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You're not depressed, you're just lazy - Lori Alexander

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Not sure if Carlotta is a new poison spitter on Never-oops I mean Always Learning, but even Lori's regular poison spitters had a go at her. She is not just harsh and judgmental but ignorant as well. Of course Lori is right up her ass agreeing with her lethal poisonous spit. :?

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It was nice to see some dissenters allowed to stay on her post. Given Lori's responses, she clearly never asked that neighbor if she needed help. Nope, it was all "laziness and lack of discipline." :roll: Am I surprised she never asked if the neighbor needed help? Not at all. Just another day at Never Learning.

Edited to finish my thought. It's been a long day.

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What post is this referring to?

And can someone please fix the title?

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What post is this referring to?

And can someone please fix the title?

Yes, for the love of God! It's "You're," not "Your"! It hurts my brain to look at it, and I really really DON'T want to hurl my laptop against the wall.

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What post is this referring to?

And can someone please fix the title?

extremely messy homemakers, when someone suggested the person might be depressed she says there is no excuse and insinuates it is due to laziness. Sorry i was writing more but my phone decided to throw a tantrum and not work properly. The title is pretty much what she said. As this is my first go at starting a topic I'm not sure how to add info to the title, and ph still threatening misbehaving. :angry-banghead: stupid phone.

OMG I didn't realise I hate that as well I'm such an idiot, I hate when there, their and they're is mixed up, so I know how big a boo boo I made. SO SO SORRY.

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Here's what struck me: Lori sends her housecleaner over to the messy neighbor. The housecleaner then reports back to Lori and they gossip about the "filth" and "dog poop" in the home. Very Christian.

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I wonder how Lori's house would have looked if Ken had not hired that housekeeper for Lori. My bet is, Lori's house was starting to look like the neighbor's, Ken said something, Lori pitched a MAJOR hissy fit, and Ken hired someone to do what Lori wants every other Christian TM wife to do. Of course, housework is beneath Queen B. I'm sorry, but Lori is an evil and vile woman IMHO.

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Cheers for fixing one of my many moments of idiocy. YOU ARE a legend. I tried to fix it but I'm having a few dumb moments lol. :clap:

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I wonder how Lori's house would have looked if Ken had not hired that housekeeper for Lori. My bet is, Lori's house was starting to look like the neighbor's, Ken said something, Lori pitched a MAJOR hissy fit, and Ken hired someone to do what Lori wants every other Christian TM wife to do. Of course, housework is beneath Queen B. I'm sorry, but Lori is an evil and vile woman IMHO.

She would have to get off her arse and do something, I doubt she would have the same convictions she does now because reality would have given her a swift kick.

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So she sent her cleaner over..... How magnanimous of her...... I'm not saying it wouldn't have been appreciated (I would have loved it if someone sent me a cleaner when I was struggling on my own with three kids under five. I'd still be pretty thrilled now), but it didn't cost Lori any actual effort. If her neighbour was struggling she could have offered her own help, either with housework or child care so the mum could get caught up. Sending one's maid over then bitching and judging about the state she found the house in is just so condescending

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So she sent her cleaner over..... How magnanimous of her...... I'm not saying it wouldn't have been appreciated (I would have loved it if someone sent me a cleaner when I was struggling on my own with three kids under five. I'd still be pretty thrilled now), but it didn't cost Lori any actual effort. If her neighbour was struggling she could have offered her own help, either with housework or child care so the mum could get caught up. Sending one's maid over then bitching and judging about the state she found the house in is just so condescending

I was thinking it was her nanny that she sent over... :?

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I was thinking it was her nanny that she sent over... :?

Maybe it was, which would be even worse. Lori is too good to pitch in and clean, but she'll order the woman employed to look after her kids (while she's home fulltime) to do it.

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Carlotta is cabinetman... I figured it out, the silly fundie men don't hate women they are jealous because they want to be women, but since gender reassignment isn't in the bible they have to stay men. Cabinetman got around that and became Carlotta online.. Sometimes I crack myself up.. :lol: :lol:

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I got that impression because she didn't just use the word 'maid'. If it was her maid and she was sending her over, why not just say 'I sent my maid over to help her.' Nope, it's ' a young woman who was helping me when I had four small children and Ken was traveling half the year to clean her house one time. Which makes me think that poor young woman was the nanny--I can't imagine what that poor woman had to put up with with Lori as her boss.

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Sending one's maid over then bitching and judging about the state she found the house in is just so condescending

Ahhh but the payoff from the bitching etc. was that Lori was able to continue to feel superior and could laud it over the poor neighbour, even though she herself had help because she had four kids and the Ken Doll was away half the year supposedly...

Gotta get your ego boosts where you can find 'em - even if it makes you sound like a condescending cow :)

ETA: no matter what that young woman was originally employed by Ken and Lori to do, I would imagine on a day to day basis she would have to do whatever Queen Lori damn well told her to, unfortunately.

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It's pretty rich of Lori Alexander to imply laziness and lack of discipline in another mother whose husband could not afford a maid like Ken could.

Navel gazing twat.

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Now apparently you can have your husband in control without being controlling. :wtf: :pull-hair:

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It's pretty rich of Lori Alexander to imply laziness and lack of discipline in another mother whose husband could not afford a maid like Ken could.

Navel gazing twat.

My sentiments exactly. Arrogant, much?

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Oh, how I wish... :laughing-rolling:

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Lori sans maid is not exactly a paragon of clean. See her Feb 1/2013 post lorialexander.blogspot.ca/2013/02/my-messy-productive-kitchen.html

Just saying.

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Lori sans maid is not exactly a paragon of clean. See her Feb 1/2013 post lorialexander.blogspot.ca/2013/02/my-messy-productive-kitchen.html

Just saying.

Thank you for being The Daily Show of FJ and digging up shit people have said to discredit what they're saying now. That's one io my favorite forms of entertainment.

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I keep hoping Ken rides in on his horse. The week he was here was one of my favorites for incredu-reading.

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Lori sans maid is not exactly a paragon of clean. See her Feb 1/2013 post lorialexander.blogspot.ca/2013/02/my-messy-productive-kitchen.html

Just saying.

From the comments on that post:


I did try being perfectly clean in my past and it just isn't my personality at all!!! I have some friends that it is just comes natural to them but not me.

It isn't her personality to be clean so she better be glad she had a helper to clean the house for her. Maybe her neighbor's house would have been cleaner if she had someone to watch the kids and clean and Lori's house would have been the filthy one.

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I keep hoping Ken rides in on his horse. The week he was here was one of my favorites for incredu-reading.

Well, we assume he's reading here (Hi, Ken) but maybe if we all talk about our sex lives, he'll be back. He really seemed to enjoy himself when the thread took a turn in that direction. You know; as much as I dislike Lori, I do feel bad for any woman whose husband comes to an internet forum (which he's forbidden her to visit) and begins talking about sex with other women. Also, when he hit on Courtney in Lori's comments sections, that made me really uncomfortable. That's pretty creepy, Ken. :naughty:

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