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Penn Jillette on Piers Morgan Tonight: Religion and Atheism


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I don't know if this has been posted before, sorry if it has, feel free to close/move this topic. I just saw this last night myself. Did anyone catch it as well?


Penn Jillette was on Piers Morgan Tonight debating about religion, atheism, and tells why he named his daughter Moxie Crimefighter.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/1 ... 28761.html



I thought it was an interesting insight. I know for a fact that Penn Jillette is openly atheist, but I've never heard him discussing about religion before. And of course Piers Morgan is very trustworthy with everything he discusses.



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You know, the weird names that celebrities have given their children really irritate me, but for some reason I love that he named his daughter Moxie Crimefighter. It's better than Pilot Inspektor (which reminds me of Inspector Gadget...) & Apple. But, I like Penn Jillette anyway, so I guess I'm biased.

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I think it would be wonderful to believe in god and there is an emotional part of me that wants there to be a loving power. But the logical part of me doesn't have any belief.

Some religious people try to prove their particular supreme being's existence. They can't. Their beliefs have to be taken on faith. There is nothing wrong about choosing to follow a faith that brings the individual comfort, just don't expect others to accept your opinon on the matter.

Saying "I Don't Know," to questions about humanity's purpose is actually empowering. Nobody really knows what happens after death or if humanity has a higher purpose. Many people have opinions about those subjects but those are only opinions. Some people want/need certainity but they need to except that not everyone needs that comfort.

Piers Morgan's last statement was a bit strange. He criticized Penn for writing a book telling religious people that they are wrong. Yet, that is exactly what some religious people do. They interpret the bible to say, "Everyone who doesn't accept my beliefs is wrong and is going to hell."

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I just found out Piers Morgan is a moron.


Have hated him since the interview when he was all zOMG so why aren't you married? Y U still single? Do you want to get married? What would you cook me for dinner? to motherfucking Condoleezza Rice.

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Have hated him since the interview when he was all zOMG so why aren't you married? Y U still single? Do you want to get married? What would you cook me for dinner? to motherfucking Condoleezza Rice.

I just watched it on YT. He did so many mistakes it wasn't even funny. Went from sucking up to her to constantly interrupting her mid sentence to marrying her of to a "hunky NFL player". :hand:

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Well, I had commented previously on this thread but it disappeared. Huh.

Oh yes, Piers Morgan is a complete misogynist tool, as is Penn Jillette. However, I agree with some of what Jillette said, as "I don't know" about sums up my current view on spirituality. I studied tons of spiritual philosophies over many years, and have reached the conclusion that I don't know what is true, and I'm ok with that. I think the need for religion/belief is a human trait that comes from our self-awareness and ego. It's pretty hard for humans to accept that they are finite.

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I think the need for religion/belief is a human trait that comes from our self-awareness and ego. It's pretty hard for humans to accept that they are finite.

From that clip, ol' Piers really didn't seem to understand that someone could believe that when you die, that's it.

Piers: But what do you think happens when you die?

Penn: Um, nothing?



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I just found out Piers Morgan is a moron.

Well, thanks to FJ'er "Oolong," I am now a Professor Elemental fan -- what I imagine PG Wodehouse would be like if he was born 100 years later than he was.

This observation about Piers Morgan is exactly why I think "The Professor" mentions him in this song:

(I love it!)

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