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Note to Ken Alexander: Put the toilet seat down!!!!!!

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Sitting over a hole that people have been shitting and vomiting into for years: totally okay. Sitting somewhere where a cats paws have been: totally unacceptable. Makes as much sense as anything else this lady believes.

Our cat fell in the toilet once and streaked through the house, dripping, to my significant other for solace. Since then, we've both been really good about putting the lid down.

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Our cat fell in the toilet once and streaked through the house, dripping, to my significant other for solace. Since then, we've both been really good about putting the lid down.

That's a great visual. :clap:

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Ken's latest reply on the comments left me :pink-shock:

I am curious how Lori should react if I did not go to her treatments, or fulfill all you wrote above? Should she not handle this just like the toilet lid? What good would it do her to start thinking that her loving husband was not loving her the way she wanted him to?

Wait, what??

I had simply assumed that Ken WOULD take Lori to her brain tumor treatments and be more helpful to her this week. You know, because it's a BRAIN TUMOR and she's clearly scared and that's what spouses are supposed to do for each other. Yes, I don't that doesn't always happen - but "I had a medical issue/procedure and s/he didn't even care" is the sort of complaint that I hear from folks right before they tell me, "so that's why I decided that all the marriage counseling in the world won't work and I need to file for divorce".

I thought that Ken would be happy about the previous post, maybe puff up with some pride that he was a good guy helping Lori, and think that she should show some appreciation. But if he really doesn't go or help out? I can't even imagine.

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Ken's latest reply on the comments left me :pink-shock:

Wait, what??

I had simply assumed that Ken WOULD take Lori to her brain tumor treatments and be more helpful to her this week. You know, because it's a BRAIN TUMOR and she's clearly scared and that's what spouses are supposed to do for each other. Yes, I don't that doesn't always happen - but "I had a medical issue/procedure and s/he didn't even care" is the sort of complaint that I hear from folks right before they tell me, "so that's why I decided that all the marriage counseling in the world won't work and I need to file for divorce".

I thought that Ken would be happy about the previous post, maybe puff up with some pride that he was a good guy helping Lori, and think that she should show some appreciation. But if he really doesn't go or help out? I can't even imagine.

I thought this was interesting too:

It is always best to expect nothing and appreciate the love that is shown.

No. It is not too much to expect your spouse to show up when you're being treated for a BRAIN TUMOR!

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2xx, you bring up an interesting thing. What do fundie women value in their partners? We know what they say -- godliness, etc -- but I wonder what they honestly value in their marriages.

I'm guessing a paycheck, and never having to make a decision or take responsibility (which in fundy world is a good thing).

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I also find that Lori's always doing this thing, where she talks about how some small issue was bugging the crap out of her about Ken, and then tries to turn that around into a lesson for women with horrible, unloving husbands who cheat or demand sex when their wives don't want it or never want to do anything with the kids.

No. These things are NOT THE SAME.

Take my husband. Can't load a dishwasher. Leaves towels on the floor. Toilet lid is up. Drawers are sometimes pulled out and not pushed back in. Guess what? I don't care. These are small things. He loves me. He loves the kids and makes the time to spend with them. He's a good person, and everyone loves him. He works hard. He always treats me with respect. These are big things. If something was wrong in these areas, I would care.

I would not say, "well, I learned to hang up a towel and load the dishwasher, so you should suck it up if your husband thinks that it's ok to cheat on you and then come home and demand sex. I don't nag my husband anymore except for my passive-aggressive posts, so you shouldn't tell him to stop sleeping around or refuse painful sex or expect that he might actually want to be with his children or treat them nicely."

This. My husband is a messy bugger, he's hopeless with housework and cooking too. But he's a great husband who loves and respects me. He would never guilt or pester me for sex when I'm sick or healthy. He shares the chores to his best ability but the truth is I do them better. He looked after me beautifully a could of years ago when I was recovering from major surgery. Sure the house wasn't as tidy, the things he cooked weren't as healthy and he didn't always remember to take things out of the dryer, but I was waited on hand and foot while I recovered.

Lori's husband is a grade A dickhead.

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In the comments from another post, Lori is saying the treatment she is getting is traumatizing. And somehow that breaks my heart, because the thought of anyone in pain does. I do, however, hope that she takes this as a time to reflect on the times she has intentionally caused her children pain.


Many people believe pain and suffering are bad things. They are not. They are teachers that can teach us good things, like obeying authority and allowing our bodies to heal themselves naturally without the side effects of drugs.

God uses pain in our lives to teach us many things

Pain is a great teacher.

Pain is very good sometimes

The above is a post on "allowing children pain". Because apparently pain isn't a bad thing - for her kids.

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There are updates on her fb page:

Ken posting here:

Thanks to all who called or emailed and encouraged Lori with her radiation treatments which began today. Lori survived, but was not very happy about it all... and is wiped out.

She was put into a mask that is tight as can be, scrunching her nose, then pinned to a table so her head cannot move at all. The mask is the 3D targeting mechanism for the Cyber-Knife as the robot moves around her head and sends out pin point photon beams (x-rays) that hopefully hit mainly the tumor at the base of her brain just behind her nose.

The robot is very noisy, so they have country music blaring and the mix makes it impossible to think, pray, or do anything but hope that it is over soon. Half way through the technician calls out 23 minutes to go. She felt like she was going to have to stop, but made it all the way through... like I knew would... because she is "one tough cookie" when it comes to handling the hardships of life!

Please keep Lori in your prayers for 9:30 - 10:30 each morning this week. AND most off all that those beams do not affect the pituitary or optic nerves. We know that she is in the arms of Jesus... that is our eternal hope and our best bet to get through this life. We love our Crutch very much and the Cross and being part of one big family of God who cares about us! Many thanks! ken

And a more recent update from Lori:

Today's treatment went much better. Yesterday, my blood pressure was 140/100 before treatment and I felt like I was going to throw up the whole 45 minutes. Today, I felt such a peace when I laid down on the table. It was uncomfortable but not traumatic like yesterday. Thank you for praying for God's peace for me. I felt it and it was wonderful. Two down, three to go...
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There are updates on her fb page:

And a more recent update from Lori:

I feel for her going through this. I was getting claustrophobic just reading the description. However, Lori Alexander is still a monster.

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So Lori has to go through all that and still Ken treats her like shit? What a douchebag. He should be the one looking after her, instead of him expecting her to cook, clean and sleep with him even if she has a brain tumor.

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Word to the wise....cats will do anything and anywhere they damn well please. They are the kings and queens of the house. Maybe Lori's "mean" cat was asserting it's dominance. Oh, and, Lori, cats NEVER forget.

No wonder I don't like Lori. Anyone who is mean to cats is no friend of mine. :wink-kitty:

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