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Duggars, Duggars & More Duggars - General Discussion Part 3

happy atheist

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The handwriting looks like a 4 year old could've made it, the only part that doesn't ring true to me is the letter size. So nice and small. All the kids at my kid's preschool write in huge print.

Of course it may be so perfectly small and uniform due to the triumph of homeschooling... ;)

My 4 year old son writes in small letters. It all depends on what they are interested in; mine is obsessed with books, reading, and writing.

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I don't think it's too unlikely that a 4 year old would write like that. I wrote ugly, large letters at four (except I wrote backwards, but you know…), and at 5 I wrote relatively neatly (and in the right direction :p). This was with very little parental guidance, and Anna has probably been doing homeschool-like activities with Mackynzie for a good while now, at least that's what we saw in the earlier episodes.

Plus, there's the decal bal maiden mentions.

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She's copying the JOSH<3ANNA decal thing that was on J&A's bedroom door in the Arkansas house.

Wow. It's like a lightbulb just went on. :lol: That makes so much sense, it explains why she wrote 'Josh and Anna' instead of 'mom and dad' and it probably explains the neat writing, too.

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The pic that Smugger posted of Michael holding the anti abortion sign is wrong. Why is he pimping out his kids to promote taking away women's rights to choose? He's doing the same thing that J'Chelle and Boob do. For some reason, I thought he'd be better than that. Guess not. Smugger, you're a tool! And always will be.

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The pic that Smugger posted of Michael holding the anti abortion sign is wrong. Why is he pimping out his kids to promote taking away women's rights to choose? He's doing the same thing that J'Chelle and Boob do. For some reason, I thought he'd be better than that. Guess not. Smugger, you're a tool! And always will be.

That's just setting yourself up for disappointment.

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lol Why would he ever be better than that? Do you know how many people use their kids to promote their own agendas? I'm not just talking about conservatives, liberals are just as bad. But I guess you have to consider that Josh truly believes abortion is a human rights issue, not just a political one, so in his mind getting his kid to hold up an anti abortion sign is the same as a kid holding up a 'end slavery' sign.

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I think it's more impressive that a 4 year old can write at all --who cares if it's all capitals, she's FOUR!

When I was in elementary school, there were some letters I would always write capital, and some I'd always write lower case, and very rarely were they interchangeable.

Actually, even as an adult, I always use an upper case q if I'm handwriting. I don't know why, I just never mastered the hand written lower case q. Probably because it's not a popular letter in English, and I taught myself Spanish at that age, so no teacher to correct me.

Most of the kindergarten kids I've known over the years couldn't write as well as Kynzie when they started school. Some could write their names, or maybe a few letters. If they came from a high poverty background and hadn't attended preschool, they usually couldn't write anything-- they didn't have books, crayons, or other educational materials at home. So I'd say Kynzie is doing very well for a four-year-old. If she's still writing that way at age six, there will be cause for concern. (Remember Jackson struggling to do that "B is for ball" worksheet?) Based on the footage I've seen of Anna interacting with her kids, I really don't worry about them. She gives her kids a lot of attention. She takes the time to explain things to them. I remember seeing her playing some kind of alphabet game with Kynzie when Kynzie was still a baby. I'm not saying that Anna is equipped to prepare these kids to get into Harvard, but for now they seem to be doing pretty well.

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If it is Mack's writing, it's not the Josh and Anna thing that worries me but why she writes using all capital letters. My hope is that, if Mack did write this, she was copying from something written this way. I hope she has not been taught to write in all capitals. (I am on summer holidays and I still can't switch off from being a teacher - aaaargh.)

As a homeschooler - I found that many of the curriculums I looked at for handwriting started out with all Capitals and then taught lower case. Because of that, my daughter preferred writing in capitals over lower case until just recently (halfway through 1st grade)

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The pic that Smugger posted of Michael holding the anti abortion sign is wrong. Why is he pimping out his kids to promote taking away women's rights to choose? He's doing the same thing that J'Chelle and Boob do. For some reason, I thought he'd be better than that. Guess not. Smugger, you're a tool! And always will be.

Really? Because he works for a hate group...

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I guess I did set myself up for disappointment thinking that Smugger was better than his parents when it came to pimping his kids out for a cause. He's a tool who works for a hate group that TLC will never be able to fully explain, without some serious backlash. What a great example for people to follow. Smugger is the worst example to follow. As is Boob. I can't believe that people want to be like this family. If only they saw beyond the TLC fluff, and saw these people for the hateful people they are. Open your eyes, people! These people are evil.

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When the Duggar downfall comes, it will be epic, but I am 100% sure that the leghumpers and fucktards will make excuses and threats just like they did over Duck Dynasty.

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I can't believe that people support them. More than what TLC shows meets the eye. Do your research, leg humpers. These are not people that you want to worship.

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I guess I did set myself up for disappointment thinking that Smugger was better than his parents when it came to pimping his kids out for a cause. He's a tool who works for a hate group that TLC will never be able to fully explain, without some serious backlash. What a great example for people to follow. Smugger is the worst example to follow. As is Boob. I can't believe that people want to be like this family. If only they saw beyond the TLC fluff, and saw these people for the hateful people they are. Open your eyes, people! These people are evil.

Do you think it's ever okay to bring kids to a protest of any sort? This is a question I've been thinking about since I read a post at Libby Anne's blog about the abortion protests she used to attend as a child. During the Civil Rights Movement, MLK was criticized by a lot of black leaders for getting children involved in some of the protests in Birmingham. I doubt any of those now grown children regret getting involved, and I think that even kids can understand the essence of Jim Crow, whereas abortion is a much more "adult" issue in every way.

