, from one of her comments to a post a few days ago: "I didn't want to sacrifice any of my time at home to make money. God calls mothers to be keepers at home, not fathers. Fathers are called to provide for their families."

So which is it, Lori? 'Chasing after the almighty dollar' or 'providing for their families?'

You've indicated more than once that fathers need to need to work two, three, or even four jobs if necessary in order for their wives to remain at home. So I ask you, when do these fathers have time to be involved with their kids?

PS--One-year-old boys are NOT studs. They're babies. :evil-eye:

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That grossed me out when I read it for the first time on Lori's blog. In fact, I had to read it again to make sure that I wasn't mistaken. A baby doesn't battle a sexual nature. And a male baby certainly isn't a stud. To say so is totally inappropriate, imo.

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I just read the updates about Lori's kids. I agree with other posters, Lori probably hates that Alyssa works. I bet if Alyssa ever has kids, she will quit teaching dance. I wonder if Cassi will be working while her husband is in dental school.

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I just read the updates about Lori's kids. I agree with other posters, Lori probably hates that Alyssa works. I bet if Alyssa ever has kids, she will quit teaching dance. I wonder if Cassi will be working while her husband is in dental school.

No. Doncha' know that you're not supposed to wait to have babies; do it right away! Let your parents support you while your husband is in college so you can just stay home and incubate.

'Cause everyone has parents who will do that, right? Right?

This concept should be filed under the heading "Reality, Republican style".

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