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Duggars, Duggars & More Duggars - General Discussion Part 3

happy atheist

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I don't. She's about as trustworthy as a fox in a henhouse.

Yeah, I certainly wouldn't trust her not to gossip to the Duggar SAHDs about it.

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I get the feeling that JB would throw Gothard under the bus if he crossed JB. JB is famous outside of ATI circles and doesn't need Gothard's influence.

Especially if Gothard somehow interfered with a source of revenue for Jim Bob.

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Especially if Gothard somehow interfered with a source of revenue for Jim Bob.

I don't think so. The Duggars haven't pursued the same kinds if merchandising opportunities that other reality stars have done, even though that would be a more reliable source of income than the TV show. Their ATI beliefs clearly influence their business choices, even if they make token concessions like dressing in a more modern fashion. Gothard probably loves having his poster family on a secular network and is willing to grant them some leeway.

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I just did it. I read A Love That Multiplies, all the way though, while eating jolly ranchers and jellybeans. I fear for my brain after this...

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Just in case you need some parenting advice, because, you know, they are the best parents in the whole wide world.. :doh:


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Yeah, right! I'd rather receive parenting advice from Jana, Jill, Jessa and Jinger. Wait! They're not parents. They might as well be. J'Chelle and Boob have no idea what being a parent means. It's a 24/7 job.

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I'd like to ask them some questions, like "What's your tenth child's name?" or "What day is Justin's birthday?" Think they could answer without resorting to the Internet?

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I just did it. I read A Love That Multiplies, all the way though, while eating jolly ranchers and jellybeans. I fear for my brain after this...


How was it? I have only read bits and pieces even though I own it, because I found it soo boring. And the constant change of perspective between Michelle and Jim Bob the reader was sometimes informed of and sometimes not irritated me to no end.

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I just did it. I read A Love That Multiplies, all the way though, while eating jolly ranchers and jellybeans. I fear for my brain after this...

I think it's safe to say that it won't be nominated for a Pulitzer.

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How was it? I have only read bits and pieces even though I own it, because I found it soo boring. And the constant change of perspective between Michelle and Jim Bob the reader was sometimes informed of and sometimes not irritated me to no end.

I have the audio version which is read by Michelle. Just imagine that voice for the whole book! It also makes it seem like the whole thing is written by Michelle. I was surprised when I saw the actual book all the bits by Jim Bob. It made a bit more sense then.

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Thankfully I didn't read it in Michelle's voice, lol.

It was okay, got confused who was talking at what point though, and I knew a lot of the stuff they said before. Also they mentioned that they blanket train their kids, but didn't mention beating them to make them sit still.

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I pre-ordered the Duggar girls' book a few days ago. I don't know why. I wasn't even drunk at the time.

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I pre-ordered the Duggar girls' book a few days ago. I don't know why. I wasn't even drunk at the time.

You can still be drunk when you read it!

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I pre-ordered the Duggar girls' book a few days ago. I don't know why. I wasn't even drunk at the time.

How much was it?

I think FJ should sponsor a copy and we can all pass it around.

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I'm not willing to spend money on it, so I will wait until my public library carries it. I mean, one could make the argument that my taxes are paying for it, but I have to draw the line somewhere.

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I'd rather receive parenting advice from my 4year old cousin over Boob or Mullet anyway. She's a better "mother" to her dollies than Mullet to her 19 - or at least it looks that way to me.

I almost want to read the J 'slaves book. I know it's going to be nothing but fluff and rewording their parents book, but I have this nagging urge to read it. However, I've been warned by my boyfriend that I shouldn't spend that much money on what is essentially toilet paper. I'll probably end.up holding out for a REAL j'slaves tell all.

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I'd like to ask them some questions, like "What's your tenth child's name?" or "What day is Justin's birthday?" Think they could answer without resorting to the Internet?

Nope. On the first special, when they were loading up to go grocery store, Michelle calls out "older ones". It was that moment when I realized how batshit crazy they really are.

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I would worry too much about the effect of the jolly ranchers and jelly beans on your brain's health. I'd be more concerned about the effects of the book!

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Wasn't there something about how Barnes and Noble will let you read the first few chapters for free if you bring your Nook in to the store? If that's still going on when it's released, I'd be willing to go in and post reviews for a couple of chapters.

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I will definitely post about it here when I get the book, but I can't promise punctuality because if all goes well I will be working full time by then and my fundie following time and energy will be greatly reduced!

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Why is it taking them so long to get this thing rolling? How much could these young Duggar women possibly have to say about their life experiences?