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I don't think it's appropriate. The Duggars don't know what that word means. Both Boob and Mullet and Smugger and Anna use their kids for causes that they shouldn't be involved in at their young ages. Josie is a poster child for anti abortion, and premature birth. Treat her like a child. Not a spokesperson for your causes.

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I don't think it's appropriate. The Duggars don't know what that word means. Both Boob and Mullet and Smugger and Anna use their kids for causes that they shouldn't be involved in at their young ages. Josie is a poster child for anti abortion, and premature birth. Treat her like a child. Not a spokesperson for your causes.

My parents were very politically active and we spent a large part of our childhood at various fund raisers, protests, petitioning, tabling, etc. as an adult I think in some ways it was great, I was certainly much more politically aware than my peers and interested in world events and the welfare of other people. But I think it may have been a bit much, as I was also overly worried about all these things, and about my parents safety, when they would go to potentially violent events they wouldn't take us and I'd be worried the police would beat them up. So in my opinion some involvement is okay, but remember your kid is still a kid, not a mini-adult.

I don't think abortion would be an appropriate issue for young children, on either side.

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The Duggars believe "Pro-Life" means only not aborting a baby. "Pro-Life" means ALL life!

I wonder if any of the candidates they've supported were against the death penalty.

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Do you think it's ever okay to bring kids to a protest of any sort? This is a question I've been thinking about since I read a post at Libby Anne's blog about the abortion protests she used to attend as a child. During the Civil Rights Movement, MLK was criticized by a lot of black leaders for getting children involved in some of the protests in Birmingham. I doubt any of those now grown children regret getting involved, and I think that even kids can understand the essence of Jim Crow, whereas abortion is a much more "adult" issue in every way.

First and foremost, I would consider the physical safety of the children. Some protests are nothing more than standing on a corner holding up signs, while in other cases the participants are in real danger of getting beat up, trampled, arrested, or worse. That kind of environment is no place for a child, even if the kid is old enough to understand what's going on and wants to be there. Even if it's safe, I don't like to see small children dragged along and used as props. They have no idea why they're out there. They can't read the signs they're carrying.

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I wonder if any of the candidates they've supported were against the death penalty.

:cracking-up: :cracking-up: :cracking-up: :cracking-up:

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I wonder if any of the candidates they've supported were against the death penalty.

I doubt it, since if the Duggars had their way, there would be many more crimes for which the death panel would be applicable.

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I doubt it, since if the Duggars had their way, there would be many more crimes for which the death panel would be applicable.

I doubt that the Duggars have any clue of their candidates stands on any issue other than abortion and homosexuals. Those are the only two issues they have any opinions on. They could be pro-nuclear holocaust and it would be fine as long as it only killed the gays and/or abortionists. I can't imagine them having any economic policy ideas beyond their usual crap about buying used.

Did I mention that they are all idiots?

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I think it was different to have children involved in Civil Rights protests. These children were affected deeply by the injustices of the Jim Crow era. You did not need to be an adult to face segregated schools, "colored-only" water fountains, a lynch mob because you dared whistle at a white woman (Emmett Till) or having your Sunday school bombed (16th Street Baptist Church bombing). Courageous young African-Americans faced water cannons and Bull Connor's police dogs while they were standing up for their rights. The sight of those children/teens being blasted down the street by fire hoses and being attacked by German shepherds helped to change some people's hearts.

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I think it was different to have children involved in Civil Rights protests. These children were affected deeply by the injustices of the Jim Crow era. You did not need to be an adult to face segregated schools, "colored-only" water fountains, a lynch mob because you dared whistle at a white woman (Emmett Till) or having your Sunday school bombed (16th Street Baptist Church bombing). Courageous young African-Americans faced water cannons and Bull Connor's police dogs while they were standing up for their rights. The sight of those children/teens being blasted down the street by fire hoses and being attacked by German shepherds helped to change some people's hearts.

My dad's family has always been active in Greece's protest scene. Children at demonstrations has always been a big no-no. First and foremost because it was so dangerous. The other big reason is that choice was considered a big deal. If you were a child coming with parents, you did not choose. This was a big deal because there had always been a lot of pressure on children to join things like guides, tow the government line in schools, etc. The Left wanted to show that unlike the gov, it did not use it's kids to fight ideological battles.

I don't think the CivilRights movement used children, but I don't think their presence in the protests is an argument for allowing kids in demos today.

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As a homeschooler - I found that many of the curriculums I looked at for handwriting started out with all Capitals and then taught lower case. Because of that, my daughter preferred writing in capitals over lower case until just recently (halfway through 1st grade)

When I learned to write we learned all capitals first, then the smaller letters. This was in public school.

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Ok, must be a syllabus thing then. We were taught at uni never to teach the capital and little version of a letter separately because it's harder for kids to learn the association between two. We teach 'A' and 'a' at the same time and kids learn they are the same letter, make the same sound, etc. Smart kids will make the connection by themselves but it can be really hard for slower kids if taught separately. We were also taught to teach kids words in the way they are most commonly used so always 'Anna' not 'ANNA'. They can learn later on how and when other forms of the name are acceptable.

Having just repeated my first year lecture, let me say I agree that Mack was probably copying that sign from her parents bedroom door.

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