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Ken Defends Cabinetman/ Ken & Cabinetman, Superheros! MERGED

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I hope this question doesn't make me fail the internets, but is there some way to link Ken's name or company with Lori's bog, a la Doug Phillips is a Tool? I mean, he IS the headship behind the woman behind the keyboard ....

Ken Alexander millennium management wife spanker always learning.

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It gets worse and worse as the days go on, doesn't it? It seems like Cabinetman gave them permission to just let it ALL hang out now, whereas before they at least tried to be a little cautious in what they wrote. Not any more.

And this... "Also, never believe the reports that say a child was killed by parents who have To Train Up A Child in their home. "...made my jaw drop. I just...I can't understand this kind of willful blindness and refusal to see real truth. And they're telling others to be just as blind. :angry-banghead:

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It gets worse and worse as the days go on, doesn't it? It seems like Cabinetman gave them permission to just let it ALL hang out now, whereas before they at least tried to be a little cautious in what they wrote. Not any more.

And this... "Also, never believe the reports that say a child was killed by parents who have To Train Up A Child in their home. "...made my jaw drop. I just...I can't understand this kind of willful blindness and refusal to see real truth. And they're telling others to be just as blind. :angry-banghead:

Because it is a conspiracy or what? I wonder if she and Ken had a swingers weekend with the Pearls or some such, she seems to really love them so.

Ken Alexander Millineum Counsulting Always Learning.

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Because it is a conspiracy or what? I wonder if she and Ken had a swingers weekend with the Pearls or some such, she seems to really love them so.

Ken Alexander Millineum Counsulting Always Learning.

Gaah. :brain-bleach: :brain-bleach: :brain-bleach:

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How long before this woman ends up on the news? From the comments:

I agree. Our church is doing a parenting 11-week sermon series. Something that was said last Sunday I really liked. He said that we discipline our children and teach them to obey so that they can (after years of training) have self-discipline. Then he said, we you are doing something and you don't want to (because you're worried your child won't like you or love you) think about how they will feel about it in 10 years not 10 minutes.

I have a question though. We have a very difficult child. I remember you posting a blog post about parenting the hard way (sitting at the top of the stairs). I agree that does sound exhausting, but I believe parenting this way is more difficult...at least at first. It takes a huge commitment to be consistent and not let things go because you're tired or feel like you've been disciplining all. day. long. My daughter (almost 4) we adopted when she was 15 months old, and my husband and I are very disappointed about disciplining. When we adopted her she was with her grandparents the 6 months prior. Her grandparents tried to overcompensate for the neglect by being extremely permissive, so when we brought her home she did not know what the word "no" was. We had MANY around 2 hour "training" sessions. Example: She would take a toy from her brother. I put her in time-out and made her stay. Then, I said, "Lexie, come here so mommy can talk to you." She would shake her head no with a defiant face. I would go over spank her and then put her back in time-out. A minute or so later I would ask her to come over to talk to mommy again and she would shake her head no again and a spanking happened again. I remembered once this process took around 2 hours until she finally caved in and came over when I asked her to. It was beyond exhausting.

Now, a few years later, we still have moments like this. She still gets spankings daily for disobeying, lying, talking back and other stuff. We do love on her a lot, and I make sure every spanking encounter ends in a hug and an "I love you." You seem to post that spankings will cause children to change almost instantly (like she still gets out of bed at night and it always results in a spanking, no exception), but what if it doesn't? My 2 other kids that are old enough for spankings it does change their behavior after only a few encounters. My oldest son (just 2 months older than Lexie) hardly gets any spankings anymore.

She pushes any situation as far as she can get. If she's with grandparents she is very bad because they don't enforce anything. My mother-in-law says "You guys are so consistent and strict with her. When is she going to learn to behave?" I don't know what to say. BTW, when she is naughty for grandparents or aunts she gets a spanking for us after the fact, but that hasn't changed future behavior.

Sorry for the long post, this has just been wearing on me a lot lately.


These people need jail more than anything...straight up jail.

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It gets worse and worse as the days go on, doesn't it? It seems like Cabinetman gave them permission to just let it ALL hang out now, whereas before they at least tried to be a little cautious in what they wrote. Not any more.