"We get out of bed every morning with the full understanding that none of our choices are our own. We raise the children that our parents keep producing because they can't be bothered to do it themselves. If we ever want any private time or to do anything on our own, religion is used as a weapon against us. We are told we are sinners and that hell yawns us if we don't keep sweet and obey. We have no real friends of our own choosing, only those selected for us by our parents. Because our parents are greedy and desperate for fame, every moment of our lives, from the moment we are born, is put on camera and displayed to the world. Mom and dad will only consent to courtships when the younger children finally become old enough to manage on their own without requiring us to raise them, and so we will be shuttled off into marriages we don't necessarily want, but must endure. Any potential escape from our current situation, such as Jessa's upcoming marriage to Ben, isn't really a way out - it's just a pretense for more of the same. We will marry, breed dozens of children with no chance for contraceptives or any other form of control over our own sexuality, and never have the opportunity to realize our dreams for an education or to pursue our own interests. Rinse, lather, repeat."

Now, was that so hard? I just wrote their book for them.

Nuh-uh! You forgot to mentions pickles and how Daddy likes their hair. NOW the book be done ;)

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Wowza! Amy Duggar just posted the following on Instagram: "People are always asking what do I think about homosexuality? Well, here's my answer! Love the person, as Christ does." And there is a little illustration with paperdoll figures in different colors including a rainbow one... with the caption "God Loves Everybody, Whether you like it or not!"


Oh my... Uncle Jim Bob is going to s*&t a brick! :dance:

WHO? is asking Famy what she thinks? I'm scared for them and well, we know Famy and thinking go together like rice and .......chocolate, or cheetos and strawberry ice cream. You know Famy and the word thinking in a sentence is not something you see much.

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Thankfully I didn't read it in Michelle's voice, lol.

It was okay, got confused who was talking at what point though, and I knew a lot of the stuff they said before. Also they mentioned that they blanket train their kids, but didn't mention beating them to make them sit still.

They're too smart to use the word "hit", they say they "correct" babies when they move. Michelle said she started blanket training with the twins (Jed&Jer) and when one of the twins saw his brother's "correction", stopped moving. They were babies, so the "correction" must be hard and evident to cause a reaction in the other twin.

Michelle also said Jessa has been her most difficult child and that she has "worked" with her a lot. I can imagine what kind of "work" she's talking about.

I wonder if Anna and Josh blanket train. I see them more relaxed (and lazy) than their parents. I mean, they sleep with the babies (it has been seen in the show), so they don't let them cry to sleep. Also they doesn't seem to have an schedule, they go late to bed, etc. They doesn't seem the kind of people that extremely control babies or toddlers. That said, it doesn't mean they don't hit, but probably not heavily as Pearls...

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They didn't describe what they did when they move, just praising them when they stay still, but its obvious why they didn't describe what happens when they get off. Theyre fundies, and the fundie method is to beat the shit out of the kid if they move, but theyre smart enough to know that readers wont want to watch if they know she is hitting them while the camera isn't looking, or might report her, and if they got the kids taken away, no more money will come in, as the show is 19 Kids and Counting, not "Crazy woman and her awkward unfunny husband".

Whatever she meant by working with her to get her to step back in line, it probably wasn't pleasant and likely involved beating. And shes still one of the most spirited and tough J kids, who isn't totally broken yet. I hope she doesn't let Ben get her pregnant 20 times and break her spirit til she is an empty shell with crazy eyes like her mother, cause shes done so well this far to still have a bit of life left. What the hell did they do to Jana, poor woman, and I think Jordyn was born with a broken spirit.

I don't think Josh and Anna are Pearl followers. I think its likely that they spank, because they were raised to believe that's how you teach a child to behave, but I cant see them scheduling or doing any hardcore beatings. Anna seems too nice, and her parents seem fairly nice as well, I cant see them being seriously abusive (and I really don't want to think what a Pearl follower could do to a child like Priscilla was), and Josh is too lazy and I think he wants better for his kids than he had.

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I don't think Josh and Anna are Pearl followers. I think its likely that they spank, because they were raised to believe that's how you teach a child to behave, but I cant see them scheduling or doing any hardcore beatings. Anna seems too nice, and her parents seem fairly nice as well, I cant see them being seriously abusive (and I really don't want to think what a Pearl follower could do to a child like Priscilla was), and Josh is too lazy and I think he wants better for his kids than he had.

I agree; their kids give no sign of having been blanket trained, especially Michael. Remember when James was about his age, and Michelle turned off his wailing by practically just looking at him?

But she only has three right now. If she keeps going at her current pace for the next 10 years, I can see Josh recommending she read and follow the advice of the Pearls at some point. In fact, if he found a passel of kids irritating him, I'm sure he would.

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