And this... "Also, never believe the reports that say a child was killed by parents who have To Train Up A Child in their home. "...made my jaw drop. I just...I can't understand this kind of willful blindness and refusal to see real truth. And they're telling others to be just as blind. :angry-banghead:

In order to be a fundie you have to be blind to real truth (young earth creationism etc).

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Lori has of course advised her to hit harder:

Some children are much more difficult to train than others. It can be very exhausting but your persistence and consistency in discipline will be rewarded one day. The spanking has to be more painful than the pleasure of disobedience. We used a small leather strap and it hurt! It never took more than a few good swats to stop the bad behavior. Make sure the spanking hurts enough to make the child think twice about disobeying. God tells us this way works so we must believe Him. She may be more stubborn and be able to handle the pain better than your other children, but I believe it will eventually work and she will stop the disobedience.

another reader believes snap bracelets might stop porn addiction :?

I have heard that pain actually changes the physiology of your brain. This must be one reason why spankings work. Recently I have heard that the pain method has been extremely effective for men retraining their brains to free themselves from porn. They buy an elastic type bracelet (like the ones people give out for charities) and every time they are tempted they snap it hard against their wrist. It has a very high success rate of breaking porn addictions (upwards of 80%).
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Our country has become more and more unsafe as we move farther and farther away from punishing criminals with pain and children with spankings.
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How long before this woman ends up on the news? From the comments:

These people need jail more than anything...straight up jail.

That poor little girl. :cry:

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In order to be a fundie you have to be blind to real truth (young earth creationism etc).

I know, I know. :embarrassed: But believing in things like young earth creationism doesn't really hurt anyone, generally speaking (although it does stunt one's intellect!). Believing in beating small babies and children is a whole different situation. :?

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Lori has of course advised her to hit harder:

another reader believes snap bracelets might stop porn addiction :?

Why o why did the phrase "Bailiff, Whack his peepee." come to mind when she said that.....

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I make sure every spanking encounter ends in a hug and an "I love you

Nothing like teaching a child to equate love with pain and humiliation. I see a future abused wife in this poor child's future, only she'll never think she deserves better. What's that old song? He hit me and it felt like a kiss? I just googled it and here's what came up:

(Gerry Goffin and Carole King) were inspired to write it after their babysitter Little Eva told them about her relationship with an abusive boyfriend who beat her almost on a regular basis. When they asked her why she tolerated the abuse, she answered that it symbolized how much he loved her.

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Lori has of course advised her to hit harder:

another reader believes snap bracelets might stop porn addiction :?

Oh, good grief. CITATION NEEDED.

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Oh, good grief. CITATION NEEDED.

Also, define "addiction." If they include every Joe Blow who watches every once in a while but decides to quit in their "study," then of course snap bracelets will seem effective...

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Because it is a conspiracy or what? I wonder if she and Ken had a swingers weekend with the Pearls or some such, she seems to really love them so.

Ken Alexander Millineum Counsulting Always Learning.


I cant imagine the Pearls having sex. Sex with Michael Pearl sounds like it would be incredibly unpleasant. He looks like he smells of pee and sweat, it would likely be non consensual and he probably doesn't know how to please a woman because he doesn't care whether she is willing and not actively in pain or exhausted, let alone whether it feels good.

I cant think of a less appealing fundie guy. I think maybe tied with Bill Gothard, who looks like a reanimated corpse who would probably rape you, but other than that, no fundie comes close to being more sexually unappealing than Michael Pearl.

Also he looks like a homeless werewolf. The continued existence of Debi is the only thing that convinces me that he doesn't eat the woman afterwards.

Debi looks cleaner, but is a disgusting human being, and she gets the worst end of the deal in Pearl sex as she is the woman.

My vagina just closed up at the thought.

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Lori, THIS is what you are promoting:


Brit, I almost didn't reply, I wanted to but didn't know what to say.....so I just prayed for you & THEN God seemed to tell me what to say; My eighth child who is nearly 14 now, is extremely mentally disabled. My first seven children seemed extremely EASY to care for compared to Joshua, who is still nonverbal. The biggest trial for me was that Joshua didn't get fully potty trained until he was about 12 years old. The absolute worst behavior for me to deal with was he got into his poopy diaper a lot & made unbelievable messes! I decided that I would apply the spanking method for that behavior & would increase the pain level until it WORKED! Well, I was the one who broke because somewhere along the way, I knew I had crossed the line with my anger & I could NOT SPANK for that behavior any longer. I began to sew Joshua's tee shirts to his pants & made a back opening that he couldn't reach into. Many disabled people need adaptive clothing for this compulsive behavior but I didn't know that then. He did eventually outgrow the behavior but not until he was about 10 or 11 & we began having some success at potty training. This is part of my testimony & I know it will help you. Yes, as Laura also suggests, pray fervently & God WILL GUIDE you. Sometimes,it seems God is more interested in teaching us patience & love & perseverance through trials with our children. Also, I realize Joshua is a HUGE blessing now! God has taught me so much through the hard things! Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia

She stopped...I get that. She is using her story to prevent it from happening to others...I appreciate that. But what kind of fucking monster beats an "extremely mentally disabled" child in the first place. Oh my fucking god, I swear I will never understand. It just makes me want to stay home more....

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I just left this comment:

Reading these comments seriously made me feel ill. I can't wait to go home and and hug my never spanked, well-behaved, kind, loving 13 and 8 year old daughters.

Cynthia and Brit, you two, in particular are monsters and your children deserve much better.

Wonder how long she'll leave it up?

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I just left this comment:

Reading these comments seriously made me feel ill. I can't wait to go home and and hug my never spanked, well-behaved, kind, loving 13 and 8 year old daughters.

Cynthia and Brit, you two, in particular are monsters and your children deserve much better.

Wonder how long she'll leave it up?

It's not there now, so it appears to have been zapped pretty quickly.

I'm tempted to leave a comment, too, but I've had things zapped for no apparent reason other than politely disagreeing with Lori, so I don't know if anything I said would even see the light of day there anymore.

ETA: Aaaannnnd....it lasted all of about 90 seconds. Proving that someone is sitting on that post, zapping each and every comment that even remotely whiffs of disagreement with Lori. :?

All I said was basically, 'Cynthia, did someone advise you to spank your disabled son? It's just that I never heard of using that approach with a severely disabled, nonverbal child.'

These people make me physically ill.

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Lori has of course advised her to hit harder:

Brit just responded to this with: "I mostly use a wooden spoon. .. and yes it stings bad, I've done it too myself."

And THEN she says this in general: 'Thanks for the encouragement and prayers everyone. It sure is difficult. I sometimes feel guilty, like maybe I did something wrong when we adopted her. Maybe she doesn't feel loved. I don't know. We love her and are trying hard.'

:wtf: :pull-hair: :angry-banghead:

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I cant imagine the Pearls having sex. Sex with Michael Pearl sounds like it would be incredibly unpleasant. He looks like he smells of pee and sweat, it would likely be non consensual and he probably doesn't know how to please a woman because he doesn't care whether she is willing and not actively in pain or exhausted, let alone whether it feels good.

I cant think of a less appealing fundie guy. I think maybe tied with Bill Gothard, who looks like a reanimated corpse who would probably rape you, but other than that, no fundie comes close to being more sexually unappealing than Michael Pearl.

Also he looks like a homeless werewolf. The continued existence of Debi is the only thing that convinces me that he doesn't eat the woman afterwards.

Debi looks cleaner, but is a disgusting human being, and she gets the worst end of the deal in Pearl sex as she is the woman.

My vagina just closed up at the thought.


OMG, ILoveJellybeans, I can not stop laughing. Homeless werewolf!

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Someone very politely asked where Cynthia had ever gotten the idea to spank a mentally challenged child...Lori promptly deleted it.

That was me. My comment didn't last more than a minute or two. :roll:

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She doesn't give a fuck what the condition of the child is...they could be in a coma for all she cares- just HIT HARDER. God it enrages me. How could anyone be so sick and vile??????? She is honestly okay with these people just beating the hell out of their kids. The woman literally admitted to hitting her daughter every.single.day and night and Lori wants her to hit harder. Another admits to hitting her mentally challenged child and no one is allowed to say a word against it. :pull-hair: :angry-banghead:

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They are empty, powerless bitches who enjoy lording the little status they have within their families on their helpless children. Simple and sick as that.

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